CC 02-16-88 .. CI'1Y OF aJPERl'DÐ, S'IME OF c::ALI!tRfIA 10300 Torre AVWI18, 0Jpertin0, CA 95014 '1'elephcœ: (408) 252-4505 MDI1ŒS OF 'IHE REmIAR Cl'lY CXXH:IL MI!2.l'IlG HEID CJl FP:E!RmR! 16, 1988, CXJJNc:IL awœER, CI'1Y HML 10300 'lut<l<lS AVÐIJE, aJPERl'I1Ð, C'ALtFCRŒA OQ-737 Kayar Gatto called the JIII!IEIt.iD¡ to .....dt... at 6:45 p.m. SAII1l'E 'lO 'DIE FlAG ImL CAIL 0Junc. PJ. T .líL: Jåmsa1, lfqpel, P1urr;w, Rogers, Kayar Gatto staff &. s _d..: City Manager Quinl.an (arrived 6:55 p.m.) City ClEk cœ:nelius Direc:tar of Public Works Vi.skcvid1 Direc:tar of P1.annin;J and DBvelo ,-.-d.. Q:Iwan Direc:tar of Fi1'Iance snyder Direc:tar of Parlœ æxI Rb.........tia1 DcwliD;J Assistant to the City Manager Br:Iwn City Attamey Kilian Kayar Gatto amcuncecl that the IIIII8tiD¡J of the Board of Direc:tar of the QJpertino Public :F-ilit.ies o.....l'\.ILc:ttiat had taJœn pJ...... prier to the JIII!IEIt.iD¡ of the City Ccuncil. ~ - Ncna. amxJŒAL Wa·.u:;aço - ~CIIS - Hale. œAL <XIHJNICATICIIS - Hale. STAFF ~~ 1. Oral ""¥'L ts by staff 11_.1 -eta æxI ..l1hni ...,icn of writtsn .&.~Ls. Nœe. 2. M:I1t:hly Activity Report, Jamary, 1988. Ccuncil received the ..~t ani recpested infomatiœ ~ the average 1en;rth of time for the use pemit iIL·"-~t¡'· -1- Monthly Activity Report . , . . Treasurer's Report False alarm charge rescinded Budget pre para tion schedule Legislative .ew ittee Consent Calen- dar . MDVl'ES OF '!HE FE:BRD\R!! 16, 1988 CI'1Y OXJNCIL n=;~..uG (OC-737) 3. Treasurer's am e."9"t Report, Jæuuy, 1988. Counc1l received the ..~L as ...............1:ecl. 4. False Alam Heari.rg - Xey 01evr01et. It was IIICII8d by ():Junc. Rcqm:~, seoctd:d by ():Junc. P1ungy and ~"sed UI'IIU1iJIø1sly to resciJ'1d the å1a%ge of $97. 5. ~ for ~uv'ëÙ of Annual tllri;JPt Preparat.icn SåIedule. By oa1SeI1SUS, Counc1l aßIrOYecl to i'L"'v:~gd så1edu1e, à1anging the meeting of March 9 to Kard1 14. (Cl'lY CŒRK'S l«7m: City Manager Quinlan arrived at 6:55 p.m.) CXXJNCIL ~:s 7. ():Junc. Jåmsa1: Isgislative Review ChIonittee - It was IIICII8d by cnmc. Jåmsa1, secx:ndecl by ():Junc. P1ungy and I"''''sed UI'IIU1iJIø1sly to taken the fol1owin] actiŒ1S ~ J:I1.' v: $"Dd 1egislatiœ: C\loQSo¡! ACA 4 (M.An....), utility users and sales taxes: lIB 1767, historic gcv............l recu..ds in state Arå1ives: æxI SB 1725 (Bel" sen), J"I'!'""" of SB 709, i'L,+"""ty tax transfer for "no- and 1CJ!1l pl."'¥"Lty tax cities". SlW ILL ACA 32 (Bradley) , recmct.ia1 of veta ~ for gel....al cbliqat:ic:n ba1r:Is. ~-t cx:pies of lIB 923 (Floyd), "time bmks" far exten:Ied or t.emina1 .illness: seA 36 and SB 1713 (L. ~.......), ACA 49 (O'o........n), SB 97 (Bel,,, sm) and lIB 112 (r.....,I.....11), schcol i~ fees: æxI lIB 2958 (Bader) , fines and forfeit:m:es, limit 00 cxunt:y use of UI'ISUp8tVised <II",""","Y prcbat:ic:n to divert city reverue to the ccunty. It was IIICII8d by ():Junc. P1ungy, secx..dtod by ():Junc. lfqpel and I?"