CC 01-21-86
Cl'lY OF <mmrnÐ, S'IM'E OF c:::ALI!tRIIA
10300 ~ Aveme, QIpertino, CA 95014
Tele¡:t¡ona: (408) 252-4505
MIN!1l'œ or 'lHE ~ 21, 1986 Cl'lY CDJNCIL MEI!:'l"DG
Mayor ~.. called the meet:in;r to arder at 6:50 p.m. in
the council ~, City Hall, 0Jpert:in0, california.
SAII1lE '10 'mE FlAG
Counc. PreS_It:
Gatto, Jàmsan, Pl~, Sparks. Mayor Rcgers
staff !'res dl:
City Manager ().1inlan
City Clerk Q:Imelius
Directar of Public 1bjœ V:isIo::wiå1
Director of Plar1ning am DeYeL ,..-. at.. CboIan
Directar of Finance Snyder (left at 7:10 p.m.)
Assistant: to the City Manager Bram
l'hIonI"Úty Affairs Officer Mays
Planner I Binnen:Iyk
City Attamsy Kilian
~ œ Næ AGEM1A l'1D!S - It was JIICMId by CCIunc.
Gatto, seoaœ:1 by CCIunc. Jå1nsan am poo--s11 unanimcusly to
reIID\I8 Items 28, 31, 32 am 33.
c::ERE2OŒAL MATIER:I,IPRE:SmrATIaIS - Pf'nt'!1_tian ~ignatin;r
Januazy 22, 1986 as SChool NUrse Day and JIU11iUy 20-24,
1986 as SChool Health week.
'!he proclamat.ian was received by Iauralee S01.é..e.Giu am
Janet Easa1, såxIol rm:&es.
S'I2\FF 1<I!Ot\.IU1:í
1. Oral J:epu1Ls by staff ~.. am ...'-4....ian of written
city Cleric's RSDo.ct - Tort 1iA..""J19S initiative - It was
mved by CCIunc. Pl~, secc:n:1eci by CCIunc. Gatto am p".........
1.II'IaI1imcAJsly to adept Resolutien No. 6754; the
"Fair RespalSibility J\ct of 1986."
2. Treasurer's am aD;¡et Repœ:t -, 1985.
CaJ:ncil received the report.
MINCTE9 OF 'mE ~ 21, 1986 C1T'l a:mICIL JŒ:I!:l'DÇ
5. Oounc. Jå1nsa1: IegislaUve Rsv1ew c:nœdttes - It was
JIICMId by CCIunc. Jàmsan, seocnB:l by CCIunc. Pl~ am
p"Med unaniDøJsly to Sl.1IP)l t ACA 7, nan-part.isan
e1ect1a1S1 S1W .~t AB 1240, CßX)Sed SB 1254 am AB 564,
refer to staff AB 1000 am AB 2674.
CXIISEm' c:AInml\R
(It is recpISted that items 8 thrœgh 20 be acted an
simJltaneoJs1y unless aeparate ili ...........ian aOO¡or act.ian is
requested. )
Mayor Roçela rE!IIICI\Ied Item 19.
It was IIICIII8CS by Oounc. Gatto, seoc:nBi by CCIunc. Sparks and
1"''''Sed unanimously to ðWLU1/8 the balance of the Q:ment
Calerdar as su1:IIIitteli.
8. Resolutian No. 6746: "A Resolutien of the City CCIuncil
of the City of Q¡pertino Allowing certain O..i- am
Dem!Inds Payable in the A1Iomts am 1'ra1I the P\1nds as
Hereinafter Described for Salaries am wages for the
Payroll Perlcxi Erñin;J Jê1I'IIæY 3, 1986."
9. Resolution No. 6747: "A Resolutien of the City CCIuncil
of the City of Q¡pertino Allowing Certain 0..4- am
Db.-ds Payable in the A1Iomts and FraIl the P\1nds as
Bere1rJatter Described for General and Misœl1ansous
ExpencSitures for thf¡ Perioci Erñin;J JarJ.JUy 7, 1986."
10. Resolutian No. 6748: "A Resolution of the City council
of the City of Q¡pertino Authorizin;r ExBcutian of
Ap........../t bebJeen the City am G41_, am F111~
PmITi.clin;r for tha tJndezgraIndinq of utilities an a Basis en Pl.""l-'=ty F1:a1tinq stevens creek
BcW.evæ:d aM 0ranJe Aveme."
u. J\t.::o!ptanœ of 1IIJl1icipù~: lb..........
DBvel"¥'""l.t - stevens creek BcW.evæ:d east of Blaney
12. Resolutian No. 6749: "A Resolutian of the City council
of the City of Q¡pertino ~ Final Plan for the
IIIpravement of Frattage Located an Granada Avemel
DBvelq¡er, David am Kathleen Hch!a11 Authorizin;r the
City Engineer to Sign the Final PlaI1l and Authorizjn:J
Executien of A,¡L......... It in o......",:ticn 'lherewith."
13. Resolutian No. 6750: "A RBsolut:icn of the city council
of the City of QJp8rtJno ~ a...d.L....-t C2!ange
order No. 1 for Jfeo.DI::Ja1 Puk Tennis Q:mt L1ghtin;J
Project 86-102."
14. Resolutian No. 6751: "A Resolutian of the City council
of the City of QJp8rtJno Autharizin;r EIœcutian of
Þ."............jt bebJeen the City of QJpertino and Jti1l8,
Graver , Þ"'ØOt'1.ates for 'lraffic ED;rineerinq 0r:nJu1.tin;r
Services, 'lraffic Signal Optimizatian,"
çprovjn¡ $15,000 payment: and CIWL"'i'Llatin;r said t'IIIICUnt
frail the GerI8lal !\meS.
