2882 �af/o7�' - f loc%S7�ie LOT NO. tJO N NO v s I FOR BUILDING PERMIT moo Z 2 £ C OF CUPERTINO o FEB 19 1964 Sanitary No. '31 W W 4 Dare FCl.� �� ,'196 Permit No. ' O TIP' Coy T /n� n Ow CIA�/lictilEni Rade,fo_r,a permit to S%.PU['7'• O ` P i in a 2— story,Type��RH.�v a d! s tv -e o Building ito be occupied only as S t✓S L[ 0 o in accordance with Plans, Specifications and Plot-Plan filed herewith. > W 0 0 r 3: Estimated Value of Improvements,$ 3, L Fez$ i J It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Z ning Ordinances and J = all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of J n Cupertino will be complied with. 3 Owner Dece CllYo 02veG• Co , AddressSle $a /l7BY�rLDB a a By -- Addressa eo✓ UQ < 0Phon e / SG Approv C Cc QI State Licens 6 8 ILDING INSPECTOR RECORD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS FOUNDATION y I DATE. ✓ INSPEC"I'OR UNDERFLOOR ' DATE � INSPECTOR FRAME DATE.'/ INSPECTOR LATH PLASTER DATE /l_ INSPECTOR FINAL BLDG. I cs - Lt •/I -- + DATE ( J INSPECTOR FINAL ELEC. U E �, INSPECTOR FINAL PLBG. _ DATE INSPECTOR FINAL GAS DATE. INSPECTOR