--ad with Mayor Gatto aI:Jstain.inq to SUW ILL Initiative to Restore Safety to Work (Cal~). cx:tmNl' CAIDmAR ():Junc. Bcgers remaved Item 11. It was maved by ():Junc. P1ungy, ~.dtod by CcuIx:. Rcgers æxI ~~sÐd unaniJJlœs1y to ~ the balaJn! of the 0:I1sent Calendar as s"hnittecl. -2- · ~ MII«.1lE9 OF 'IHE FEIR.JARI( 16, 1988 CI'1Y CXDaL rs=r.uG (OQ-737) li. RiIIIIcMId rraa o....&cut calendar. 12. Resolut:icn No. 7425: "A Resolut:icn of the City C>:Juncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 AllcwiDJ Certain M.i_ and Dem1m:Js Payable in the 1Imamts and Fraa the !\1nds as Hereinafter Desc:ribec1 for General æxI Misœllanecus Experditurøs for the Period Ðñi1'xJ JarJ.IIŒy 29, 1988." 13. Resolut:icn No. 7426: "A Resolut:icn of the City C>:Juncil of the City of 01pertin0 AllcwiDJ certain M.i_ and I:JamIuxSs Payable in the 1Imamts and rraa the !\1nds as Hereinafter Desc:ribec1 for salaries and wages for the Payroll Period Ðñi1'xJ Februæy 2, 1988." 14. M",i1ll for m....-;JIIS filed 00 behalf of Clara G. 1iiU.en. Reo ........Iderj for rejectioo. 15. Acceptance of City projects perf~ under .....d....ar::t: (a) stevens Q:eek mvd. bprcMmmt betwaen Portal and Finch, Project 86-11. (b) carmen Read ~...._.t - Project 4009. (c) Foothill OVerlay, Project 88-103 (includes City Hall parldnq 1at~. (No snw...l1n;J ~""""1ts required.) 16. Resolut:icn No. 7427: "A Resolut:icn of the City Ccuncil of the City of 01pertin0 ~ (l...l.......'"t 01ang8 order No. 1 for Reoc:.r1stn1ct: of n"...,.., Q.rt:t.ers, and Si";'MJalks, Project 88-101." 17. Resolut:icn No. 7428: nA Resolut:icn of the City Ccuncil of the City of 01pertin0 ~ o...ll..aCt amnga order No. 18 for DeAnza Ba1levard Wi.denin¡, Project 86-20." þ 18. Resolut:icn No. 7429: nA Resolut:icn of the City C>:Juncil of the City of 01pertin0 ~ O"'d.........'"t ~ order No. 17 for Civic canter Expansiœ, Project 87-2003, City Hall, Library, site." 19. Resolut:icn No. 7430: "A Resolut:icn of the City Ccuncil of the City of 01pertin0 ~ the Final Map and ~""""'Il Plans of T.ract: No. 8067, seven SpriDJa, {hit 5 I.oc:ated at Rainbow DrlvejUp1and way: Dev8lc:.pIr, '!be Gl.~:I Group; Acx:ept:.irg certain 'R:ItCUllL-1ls; Authorizinq Signinq of Final Map and DIprcIYement Plans: Authorizinq the Executioo of A,¡.............ll in CCI1nect:ic.n '!herewith. " -3- ~ e . ABC licenses . MDI1ŒS OF 'DIE fEERJAR!