CC 11-21-88 '-::......-.-~~,...'..- ~ . . þ . . ' ,.- Cl'IY OF aJPER1'I1«), STME OF CALIRRaA 10300 'lUt<tœ; AVEH..'E, CDPERTDÐ, CALIRRaA 95014 'ŒIERDŒ: (408) 252-4505 MDI1l'ES OF '1HE RmJIAR C1'lY CXJCNCIL MŒl'DI:; HELD lÐIJEJœER 21, 1988, CXJCNCIL aÐ\MBBR, C1'lY HAIL 10300 'lœRE AVDIJE, aJPERl'DI), CALIRRaA 0::-756 '!be meet:.i:rx:J was called to o..~ by Mayor Plungy at 6:47 p.m. SAIJJm '.It) '!HE FIAG R>LL CAIL Ccunc. Present: Gatto, Jobnsa1, ~, Rogers, Mayor P1ungy staff P.. seht: city Manager Qrlnlan city Clerk COrnelius Director of PUblic Works Viskavich Director of P111111Ún:J anj Devel___íL CXIwan Director of Finar:œ Snyder Director of Parks am Recreation Dowlin:] Assistant to the city Manager Brown ChIonI"1ity Relations Officer Krey Assistant PlanniJxj Director pi ..---1d. city Attorney Kilian Iœ'.l'KIŒHœIS It was JDCNed by Ccunc. Rogers, seconded by Ccunc. Jàmsa1 anj l""aeed UI'IaI1iJDws1y to reIICIII8 Item No. 33 to the IIII!eti.nI¡ of De<:-,~ er 12, 1988, anj CŒlSider Item No. 27 prior to Item No. 26. CERDI:mAL MATl'ERS - PRESmIM'Iæ8 P.. S J'1&tation of SUmyvale-Q.¡pertino Pmpetual T.I.~ - Tennis. Ð:l Hirschfield of the 0Jpe.rtin0 Tennis Club praseJ.Lted the City with the trqily for the S\m CUp TœmaIDent. ORAL CXMIJNICATIOOS Ð:l Liàrt:man of Regnart IÐad ......""""ded Ccuncil for their effort am suwort of ~&IZ'e K with special recognition to Ccunc. Kcwel. He stated that he had taken an .informal -1- MIWmS OF 'DIE HJ\/EXBER 21, 1988, Rm1IAR C1'lY CDJNC:IL MŒl'DI:; (00-756) survey arñ feud that IIIC8t peq>le feel that the City has en::u;¡h IIØ18Y to pm:base the ~ ~J8t Club. Also if tne bond -tIIJI'IB had p"'....'9d, they had no guarantees on 1I41at woold be p.¡rà1ased as tne -....me ~l'ed to be open ended. In addition, }u.'¥"LL.f beinc¡ CŒlSidered was not up for sale at that time. srAl"F ~ ~. Oral :¡:~ls by staff ,,-,~_s anj 9',hni-ion of written ~~Ls. CD.mcil received the City Manager's repœ.t. 2. lb1th1y Activity Repent - 0ctciJer, 1988. Ccunc:il received the report. 3. Mcnthly Treasurer's Repo...t. anj aJdget Update - 0ctciJer, ~988. CD.mcil received the :¡:ey...... L. axJNCIL 1<tOKJK1$ Ccunc:i1 stated that at the end of the 1œ8tin;J, they will reassign cxmnittees on which Ccunc:il serves as IIIII1'IY of them are designated for the Mayor. a:tÐm' CAIamAR It was IDCIII9d by Ccunc:. ~..<nò. sec...ìJt.d by Ccunc:. Gatto arñ I"'I'!'9ed unarrlJnwsly to ðw.LU'Je the c..._1.lt Calendar as sul:lllitted. 9. Alcoholic Beverage c...aL..ùl ....iœnse - Finn H:Cool's, 10905 North Wolfe Read, Q¡pe.r1:ino. 10. Resolution No. 7665: "A Reso.;ution of the City Ccunc:il of the City of Cupertino At~ Destruction of Certain Recu...ds - Parks arñ Rect '9ation Department." 11. AR:rroYal of award of grants as J:l~ ...........!ded by the Cable Television Advisory Calmittee. -2- -;':'~'~:.:~:1"":'-:"""" ..._-~.",.....",-._- --. ~-'··"""--·~;"~1.·rrq.,...~,.....:""" '""'-. MIWmS OF '!HE N::NEJœER 21, 1988, RmJIAR CIT\( caJNCIL MŒl'DI:; (00-756) 12. Resolution No. 7666: "A Resolution of the City CD.mcil of tñe City of 0Jpertin0 MaIdn:J DeterJllinatiŒIS and A¡:proviD] tñe Annexation of Territory Designated as 'San Femm:Jo AvamJe, 88-07'; AppraJdmataIy O. 72± Acr8 Iocated on tñe North side of San Fernando Aver&J8 Betwen Byrne AvamJe and ~ AvamJe, Vera G. Passantino (Am 357-15-45)." 