CC 01-19-88 -. CI'1Y OF aJPERl'DÐ, 8'm1'E OF CALIR:AaA 10300 Torre Aveme, 0Jpertin0, CA 95014 Telepbcrle: (408) 252-4505 00-734 MDI1ŒS OF 'IHI!: RmUIAR CI'1Y auaL ~ HEI.D œ JAlIJAR! 19, 1988, auaL awIBER, Cl'lY HAU.o 10300 'lUi<t<Is AvaIVE, aJPERI.'I1Ð, CALDœaA Mayor Gatto called the meet:inq to ULdb... at 6:45 p.m. SAII1I'E 'lO 'DIE FlAG R>LL CAIL came. !'res _.L: Jàmsa1, lfqpel, PlUß1Y, }t)geIs, Mayor Gatto staff Pl. nut: City Manager Quinlan Deplt:y City Clezit Wolfe Director of Public Works Vis1a:wiå1 Assistant to the City Manager Brown Direc:tar of Plannin:¡ am Dew],. 1. Il 0:Mm Director of Fi1'Iance snyder Director of PInics am Rec::œatia1 Dcw1iD¡ C'roIon"\ity Relat:icna Officer Kœy City Attamey Kilian ~ '" City Attomey Kilian ~-œd that a I'!l-sel sessia1 tie held regardiD¡ Itaa 21. It 10IaS IIICII8d by ():Junc. PlUß1Y, seoot.:1t.d by ():Junc. ~.. and pot-ed ~y to ocntinJe the itaa to FebnIaly 1. It was IIICII8d by ():Junc. Jå'Jœœ, ........:1t.d by a:.mc. Rogers æxI p:a-«i unanima181y to a:ntina Itaa 22 to February 16. Rallil BL....,p.."., attamsy for Franzella's, requesteti cx:nt:irIJance of Itaa 24. It was IIICII8d by ():Junc. Johnsa1, secx:rñecl by ():Junc. lb; erD and pot~-!d unaniJDoosly to ocntinJe the itaa to FebnIaly 16. CERÐDIIAL Wa'.u:;aç) - mmmrATIœ5 ¡>rrv-.1 """'tioo of ~-.iatiQ'l to Apple QJIplter Inc. Glen J!,....+....r, Awle Q:ap1ters, "" . ~ the proc::l--:tiQ'l frail Mayor Gatto, sayin:;J that Apple is ham' to help whenever they can. -1- Taxi service Bingo permits Franzella's Apple Computer . Automated fingerprint system So11d Waste ' Management Plani Update I , . . MDI1ŒS <. F 'DIE J»IlIARY 19, 1988 CI'1Y CXXJNCIL MEZl'IlÐ (OC-734) œAL CXlHJNICATIœ8 D:u:Jlas Frœt, instxuctor in roc:Iœtzy at DeAnza l"n11"'9'", requestecl a ~b1 variance. He was refen..d to the Q)de EntUL..........IL Office. S'1M'F ~ 1. Oral ..~ls by staff --..I...IS arxi .."hni_fat of written 1.."...... ls. Santa Clara Q:mJty Autallated FirJ; mprint system (City Manager's Rq.v..L) - To tie sdJedu1ed en FebruaIy 1 agerœ. Santa Clara Q:mJty Solid waste Manc...r'-'IL Plan upœte (City Manager's Ril!pQ..l) - By consensus, staff was db:ectec1 to ccnt.inIe to work cut a ~.....dse. '!he matter will tie sd1edu1ed 00 the FebruaIy 1 agen'Ia. 2. Repœ.L reqardjn¡ ''No U 'l\1m" nart:l1ba1rxl 00 DeAnza at It::Clellan Blvd. (requested by R:o~ A. B:x}at..) Director of PUblic iiAk.. Viskcvid1 t'li......,-..., his ..~L. steve EUxa, DcIIIino's Pizza, askPd if there 1tJIIŒ8 anytbinI;J the bJsiness tenants at the int.Ðrsec:ticn can do to help the situatial. He said that saIIB bJsjn-- IS haV8 been drastic:a11y rtotb"t!d, æxI the int:ersect.ia1 has ...-..p1 icat:ecl his life. Andrea Rcsa, O'Malley's Flowers, said she 1o'CU1d prefer that the Sheriff give t:icJœt:s ~ else tlesides in t.ra1t of her stcIr8. City ~ Quinlzm stated that we have as]ttot'I the Sheriff to enforce the intersect:icn. Mr. EUxa said he feels the Sheriff's dep.