( 16, 1988 CI'1Y CXDI::I1J Jou!za:.uG (OC-737) 20. ßesoluticn No. 7431: "A R88olut1a1 of the City Council of the City of 0Ipertin0 A¡:pravin;J IUcel Map and ~U'#"",l Plans of ~UI"I"ty I.ocated CI1 North ~ Bwl8ll1ml: Døv8lcper, 01pertin0 NUrøe1y :rm,...t.-It o "'1.el'lY, A califomia Limited Partœrship, by Apple QJIpJter, Inc. , A General Pru. t......; Aut:harlzinr:¡ ExIBa1ticr1 of ~uý_..t. Jl.:p:oee..-,l; AI.1t:barizing Signing of IUcel Map æxI ~~,l Plans." 21. Resolutia1 No. 7432: "A Resolutia1 of the City Ccuncil of the City of 01pertin0 Authorizing EIœc:utia1 of A;............l bet:u8e1 the Santa Clara CDmty Traffic Authority and the City of 0Ipert.in0 for the 0::r1st.1:uct.i of t'rainaga SyBtsa ~....í!kad.s at stevens CI:eeIt Bwlevcu:d ove...........-.ing at Rcute 85." 22. SuDmct... æxI Petitioo for Writ of MarùmIJs and ~"il'1t for Inverse o....dt.u..atial. Teny Brown, Jba Sisk and Ði Fedt..."'II!el, Plaintiffs. Receive. 23. ~IIIOI."'IS æxI ~"'fnt for 1)A.._J8S: SUsan Weisz, Paul Weisz, æxI Mid1ae1 Weisz, a minor, by and thrcugb is QJardian Ad Litaa, Paul Weisz, Plaintiffs; Miriam L. Hawk, City of 01pertin0, CDmty of santa Clara, state of califomia, et al., Deferdants. Receive. 24. ~-t for Parfcs and Recreat.ia1 n.p..t.......ll co---spaa....1:Ihip of !as Madres '87. 25. ~-t for waiver of œsiness license fee, Horthem ·::alifomia 8ane/Freeze. 26. MiJ'Iltee of the regular JDeet:iD] of [1<>0: ·,a.er 7, 1987 (OQ-732). 27. MiJ'Iltee of the regular JDeet:iD] of Jammy 4, 1988 (<X:-733). I'Im6 REH'JYED PKII CDISEm' CAI.nm1\R 11. Alcåxl1ic BIIYera900 o....uul LioeLas: II:r1ta vista Pizza 0:1. , 10625 S. Foothill Blvd.: An,h;.... I s no.Hcat at, 10211 S. ~ Blvd. CCUnc. ~ that 1t41en these 8RÙic:ati.œs are ~ B ,Led the name of the fcmœr rosiness be included. It was IIICII8d by Ccunc. Jåmsa1, seocnjecl by a:.mc. ~.. æxI p""gecl Ul'laJUmcus1y to offer no åJjectiœs to iSSUlll1Ce of these 1ioe1 :00. -4- MIR1ŒS OF 'DIE FEBRJAmr 16, 1988 CITY CXXINCIL l'IUa'.1JG (OC-737) FUBLIC HI!'ARDQ; 29. Q:œ1.deraticn of pnh]ic ruisanœ abatement: 10038 Peniœu1a Boulevard, shed not located at PL~ setback f.ran fence. (a) Reso1utioo No. 7433: "A Reso1utia1 of the City O:uncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 0J:der1.n¡ Abatement of Public Nuisance at 10038 Peniœu1a Boulevard. " Assistant to the City MaI:~ BraoIn ~ a- II..oed infomat:ic:n regarãinJ the history of this misance to Council. Rld1ard Razo said that the shed had been IIICIYed back five feet f.ran the wall and the other side has a setback of 4 ft. 8 in. He told O:uncil that this l:1ni1dinq is a st...u...".. shed with no nmning water. Hr. Razo also stated that he had met with Han:y Briscoe and Gary Karnahœns regardi.nq the shed. FollcwiD;J a seo...d meeti.nq with Hr. Bri9008, the shed was 1IICII8d. Hr. Razo did state that tnere was no bui.1di.nq pemit for the shed. staff l'AC' ....