15. Resolutian No. 6752: "A Resolutian of the City CCIuncil
of the City of QJp8rtJno ~ P8rcel Map am
I'JIpra\ÆIIIant Plans of P.I._ tf Located an Rodrigues
Aveme; DBvelcpr, PBul '!'ai; Autharizin;r EIœcutian of
I'JIpra\ÆIIIant ~_at..; Autharizin;r signin:¡ of PIIxœl
Map am :n......." Plans. II
16. Claim for 1iA.."'SJIBS filed an behalf of Tze !I.1ang am
Esther 1iIan¡.
17. Claim for ~ filed by Ridw:tl am l!emacSøtte
18. Request for waiver of b.Js1nesa license f_ - Friends
of the QJpertino LibraJ:y.
19. Rear:Ived.
20. Mimtes of the adjouxned mgular;J of JIU11iUy 7,
1986 (0c-686A).
~ ~..J_rB of the City n-.1I'V'!f'.
AYES: Gatto, J.l..-..., PJ.un;w, ~, Roqel...
H:IES: Na1e
ABSml': Na1e
AæI2UN: Na1e
19. Mimtes of the regular IIIIIEIt.iD¡ of Jamw:y 6, 1986
(0c-686) .
It was IIICIII8CS by CCIunc. Plurçy, secc:r1ded by CaJ:nc. ~..
am 1"'ø-gd unanimcus1y to aJIBÙ the mhutes of the Jaram:y
6, .i~86 CCIuncilIllllElt.iD¡, pIIg8 5, last pan,gr~, to c:i1an;Je
''NODIal1'' to "Nœ:ma." am ':0 "WLU1/8 the m:1nztes as a:IIIEIRieci.
MD«11ES OF 'mE ~ 21, 1986 C1T'l CXXJNCIL ~
22. )fo- J ....... of the audience reguä1ng mtters not an the
agema - Na1e.
23. Selectian of projects to be funded by the l'hIonI"Úty
DBvel"t'"""',t Block Grært: ~"'jLCIIII.
City Clerk's Note: Directar of FinIInce Snyder left at 7:10
Planner I Binnsndyk reviewed the l'hIonI"'Iity DBvel...........Jt
mock Grant ~"'jLCIIII with council.
Sam 01riest, President of Adults Toward. Imependent L1vin;J,
19147 Anne lane, requested that council direct a port.iœ of
the am fI.1ms tor ATIL.
LiMa Slllith, n-.->nity Housin;r Develcpers, stated that the
Anne Lane house is in severe need of rehabilitatian am is
not up to h'41din;r code at this time. She shawed plans of
the þI.' ,()So!() ~ian. She stated that the City ccW.d
dwLU1/8 a 0% deferred loan mich 1«W.d be repaid if the
h,i Min¡ were ever sold. She stated that the neighbc:xtbood
in \ the haDe is located is aware of this ~~l am
is '"'W...Uve. It ccW.d be apprcyed with the ccniitian
that the 0:u1ty also a¡:praves.
Jim lewis, President of the Bœrd of I.eBeaulieu, stated
there was a real need for the iDpravement am expmsian of
the Anne Lane house.
Sally Brennan, Directar of 0Jpertin0 l'hIonI"Úty Servioes,
stated that it WJUld be a good imI.....i.....,.ut:. in human t.-.
She also urged that Q¡pertino c:xmtiraJe to furxi senior
bcusin;r .
Pietie Vri8IIan, Directar of the Day Care P.LU:lLCIIII for the
e1derly in QJpertino, expressed ..................11 regardin¡ the
~....- used. She received notice reguä1ng thres public
hearin;r. She felt it peaùiar that staff makes a
po. . ....-1d4tian prior to a pmlic hearin;r. She urged
council to look at the ~~ used am suggested that
staff IIIIIke ~ ....-. ldat.ia1S after the pmlic hearin;r.
Upan bein;r as1œc1 by CaJ:nc. Ms. Vri8IIan did rec. ····...'ù that
furxiing for ATIL be oonsidered; also the ðfJe1~ which she
was NO' ....-.din¡. She felt tI".ere was a lack of
<Y'rIm"Úcaticn in the pt:0C0:=:;S.
MINUl'ES OF 'mE J1\NUAR( 21, 1986 C1T'l CXX1NCIL JŒ:I!:l'DÇ
It was su.",,--t;ed that she put her 0'....-.._ in writin;r am
that she ccntact Planner I Bimen:tyk.
It was IIICIII8CS by CCIunc. Spañcs, secx:n:Ied by came. Gatto and
P"--se! unanimously to close the p¡bl1c hearing.
It was IIICIII8CS by came. SparJes, seocnB:l by came. Gatto am
1"'ø II:' unanimously to adept Resolutian No. 6755 authorizin;r
that $100,000 for the 1bJsin;r Rehabilitatian Pl.~_ am
$35,000 for the Senior Citizen 1bJsin;r !\Irxi be i'liSHIted as
projects. CCIuncil direc:ted that none of this IIICI18Y be
CCIIIIIitteli for spendiJY;J at this tbIe. 'ItIey also requested
~ific infomatian regarding J\dults 'l'oward Indepement
Livin¡ .
24. ~1 of Plarming ChmIi....tcn decisien regardinq
1-"-_ty located at 10022 Peninsula Averme, O1arles am
Sharan Bec:1œr (filed by Ann M. An;¡er).