¡t.ies are takin} saIIB da1J; ercu¡ acticns to eaten pec:ple in violatia1. Mid1as1 Rcsa, O'Malley's Flowers, said he had been told that: the paIkiD¡ lot is private 1J"_L)' and the Sheriff has no jurisdi.ct.ia1 there. He said they had 1-"- the pl._ty tlefare the intersect:icn åIan;Jes were made. His bJsiness reY8B1e has .:h.~ 50% æxI he feels they are beinq harassed by the Sheriff. -2- MIK.'I!S OF 'DIE .J1\NlIARY 19, 1988 CI'1Y OXJNCIL ftUi.L'.uG (OC-734) By ...... ...., staff was direct:ad to ..nhnit a nqJeSt to the state this 1IIIBek statinJ l'82ISCIIS my a u--tum sha1ld tie P'"""'i ttecl. 3. M:I1t:hly Activity Repent - De<-.I-er:, 1987. ():Junc. Plungy ilqUred aba1t the itaa 00 the status of Pendinq Projects Ril!pQ..l regarãinJ the '1hn1st rI sign. Dixector of Plannin¡ and Devel___íL Q:Iwan said he ......"" check 00 the status JU'1d ...."...... L back at the next 111118tiD¡J. ():Junc. ~.. as]ro>t'I abcut the ordinance revisirq ASAC the çplicatial revieIi þ¡.. .,...... and was inf... ......:I that 1oIOrk is in .......".. ,.. 4. M:I1t:hly Treasurer and ~ Repent, De(-.~r, 1987. Council received the ..~L. City Attorney IW.ian reo ....-1r:Iecl that Counc1l <:g)ŒIEI AD 2624 Wicb ......"" å1an;Je the BraoIn Act to require that clœed sessia1s tie tape r....-.dad æxI that the tapes tie Jœpt for cna year then rel~1iecl unless there is a 4/5 vote of Council to extenr:I it for another year. Mr. Kilian stated that Council III18t t'li.....,.... the matter taúght ~1Se the Call1litt.ee meets tœ.o.....uor: the City was not aware of this 1egi.sl.at:ic:n until earlier today, after the agerœ had been posted. It was IIICII8d by ():Junc. Jàmscn, seoctded by ():Junc. ~ æxI p"--eli 11I12Ir1iDnJs1.y to <:g)ŒIEI the bill. OXJNCIL ~ 8. ():Junc. Plungy - City of Q pert.ino sister City P<....".._ ():Junc. Plungy t'li...........'9d poseih1e locatia1s for the sta1e lanterns Wiål will tie þ¡. S lLed to the City by 'l'oytI1tmoIa in hcnor the the 10th anniV8t"SUy of the sister City relatiCl1Ship with 'l'oytI1tmoIa. 'Ibere will tie a de1egatioo CXJIÚ.1'q to QJpertino in A1J;Just:. Toyc1œwa has......... ft'!ld the desire for a 1ŒIrloo as their gift frcm Q pert.ino. It will tie pIaoecl fr. the plaza of their new sports center. By 00a_....sus, staff was direct:ad to agen:lize for the February 1 JDeE!t:in;J t'li.......'-icm of whether to send 'l'oytI1tmoIa the original 1ŒIrloo an::1 mild a new CI1e for us, or send them - oc:py. -3- Letter to tate re V-turn Thrust IV sign ASAC applica- tion review process Oppose AB 2624 re Brown Act Gift of marion to Toyokawa . Cherry Blossom Festival Rededication ceremony Consent Calen- dar approved . . í MDI1ŒS OF 'DIE JANUARY 19, 1988 c::::I':N œJNCIL ftUa'.uG (OC-734) ():Junc. PlUIJN ¡,~ t:a1 that 'Ibe oaks shq:p1n;J center can no 1"90&- IlpClIIIIO&. the CherIy Bll:'llsall Festival. niaco-ic:n follClldnq ~ CXXItIiinatiJq the festival with the ~. IV .....1 anruù parade. 