51167 ELECTRICAL11081 Bubb Road No. STREET LOT No. 2, Plan 1120 APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF CUPERTINO AM i n Ia 1 Y/ 1-3- TAF 68 ,JAN 11 1968 V Fee 5 0) 3- -0 Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical wiring'r ufGt re�ctc�lilld8 reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said wiring / re1akllIth the provisions of the Electrical Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. Use of Premises 1-fam. res. Owner Di tz-Crane By e' - SUCONTRACTOR, (AGENT;; RNIA Phonc: Pt:oi!2 7D5 ---X21 . State License- /—d/za Address Santa Clara, Ca. Address Approved' 1 ELECTRICAL INSPECT= z NEW RPL FEES Size Service Conduit ----- 2i� ------------Number of Outlets-. ................ .. ZIA-. Size Service Wires...... 4. �- ........ Number of Switches........._.... _2p3- - ............. /-) Number Size Service Switch ----P'V. ....... of Receptacles__....... . 17 / Size Sub Feed Conduiti :._./'Number umber of Fixtures.._.._.._...... ------ - I .. ... ---------- �_V KW Size Sub Feed Wiredk_4Ranges ............ Zw. -7 -- --------- ........ ----- ...... ­ -------- Number of Circuits------- - �R ----- Oven ---- ----- KW .............. .......... .......... ....... Number ofea --- / ------------- Signs. --------- Transformers -------- --------- ---------- ............. Misc ------------- Dryers ......... / - ---------------------------- -- ---------- - ­ ...... Yll �Z. — ..... ........ Motors ---------- -------- Phase Permit Fee $1.00 Motors.---......._------- HP----------------- Phase.........-.--._. ST) Motors ------------------ HP -------------------- Phase ... H P Charge......... -- -,Z. _)Z. TOTAL FEES RECORD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS Rough Wiring ................I------------------------- Fixtures ------------------- oar[ INsr[cro[ DATE INSPECTOR Finish Wiring ......... Motors ------ --- ** - -- --- -------- --------------- -- DATE INSPECTOR AT. A! 1K3P1CT. Ip Final i inal .......................... .................... DATE INSPECTOR NO. STREET LOT NO. Y o ")APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT o CITY OF CUPERTINO a u JAN 5 1968 W 4 I O Date / � p _n'q "C, 0r /. t n.. �''i�� �111 ����� F c e S < Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to installelectrical w r wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said 0 o wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the S b City of Cupertino, an all other !aws applicable thereto. Use of Premises / J Z J 0 3 < Owner Address N wz By 2295 DE LA CRUZ BLVD_ Address w w __ u s SANTdbrCAAR*, 1.1&l.+f ocn.rt aU 2>�! -///o Appro Phone: _ ELEcTR cAL INSPEMU400, State License- NEW RPL FEES Size Service Conduit Number of Outlets Size Service Wires Number of Switches Size Service Switch Number of Receptacles Size Sub Feed Conduit Number of Fixtures Size Sub Feed Wires Ranges KW Number of Circuits Oven KW Number of Meters Panels Transformers Signs Misc. Dimers Motors IIP Phase Motors lip Phase Motors RP Phase Permit Fee 2.00 HP Charge Total Fees