51087 (3),Pd McClellan Rd. �TN�. 32 No. STREET Pal n 202 W SAIL FOR BUILDING PERMIT t ® �_� o I OF CUPF.RTINO /t ?-1, ' 0 , C S:mitarc No. 5U Ua et IAUG �. 3 19 t 6_ Permit No. S/ 4n87 W LL 0 n ,AppJi�atjgq.is f�SeJID� (p(�permit to Erect ° < Gf f Y9 Ur I`1Cf+t fl i a story, ype J Building ito be occupied only as SFDWL in accordance with 0 o Plans, Specifications and Plot-Plan filed herewith. PI Ck Fee > ; Estimated Value of Improvements,S 23.000. 00 Fee S 72.00 iJ It is r y agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and i all oth I s applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of d o Cupert o ill be complied with. Own RA I L INPBAJL DE CO AddreRs 0 B 911 CAMPBELL N WZ a By Address <u P e 241 —8161 App", S to License 197558 V dit-DING INSPECTOR