'Ibe Bioent:8mia1 O::IIIIIittee will t'li"",,_ the JIBtter at their next 111118tiD¡J. 9. ():Junc. Bcgelé: ():Junc. lb}ano annamcecl that the April 16 ~iœt.iat cm.e.......y for City Ball '1JllJ.Y haw to tie ~ to another date. CXIISÐfr ~ ():Junc. Bcgela r&IICMId Items 10, 12 and 14. It was IICM!Id by cmnc. Bcgels, seoct~ by ():Junc. PlurJð and P"-tel \IrIa11imr:uIly to GHN-""a the balan:8 of the 0..._ d. calendar as .."hnit:ter:l. 10. ReIIIaYecl frail O"'.......L Calendar. 11. Resolut:ic:.n No. 7407: "A Resolutioo of the City Cb1nCil of the City of 01pertin0 DecJ.arin,J Intent to ccnb::t a P1b110 Hear:1nq o...~dø] a Nuisance at 10038 Peninsula Bculevard. " 12. ReIIIaYecl frail 0..._ .L Ca1.en3ar. 13. Resolut:ic:.n No. 7408: "A Resolut:ic:.n of the City o:amcil of the City of 01pertin0 A¡:praIring o....l....ct 0Jð1)}a OLc'k No. 15tar Civic QInter expmsia1, project 87-2003, City Ball, Lihraxy." 14. RBDr:MId frail 0..._ Il calenSar. 15. Resolut:ic:.n No. 7409: "A Resolut:ic:.n of the City Cb1nCil of the City of 01pertin0 AllClldnq oart:ain ('·...i_ and DeIIIarœ Payable in the A1Dcunts æxI frail the P\1nr:Is as HereiJ1aft:er Desc:::riœd for salaries æxI Wages for tÞc. Payroll Period EDilix:J Jamaxy 5, 1988." 16. Resolutioo No. 7410: "A Resolut:ic:.n of the City Cb1nCil of the City of QIpertino AllClldnq oart:ain l'1..i_ and DeIIIarœ Payable in the A1Dcunts and Fran the P\1nr:Is as Her3inafter Desc:::riœd for General æxI Misce11anecus Expentitures for the Pericxl EDilix:J De<:-.loE1t' 31, 1987." -4- MDI1ŒS OF '!HE J»«W« 19, 1988 CI'1Y CXXINCIL l'IUa"~ (00-734) 17. p..qo-t t%aD H::I1ta vista Hi Scbcol Bocsters for waiwr of use fees m! b1siness liœnse fees far 8\IIIr1t at H::I1ta vista l'hmo"1ity center. 18. MAi", far th...~ filed by Tahney 'lbcmIs. Reject. Y2t§ p¡....1 """""" of the City ChJmi 1 AYES: Jc:ñns<:.., lfqpel, P1ungy, Rogexa, Gatto IÐES: Na1e ABSml': Hale ABS'mIN: Hale l'ID6 RœJVm PRJI CXHmfl' CAU2mAR 10. AlcOOo1ic BeI.......".. o.../LLul License: 0Jpertin0 Mini-Mart, 1325 Barator}'1-6unnyvale RaId., 0Jpertin0; casancva, 20950 stevens Creek Blvd., 0Jpertin0. It was IIIDII8d by ():Junc. lb)-.-, seo....:Jed by ():Junc. J~..-... and I""..aed unan1mcusJ.y to ~ no à:Jjectia1 to the i"'SUanCe of the liœ.._ as. 12. Request: for waiwr of l:iusiness license fees: Holy Spirit :&"""'('iatiœ for the unificatial of 'ib:'ld OIristianity . It was IIIDII8d by Ccunc. ~.., seccmecl by ():Junc. Plungy æñ I""~eel unan1mcusJ.y to ."....ul the waiwr æxI request: that c::anvassJrq not tie dent after 6 p.m. By 0... HIlSUS, staff was dinIctec1 to )IL~ an 0J:dinance aIIIel1dinJ the cede øec::t.ia1 regulatin¡ the hamI men soliC"J.t.in¡ is allOWed. 