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FrAPIMICA-TION, FOR HOUSE MOVING PERMIT CI'P - OP CUPERTINO FES 18 1963 Date—C6 IDE NrJ42✓ permit No. / o_o Pee $_'2�1-) Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to move the building described on the reverse side hereof from and to the specified location at the time and date indicated in accordance with Ordnance No. _of the City of Cupertino. BY . (l(/�/!i✓�- Approved CONTRACTOR, AGENT am LDI INSPECTOR ��jj� cc�� Phone^�-.G--� -`- ---------- �� Building contstructed of /�QiYiGP 9� No. of Rooms MATERIALS Width Condition of exterior Height Condition of interior Present location_9;2Q No. — © Streetp Lot Block ,I'nct C O Proposed location No. Street Lot Block Tract citrl Site location on new lot /J Route on which building is to be mov m� Tax certificate filed Ownership ce tficate filed—," iled Fee Deposite Other information