Directar of Planninq and DBvel"¥'""l,t Cowan r.eviewed his
L........t with CaJ:ncil. He stated that the issue bein;r
ca'ISiderec1 was tba 1ntensificatian of use. He stated that
this was a na~ìfœ:minq use ""'-JSe of lack of paJ:kinq.
Ann An;¡er, QJpert.ino, "IW"'''ant, stated that she felt that
this had not been han:Ued right by staff at the Plarming
ChmIi....ian level.. She said this item had not been listed
an the agenja but came up under tile Planning Di.rectar's
L......... t. '1his was dcae an Wednesday eveniDJ with ally three
t"roIoo4....1.a1ers 1"- S at... Ms. An;¡er told Or::uncil that the
night before the meetin;J tha Plarming Director had called
hP.r am told her that the ally thin;r that 1oII:IUld be
oansidered is the zaún:.J. 1I1en the ~ was held, the
use pemit was 114......- Ie!, am at that tbIe she was told it
1oII:IUld net go to CCIuncil. 'lberefore, she "lP""ed She
p1: ,S .¡Led pictures of the tui1i14n:J to council and stated
that she . 'K.œed this -'.. ~ had ooc:urred withaIt
arc:hit.ectural .......LL...l. She infOl1llecl Or::uncil that the had been vacant for a1e year prior to the Bec:1œr's
noc'\1pEInCy .
Sharan Bec:1œr, 10022 Peninsula Averme, 0Jpertin0, said that
she had obta1ned a Þ.lsiness license early in 1985 so the
City was aware of the feed store at that 1ocatian.
O1arles BecIær stated that he was available to answer
quest.ia1S. He said that the feed store had been ~ as
a service, aM there are awraximately four or five
c::ustcmers a day frcm the nclghborhood.
MDI1l'fS OJ! '1HB JANtJAI« '1, 1986 C1T'l a:mICIL -.=.uG
Dick ~, U701 R8gnart canycn Drive, said that be
was at c:nt time mt.erested in goin;r into business with t:œ
BlK"Iœrs, J::ut tb8y mtually ðeoi""'" net to. In ref........... to
a letter written by the Bec1œrs, Mr. aù.ldJ:ess stated that
the ......"""'i't of his goin;r into business with Ray ~ and
Travi.ce 1Iûtten to buy the Menta Vista Im was net tme _
it 1IIOUld be stupid to go into business with a City staff
1'1\.......1 «t: .
James I¥Ir, 21685 laDita, cbjected to ~ be called the
"bamaid" _--..h to parkin¡ in front of the b1i.lding.
Glen sam, Menta Vista Im, 10014 Peninsula AvenJ8, stated
that he did net _ a great bpact with the åwJ:Je of use.
Ann An:]er stated that the oorner dœs net look as gocd as
Wen the Q:u1ty too.1t care of the ~i.n).
OIarles Bec:Iœr stated that there was no animosity intended
by serxIilq the letterB to council.
ShaJ:a1 Bec:Iœr stated that very otten the parJdn;J lot of Dr.
Brawn's veterinary Hospital was eapty.
It was JIICMId by CCIunc. Pl~, ~.d6d by CCIunc. Gatto am
1"'-gd unanimcusly to close the pmlic beari.rg.
It was JIICMId by CCIunc. Spm:ts am Só!IoOCtœd by CCIunc. PlurJ3Y
to u¡i1old the Plar1ning n-ø.n4_ian ð-4..4en am deny the
Dj...........41'W\ followecl regardin:J the intensificatian resultin;r
frail the adcSitian of the feed store with no in
the microfilming bJsiness. '!be mot:ian _ defeated with
CA::aJl'K!4 h_.J .en Gatto, JàmEIan ani PlurJ3Y;J.
'1herefare the ~1 was SUW' \L bed. council anncunoecl
there waJld be a clœed sessian at t~.s end of the meetin;r
regæd1ng steps to be taken to aI::Iata t.'Y1 411~ use.
25. Request frail Victor L. Rink, Jr. for policy
clarificatian, legality of Parcel IDt No. 310,
Inspiratian Heights sutdivisian (certificate of
CkIIpli.ance) .
Mr. Rink, a...~ s .d:ative an:I,Ior attamey were net
1"" s_d.. 'Iherefare, it was 1IICJIIed by Came. Sparks,
BeOa'Ided by CaJ:nc. Pl~ and I"'~gd unanimcusly to t'I!IIDII8
this item frail the calen:Jar am direct staff to senci a
letter to Mr. Rink statin;r that he was still free to pn:sue
a Certificate of Cœpli.ance as per the letter he received
fraD the Director of Public Wor".
MDI11'!S OF 'lHE J7\NUAR! 21, 1986 C1T'l CXXJNCIL mo=.uG
26. RIlIIiII"al of biD;Jo pemit - Yavneh Day Sd1col.
~ SåIle1mør, IaJ Gatos, 8l'ISI.ared quest:iaw re;arc!iDJ
the Yavneh Day Sd1col.
council requested that the så1col Jœep in minci da1atia1s to
0Jpe:rt1n0 cp:cups.
council S\).~ that there be a18 pnblio hearln.J per year
caveriD) all biD;Jo pemit ..aI~-1.. arxi that there be a
dcm.tian :requiJ:eJDBnt to 0Jpe:rt1n0 organizat.1.a1S. In regard
to IlDÚ.torin:J by the Sheriff's Department, it was 1IUs:F'"""ted
that the Sheriff's fees ~1J" be CCIIIØred by the pemit
fees. staff was directed to review the state law regarding
"œt can be cJaIe in this regard.