13. Resolution No. 7667: "A Resolutiat of the City CD.mcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 A¡:provin:J the Parœl Map of ~~t.y Iocat:ed at HaIIestead Road anj Franco Q:m1:, Develcper, Jc::ISØIi1 P. Franco, Et. AI. anj þuthoriziD] the City Erqineer to Sign tñe Paroel Map." 14. Resolution No. 76£8: "A Resolution of tlv- City 0::Iuncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 ~ Grant of F...--.t for Roadway Puz¡x:ses fran craig Clark consistinq of ~tely .03 Acres, Iocat:ed Byrne Avenue anj Jll1Ml'Ù>1' Avenue." 15. Resolution No. 7669: "A Resolution of the City CD.mcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 ~ QJitclaim Deed and Authorization for t1tx!ergra.uù Water Rights frail Craig Clark, Byrne Avenue anj AlJlBden Avenue." 16. Resolution No. 7670: "A Resolution of the City CD.mcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 A¡:proviD] Paroel Map anj DIprovement Plans of ~'¥"Lty' Iocat:ed at Lanita Avemø and pa.....-..a AvamJe, Develcper, william Arthur Kinst anj Margaret Wi1scn Kinst, AuthoriziD] Execution of Drproyement Ag'laaur=.¡1t; AuthariziD] Signin;J of Paroel Map anj ~UY-""íL Plans." 17. Resolution No. 7671: "A Resolution of the city OJuncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 lIcoepting QJitc1aim Deed and Authorization for ~ Water Rights fran William Arthur Kinst anj MaIgaret Wi1scn Kinst, p¿.<:M~ Avemø and tanita AveruI8." 18. Minutes of the Mjoomed Regular MeetiD] of Noveuœr 5, 1988. 19. Minutes of tñe Regular Meeti.n:J of NoIIenber 7, 1988. 20. Resolution No. 7572: "A Resolution of the City 0::Iuncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 ~ a Grant of F...--.t for Sidewalk Puzposes frail Step1en Gazzaera, Jr., Iocated South Side of stevens creek Boolevard East of Blaney Avenue." -)- . MD«1l'ES OF 'JHE H:IIIÐŒIER 21, 1988, mx;(JlAR CITY <XXJNCIL ftu;~'J.lG (CC-756) 21. P-qI-t: for Q:Qcll confiImtion of 0Jpertin0 Library l"rIIInIi -ion nc:minee to cnmty Library l"rIIInIi -ion. l'I'!JtS REHJ\IID F1Uf a:tiSENl' CAIÐmI\R 22. None. PtJBLIC HF.ARnQ; 2J. None. PI1INNIm APPLICATIOOS 24. Application 21-t1-88 - Mariani Devel,¥,"""t. cmpozation - Use PeDDit to constzuct a residential devel.......-at. CX11Sistin:¡ of 67o± units in 3-4 story OOildings 0\/8X' pañdn;J garages. Envh..........rt:al Deterlllination: '!be Planning l"rIIInIi -im re<, .,.,...."tds the grantin;J of a Negative Declaration. '!be project is located on the southeast comer of DeAnza BcW.evard and HcIIIeste!Id Read. Fee' .,.,....Jded for a~roval. t Director of P1anrùn:J and Develcpnent Cowan gave bacIcgroond regardin;J prq>œals for develcpnent of that property. He statAd that the Clu.u,...t a¡:plication is for apartments that J'JIi!J.Y be converted to c:xrdanini1.D1lS at a later date. (City Clede's Note: At 7:25 p.m., Director of Public Waèœ Vis1ccvich, Director of Finance 5nyder, City Attorney Rilian, Assistant to the City Manager Brown and City Manager Quinlan left for auction of City's c:x:nianini\DD.) . Mr. no.''''''''I''EI, .........lS .u.nq Mariani DBYelcpnent Co!:pOration, wa1Jœd cooncil thrcugh the site plan. Upon bein;J asked by cnmcil, he stated there was a six-foot ferat separatin:¡ the qJen space play area and DeAnza BcW.evard. 