CC 07-05-88 C1'l'Y OF aJPERl'IlÐ, STATE OF œ.nœHIA 10300 TuLL" AvenJe, 0Jpertin0, CA !#5014 Tele¡:tlcr1e: (408) 252-4505 00-747 MINU1'ES OF '!HE REXmAR Cl'lY a:ua:::IL MI!2l'IJC HElD (If JUIH 5, 1988, CDJtCL am~, C1'lY mL 10300 ~'E AVEHJE, UJ~.uO, CALIPtRIIA '!he 1IIII8t:in] was called to order by Mayor Gatto at 6:45 p.m. SAII1.Œ 'ro '!HE PUG R>LL CAIL CD.mc. Pl.l.ELaL: Jàmsa1, Kt:ippel, Plungy, Rcgers, Mayor Gatto stat" PL B .tL: City Man2Ir]er 0rln1an City Clede a..."odlius Director of FUblic Wœ.M ViskrNi.å1 Director of Plannin;J 0::IWan Assistant to the City Manager Brown Director of Finance Snyder Director of Parks and Recreation Dcwlin} ChmI"'Iity RelatiŒlS Officer Rrey City Attomey Kilian ~ It was JDaIIed by CD.mc. Rcgers, secakJed by Q:Iunc. JchnBon and ~~e;?d unaJÙ.JIOJSly to 0CI'ltime Items 32 and 36 to the meetiJx] of JUly 18, 1988. CE:REJDIIAL M1u.~ - ÆESml'ATIœ5 Plaque of ~.....lation ha'lœ:in} F.1 i....beth Bingham, Fine Arts C'rImIi «sion. Ms. BinghaDI a~Led the plaque frail Mayor Gatto. Proc1"""'tion ñAc:'""...:inq week of JUly 3-9, 1988, as "FUblic ]i~9 Week". Elli~ Mazgolies of Cbannel 30 aooept:ed the pro-'-1amation. Len Batd1elor, d1air of the 0Jpert:in0 cable Television Advisory C'rImIittee, (..,.,_.ded Mr. Mazgolies and his staff on their achiewsuelals. -1- MIH1rI!S OF 'ŒB JULY 5, 1988, ~ Cl'lY CXQICIL J'lUiJ:.uC (CC-747) œAL CXHIJNICA'1'ICHJ 01arle8 Sexton, 10080 West ~, cåh. ed CD.mcil reganU.n;J the no pII%'Jdn¡ signs that have been pcsted far øL........t suupin:¡. He requested that CD.mcil reoca...l- these signs and the eliminat.icn of par)dD;J far øL........t .'!~in:¡ as he felt this did not fit into a residønt:ial area. He stat.ed the signs do not add to the beauty of a neighbr..rhcod. He also stated that he did not l!Jœ the ,............ listed on the pII%'Jdn¡ citaticn, that of the Finance DepIrt:ment. Assistant to the City Kar.agm. Brown infcmœd Mr. Sexton that effective JUne 20, 1988, the ,............ listed on the citation is no la~ that of the Finance Department, tut is the l"~ of the ðt.Ja....y with Wùå1 the City contracts. CD.mcil SI6),¡ao-œd an article be p'- in the sept"-,... i...... of the Q pertino scene reganU.n;J new signs, new hcurs, etc. S'mFF ~ 1. Oral .."t'ULls by staff ........,.cs and a"hlli_ion of written L"¥-AL ld. '111ere WJ:9 no staff ..~ls. CD.mcil oæplimented the Pa%D and Rec.l..ation Director and his staff far a fine Fc:m:th of JUly celebration and requested a ..~ L rer;rarãin¡ a1:terr:1ance, etc. 2. lb1thly Tœasurer's and ~Q; et ~L, May, 1988. '!he ..........L was œceived. 3. ~L on false ..,..,.,., hearln¡: Mr. and Mrs. Hitd1cock. It was IIICMId by CD.mc. Jàmscm, secxalliJt.d by Counc. ~.. and P"'-9d \D1aI"i--wly to aut:harize a ;[IOi~.........,L of $143.00 to the Hit.cbcoc::ks. CXXJNCIL l<UU(J,~ 5. CD.mc. Jàmsa1 - Legislative Rsvi.ew lhIonittea - It was JIICIYed by CD.mc. Jàmsa1, Sé<M~ by Q:ur. Plungy and p"a"'«l unaniJDaJsly to taJœ the followin;J actiŒlS -2- MIH1l'ES OF '!HE JUVl 5, 1988, REGJIAR Cl'l'ï CXXINCIL 1'JUa'.uC (00-747) reqa%din;J t"o' ,,0IM!'1 1egislatiŒlS: ~ SB 2072 (BI.L,~ sen), GeI1eral Plan, Hcudrg Element; AS 3354 (noyd), alocilolic beverage wamin;Js, state t"o ,'La local cmtinances; SB 2735 ~':l-"'e), iIl~li tax LUII.fer to "no- anj low _~ty tax cities"; SB 2356 (Ellis) , -matoIy l5-year I!IIIDrt:izatio far tlHlit:e signs, PL..........Lin:J new cities' sign 0J:dinaJaIs; and AS 4166 (Po1ance) , fire anj b.1rglar ..",........ ~L ACA 53 (McClintoc:k) , state mandated ocst:s - local manèIat.ed t"o..."......... No(· .,.... voluntary if not sufficiently fumed by state; and AS 3371 (Rcybal-Allard), envi%a1mental i"t"""t ~"¥ALa, waste to energy facilities. In addition, Q:uncil withdrew c:tJPOSition to AS 1767 (Nolan) , as aJIIelXJed - all governors' r..cœ:ds to State Archives. cx::tL'mfr ~ It was JDOYed by Q:uœ. Plungy, seoc:rXIed by Q:uœ. RcgeI's and pot-ed \IlWÙJlDJSly to apprcII8 the Q:I1Sent; Calen.'lar as m1hR"tted. 9. Resolution No. 7532: "A Resolution of the City Q:u1cil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Makin¡ Deter1IIinatiŒ18 and ~ the Annexatia1 of TeJ:rltory DesigMted as 'Byme AverJJ8, 88-03;' ~tely 0.21 Acre I.oc:ated on the East Side of Byme Averu18 Between þ'mM<I\I1 AverJJ8 and san FemaJxb Averø.æ, Ba}i) (Am 357-15-24)." 