It was JIICMId by CCIunc. Sparks, secc:n:Bi by CCIunc. Plun;¡y
am poo--ee! unanimously to close the p1b]jn hearln.J.
It was JIICMId by CCIunc. Jti....on, -..:tided by cœnc. Sparks
am poo -1:'1 UI1IU1inaIsly to "WL.N8 ......dUal of the biD;Jo
pemit for 7avneh Day Sd1col.
27. Hearing to CD1Sider fcmuatian of ~ utility
District No. 11.
(a) RIIsolut1at No. 6753: "A RieSOlution of the City
council of the City of 0Jpe:rt1n0 cœatin;r a
~4 i'ic un:1ergrcund utility District am
F.stabJ.ishiDJ ut:ility District No. 11 en De ArIza
BcW.evard frail stevens cœek Boolevard to 665 Ft.
North of McClellan Rcðd."
It was JIICMId by CCIunc. Sp¡mcs, seoc:Ð3ed by cœnc. Gatto am
pooø-'l unani:D::1usly to close the p1b1iQ hearln.J.
It was JIICMId by CCIunc. Spaxts, MOCIIded by cœnc. Gatto arxi
P"-eð unaniDøJsly to adept RieSOlution No. 6753.
28. A¡'p1:1~tia18 21-Z-85, 2~5, am 44-u-B5, ''''''''~
o...l' I.ocatiau West side of stellin;r Rcðd
"WL.....baately 110 ft. north of Lilac Way; parcel area,
0.67 acres.
REZC.tIDÇ (21-Z-85) frail R2-4.25 (Rssidentia1 DJplex
4,250 sq. ft. lot size per unit) to P (Planned
Dsvel"¥'""lìt with Residential SiD¡le Family, 5-10 W per
grœs acre Intent) ZCI'I8.
USE PEæIT (44-U-85) to ca1Stzuct Six (6) detached
siD¡le family haDes.
MINt1IES OF 'mE JmJAR\( 21, 1986 C1T'l CXXJNCIL MŒ1'DG
(CiC-687 )
28. (CXI1t:im1ed)
TENIM'IVE MAP (2!HH-85) to subdivide said ....~"ty
into six (6) residential perœls with lot sizes ran:Jin;r
frail 3,200 sq. ft. to 4,760 sq. ft.
('Ibis itelll!l was 1'8IICMId !reD the age¡œ per staff
request. )
29. Awlicatian 27.JDH5 of 0Jpert1n0 City center
AsSOC' "0", tentative map to subdivide a previoosly
apprcveci IIIllti-stmy residential }:¡I'41ð41'J1 an:! attad1ed
parkin¡ stmcture, n:JW uncSer CXI1St.ructian, into 99
residential ocnk:minium unite, .. .....", area paroels, ærl
parcels to tKO -.-.. date park.i.rJ}. EnvL.\A~l"'''!' Review:
the P1.annin;J o:m:dasicn 1.,(. ....~:J.. the¡ of a
Ne;Jative Declaration. IDt 3 of Tract 7734 located in
the southwest quadrant of støvens Creek Bc:W.evm:d am
Tarre Averua ~Y 300 ft. scuth of stevens
Creek Bc:W.evm:d am 2350 ft. wet of 'l'orre AveraJ8.
It was IIDIIed by CaJ:nc. Sparks, secon:3ec1 by CaJ:nc. Jc:tJnsan
am pet'!:'I''!Id unanimously to grant a Negative De<'" .....-atian for
Awlicatian 27.JDH5.
It was JIICMId by CCIunc. SparJœ, ~kJed by cnmc. Gatt.o ani
l""-gd unanimously to _U1/8 Awlicatian 27-'1H-85 per
Plannin:;J 1" Resolution No. 2753.
lID =.;: 8:50-9:00 p.m.
30. A¡:.plicatian 30-u-85 of Marriott o............tian: Use
pemit to oCh:.LL\ICt a hatel (~tely 700 J:'OCIIIS)
am o:nventian facility with restaurants. '!be .....~
develq:ment CtI'ISists of two þ,41din;r equalin;r
apprc::odmately 17 stories am 15 stories am IIIllti-level
parkin¡ stmcture. Envh..........ìtal Bøview: the P1.annin;J
I"romti....ian reo' ·...-.ids the grantin¡ of a Negative
~, "ntim. tocated en the north side of stevens
Creek Bc:W.evard qpBite the 1ntersectian of F:1nd1
AveraJe, within valloo Park.
*Plannin:;J I"romti ....tan reo ....-. .Jatia1 not known at tiJDe of
pJblicatim of age¡œ.
Director of plar1nin;J an:! Devel"¥'""l.t o.:~...n stated that the
a¡:plicatioo is CXI1Sistent with the General Plan. '!he only
questien that still needs to be resolved is the mtter of
fire su¡:p1:essioo, Ocnlitim 22 (f) .
MDII1l'ES OF 'mE ~ 21, 1986 C1T'l CDJNCIL J'IUa..uG
CCIuncil recpeøted that the ¡:hilu¡. ~ì'f regaIdinJ the
i'L'¥ ooed fu. truck am ita loœtian be ~kad cut befaœ
the L4-"; -r _ too far alcnJ.