-..Jt.c1 that Hr. Razo tie given ten days to çply for a hni1di.nq pemit or steps tie taken to nm:we the shed. It was IIICIYed by QJunc. Plungy, seoctd:.d by Ccunc. Jcbnscn and l"'-id unanimcusly to ..1..... the p,h'ie heari.nq. It was IIICII8d by QJunc. Plungy, seoctd:.d by ():Junc. Jàmøaì and l""--ael unanimcusly to adept Rssolutia1 No. 7433. 30. Anruù CCJWM..., ..t.icn of 1>0.. 811a1 of bingo P"""""its: Intemat:icx1a1 Order of Odd FA11cws T~ No. 70, 20598 HaIIest:ei!Id 1tIad: st. J'Jfl I'" of 0Jpertin0 01urå1, 10110 DaAnza Boulevard; 0Jpertin0 High Så1col Bocsters Club, Inc., 10100 Finch Aven1e: YæA of santa Clara Valley/NarthlMst Branch. James Gray of the YæA and Linda ilL iBr of 0Jpertin0 High Så1col Bocsters Club J:1IC:pIStecl a cx:pies of ce¡,L..iÙ Fire Protec::ticnI District: , s 0.............. regardi.nq the setup of facilities for the bingo ',r -. '!hey were infcmnecl they ~ receive that infomat:ic:n f.raD the City Clerk. It was IIICII8d by Ccunc. P1ungy, sec:x:Z1ded by cnn::. Gatto æxI p"....gd unanimcusly to close the public hearinq. It was IIICIIIed by ():Junc. Plungy, sec:x:Z1ded by cnn::. Jà1nsa1 and P""9ed unanimcusly to ~ renewal of biIgo pemits -S- Public hearing closed Res. 7433 adQPl;ed Public hearing cloRed Bingo permits renewed . . . Public hearing closed 52-U-87 approved . -- - ----...... MINUn:S OF 'DIE FEIR1ARY 16, 1988 CI'1Y CXOICIL MI!2rIlG (OC-737) for IOOF am st. JOB lh of 0Jpertin0 0u1'rd1 am tb8 P""""its for ClIpertino High SdIcol Boosters Club, Inc. am Nartbwest m:A ~ upcI1 ...-..p11anœ with Ob.d...cù Fire Protect.icn District's r&=~ -·_·~datia1S. 31. ArI'-' of c:xn:U.t.icr1s of P1anniD;J no-i-im rec· ····-"Idatien for "K'I-.nal: Franzella's (orc:tvu:d Valley Marlœt Plan) : filed by Ral¡:b E. BL~.. ~""""'ty located en the sœtheast quadrant, stevInI Q:'eek Blvd. and FOrt:al Ave. 'Ih8 çpliœtia1 is for a delicat:essen¡'ta)œ-< food service CXIUI1ter and to eF"nHooh guidelines for œtdoar display and sale of merå1andise (Aw!icatial 52-u-87). Director of p1annin;J and Devel~)t cowan I'8'IiswBd the hir...ory of the locatiœ of tb8 trailer with C>:Juncil. Ral¡:b BL~, nqJeStecl that Counc1l ~CMiI maintain1nq tb8 trailer with a cyclooe fence enclosure. Be told Counc1l Franzella' s lease does not expire \D1t.il 1999. Mr. Cowan told Counc1l that they oculd allew a ~-·I..n~ trailer thra1gh the ~-'1 ()l~ pemit lolL' C"""8. Geœ._ Harris, :œsi~ of vi.ckstm:q Drive, requested that Counc1l AwLuv'e the Plannin¡ ChIoni....'loo resoluticn and to mDCI\/8 the ncn-ocllfœ:miJ'q struc:tura. Be also stated that the use pemi.t requires the <XIYerinq of g;o~ CXI1tainers Wiå1 is not beinq dcr1e. Mr. cowan told Counc1l that them was an c:n;JOin;J ptå)lem with cœplianœ mgardinq restri.ct:!a1s in the œck alley of that shqpin;J center. Mr. BL...p............ ,d CCltIœm regaxdin;J ~ øicn f1:aB the issue at hand and statecl that his clients are not involved in trash cx:ntainers. It was DICIIIed by ():Junc. Jcbnscn, secc:med by Cb1nC. PlImY and P"~ unaniJIøJsly to close the public hearin¡. It was DICIIIed by Cb1nC. Jcbnscn, -.AAded by Cb1nC. PlUIW æxI p"øøed unani:ar:Jusly to "K'I-v./8 Aw!icatiœ 52-u-87 per P1.æm1rç l"nmIi....ioo Reso1utioo No. 4023 with Ckntitiœ No. 5 amended to "K'I-v./8 the refr.i.geratioo unit behind the store as a to_'I" ...~ unit to the fall of 1989 (retumiD1 to Counc1l the first 1IISEItin;J in sept-.ler, 1989 if not J:8KI\Ied prior to that time ( and with the trailer s.....éE!llecl as irxlicatecl en drawin;r at 1IISEItin;J. -6- KINtJœs OF 'DIE FEBRlAR\{ 16, 1988 CITY CXXJNC:IL MŒl'DG (OC-737) 32. ~1 of Arå1itectural am Site ~ Q:IIIIdttee's denial of Applicatial ASAC 51,771.1; filed by Win i_ O:nway, califamia state Autallcbi1eA I Isociatial. 'Ihe çplicatiœ is to allew a third qrc:tIOO sign to incl\XJa a travel aqa....-y sign. Pl~ty is loœtecl at 1601 Sarat.cqa-&lnnyva1e RaId: the west side of scuth Saratoga-&lnnyva1e Road ~urI-te.ly 300 ft. north of Pl· ",ev"t; Road. William Qmaway, Califamia state Al.Jtcm::i)ile Associatia1, - ..Led pictures of the locat:icn of the sign and said that the pl' ...:nel sign is not for advertisin:J J:ut: is strictly direc:t.ia1a1 to help 11_.. -et.. locate them. It was mcvecl by ():Junc. Jåmsa'¡, seoctùd by ():Junc. Plungy and P""'"'«1 ~y to close the pJblic hearin;J. It was mcvecl by Ccunc. JåmscIt, secx:mecl ():Junc. Plungy and p"....ed ~y to refer the matter bacIt to the Architectural and site 1\ßIrcNal Q:IIIIdttee æxI to dizect: that the çplicant design the sign and ðikb. 5"J the followin;¡ cxnceITIS: use of a å1evra1 at the lower sign instead of rectaJ¥]le pl S_ILed; five sq. ft. additioo t.r'II'ld be aooeptable J:ut: the two signs sha.1ld tie ¡ut together aesthetically and located }'L~ly. Mayer Gatto annamced that in œgard to the i'"9U8 of the trash 0CI1tainers not beinq CCM!I:ed at <>råw:å Valley Mæiœt Place shl:win:J center, a staff l~l sha.1ld tie pi:: Ii .Led to Ccuncil at the next Counc1l 1IIEIetiD}. PIANNm:; APPLICATIœs 33. Applic::atia18 55-u-a7 and 58-FA-87 - 01øvra1, USA- Request for approval of use pemit for an exist.in::J SEŒViœ stat.iat to qIe1:At.e traa 6 a.1II. to 12 p.m. n. statiat cm......¡Lly c:perates traa 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. EnvircnDenta1 Review: 'Ihe Planr1in1 t'hmIi -too reo ...._&]s the qrant:inq of a Negative """""'\:'atial. 'Ihe p..