10. Resolutiat No. 7533: "A Resolution of the City CD.mcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Establishin] Salaries far PœitiŒlS Not Within Så1edule of Pay Grades. H 11. Resolution No. 7534: "A Resolution of the City CD.mcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 ~ a MeIIIr::IranI:1 of tbSerstand1nq B8twen the City of 0Jpertin0 and the Q.Jpertino EIIp1.ayees Association." 12. Resolution No. 7535: "A Resolution of the City CD.mcil of the City of OJpertino ~ a MemoranduIII of tbSerstand1nq Betwen the City of 0Jpert:in0 and the cpratirg Engineer's I.oœl No.3." 13. Resolution No. 7536: "A Resolution of the City CD.mcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 1I11Ierxiin;J the Mar.oc..r'- at. (\ ·'l.ensation Pl....".._." 14. Resolution No. 7537: "A Resolution of the City CD.mcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Amend:in:J the confidential ('\ ·'1 eusaticn P1.~cw.." -3- KINtJ1'!S OF '!HE JUUl 5, 1988, RmUIAR C1T'l CØJNCIL MœrDC (00-747) 15. Resolution No. 7538: "A Resolution of the City CDmcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Pixin:J the EDplay8r's CD1trililt:ion under the ~ state ÐIplayees þfAr'li"", J anj Hospital care 1\ct." 16. Resolution No. 7539: "A Resolution of the City CDmcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Inc:reasinq A1IIcunt Paid Toward Insurance PrøDiUIB for CIourx;i 1 ,. J -ere." 17. Resolution No. 7540: "A Resolution of the City CDmcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 A1Dendin;J Resolution Nos. 6901, 5214 aM 7255, City Attorney's (\ ·'~..nsat.ion." 18. ~....,. .}8 aM ~1aint: plaintiff, Fa1:ellleh A. Asli. Reœive. 19. 9...... 'IS anj ~1aint: plaintiff, Rc1d1shid Rø1ñ....rl. Reœive. 20. Pe<'p-t far waiver of bJsiness license fees BUtlllitted by Able cable Pm:1uctiŒlS. 21. Resolution No. 7541: "A Resolution of the City CDmcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 AIlcwin¡ certain Claims aM DeIJIanjs Payable in the Auomts aM frœ the FUms as Hereinafter Described for salaries aM Wages for the Payroll Period EndiJ'J;J JUne 21, 1988." 22. Resolution No. 7542: "A Resolution of the city CDmcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Allcwin¡ certain C"",h... aM DeIJIanjs Payable in the Auomts aM FraIl the FUms as Hereinafter Described for Genet:al aM Mi..sœJ.1.aneoJ ExpEniitures far the Period EndiJ'J;J JUne 17, 1988." 23. Resolution No. 7543: "A Resolution of the City CDmcil of the City of 0Jperti.n0 Autharizin;J Execution of CoIIerage A"...........1L aM Plan TJ:ust A;..--=I.t Between the City of 0Jpertin0 anj SUperior Resa1rœS, Inc." 24. Resolution No. 7544: "A Resolution of the City CD.mcil of the City of 0Jperti.n0 ~ O..,L...CICt ~ 0J:der No. 1 far 1987-1988 MiscellaneaJs water Main Fo=f'l<1- -,-,d., Project 88-109." 25. Resolution No. 7545: "A Resolution of the city CDmcil of the City of 0Jperti.n0 A¡:prClViD¡ O...,L...CICt Qwqe 0J:der No. 6 far DeAnza aM stevens creek Bc:W.evard ~ DIprc:M!ments - Project 3002." -4- , MINUl'æ OF '!HE JULY 5, 1988, REXmAR Cl'IY CXXJNCIL MEE1'I1G (œ-747) 26. Rssolution No. 7546: "A Rssolution of the City Q:Iuncil of the City of 0Jpert.in0 ~ a...d....aCt Cbm;Je a..dt... No. 2 for Bollinger Rœd æñ DeAnza Bculeva%d SL......ert ~UY_.t.. Project 86-20A." 27. Rssolution No. 7547: "A Rssolution of the City Q:Iuncil of the City of 0Jpert.in0 A¡:prcJviD¡ IDt Line Ad:i\.Dt.....it Be.twen 'nIo Parœls of Lend wit1ø.lt a Percel M!Ip in Accœ:danoe with sect:.ion 66412 (d) of SUbdivision Map Act as AIDer1ded JaJJJaJ:y 1, 1984, P..~ on santa T.V'!i.. Rœd south of AI",,'det Rœd." . 28. Rssolution No. 7548: "A Resolution of the City Q:Iuncil of the City of 0Jpert.in0 AutharizilX} Executicn of A;...........aL Betwen the City of 0Jpert.in0 anj Ral~ Jack 'IbaIIas Far the Acquisition of water Line ' ;'Jo,.....,,A,¡t and Installation of water Line Facility - DIp!ri.al AV8BJ8." 29. Resolution No. 7549: "A Resolution of the City cnmcil of the City of 0Jpert.in0 J\coeptin,J a Qcult of F.:o--rt; far water Line PuIpCS'BB fran Ral¡i1 Jack 'IbaIIas, lDcated on :D.t-.ial AvenJ8." 