D:n Crosby, ardú.tec:t, i'L ! 1t.ed. ecunc1l with a slide shell
regaming the i'L' 'IJOSed hotel h,41dt'ÇB. He recpISted that
the cxnU.tian regaming IIå:UJ1g ten ft. of lamscapin;r alcn:J
stevens Cœek Boulevard. be nIIIC:MId. He stated that it is
expected to bœak gran:! for the h':Jtel this .- with
OOCI~ in late 1988 or early 1989. He stated that the
1mcor p:IOl will be depr:essed belœ the restaurant am
plant:j.n:s will sctæn the view to diner» so they will n:Jt:
see people at the pool. ~ø to t..'1e pool will be
&'1'141 "Ible fJ:aa the lol:i:ly am fJ:aa the secx:.n1 leYel
........-..-t.ion at the recœatian area. '!be 200 1Ip'''
located off site waùd hancSle awrfiœ par1dn¡ l11'li1
eap1.oyees wculd be encourage to park at that loœtian.
Guy K. Black of Bartœ-AsdDaan reviewed traffic data with
Mr. Crosby stated the hotel is as earthqJa)œ safe as
possible with the tedInical knaioIledge am erq1JIeerin¡
Pl &'1'141~1.e.
Director of Plar1ning arxl DeII8l~.t Cowan stated that he
will d1eck with the water District regardin;r o:ni1tian No.
Bill stadler, Marriott Hatel, told council that he bad
understood __ of the other -"'JnIS the hotel will taJæ
wculd eliminate their need to cx:nt:rib1te to a fu. truck.
He stated that projected nM!ØJØS for the hotel are based
an 72' "'OOI:pmcy.
Dcuq Sporleder, Ot..ìLLcù Fire Protectic:n District, stated
that if the fu. truck can get close to the hotel, QJ\:side
resc:ue can go up to ¡çp:aximately the eighth floor. After
initial plZ'å1ase of the equipDent, Ot..ìLLcù Fire PrDt:ec:tian
District wculd DB1nta1n l11'li1 rep1.."", it.
Bill ~, Marriott, stated that the hate.l provides its
own seazrity beIsed en the J"II~ of rotIIB.
Walter Ward, General Manager of Valloo, said there are no
wlls en the site. ParIdnq is W"'...ny most c:rawdeci an
nights am wee1cencSs when offices are closed. He stated
that Valloo wcuJ.d like to CX'I1I:ilme the stevens creek
Boulevard. 1.arñscaping plan as is at iJru' .It Wich waùd be
32 ft. am n:Jt: 40 ft.
MINt1I'E9 OF 'mE JANt.1ARY 21, 1986 C1T'l a:mICIL ME:ETDÇ
council directed staff to look at Wat mc:rûes will be
bro.Jght to the City frail Marriott (o...d.Lcù. F12:e ProtecI:ian
District tax, sales tax, transient occupancy tax) am
l........ t bIIcJt.
8n'rell IecnaJ:å, Valloo, informed ccm.::il that the
0CI1Structian of the pedestrian;r was included in
MaJ:riott's lease.
It was IIICIII8CS by OUIC. Jàmsan, seca'Ided. by CCIunc. Plurçy
am re~l!'gd unaniJIIously to aRJrOY8 Awlicatian 3o-u-aS per
P1.anninJ Resolution No. 2754 with cañitian No.
22 (f) modified to include a statement that the 1MYI1I01III
cx.ntri1'utian ~d be 1/3 the cost of the t1:uck1 with
Oniitian No. 23 deletecS; with Exhibit 3 modified to shew
that Marriott will not bn41d the ~LL!an ov-.........sin;r
aver F.incn Avenue ):ut will allow it to be built by others
and/or a ccniiticn"'-"" to the use pemit to that effect;
that the )'Io~ ~ are minor with no significant
envircnDental inpcts Wiål wre not previoosly ocnsiðered.,
no significant ~ in the envira1ment as a whole
causin;r a new envi1'a1mental aseee--ñ: æñ no new
1nfœ:matien of substantial i1rportance to the project.
31. Awlicatian 13-t1-85 (Revised) of Teny Brown/JIIIDBS
HeIJPÜU: Use Pemit to chan]e the use of a pœvicus:i.y
a¡p:cMId 2,250 sq. ft. bn4MhVJ frail office use to a
1IIi""'ð use cc:nIistinq of an apartment wdt am a 1,900
sq. ft. restaurant. EnviramIøntal R8Viøw: '!be
P1.anninJ n-n4_1en reo· .-.dø the granting of a
Negative Dec::laraticn. IDeated an the northwest oonler
of Pa.....&wa Averue and Granada Aveme.
'1his item was reIIDVed fraD the agema.
32. Awlicaticn 49-0-85 of M::nta Vista Inn: Use peœit to
add çpraximately 720 sq. ft. to an existing' bar
facility. Envira1mental Rsview: '!be PlannirVJ
n-n4 -ian :r& . .....-¡ds the granting of a Negative
I)I:oCl ~ratian. IDeated an the north side of Peninsula
Avenue, çpraximately 120 ft. west of Highway 85 (West
Valley Freeway) north of stevens creek Bo.Ilevam.
'1his item was remcved fraD the agema.
33. Awlicatians 48-U-85 am 29-'IH-85 of Bany swensen
B"41"-s: Use peœit to ocn;truct a 5,000 sq. ft.
single-story office buildin;r am ~, two existing'
single-story office buildirr;Js1 tentative map to
CXI'\SOlidate two parcels into cne parcel oansisting of
1.65 acres. EnvhvUI"",1tal Review: '!he Planning
KIN!1l!S OF 'mE J»IUAR! 21, 1986 Cl'lY a:mICIL MIŒ1'I1Ð
33. (cx:ntizuec1)
n-.4_ian 1,..0 .....arm the grant:in;r of a Negat!w
DIcl.aratian. IDca1:8Ii an the WIlt sicJe of S. De Anza
BculeYaJ:d apprcocbately 450 ft. south of MoClellan
'Ibis itBR was removed frail the agerx!a.