'lbere 10IQÙd also be trees and other p1antiJ'g alcn;r the 1Jourx3ary. He stat.ed that what cooncil was seeinq was a reduced version (29 units had been eliminated) of that seen by the Plannin:J lhmIi_ion. (City Clerk's Note: Director of Public Waèœ VisJa::lvich, Director of Finance Snyder, City Attomey 1<'i1ian, Assistant to the City Manager Brown and City Manager Q.rl.nlan returned to 01amber at 7:40 p.m.) Director of Public Works visJa::lvich answered camcil questions regardin;J a possible traffic signal at Blue Jay ah.1 Hc:IDestead and tratfic flCM on Hc:IDestead fran Wolfe to Blaney. Dorjs Hijmans, Cupertim De Ore Club, inquired reganlin;J the right tum lane fran Hanestead onto DeAnza and asked if it Wok any De Ore Club property. -4- "'''~'';~..,.."., . .~~' '^.'.... ,". . þ MDIt11'ES OF '!HE IØ1œBER 21, 1988, REX;UIAR C1'lY <:nJNCIL MŒl'DI:; (CC-756) Mr. Viskaviå1 stated that there 1oIa1ld be 8CIII8 right:-of-way required. Upon beinq as.bd the time trame of the deve1_,L, Mr. VislcDviå1 stat.ed that within 90 days of "H4uv'al, the infaDIBtion regard.in;J the right:-of-way requirement wculd be 1IV>Ii1Ñ>le. However, it Bhcu1d not be a major 8IDCIUJ1t of þ<,"""",Lj'. Art Pittock, 20299 Northwest SqJare, l'"'t"o Hlílin;J the Northpoint ~ Þ""'OC'iation, stated that he had met with r~ ¡ s "a14tives of Mariani Devel_at. Mariani DBYel_ít a:n~..t.ions needs to ~ 8CIII8 þL'¥"L'ly frail Northpo~ in order to hú1d the project. He expressed suwort for the a.u......,t footprint, brt: expl-~'!Id concern regard.in;J traffic. Mr. Pittock exþl T~ed a preference for 533 units, brt: 1oIa1ld SlJl:P)rt 575. M:>rt Schorr, 20151 Northwccd Drive, addressed CD.mcil regardin;J traffic partJ,a1J.arly the entrance on Blue Jay am the right tum exit. þ Rolf Hagenlocher, 20196 Nort:hbrook Square, also a..lh-....... CQmci1 regard.in;J traffic. He felt that the Public Works Department needs to do DDre traffic worK nc:M anj not at a later date. He exþL-~ed concern as the traffic study shews a!:x:ut 45\ of the new OCIIplex traffic 1oIa1ld be frail Blue Jay. He requested a flow c1iaqram showiIJ:J signal sequence. Rdlip Yam:J, 20174 Nort.'1wind Square, urged CD.mcil not to ðt¥LW8 the devel_aL as subllitted. He realized there was a great need for hcusin:;J and that b.JsineeElas sbaùd have a fair margin of profit¡ hcwever, he felt the døvel_,t as þL"'lœed woold result in the deterioration of the quality of life. 01Uck J"cOOson, 8147 PaJ:X Villa Circle, asked the PUblic ti:Jrks Director what effect Highway 85 1oIa1ld have on traffic in this location. He was infœ:med that with the a.u......,t General Plan, the information requested by Mr. JacOOson was not available. Betty Schliåltin:;J, 20215 Northg1en, expressed two 0CI10emS: C81e, guest parJcirç¡ two, left: turns of people 0CIIIin;J bane at night eastbourñ on Hanestead. She was infœ:med that left turns and straight-;;hrwghs both caùd not be syndJranized. ~ Ed Lichtman ~ an "emergency" light at the entry en DeAnza Ballevard. -5- MDI1l'ES OF '!HE 1I:J\1EMBER 21, 1988, ~ CIT\( cr:uaL 1'IUi.