30. Rssolution No. 7550: itA Resolution of the City Q:Iuncil of the City of QJpertino ~in:J Final Plan for the ~U'oI_d. of Frontage lDcated on san Felipe Read am Mercedes Rœd, DBYelcper, James H. sisk Develc:pDent, Aut:hcrizilX} the City Engineer to Sign the Final Plan; am Aut:hcrizilX} Execution of Agreeœ.'1t in cannection 'Iberewith. " 31. ARùication ASN:; 51,712.12 - RicaIdo Fratarcan; eli: Request far "K'Luv'al of --'Ii f'icatiŒ18 to a previcusly awrcwed plan far an addition to a duplex located on the west side of Icckwood Drive, ~a>.ri""'tely 225 feet sart:h of VOBS Avwme, 10417 Icckwood Drive. R&=" _._.~ tar Approval. . 32. Resolution No. 7551: "A Resolution of the City CD.mcil of the City of 0Jpert.in0 Aut:hcrizilX} Executicn of "a...IL.....ct of sale" Be.b¡E!E!I1 the City of 0Jpertin0 and Rebert Saià1 and Ral¡i1 Saià1, far the City to PI.JråBse a strip of Lend - a.,..,...r of stevens creek Bc:W.evard and stellilX} øœd. " ('1his item was previaJSly oc:nt:irued to the regular IIII!I8t:iD¡ of .JUly 18, 1988.) I'lÐ!S REXJI7EI) F1UI CXH>ml' CAUlIDAR 33. None. -5- KnmI!S O'P R JUUl 5, 19t1.tI., mmI.Þ.R CI!l"í cxnrn. MŒrOO (00-747) EUBLIC IIFARI}I;S 34. Hearirç to CU1Sider an increase in rates d1arged by :tal Altos r-"ri6J8 O-,1.eny. (a) Resolution No. 7552: "A Resolution of the City CXJuncil of the City of QJpert.ino Autharizing An 1I1oe1d..:ul in the service Rates Q1arged by:tal Altos r""+e]e ~ny far the Q)liection and Dispoea] of Refuse in and FraIl the City of QJpert.ino. " Direct:ar of Public ~ vi.sJtaviå1 reviewed the x........t and staff reo· .....Madatia1s. It was IIICJII8d by 0:Amc. Jåmson, secxmed by 0:Amc. Rogers and pe.--ed \1I'12I1'rlmcusy to close the pJblic hearinq. It was IIICJII8d by <DIne. Jå1nson, seconded by <DIne. ~s and p"'øøed \1I'12I1'rlmcusy to adept Resolution No. 7552. 0CmIcil requested that the rationale far the increase in rates be inclOOed with the next billing. 35. HeIIrinq regædinq use of ReveraJe Sharinq funds, sett.inq tax rate far 1:x:n3ed :in:JebtednessB, adcptic:n of iY 1988-89 ~ 1Wget and establi.shin:J GWL~iation l.imit. City Manager o.ünlan reviewed the staff ...~ with CD.mcil. (a) Resolution No. 7554: "A Resolution of the City CXJuncil of the City of QJpert.ino Establi.shin:J an ~",¥",iation Limit for Fiscal Year 1988-89." It was IIICJII8d by CD.mc. Jåmson, seconded by 0:Amc. R/.:)gerB and paE'ðr unaniJIøJs1y to close the pJblic hearinq. It was IIICJII8d by <DIne. Jå1nson, seocn:1ed by <DIne. R/.:)gerB and I'E'-ed unaniJIøJs1y to adept Resolution No. 7554. (b) Resolution No. 7555: "A Resolution of the City 0CmIcil of the city of QJpert.ino AdqIt:in:J an 0perat:in;J anj Ccœtructi.on aØ]et for Fiscal Year 1988-89 By Ratifying Estimates of Rsver1ueB to be Received in Each F\Ind and At¥-",¥",iatin¡ Monies 'lberefraII for Specified Px:..."..aw Activities and Accx:u1ts and setting Forth CC:n:titiŒlS of AdIIIinisterin: said Eb:iget." It was IIICJII8d by 0:Amc. Johnsen, seocn:1ed by c:oorx::. Rcgers anj pas9«i unaniJIøJs1y to close the ~lic hearÍIÇ'. -6- MDÐ1'Es OF '!HE JU1H 5, 1988, JŒX;UIM Cl'lY CXXJNCIL ftu;.¡;..uG (00-747) It was IIICMId by Came. Jåmscn, -......ð.d by coone. aoger.. and ",";9d unanimcusly to adept Resolution No. 7555. (c) Resolutiat No. 7556: "A Resolutiat of the City CD.mcil of the City of QJpertino sett.in:¡ Bœœd Debt Tax Pate far the Fiscal Y8IIr 1988-99." upon beiD;J as- by Mr. Ði Hirsc:bfie1d if adcption of this resolution ....."" bav8 any i...,..,-t: on fUture bc:n!s, the City Manager assured hÜI it ....."d not. It was IIICMId by CD.mc. JåldSŒI, seocoJed by coone. aoger. and p""reli UI1IIJ1im:Jusly to close the p"h'it'! hearin}. It was IIICMId by CD.mc. Jàmsa1, s.-.dod by CD.mc. Rogers and p"'ø-Id UI1IIJ1im:Jusly to adcpt Resol11tion No. 7556. PIANNnG APPLICATIœs 36. Þ¡;pJ iœ,tion 13~ and 2o-a-98 - Tamem Q:quters, Inc. - Use Pemit to CXb.t....x::t an 8-stmy office h,i'd'J1q equa1.ljn¡ ~..,rI....tely 300,000 sq. ft. Ð1vironmental Review: '!he P1.annin] n-mni ....ion reo ·,··-,Ids the grantiJq of a Negative n-, "'T'8.tiŒl. '!he }AL'¥"LLi' is located on the northwest ..........r:,r of stevens Creek Bc:W.evard and Tantau 1MnJe. Reo:> .,.,.....Jded far 1\ßxrcYal. '1his itEm was PJ:8Vi,oosly contiru!d to the regular ~ of J'uly 18, 1988. 37. AßI].ications 1-œBt3-88 and 3-V-88 - scott Design :a9........f.~ - II:x:ation: scutheast c::........... of BalED Avena and Alpine AWIIJe. o...