34. None.
35. None.
36. F-q-': for authorizatian to ~ by eminent _4",
..........-tf en Stellin;r Rœd adjacent to Jollymm PUk,
am øettin;r PJblic l1eIIri.nJ.
It _ JIICMId by CCIunc. Sparks, seoaxiecl by CCIunc. Jàmsan
and P"'-eel UI1a1'Ú.1IICQIly to authorize ~14.4t:ian of ..........-ty
for $340,000, apprcI\I8 lease bIIck h......_at and sen:1inq of
37. ØJ,n4t'!1p1!11 Cable Televisian Qwmel -
(a) aD3et (revised).
(b) Autcmatic playbIIck maåúne.
It was JIICMId by CaJ:nc. Jàmsan, seoalded by CaJ:nc. Sparks
am P"'-se! UI1a1'Ú.1IICQIly to ðWlOll8 revised bo~ of $84,535
plus an ~ frail the General !\D1 of $15,000 for
an aut:aIBtic playœck unit.
'!be City Manager was direct:ecS to "''''Y''''' t back regardiD¡
adliiticnl1 speœ requirement if r-ø'!l:ry to house the
adliiticnl1 equipœnt.
38. Ca1sideratia1 of an ordinance ~ certain sectiaIs
of the III.DÙCipal code pertaining to political signs
(a) First readin;J of ominanœ No. 1320: "An
Ordinance of the City of 0Jpertin0 P<=!J?""1 in;r
sectim NIJDiJer 17.32.040 of 0Iapter 17.32,
Entitled Special Signs, of Title 17 of the
0Jpertin0 Itmicipal Code; and Amerñ1n:J Sectioo
MINI7ŒS OF 'lHE ~ 21, 1986 Cl'1'\C CXXJICJL 1'JI!iI:a".uIJ
38. (a) (CCI1timecS)
17.08.280 of C2Iapter 17.08, sect1fw\ 17.16.010(f)
of C2Iapter 17.16, am S8ct:ian 17.32.120, of
Qmpter 17.32; PrcIIridiD¡ for t:œ ~ of the
Erect:ian, MaintAmance, Altcat!an and I.ocatia1 of
Political Signs Within the City of QIp8rt1m."
It was IIICIII8CS by CCIunc. Jàmsan, 88COI1ded by CCIunc. Gatto
am V-eel unanimcusly to "WLU1/8 the ardirIance ~ that
it be mvised to inc:1.ucSe a limitatian 118 to hclllII1å1 t.1JI8
prior to an elect1an signs 1III!1:f be posted. and if a sign is
fourd to be hazardcus that it can be reJIICII8d by the City.
CCIuncil directed that this CXIIIB bIIck at the next DI88t1ng as
a first readin:¡.
39. ~t regaJ:dinq presentat.iaw to visitarB to QJpertino
am citizens.
(Ca'1timed to IIIIIEIt.iD¡ of February 18, 1986.)
40. Nc:me.
41. Secc::ni readin:J of 0rI:Unance No. 13481 "An omiœnce of
the City of OJpeJ:t1no 1I1IIencS1ng S8ct:ian 11.24.180 of the
Q¡pert1no JtJro4~~1 Qxia Designat1nr¡ nf...."...,al PImdn¡
an KaJ:y Avenue."
It was JIICMId by CCIunc. Plun;¡y, secx:n:Ied by came. Gatto and
l"'~-se! unanimcusly to rem 0rI:Unance No. 1348 by title cnly
am the City Cledt'. readin:¡ cx:I1Stitute the IMooucl readin:¡
It was JIICMId by 0Junc. Plungy, SE!CXI'å!d by CCIunc. Gatto am
f('ø'S'gd unanimously to enact Ordinance No. 1348.
42. Secc::ni readin:¡ of 0rI:Unance No. 1349: "An Ordinance of
the City of Q¡pertino Amerñi.n:¡ S8ct:ian 1 of Ordinance
No. 2 by Preza1iJq 13.1,± J\cres fraD 0:AInty of santa
Clara Rl-6 to City of Q¡pert1no M (E'Ublic ~1nding)
Za1e7 Located at the 'nmIIiDJs of cane de Barcela'la,
A¡:praxiDately 100 Ft. West of can. de Barcela'la am
Miller Avenue."
MI1I1æ OF 'lHE JMÐAR!C 21, 1986 Cl'lY a:mICIL Joœz¡J:.uG
It - JIICMId by Qu1c. P1.unI,¡y, 1I8OOaA.d by Qu1c. Gatto am
poo~-811 unan1mcusly to DIId O%dinance No. 1349 by title a'Ily
am tb8 City Clerk's re!in;r to cc:œtitute the secx:n1
re!in;r tbeœof.
It - JIICMId by Qu1c. Gatto, seocnB:l by CCIunc. PlUD;y am
P""lISe! unanimously to tnIICt ordinance No. 1349.
43. Na1e.
44. RecogIùtian by Mayor of "Ip"'("b1 requests.
(a) General Audience - Na1e.
(b) City r-'AlnCil.