&:.uG (00-756) In regatd to guest par!dn;J, Mr. no.1....'Y8 stateC.' that th8ra was sul:Btantia1 pemdn:J to be located on site. 'i.'!oIo pmdD} ~ for t:w cars per unit will be prcwided, one "I1*"i fically marIœd for a unit and the rest open. Mr. no.,....... told cnmcil he had had a marJœt:iJ'g study done an:l that study was used for the basis of deteDnining hew many Lach......... per unit. He wants to prcwide tmat the IDIIrIœt wants. cnmcil tti.....,ø'$'td the possibility of fewer one ¡,...1........ units and more tIou-b..ch.......... units, security and traffic pxojectiŒlS. '!bey requested infomation regaJ:åin;J the pe.roeIítage of residents of City center apartments VIe also war:k in 0Ipertin0. Mr. V.iskcNich told Mr. Hagen1oc::her that he could CXIII8 to the Public WorJcs Department and go throogh the traffic signal cycles flow diagram with staff. Art Pittoc:k said that traffic in the area is a1reI!Idy heavy. He hcped tl'..:.t t.11ere woold be no accident. He ~-;:ed that cnmcil have a traffic light installed JOI. City Manager ()linlan told cnmcil that half of the intersection is in SUnnyvale and they do net want a light unless the :interBect:ion meets warrant. If c:amcil feels the light is l'OOO",!,sry for developœnt anj SUnnyvale does net want the light, the devel...~....,,,t is at a standstill. Mr. V.iskcNich stated that the intersection does meet a'I8 out of the eleven warrants. 'Ibis one is barely met durinq peak ha.Ir traffic. CD.mcil stated the need to see i:he a.m. ld'd p.m. signal flow and directed the DiIector of Public works to return to CD.mcil ..-- dbiDJ the ~oceas followed to detemine that flow anj \/hat was disccvered. By CCDIe\'ISUS, cnmcil continued deliberation of this 8ßllication to the regular meetirJ;J of r....-..... 19 and requested the followiJç infomation: mass, height anj volume of bl1i1din:]s (any 4-story tuildin;J JDJSt be in the center of the devel"¥""'ít); Wether eu.~um potential is neoœEl~ to adûeve financiDJ for the devel~.It; anj the threst'.hold of the " InnhP.. of units below which it will net meet a warrant for a traffic signal. ~: 9:15-9:25 p.m. -6- MIWmS OF 'DIE 1ÐIIÐœER 21, 1988, REGJIAR Cl'lY CXXJNCIL MŒl'DI:; (OC-756) AlDnTEClURAL AND SITE APPRJVAL CXHII'l'.l'EE APPLICATICE 25. None. NÐi lIJSINESS 27. Disr-I.......ion of 1b]hes-Heiss MIIricar-,-,.L Audit for Planning Division regardinq application streamlininq. Director of Planninq anj Devel~lt CCMm int:roð.Jce Gary Goelitz of RJghes 1',-'1' and AsSOC'iates 1Ò) reviewed his t"'i'U" L. Mr. Goelitz infnP'IIIM CD.mcil he had reviewed the Planning Department a¡:plication proœss and his U'i"V" L does iœlude ~ ····-rded d1an}es. Di ,,<,'''''ion followed regardinq the fee recovery ~ in the t,¥""L anj their conflict with a previCA.lSly done study. Mr. Goelitz stated that priorities and iDplementation was the next step in this matter. By oawensus, CD.mcil CXI1tlmJed cxnd.deration of the ..