~ t~ is located 00 the nartbeast oœ....... of Dai\nza Boolevam æxI HaIIestead RaId, 11010 N. DeAnza Blvd. PAt=" ····-rded for a¡:praval. Bill !'h~ J::~ S~jling 0Ievra1 was available for any ~ :frail Counc1l' It was IIICII8d by ():Junc. Jåmsa'¡, secx:mecl by Coorx:. Plungy and P""''i'ed unaniJJr:usly to grant a Negative Dec'",ntioo for Applicatioo 55-U-87. -7- Public hearing closed Referred to ASAC (51,771.1) Trash con- tainers, Orchard Valley Market Place Negative Dec. for 55-V-87 . .' . 55-U-87 approved No hearing re Alves closure .consecu- tive term limit for commissioners Morion . MDI1ŒS OF 'DIE FEI'RJARJ( 16, 1988 Cl'lY OXJNCIL MEE1'.DÐ (OC-737) It was IIICII8d by came. Jchnsa1, seo.Aidt..l by ():Junc. Plungy am P"-'!d l.Jr1alÚ:IIDISly to ðwLuv'e Applic:atiœ 5!HJ-87 per Plannin;J ChIoni-ien Reso1ut:icn No. 4034 ~ limits the hcurs to 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. AR:Hl'1'ECltJRA AND Sl'Œ APPR:IVAL <XHnT.ŒE APPLICATIœ5 34. Hale. UNFINISHED HJSINESS 35. Traffic ...."......l for Alves Drive æxI ocndderatiœ of PJblic hearing for possible closure. It was IIICII8d by ():Junc. Jchnsa1, seo.....dt.d by ():Junc. P1ungy with Ccunc. Rcge1:s disser'1tirq to CXI1duct no p.1blic hearing. NEW HJSINESS 36. 0:nsiderati.a1 of limit of two oct r;utive t:.eD& for '" l.el.. of adviscny bodies. It was IIICIIed by ():Junc. Jå1nsa1, seoaL1ed by ():Junc. K/::g)el an::l J?"-eed with ():Junc. Rcqers dissenting' to CIWI-'-"'8 the COb.qìl of the two CCI1SeCUtive tm:m limitatia1 with additicnù. orientatiœ to l'Y'OIIIIi ...icn carñidates æxI to fœ:m an ad hoc l'Y'OIIIIittee to ~~ a ...."......t. regaminq the ~. .:: of t.rain.i.n::J 8Rl1iœnts æxI the details of 1imitat.ia1 (i.e. grandfatherin;¡, etc.). 'DIe l~l regarãinJ this matter shall tie ~ s Ited to Counc1l in three 1IICI1t:hs. 37. Dj............icn regaminq 1cx:atiœ of morioo in Civic center. Mayor Gatto infnnWI these pusult hew the site in fra1t of the 1ll:Jræy was d1œen for the morioo. By OQ¡ nnsus, Counc1l directed that vj..."",.. of cpticns 2 æxI 4 tie pt ¡Ii ,ILed as well as infœ:matia1 regaminq the costs of JIICWiDJ the morioo, ~~tiœ of a platfœ:m and any water element. cameil direc:tecl that the helmet tie oriented faclrg wst. 38. O:nsideratien of an ordinaJx:e ~ wculd require ~ n~rvatiœ of oak trees en residential ~"'1'=ty. By oc:nsensus, ():Juncil tabled this itaa. 39. A¡:praval of timetable for p.1blic meetinJs regaminq Highway 85 as it directly affects QJpertino. -8- · MDl'J.1'!S OF 'DIE FEERJAR1( 16, 1988 CITY a:ucIL 1'JUa'.uG (OC-737) By CCI'I8ô!&ISUS, Counc1l set ~ for MaJ:c:b 15 am Mud1 30. 40. ci.....'"'8ia1 m;arc:Ung a st:arœm cxn!itia1 of '"W'owal œquirlzJ¡ fxa1t ymd ~.in¡. It was JIIOIIecl by ():Junc. Johnsen, .