~ DBYel,¥"""t Plan (1-<Dßt3-88) to oc....t....x::t a œsic:Jential triplex (3 units) ca1Sistinq of ðt¥L....n-tely 5,100 sq. ft. variance (3-V-88) fraa Section 10.2 of Ordinance No. 779 to allow a three stœ:y stmcture in lieu of a bIo stœ:y stmcture. F1'aI Section 10.7 of Ordinance 779 to allow a 20 foot first floor rear ....11 ....""It in lieu of the J:'EIqIÚJ:8d 27 feet. F1'aI Section 10.7 of Ordinance 779 to allow a 23 foot .OOud floor ....l1-..X in lieu of the J:'EIqIÚJ:8d 37 feet. Er1viramIental RsYiew: Categorically Ð--·~·L. Jlø..,,-.-.-.Jt.l for~. (a) Resolution No. 7553: "A Resolution of the City CD.mcil of the City of QJpert:ino ~ Va..-ianoe to scott Design 1Iesociates (Mrytle C1e1bay) frail Section 10.2 of Otó.inance 779 to -7- MDCmS OF '!HE JUI;i 5, 1988, RECCIAR C1'lY c:xxJNCIL .........:.uC (00-747) Allow a 'DIree stœ:y ~ in Lieu of a 'nio-Staty structure: Fraa section 10.7 of ~ 779 to Allow a 20 Ft. i"irst fioar Rear Set:bIIck in Lieu of the REq1ired 27 Ft.: Fraa 8ect.icn 10.7 of 0J:å1na.1C8 779 to Allow a 23 Ft. Seccnd near Setback in Lieu of the RøJrlred 37 Ft. : Icœt.ed on the 5art:heast c....,.... of SalEII Avwme and Alpine AvemJe.1I Dimctar of PlarInin.l arxl DBYel___ít Cowan reviewed the l~L with CD.mcil. SCCJtt 0Jnningham of SCCJtt Design AsSOC"iates, was aYAi1Mle far qJeStions. 'Iber8 were na'I8. It was D:MId by CD.mc. Rogers, secx:nied by cnn::. Plungy ani 1""'--' unarrlmcus1y to a,w1:W8 awlicatiŒIS per Plar1ninÇJ n-....i_ion Resolutiat No. 4066 (1-<DPR3-88) and 4065 (3-V-88) . It was D:MId by CD.mc. Rogers, secaùed by cnn::. Plungy am P"-ed unanimcus1y to adqrt: Resolutic.:. No. 7553. 38. Aßill,cation 9-U-SS 'l'eny Brown Q:I1struction - Location: North side of Granada Aveme, "M'L...,M-....te],y 300 ft. east of Byme AvemJe. use Pe.mit (9-U-88) to cxastnx:t 2 new residential units ani expansion of 2 existin:] units. EnviJ:amIental RsIri.ew: categorically ~¢. R& ,,-._.~L&Jt:.l for A¡prcMù. It was DXJV8d by Q:Iunc. Plungy, seoaldeo.l by Q:Iunc. Jc:i'Jnson adn p"ø si:1 unanimcusly to "M'LU'Ie the application per Plamin:J n-i -un Resolutior. No. 4067. 39. A¡plication 10-u-88 arxl 17-EA-88 - 'l'eny BrcwrVJIIIIIBS J" 1~,i" - I.ocation: West side of fIeo......... Avwme, 6t¥L........-tely 75 ft. north of Granada Avwme. use Pe.mit (10-u-88) to OQ....~.x:t a 2,600 sq. ft. offiœ¡(. - ·..la1/residential adIlition to an ex:ist:iJq ,. - ...Jal h'i1diIq. Envirc:nœntal Rsview: Negative Dec:larati.œ. :PA-.. _·_·~ùeJ for A;prcNal. It was IICMId by CD.mc. JåInsa... Eoec,,:uded by Q:Iunc. ~.. ani 1""'--el1 unanimcusly to ðRIL"C11/8 the grantJ.n:] of a Negative Declaration. It was D:MId by cœnc:. P1ungy, seo:n:Jed by Q:Iunc. Joollscn ani l""ø-tld unanimcusly to a¡:prcve lO-U-88 per PlanninJ n-....i -ion Resolution 1>'0. '068. -8- MIWmS OF '!HE JULY 5, 1988, REXõCIAR C1'lY 0XJNcrL ftu;J.'.uG (00-747) 40. A[pH..-atic:n U-t1-88 an:! 18-FA-88 - YUJdo DoImDOto- I.ac:ation: East side of DeAnza Ba1lewrd, "K&urf'llllOt.e],y 500 ft. scut:h of Silverado Averue. use Pemit (n-u-88) to operate a 90 seat, sit-dcwn œstaurant in an exist:in;J 3,600 sq. ft. J: ni'diJ'ç. Enviroraental Review: Negative """"1A'l"ation. Reo:> ·,·,-Ided far ApproIIal. It was IDCMId by CD.mc. Plungy, BeCCI1ded by cœnc. Johnson and P"'-ed unë!IrÚ.IDOOSly to awtOl/8 the grantiD;r of a Negative Declarat.ion. It was IDCMId by Cbmc. Plungy, seconded by cœnc. Jàmsa1 and p"'--eli UI1IIIÚJD::A.1sy to "K&uv'8 ARllication n-U-S8 per Planninq n--i ....ion Resolution No. 4069. 41. AßIlication 12-t1-88 anj 19-FA-88 - Arthur G. Qmt:her (Pizzeria Uno) - IDeation: Sa1th side of stevens Creek Boulevan1, a¡:praximately 250 ft. east of Blaney AWIIJe (19930/19936 stevens Q:eek Ba1lewrd) - use Pemit (12-u-88) ;;0 add ~y 900 sq. ft. to an exist:in;J cocktail lcurgefrest:aura blildiJ'ç far a total of 5,500 sq. ft. Envh:a1œntal Review: Negative DeclaratiCl1. RPo -·-·--ded far A¡:p:aval. Director of P1annin;J anj DBYel___&t. cowan reviewed the awlicati.on with CD.mcil. Jim Jac-Iœora, attamey L"t"o S" íLing the awlicant, stated that the taJœcut feature was incidental to the a¡:p1icat.ion. In addition, he felt that the outdoor dininI¡ area was an 211111!!1Ú.ty that did not add IDCIl'8 trips. Fn:II his p....,....."tive, i....._ wœ the hcurB of closing and the wtŒtlinI¡ of o:mition No. 25. He stated that in regard to the letter fraa Bnr1da CDJrt, the prå)lems ref_Lad to were theBe of pœviaJs operators. 