~t and diracted that it be brcuJht bacJc to Council no later than the I!e<-,i.er 19 meetinq. At that time, they requested priorities in iDplementation be preseJ.t.ed, reo...tlciliation of fee rea:Ner':f <> .,.,-rrt;s in light of previous fee study, the cost: of the l'eOO1.Js conversion and len;th of time far rea:Nery of ccsts. 'UNFINISHED lIJSINESS 26. Request fraa John Vidaviå1 for CŒlSideration of Genexal Plan A1œndment, DeAnza Racquet Club site; stevens creek BcW.evam and Stelling Rœd. Director of Planninq anj DBYel~&t CCMm reviewed the request with CD.mcil. John Vidaviå1 read the letter received by DeAnza Properties followin:¡ previous Council action as well as a flyer that had been haOOed out in the 0·,·,· CIS develqeent during the ~ign. He reviewed sane of the ootdoor recreation uses allowed under a.........aL zC»'1inq. He infnP'IIIM Council that as they had requested, he waited until after 1xn:i issue was voted upon anj woold like to t'1i"<'1SS the possibility of not just a hotel, bIt others as well. Nancy a.u:nett, 729 Sterohal lane, said that she had originally favored a General Plan Amerrlment hearing for this prcperty. Ms. a.u:nett stated that a majority of the -7- HnIUl'ES OF '!HE l'Ð\1ÐœER 21, 1988, REXõUIAR C1'lY OXINCIL MŒl'DI:; (œ-756) voters did favor JœepinJ this as CpIrt spaoe and tbo&e opposed to it felt that the City already had IIØWY to do this anj therefore, they had voted no. She requested <;hat CD.mcil deny cxndderation of a General Plan A1IIen:taIInt and worlt on plans to p.¡råIase the ..,::~ ty. She sta\".ed that the i.......... shculd be JIIIde clear to tlle voters. Ibil zeitman, 22907 CricJœt Hill Rœd, e:IIp1:: n'!ld 0CI10iIm regardinq the quality of life in 0Jpertin0. He stated there is no cut.cty for hctels in the city and that the recreation bJsinM'res in the area are profitable. !.any Dicit, 914 Liberty COUrt, stated that the City J1e-~" more recreation area. '!he OJpertino-DeAnza Aquatics Club is J:'eI'Itin;J tiJDe frail DeAnza COllege. '!be City shalld ¡xnå1ase 1anj and use it for recreation. Dennis IDiI, 7607 Peach mœsan, ~ 8rrf rezonin;J of the prq¡erty in q.¡estion anj stated the need far a large variety of recreation. }t:)rt Schorr of Northpoint told council that he was currently worIdDJ with a group mentally t'liø.abled tennis recreation P1,*CIW in anot:her city and that it wa1ld be good if it caùd be expm:!ed to 0Jpertin0. Ed Hirschfield stated that, in his q¡inion, none of the criteria for a General Plan lIDIer.Jme¡,t hearinJ have been III8t anj therefore he sees no reason to hold such a hearin:J. He urged that CD.mcil provide n.......ation for those who 1IICJ:'k here and those who at.tem DeAnza COllege. Chuck JaoOOtiIœ said that the I:xni pelpCl? woold have provided an easy answer. It was IICII8d by CD.mc. Gatto, seocnB:l by CCAJrx:. ~s and )?"