-..ended by ():Junc. ~ and p"ø-M, \IrIa11imr:uIly to cc:.I1Sider this matter attar CCIIplet:.icn of P1.annin;J ChIoni....iœ ordinance hearin;¡s. Mu·,L·.11:l'l CXHIJNICATIœB 41. Hale. CIRDDUINCES 42. seccrxi readin¡ and enactment of 01'd.il1ame No. 1436: "An ominanœ of the City C>:Juncil of the City of ~ ~ sectia1 1 of 01'd.il1ame No. 2 by RezcrùJq P.I.""lJ'IILty frail Al-43 Zcne to IllS Zcne IDcatad 00 the Nort!IoIest side of Rainbolt Drive Awo-' ......-tely 600 Ft. West of aöI Read: Applicatia1 lO-Z-87, MS HaDes. " It was JIIOIIecl by ():Junc. P1un;¡y, sec:añed by ():Junc. ~. IUXI pass'Bd \IrIa11imr:uIly to read 01:'dinar¥Je No. 1436 by title a'Ùy IUXI the City Cletit's readin¡ to cxœtitute the -......Id readin¡ thereof. It was JIIOIIecl by ():Junc. Begets, sec:añed by ():Junc. Jåm8c:I1 and P"--M, 1.II'I2IlÙJID1Sy to enact 01:'dinar¥Je No. 1436. 43. seccrxi 1'ædinIJ and enactment of 01'd.il1ame No. 1439: "An ominanœ of the City C>:Juncil of the City of QJpert.ino ~ sect.ia1 11.24.15O of the 0Jpertin0 Ø.D'Û.cdpsl 0:Jde, Relat.in;J to stcwJn;r, starñinq or Palidng 00 BJandU. way and Pacifica r.rlve." It was IIICII8d by ():Junc. P1un;¡y, s.:...aa]ed by ():Junc. a...,,-.. am p"--eel \IrIa11imr:uIly to read 01:'dinar¥Je No. 1439 by title a'Ùy and the City Cletit's readin¡ to cxœtitute the -xtld readin¡ thereof. It was JIIOIIecl by ():Junc. RI:Iger$, &o:oe...ta]ed by ():Junc. JàmBcn IUXIJ?"'-..... 1.II'I2IlÙJID1Sy to enact 01:'dinar¥Je No. 1439. RESJII1l'ICN> 44. None. -9- Hlghway 85 meetings Front yard landscaping Second reading of ord. 1436 Ord. 1436 enacted Second reading of Ord. 1439 Ord. 1439 enacted , .. . Clsoed sesslon VMS, parking cAtion p1IPessing; Federspiel; Ralsch Con- struction . /'-. MDI11!:S or 'DIE ~UII9..IftRf 16, 1988 CI'1Y axJNCIL 1'JUl.I:.uG (OQ-737) l'I'~ -"9Iœ City Attam8y Xi11an anncuncecl that 0] t'SleI T 100 .....~d be held 00 the fo1.1.cIwiD¡ i__: perdiDJ lit.igatia1 (Fed$..,..Jel), significant 8ItpOSUre to lit.igat:ic:n (VIE, pBrkinr¡ citaticn PL' (""'-iD¡), significant e:xposure to lit.igat:ic:n (PAi-b 0x1stzuc:t:1.œ). Counc1l adjcumecl to the O::in!............. Rcœ for a c' -sd sessicn at 9:20 p.m. At 9:45 p.m., ():Junc1l reccnvenecl in cpm s iœ in Council Qu...a er. All Council "_.J ........ WBr8 .... S Mlt. as WBr8 City IIu1I!IgBr Quinlan, City Clerk <mne1ius am City Attamsy Kilian It was ~ by ():Junc. ~., ~ðod by Ocunc. Jeta-... and I'" Ii \IrIa11imr:uIly as follOWll: VMS, pBrkinr¡ citaticn 1-"-"" -ir-q - 8ßIl'CN8 alternate 1 subject to prepIIratiœ of ""'""-,te. Federspiel - diJ:ec:t IX) t'li ......,.."'iœ re settlement. Raiså1 Q:œtruct.1œ - authorize negoti.atiat. 'Ihe meet1D¡ was adjcumecl at 9:50 p.m. &~ -1~