'Ibis was a new operator, a new P""""it, and new cxniitiŒlS. John A1b.trger, 10108 Mello Place, ~ øed ......a..c1.u regardinI¡ the taJœcut aspect of the awlication. He stated that the t"o,,,,Hd restaurant: was si1llnar to Chili's in size and type. He also felt that the t"o' '1':nd restaurant was si1lli1Ar to Denny's 10Iúch had been previa.1sly denied. He felt the t"oVV .....} was ~te anj exproæsed (XI,,;tiU regardinI¡ enful-.-..aat of ocnli.tiŒlS. He requested that the restaurant Mai9l1 be modified to rear:MiI the taJœcut feature and the separate bar. It was pointed cut that the taJœcut windoor was inside the vest.ib.ù.e and was not a drive-up windoor. -9- KDVl'ES OF '!HE JUVl 5, 1988, Rm.JIAR C1'lY CXXJNCIL MŒl'DC (00-747) Paul Goodley, 19990 Brenda Q:Jurt, _ 1!',,'!Id q:position to the ðß)lication. a....-¡D included noise, taJœcut, and bar. He felt t:heœ was a saturation of liquor lioenns in that area anj """,,i:tt.ecl a petiticn "...vJSin¡ the t"o' ~sed restaurant. steve Hansen, 19950 Brenda 00Urt:, _ -ld. ~........l reqardinq the œrstoo1s, the lata hcurø, and rowåiness. GaJ:y Evans, 10170 Mallo Place, also ~_...... cc:o..¡æ:n reqardinq alcchol prå)lems. J-i. MImøcn, 1Ò) identified heleelf as a victim of a drunk driver in ~, told 0:u1cil that she did not feel t:heœ was a need far another p'- servin¡ alcchol in that area. vic Dervin, 10109 Mello Place, urged 0:u1cil to deny the a¡plicat.ion. Di CI("I-f.on follcwed regazdin;J a l:aJffer zone between the restaurant t"o'¥"LLi' and the neighbors. A gentleman fraa 10171 Deep !ale Place SUW'u.t..!d a restaurant in the location. He stated that he felt the t"o" ,<sed çplicati.cm was a ""'"'¥L' ...1.... 1IIrlc::h did œkh. ~ the traffic and IjqJcr Q:UC....'D of the !'1Aigt>l. .d.....A. Ci......1CI(Iion follcwed regazdin;J Q:nti.tion No. 18, pert:ai.ning to :11.."... and ...".. . Demis kbza, arårl.tect, ..dd:&. -ad Oamcil regardin¡ the Iah:ltr ..¡,.in¡ on the 1oI8Stem bCI.mdaJ:y and Ú'If.., ..-1 them it .....,] d be dense, high 1Ih1:u1:Ibmy. CD.mcil directed that ASH:. be notified that the 8ßÙicant shall _",hni "-Ø the use of ~ parkin¡ stalls and the J.ardso -1d!q on the 1oI8Stem t"o'¥"Lty line. It was 1IICM!d by CD.mc. Johnson, seoa);]ed by cnmc. Plungy and p"'øø1!d unanimcusly to "1-¥Lu.18 the grant.in] of a Negative Dec:larat:ion. It was 1IICM!d by CD.mc. Plungy, -......d:od by cnmc. JOOnson and p"'ø--ed unanimcusly to "1-¥Lu.18 the arolication per Plannin:] l"ronIIi....ion Resolution No. 4070 (AmerXIed) as follows: Q:nti.tion No. 25, secc:n:l sentence, to read, .....parXing prc:blems or traffic prc:blems.. . .. . last sentence deleted. -10- MIlImS OF '!HE JUU 5, 1988, mmAR Cl'lY CXXJNCIL MErl'I1G (OC-747) Q:niition 14 (c) _.:led that tul1nBss hcurS shall not exten:! past 1.0:00 p.m. sunday t:!m:ugh 'I!1ur8day nor 11:00 p.m. Friday lUX! satumay. (CD.InCil stated tbi8 did not mean all c::ustaIIers IIIJSt be cut by t:hœe hcura bIt: l'IØW c::ustaIIers shall not be allowed into tb8 restaurant after thœe hcurS.) Q:niiticn No. 23 shall be ðI8SIlded to pràUbit use of the trash enclœure frœ a'I8 hour after clcsin¡ of the restaurant until 7:00 a.m. the follcwiD¡ 1IIa11U..rç. First: S81tenc8 shall be à1an1ed to read, "'Ihe døv8lcpIr/~ð:tor. . ." Q:niition No. 18 shall be ammlded to provide that the t"o ! d. landso "<'1- DIffer bebIeen the t"oq>ert.y and the adjacent t"o......ly owners shall be maintained at its t"o S íL setback of 25 ft. in the ~. ('!his shall œsult in eliJD1.natiD;J faIl' parJdn¡ p1~ with IV) 1088 of seatin¡ ~"ty.) A CXI1dition aM" be ...-.rt 1Ibic:h states that il~ /~ ø to the Aaaau~·IL drive u...1i"""'~ this real estate and service station site to Blaney Aver'U8 is prå1.ibit.ed. ~ a CXI1dition that staff shall .L~t bBck to CD.mcil on the status of the ~ a'I8 year after cpeninq. CD.mcil clli:ected staff to notify the neighbors Wen this will be CCIIÜnJ back far a review. ARCHITæ1URAL AND Sl'Œ APP9J\1AL APPLICATIctIS 42. None. At 9:50 p.m., CD.mcil adjcumed to a closed s9Sdon far pu.......ns of significant expœure to litigaticn. At 10: 12 p.m., CD.InCil recx.nvened in the CD.InCil Q\-..