øeed with CCAJrx:. J(qpl din'Ld.in;J, to defer ccnsidertion of this request until after the CpIrt space-recreation zone ordinance is referred to CCAJrx:il frail the Planninq l'nIIIni -ion. NEW BJSINESS 28. Report on results of bid cpninJ for real p%q)8X'ty located at 19810 Portal Plaza, 0Jpertin0, and award of bid. Direc::tor of Public Works Viskavid1 reported to CCAJrx:il that no bids had been received. '!his item is DJW deferred until Sprirq, 1989. -8- MINUl'æ OF 'lHE ~ 21, 1988, REnJIAR CI.'l'\C CØJNCIL MEE:1'OO (0)756) 29. ABBOt"iation of Bay Area GaIIermeI1t 1988 Hcusin:¡ Needs Detemination stu:ly. File reference 80,003.4. It was JDCYed by 0:u1c. Rogers, seccr1ded by o:.mc. l('qIpel and p"ø-ed un2InÚIDJSly to not ocntest the Hcusin:¡ Needs DBteJ:mination for 0Jpertin0 as prepared by ABI\G. 30. consideration of reœganization of the En£gy lhmni-ton regardin:¡ the 1"'- of )L,141rS and requirin:¡ City of 0Jpertin0 residency. (a) First readilx¡ of ordinance No. 1473: "An orðimnœ of the City CD.mcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 A1IIerxiinq 01apter 2.38, En£gy lhmni ....ion, of the 0Jpertin0 M.micipal Q)de." It was JDCYed by CD.mc. Gatto, seoc:n:1ed by o:.mc. Rogers and ra!!eed unanbacusly to read ordinance No. 1473 by title only and the City Clerk's readilx¡ to ooostitute the first rea.ding thereof. 31. Establishinq dates lhmni ....iCII/ODDittee 1989. of awlication pé<1::iod far ~ 00CUJ:'l"iD,J Jarœxy 15, By consensus, Ca.Incil tentatively a¡pt'CNed 7:00 p.m., '1hursday, Jarœxy 5, 1989, for interviewB ~ upon the Intergcvemœntal Ca.Incil IIIIi!EItirYJ date. o:.mcil also established !)eo _.1.er 16-28, 1988, as the aw1ication period with notice of intent filfn; s fran cw......ít ~i....iœers to be aooepted thJ:a1gh ~ 1. o:.mcil directed that the City Clede p.1blish the ~ and aooept awlicatiŒlS. 32. Disn.......ion to CŒlSider fomation of a task force to adCh. TT a eu...~a.te¡}:lusiness/city partnership far ......... "1ity benefit. Following di............t.cn, by CC'I'IS8lISUS,oouncil e.:1u1.sed the oc.....""tIL, requested that Mayor Plungy and CD.mc. Gatto meet anj prepare a letter to be sent to the .......~ate heads. 33. Introduction of park fee anj Bettin:¡ of p.1blic heIIrin} to CŒlSider an cm1inanœ establishin:¡ said fee. (Previously oontin.Jed to ~hoo.. 12, 1988.) WRITl'EN CXHUIICATIœ8 34. Mr. VidcNiå1 sent forward a written <"""""'""1ication to o:.mcil regardin:¡ demolition of the tennis ooorts at the site fon.exly known as '!he DeAnza Racquet Club. -9- r . 1mIJl!S Of 'IH! w:J.D\Bm 11, 1988, mmIAR crrY a:m::IL MEE'l'IlÇ (00-756) City Attamøy Iûlian inf"- CDmCil that IIUCh a deIIIolition P""""'it; was an ~ve action and not a Ocuncil .....i -ion. Mr. Vi.dcYiå1 told Ocuncil that he had no pt'å)l_ with the t"o' <-"..... He ~ --eel the cpinion that if he WEe to ~1i1!lh the t81nis ocurt:s, psthaps it wa1ld -1st the '--"1ity and 0D1cil to viøt it as it is pt lS 1 .uy being used. He st.at.e&S that 1Øt8II8r he plts in the )Al'¥"Ll¡, it will not be a use ~ t.emia ocu:rts. ocunc. Gatto iz,f....._] these t"o..LI do. thaat he had œoa1wd a letter regarding the City "l...-t .-TiD) ordinance. City Manager 01inlan stated that a letter is goiD) cut to restricted areas. CD.mcil dian~-9d the situaticn and ~~-œd that psxtIaps an art:ic1e oœld be plt in the I"I,."ATH1YI scene request:1n¡ ~--t.ions. CIRDINANCES 35. None. RESOII1l'ICH; 36. None. CXXINCIL ~ - None. At 11:20 p.m., CD.mcil adjcm:ned. -10-