CCIuncil deteJ:m1ned that if the agencSa of Februa%y 3 cannot
be hancUed in a18~, the ~ wculd be c::x:m;j,nJed
to 7:45 p.m, FebruaJ:y 4, 1986.
(c) staff - Na1e.
At U:15 p.m, CCIuncil adjc:mned to a closed E'~.,im
regardinq City of 0Jp8rtin0 VB. BeciI:c am also the
0CX1SJderatian of ""'l,4_ttian of the MoJ.aJœr 1o'L""l"'"Lty.
CCIuncil rect'I1IIensd in ~ at U:20 p....
O::amo. P.L 1f d..:
Gatto, Jàmsan, Pl~, Sparks, Mayor Rogus
staff Pl B IL:
City Manager Oúnlan
City Clerk Om1elius
Director of Planning am DBvel"¥'""ljt Cowan
City Attamey Kilian
M::>lander 1-"-"¥'Lty - It was JIICMId by CaJ:nc. Gatto, seocnB:l
by CaJ:nc. PlUD;y am p"wed ~y to ðwLU1/8
acquisitian of the 1o'L""l"'"Lty for the BUIll of $340,000 am
~U1/8 ather ccn:li.t.iaw iD::1udinq lI. letter regarclin¡
cn.¿bl/uatian am a lease back periocS.
<.."....._.,.,."....'".."'--~~""~""~~;:~~.'.' .;~4,.7I'i",_---~,.,---_. '
Mn«m!S OF 'lHE J»IJARY 21, 1986 Cl'lY CDH:IL _.UG
City of QJpert1no VII. Bees.- - :rt _ IIOII8cI by CCIunc.
Gatto, 880..64 by CbJnc. Plungy and v-reI! UI1III'IbIr:œly to
d1rect the City Attamey to þ with ~_ìL of the
orcUnance 1'8gIIrdjn¡¡ the i11egal use ~y there.
At Uz25 p.m., CDJncil adjc:mned to Jamuy 29, 1986, 5:00
p..., ,...,..,...11"" Rancb Park.
JANUARV 29, '986
_R~I¡,'" < .~I\~~.:.
Councilmembers Present:
Councllmembers Absent'
Staff Present:
Rogers, Gatto, Plungy, Sparks
City "anager Quinlan
I. Communications/Police
Council favors sub a and sub d of the agenda. Also directs
staff to look at the detective service costs: why the sizeable
increase and can some of these costs be covered through a fee
to the merchants, such as on bad checks, or code enforcement
at our expense. Also, it was recommended that a follow-up
letter be directed to the County Supervisor for Cupertino
regarding the proposal for a Fire District Board with a
clarification that the City would not be Interested In the
Board assuming any responsibility of labor negotiations.
2. Long Range Solid Waste Disposal
Th~ Mayor was requested to write a letter to the committee on
Long Range Solid Waste Disposal requesting final date of report.
3. Civic Center Renovation
Staff was requested to take d look at the cost of Wilson School
as opposed to an office building and report back to the Council
its findings. Council does not favor the use of the Monta Vista
Facility because of its location In the extreme western portion
of the community.
4. Community Center
Major concerns expressed by the Council In discussion of this
item were providing for enough space and parking with concern
being expressed regardlr.g the parking location. Also, we were
instructed to revle~ the feasibility of solar heating for this
5. ~ibrary Funding
Staff was requested to find out the costs of library funding
by bonding and determinåtion of costs for retirement and return
to Council with its findings as soon as possible.
6. Liability Insurance
The COlncll, by consensus, requested staff to continue Its
pursuit of membership in a JPA for this purpose.
7. Goals Committee Issue as Provided for in the General Plan
Staff was Informed to place this matter on the agenda for next
year and prepare ground rules for review by the City Council.
Page 2
It 8. Cable T.V. Channel 30 - Capabilities Cupertino Scene
Council consensus Indicates that the Cupertino Scene now Is okay
In size and content. In regards to Channel 30, Council Instructed
staff to move ahead with the sound and light needs for the Council
Chambers since this facility will not be dIsturbed by the remodeling
of City Hall. Also Instructed staff to look at Improving lights
ôn exhibits and to move forward with the automatic machinery
authorized for purchase to use In programming from 6 to 10
every evening on weekdays.
9. Disaster Preparedness
Council Is desirous ôf improvement In this area and requests
staff to set guldel:nes and time table for Council review, outline
who is going to do what and consider the use of consultants In those
areas that might be beneficial.
10. Community Service level
Identify what the Community Services Officer tasks are and how th~y
relate to the Sheriff's activities and what work the Community Services
Officer could more cost effectively handle to which the Sfieriff's
office now responds. Staff has been Instructed to study the use of a
consultant to develop further the organizational structure.
. 11. Redeve lopment Agency
Council stated that the presentation In February was sufficient action
at this time. They will defer further consideration until the
report Is made. This ~III Involve an updgt~ on state laws referring
to Redevelopment Authorities.
12. Environmental Impact Fund
This refers to the fund created under the development agreement under
the use permit with Vallco Fashion Park. The Council directed staff
to come up with some Ideas as possible ex~~ndltures and report back
to the Council. No specific date was set for this action.
Respectfully submitted.
Robert W. Quinlan
City Manager
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,To:" :~,Th~ Honorable Mayo~ and Members of , the City Council·"....,','
Robert W. Quinlan, City Manager
~~: Items for Issues Discussion--
Wednesday, January 29 at 5:DO p.m.
McC Ie 11 an Ranch P;¡rk .,,' .
\ ,
lot·' '.
. . , .