¡.er. o:unc. P.L .s íL: J~-.." Kqptl, Plungy, ~.., Mayar Gatto staff Pol. S- íL: City Mtu~ 0ùn1an City Cledc 0...... ..li".. Dimctar of p:Jb1ir! ~ vis1a:Niå1 Dimctar of P1.amiD¡ COWan Assistant to the City Manager Brown DUector of FilwlC8 Snyder Dimctar of IUb and Recreation Dcwlin3 l"roIOm"1ity RBlations Officer xrey City Attorney Kilian -11- MJ:l«mS OF '!HE JUI1l 5, 1988, RfD1IAR CI'1Y axJNCIL moI:i.1',uG (CC-'74'7) NÐf lIJSI1m;s 44. ~ L on the Rec:reat.ion Needs AEls--- -'aL survey. Directar of Pa%ics and Recreaticn Dcwlinq Lìl..L' .1I1Oe<i Diana st:aver-TilliJJ;Jhast: 1Ò) reviewed. the results of the survey with theBe t"o !! ,l. John Vidavich, Q pertino Þ<-'¥"LLy" owner and developer, stated that the survey had been done professionally. He did have 8C1118.:-o íts regardinq inteJ:pret:ation of the results. He said that he ....."d III"" '.L L a bond i .......18 that satisfied btœd ........."1ity interests and not just tennis. He felt the ccst and lOBS of potem:ial :revenue were relevant to any decision. AIf Modine.. Q pertino resident, said that he swœ at DeAnza College and the pool is not beinq used. He wa1ld hate to see m:rt:her pool b.ù.1t. ni Hirschfield, President, Q pertino Tennis Club, said that ~wi-tely 3,000 peqlJ.e in 0Jpertin0 play tennis; 49\ of the 0Jpertin0 Tennis Club are 0Jpertin0 residents. '!bey no Im;¡er ~ non-QJpert:.ino .......·.I.eIs. '!be 0Jpertin0 Tennis Club S\JßJ01ls the pJrd1ase of the fœ:mer DeAnza Racquet Club site for variaJs activities. Mr. Hirså1field E"W'.Lt..ed the staff l""(' ·,.,-'ùation. Am ~, 0Jpertin0 resident, stated that tennis CXK.Jrt.s Bhaùd be p' "(1ød elseIoœre than stelling Rœd and stewœ Creek Bc:W.evaJ:d. She stated belief in a users tax. Nancy an:tIdLL asked half ðw.Luv'iÙ of Pt,¥-",ition 70 "'OI1'd affect Q pertino c.pm ~. She was told that the total allocation far Q pertino was $140,000.00. QDJck J~ of Paxit villa Cizc1e and "_,.1 eX' of Citizens to Save Q pertino Rscreat.ion, \.oUI":foLaWlated Mr. Dcwlinq and his staff, Ms. T'..llinghast and CD.mcil. He S',....itted a hamcut: in regard to pero..!ved 1'8Creat:ion -- ,... Pet Jacksa1, Q-......l-er of n. ..., ....., sn - 1aD~ that a citizen's advisary ,.....,."ittee be ft~~......l with a 1._ .51 .Lative fraa the business ........."1ity. ni Litå1field, fULIIcL 1._,1 er of DeAnza Raocpøt Club, said that pecple are tired of the bl1i1~inq in the OCIIIIII1I'Ù.ty and that if the City McidAd to hl1i1d ner.o CXK.Jrt.s, it woold prcbably be more e>cpeIlSive than pm:hasing courts alIeady in existaooe. -12- HIM1lJB OF H JUU 5, 1988, 1ŒmIAR CI'lY CXX.INCIL HŒr.IlG (00-747) MiJœ II.1lcay stated that in regard to the zoninJ of the t"o I .L DBAnza P-q-t Club site, the real question is Wùå1 zone far that site IIICSt: benefits 0Jpertin0 am Wùå1 za'ÜnJ far that site 1iCUld IIICSt benefit Mr. vidaviå1. JåJn Vidaviå1 stated that he IIIISt maJœ eocn.....lc use of the ~. He m is the Camcil to interpret the cu:t.......IL za'ÜnJ on that site as the ordinance is VëJgUe. Jack Wilkins, 1356 lbIe Garden, said that there arg other 1:Iún;Js llVAi''Ible at DeAnza p..çquet Club besides tennis. MicMe1 Jones, 901 Sage O:iurt:, felt that the fODDer racquet club's prå)lEIII was IIIIU'IBq '-'aL. He stated that other clube ant doiD) alright: financially. He stated that he n"II,1t' "'WùXc a CX'IIbined Ixni issue. Mr. DaoiliD) said that other interested graJp8 (swi:aminq, etc.) exp.. n;! IIIar8 O"'.......h regarding the maintenance of the facility. Mr. J"'O ~~ told CD.mcil Citizens far 0Jpert.in0 Rec::reation (f~ _,'.... of DeAnza ~ Club) offer to help with any Ixni issue. By ............ISUS, CD.mcil f""""'d a six-perscn t'Y'WmIit:tee CCI1EIistin¡ of bIo CD.mcil 1._,1 o8l. (CD.mc. Fqipel and Plungy) , the City Mar1ager ar his designee, a'I8 PæicB and Hecreaticn rn-i -ia1er, a'I8 pet'SOa. frœ the O'-..~ c of ¡-, -....... and a'I8 ..._ B .lative fraa either the 0JpeIrt.in0 Tennis Club ar Citizens to saw QJpert.ino Rec::reation and directed that staff place on the agIn3a far the JUly 18, 1988, 188tJn¡, an election resolution and also Ixni _~ infaaatiat. In addit1cn, CD.mcil sct-inled an adjc:mned 1"'9''''1'' I88tJn¡ far '1\J8øday, JUly 12, 1988, to be held in the Q:amci1 Q\-,.J'IIl at 7:30 p.m. to IIIB8t with Mr. I'en Jones, Ben! 0:Iun8el. Mr. Daoi1iD) was di%ected. to start lCClldnj at a hiJdn;r trail systEIII. UNFINISHED IœIIm3S 43. CknI1derat1cn of guidelines n--i-!aVCkIIIIIittee teIJDs. City Attorney Kilian reviewed the ~'~o(sed guidelines with CD.mcil. reqardinJ 0::Jurx:il revised QdrlA] ins No. 1 to require inamtIent:s eligiJ:le far am inte..-est:ed in ~.uít-.d. to file with the City Clerk at least 15 days prlar to the q¡eninJ of the -13- HOO1!S OF m: JUI3 5, 1988, Im1IAR CI'lY CXXJlCIL MŒl'nG (00-747) applJ.catiœ period a declaration of intent 80 otber 'lß)H"Wtts will be aware of pœsJble ~L t.-íL. '!he ........:1 sentence of No. 5 was eliminated, as was Item No.6. '!he City Att:arney stated that he will <XIIIe back at a future ~ with the ðt¥L"14iate resolutions and orc1inances to iJIplema.rt. CD.mcil decision. HFJf IœINESS 45. JloowJ~ far extension of O¡pert:ino Scene printing o...,l&.aCt. It was 1IDII8d by CD.mc. Plungy, SEICXI'Ided by CD.mc. Jåmson and paft-1Id UMJÚ.IIIaJsly to ðt¥LW8 a ~ extension of Alonzo Printirq and directed that future printjn] 0CI1t:r2Icts be awarded far bIo years. 46. P-c;r-t far ~wal of þL' v:: sed neIi rsL........t signs. Dimctar of pnhHt'! ti:Jrks Viskcvic:h reviewed the ....' ¢8ed signs far the CD.mcil. It was 1IDII8d by CD.mc. Pluny, secx:nJed by Mayor Gatto anj paø-ed unanimously to ~W8 that all ..L.....et nama signs have A1:h - ~s IÐO: ...L cul-ds sacs and T int:ersect:i.on per altã......u.ve 1 (qlue-on "I'mh~b) with altemative 2 type signs at majar intersec::t.ion. 47. 0:I1sideratia1 of ardinaooe alladn¡ ~ by Bilt-...... J\partII&1ts. (a) First I'8IIdiD¡ of ordinance No. 1455: "An ord!1IIInce of the City CD.mcil of the City of Q¡pe::tino A1IBI:l1JJ.J secticn U.24.15O of the QJpIort.ino JI,u1icipal COde, Relat.in¡ to stcgIiD¡, st:andin¡ ar PBrkinq on Blaney 1M!nJe." Directar: of Pl1b'it'! ti:Jrks Viskcvic:h reviewed the r~L and staff %eo:- -. ....dation with CD.mcil. Jennifer Jeronimo of the BiltJlao.... Apartments, stated. that there were no driveways alCD} Blaney to àJstJ:uct any vieor of traffic. MiJœ Jeronimo, Bil1::lllcn... Apartments, stated that if parking is not allalled, then the prå)lem will siJlply be transferred to Price. -14- MINUlES OF '!HE JUIH 5, 1988, RmJIAR C1'lY CXXJNCIL Mœ1'I1C (00-747) Ev8lyn St""'PP8l1, Biltllœ.. Aparbamtts, stat.ed that these livirq in the IIpIIrbamJt ~''IIX need pIXic1D;J epoes. It was IIICII8d by CD.mc. Plungy, ~.c1ed by CD.mc. øo.,,-. am P"""qild unan1mcœI.y to read 0nUnance No. 1455 by title only am the City Cledc's r8!Idirq to cxœtitute the first r8!Idirq thereof. 48. Reac1in:J am er-..t.-íL of an \.u..~"'!I orcUnanœ providing for an averlap of the interim zaúß¡ orcUnanœ am the new zoninq ardJnanœe.. (a) 0rdina7-e No. 1456: "A Ordinance of the City CD.mcil of the City of Q pertino F.stablishin¡ Rules far the Effecti,- of the n.teri:m Zonin) Stan:!ards FBb~HMood by Ordinance No. 1438 and the PelIDanent Zonin) stamards Reflected in Ordinance Hos. 1449 am 1450 GcverniD;J Rl (Residential Sin;Jle-FaIIIily) zones anj RBS (Residential Ai 1 1 ..:ide Slcpa Density) Zone; and Declaring the th.'F'...y '1hereof." It was JDaI.·ed by CD.mc. Pluny, B8CCXÙ!d by CD.mc. Rcgm.s am P""'Eled unanimaJaly to read ordinance No. 1456 by title only and the City Clede's readinq to CX'I'IS1:itute the first readinq thereof. It was IIICII8d by CD.mc. ~.., seOClu:1ed by CD.mc. Jå'Inscn am p"ø~'9d unan1mcœI.y to enact ordinance No. 1456. CD.mcil directed that an extension of the interim ordinance be pJ'"œd on the agenda of the first IIII8t.JJq in rec-,¡er. 49. Ckr1siderat.ion of cancellation of regula- City CD.mcil 1IIe8tizg of August 1, 1988. It was IIICII8d by CD.mc. øo.,,-.., BeOCit.dt.d by CD.mc. Pluny and p"--ed unanimcus1y to canoeJ. the first CD.mcil1llS8tbl¡ in August (August 1, 1988). so. Aoceptanœ of resignation of Nancy Roslund frail Fine Arts n-o-i ..ion. 51. Aoceptanœ of resignat.ion of J2IIIIBS Rivera fraD Fine Arts n-o-i ...ion. By ..... iel'lSUS, CD.mcil... ':É}A.ed the resignatiŒlS with Zeg1...L. In August, CD.mcil will 0CI1Sider reducinq the "II~ of "_'¡.e1.S on the Fine Arts n-o-i....ion. 52. Sett::in:J date far eaplayee I s barbeque. -1.5- · MI1I1l'ES OF 'lHE JUIH 5, 1988, REX;UIAR Cl'lY cmNCIL MI!:I!:l'DC (00-747) By .....- BISUS, 0:Iuncil selected Septellf:er 1, 1988, as the date far the eapl0y888' am.Ial hon+-...que. 1'Ilu:r.L:u4' <XHIJNICATICK9 53. None. œDINANCES 54. 5eccn:I rædi.nq am enacbœnt of ominance No. 1449: "An ordinance of the City CD.mcil of the City of Q pertino ~l In;J Certain ordinances cutlined in section 2 am Fstablishin1 an ominance Regu1.at1n¡ Residential, SJn;Jle-FaIIIily (Rl) Zones." It was IIICIIed by CD.mc. Plungy, BeCa'XSed by counc. ~& am p".