" . .." . .. l,i·,.oJ '.,
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. ,.~:
The following 'are issues that have been reviewed by staff for
Council consideration at our meeting at McClellan Ranch Park.
These are not listed In any priority. Should any councllmembers
have additional items for consideration, please notify me as
soon as possible so that we can have an addenda ready at the
m,eet;ng on Wednesday. I anticipate, this study session should,":"
not exceed three hours.
.. t I.', 't.....
", .
Communications/police costs - Under study now.
alternatives for communication as follows:
Our possl ,b,~e
. .
., :
a) Maintain present operation with better coordination
through the establishment of a users committee to
more closely monitor and provide input On services.
b) Start our own system and contract with County for
West Valley and other cities In the West Valley, as
well as possibly the Central Fire District and the
Saratoga FIre District.
c) Create a JPA among the cities and/or fire districts.
d) Persuade the County to join in a JPA with the cities
and the fire districts, thus eliminating in effect
the County's direct control of the communication
As far as the police concern, as a result of the last discussion
with the Council, some interest was expressed by the Council .
about establishing our own police department. We need to
pursue this matter further for clarification to staff's role
in this regard.
'. . .'
2) Long Range Solid Waste Disposal - We have approximately 7
years to go on our present contract with Mountain View. We
are concerned about the role staff should assume in working
with the Solid Waste 'Committee or direction of the City'Council
regarding the securing of a long range solution and when this
work should be accomplished, Another question that arises
in this regard is, should we look toward the possible acquisi-
tion of a site for a transfer station?
14081 252·4505 '
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, "
. ~
January 27, 1986
Page 2
3) Civic Center Renovation - During the renovation of the City
Hall, employees will have to be relocated. We are estimating
approximately I year at the Most that we will need temporary
quarters. We have narrowed consideration to 3 possibilities:
a) A vacant office building In the proximity of City Hall;
b) Monta Vista Park Community building;
c) A vacant school building.
We need to know If the Council has a specific preference In
this regard so that we may concentrate our efforts In that
vain. Otherwise, we will proceed on a basis of looking at
all the factors - costs, familiarity of a location close to
City Hall, travel time for employees, etc.
4) Community Center - Presently we have narrowed site location
to the southeast corner of the unimproved portion of Memorial
Park. Council should be aware that opposition Is organizing,
primarily on Christensen Drive, against the use of the park
land for this purpose. I presume this opposition is based
upon an increase in traffic and activity in the area.
5) Library Funding - It would appear that the Library District
will be unable to totally fund the expansion. I believe we
should be able to obtain a commitment from the County for
annual payments of $120,000 for a 25-30 year period. Even
with this, however, the City will be subsidizing the district.
I will have the estimated amounts available by our wednesday
6) Insurance, liability - We are now investigating several con-
sortiums for JPAs on self-insurance. It is assumed that should
we join such a group that. if all goes well, we would continue
even should the insurance companies get back into the field
of liability. We would probably also have to use deficit financing
in any JPA to establish a fund pool ~hlch would be maintained by
annual payments.
7) Goals Committee issue - The General Plan states an ad hoc citizens
review w(lrbe employed every 5 years. The last review, which
took over a year, was concluded in late 1981. Council should
determine whether it would be appropriate to iñitlate a goals
effort this year. If so, the Council should agree upon its
scope, such as re-evaluation of land use, housing, and circula-
tion policy from a zero base or to evaluate the currently adopted
policy. Another decision might be the group size and composltio~.
One of the concerns that we have with a goals committee is that It
can at times reflect only narrow based interest groups and not
necessarily reflect broad public opinion.
8) Cable T.V. Channel 30 capability/Cupertino Scene - Goals both
short range and long range for our major media might prove
advantageous to the Office of Community Affairs. If. the Council
January 27, 1986
Page 3
could articulate these in service levels such as the
number of hours of live and taped shows for Channel 30
and pages for the Cupertino Scene, ~hen staff could
develop the annual budgets accordingly.
9) Disaster Preparedness - Much staff work needs to be
done to get the City and more importantly citizens in
a position to respond to a major disaster in a manner
to minimize loss of life and maximize health and safety
during and shortly after such a disaster. The question
for the Council is that of priority, how much time does
the Council want us to spend in this regard, and possibly
a more meaningful approach at this time would be, when
would the Council wdnt to have a modified plan on line.
Then we could respond accordingly.
10) Code Enforcement level - The Council has indicated recently
that they may wish to have a higher degree of enforcement
than presently employed by the City. We anticipate recommending
the addition of one-half of a clerical position this coming year
to provide better back-up and service to field enforcement.
11) Redevelopment Agency - We hope to present within the next
month and a half an update on RDA State law so that the Counr.i I
can decide the feasibility of establishing an agency and project
area. Staff is concerned of the disadvantages occurring to
Cupertino and certain development in competition with cities
with RDAs in Santa Clara County, both in terms of municipal
funding as well as project development.
12) Environmental Impact Fund, Vallco - We now have approximately
$470,000 in the fund and with the development of the hotel
and anticipated additions to Vallco Fashion Park and office
development as well, possibly some planning in cooperation
with Vallco should be commenced to utilize these funds as
effectively as possible. With the development of Town Center
also coinciding with the development of Vallco, perhaps we
should attempt to work out a plan that might tie the two major
areas of development together such as a local shuttle transit
system that would operate within the two centers and between
the two centers. This could possibly even be tied to De Anza
Blvd. on the west, thus providing a shuttle service on Stevens
Cr.eek Blvd.
RWQ: laj