-'1d \JI'Iæ1i:dø]sly to read Ordinance No. 1449 by title only anj the City Clede's rædi.nq to .......ot:itute the aoa.A.a.d rædi.nq thereof. It was IIICMId by Ocunc. ~.., seOQ..:Jo:d by counc. Jda-... and 1"'- el1 with CD.mc. Plungy vctiJq no to enact: the 0Idinance. 55. 5eccn:I readin;r anj enacbœnt of ominance No. 1450: "An ordinance of the City 0:Iuncil of the City of Q pertino poop-' in; ' Certain Ordinances outlined in section 2 and F.:stab1.ishiD¡ an Ordinance Regulat:!ø] Residential ¡ri"..iM (Ræ) Zones." It was IIICMId by CD.mc. Plungy, seoœldt.cl by counc. ~. am 1"'--sl1 UI1IUÙJIIaBly to read Ordinance No. 1450 by title only anj the City Cledc's readin;r to .....øtitute the øecx:n! rædi.nq thereof. It was IIICMId by CD.mc. ~.., seoœlr.:1ed by counc. Jd,,-..ð and P"ø-ed UMl'ÛJIIcIIJBly to enact the œ:dinanœ. 56. 5eccn:I rædi.nq am erA.:L.u...d. of ominance No. 1451: "An ordinance of the City CD.mcil of the City of Q pertino ~, In;J certain Ordinances outlined in Section 2 and ~ an ominance Reg\lla't1ng A9rlaùtural-Residential (Al) Zones." It was IIICMId by CD.mc. Plungy, ~.dt.d by counc. ~. am P"Ø-M UI1IUÙJIIaBly to read Ordinance No. 1451 by title only anj the City Clede's readin;r to ca1Stitute the -..::.111 rædi.nq thereof. It was IIICMId by counc. Jbgers, BeCa'XSed by Ocunc. Jch1!SC11 am P""~ Ul1aI'ÚJInISly to er.act the ordinance. -16- '-"'''',~< "-"-'-"'~""J~':""'" . MD«7DS OF '!HE JUIX 5, 1988, REX;(JIAR C1'lY c:aJNCIL nua:.uG (00-747) 57. Seooi.cl read1Jv¡ anj &'IaCt:Dmt of Ordinance No. 1452: "An ominance of the City CD.mcil of the City of QJpertino ~1 i~ Certain omJnanc. Qltlined in section 2 and !'.IIt:.ablishi an Ordinance ~ Jlgriaütural (A) Zcmeø." It was IIICJII8d by CaJnc. PIUBy, seoollded by CaJnc. ~ and 1"'--,11 unan1mcusly to read Ordinance No. 1452 by title only and the City Cledc's read1Jv¡ to o.....titute the ~.cl reading thereof. It was IIICJII8d by CD.mc. RcgeLs, secxn~l by CD.mc. Jàmsa1 and P"~ed UI'IIIJ1iJDaJsly to enact the orãinance. 58. Second readiD;J anj enactment of Ordinance No. 1453: "An ordinance of the City CD.mcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 ~lin;¡ certain sections of Various 0I:dinances CQt1ined in section 2 and FstablishiDJ Definiticn of 'l'eD& A¡:plied unifamly in the (A) Jlgriaütural, (Al) Agricultural Residential, (R1) Residential, Sinqle-FaIIIily and RHS (Residential Ri11..ifW Slope Density ZcDes." It was IIICJII8d by CD.mc. Plungy, secad::d by cmnc. RcgeI's and p"'ft-ilcl UI'IIIJ1iJDaJsly to read ordinance No. 1453 by title only and the City Cler:. s reading to oct...titute the ~.cl reading thereof. It was IIICJII8d by CD.mc. ~.., BeCMd::d by cmnc. Jchnson and P"-gd unaniDnJsly to enact the orãinance. 59. Seo....cl reading anj enactment of ordinance No. 1454: "An ordinance of the City CD.mcil of the City of QJpertino A1IImiinr:¡ section U.24.l5O of the 0Jpertin0 lb'IimP"l Cocle, Relating tel stcppjn¡, Stardinq ar PaztdnJ, on st:eveœ Creek Ba1levam." It was II:IY8d by CD.mc. P1ungy, se.......d::d by cmnc. ~.. and P"--ilcl unanimcus1y to read Ordinance No. 1454 by title only and the City Cledc' s reading to ......Dtitute the secxn:i reading the1euf. It was IIDIIed !Jy CD.mc. lb:Jers, secn&Jt.d by Ooun::. Jàmsa1 and P"-gd unaniJDcuùy to enact the orãinance. RmOWl'Iœs 60. None. -17- MIK1I!S OF '!HE JUU{ 5, 1988, m1IAR C1'l"i am::IL M!El'I1G (00-747) M'~ SESSJ:Œ At 12:40 a.m., CD.mcil adjcm:ned. to "J-9d session far IIIIStt8m of possible litigation (GL"¥'U-i Gra.Ip P8xk Dedicat.1a1 Fees) (laI:xr negctiatiŒlS, salaries and City Manager mcruitment). At 1:05 a.a., CD.mcil reconvened in CD.mcil n.....1er. CD.mcil P... J íL: Job.~l, JI:qpeJ., Plungy, R::Iget..., Mayor Gatto. staff ~ I íL: City Manager 0ûn1an City Cledc Onnelius City Attorney Kilian In regard to the 1IBtt.er of potential litigation, '!he GL"¥'U-i' Group, it was IDCIII8d by c::amc. Plungy, ~.d6d by CD.mc. R::Iget.s and 1""8"" Ul1IIIÙJID sly to aocq..L four lots as in-1Ùl1 fees. PERS suxplus, it was IDCIII8d by CD.mc. Plungy, seoco:Bi by CD.mc. JI:qpeJ. and 1""ø-9d Ul1IIIÙJID sly to _..... the :œI:xrt:e to eapJ.oyees of 7.746\ to be paid. in De- ;-.1 er, 1988 and JUne, 1989 in the Së!IIII8 pr:cportiŒIS as the previc:AJS :œI:xrt:e, e.'Cœpt far the City Man2Ir]er's whiå1 is payable in six 1IICI1t:hs. '!he meetirq was adjcm:ned. at 1:07 a.m. 4~ City Clede -18-