14. ARxrcwal of grant J'A4:... -'1dat.ia18 frail the I"A~. TV AdvisŒy Q:mUttee. Ccunc. IÞ:Þ- 1'eIp!Sted that in the fUture, cqdes of the ."....ut a¡:p1icat.icr1s tie incl1Üld in the pacJœt. It was IIIDII8d by ():Junc. IÞ:Þ.., ~.:Jed by 0Junc. J!'q:Ipel æxI I""aftsd unaJÚJIIa1sly to "K'LU'Je the grant :reo ····---Ù8.tia1S. POBLIC HFARm:ãS 20. Applicaticx!s 9-Z-87 and 51-EA-87 - Fred Reinel1, located at the east side of Blaney Averoe, between Regnart Creek æxI Rcdrigues Averoe. Rezarln} frœ City Rl-10 (Sin11e-family Residential, 10,000 sq. ft. -5- ABC licenses Business llc. Ord. regulating hours of solicitatlon Cable TV grants approved MDIJl'ES OF 'DIE ~ 19, 1988 Cl'l"i CXXJNCIL M!Z1"I1Ð (<X:-734) mini:a.ma lot size) to City Rl-6 (Sil'ç1_family R8sidentia1, 6,000 sq. ft. JIinbm lot size) zeN. A¡¢iœ1:ia1s 21-'IM-87 and 51-FA-87, Tentativa Map to $Iixtivide 1.56 'Po..... ~ into 7 parcels with lot sizes ~ traa 6,500 sq. ft. to 8,000 sq. ft. and Envirc:nœnt:a1 Det.cminat.icn: 'Ihe Pl.anninq ChIoni_ic:n rA< . ........\Js the q:rant:inq of Negativa Dec::J.arat.iaw. Rec~ ····-·œJ tar ðt¥Lu-Jal. (a) First readin;J of ominance No. 1435: "An ominance of the City Counc1l of the City of QJpertino 1I1Dendin¡ Sect:J.a1 1 of 0J:tUnance No. 2 by RezaUn:¡ P.I......,...,l.t frail Rl-10 Za1e to Rl-6 Za1e; Located 00 the East Side of Blaney Averue betwen Regnart creek and R:xirigues Averue: Applicatia1 9-Z-87, Fred Reine1l." Director of P1.anrùn¡ and Devel"l-""""IL cowan revieued his ..~ l with Counc1l. Director of PUblic Warks vis1ccviå1 þl !1I.ted a ..~l regamin;J park æxI "'1I:xiivisicn plannin¡ far the Wi1øa1 Sd1col site. He stated that this was a reviar of altematives in the ""':P,i "Iitia1 and deve1...........1t of the Wilsat Så1oo1 site and to assure that "K'Lu-Jal of Applicatial 21-'IM-87 does not preclude exerclsil'ç these altematives. MiUv KhXeby, Civil Engineer at the project, stated be had no c:bjectioo to an aã:ti.t.ia1a1 ccntitia1 reg¡u:ding Ito:%' to lot 2 frail Blaney. He ..~t.ed that the såIcol staff's ""'¥ULl to the såIcol beard did ~> ····-·ù the sale of the Wilsat and n.,..~ sites. Jeff Brown, a resi""'-lt 00 Rn'tal, ........."""Ðed OQuoeulS regazdiD] privacy and less of sun in his backyard since the schcol þL_ty is elevated. He also w,,-_-tecl that a parJdn;J lot or other sufficient parXin;r tie prcwided. Mr. Kiñœby referred to a sectiœ of 0Cntitia1 1 stat.iD;J that the subcU.viàer shall _.... to pravide fUll future Dpr:oyement of the a1l ds sac at the entire frart:agB east of the project. He said the deve1cper shcW.d not be required to þ,i 1 d the City's half of the a1l-de-sac. Mayor Gatto asJœd aba1t the time frame reg¡u:ding ~ib)e zaùIç otåinance å1an;Jes æxI a IIIOl'atori\DII until the å1an;Jes are effectiva. City Attorney Kilian stated that an interim zme can last up to t1o'O years. -6- MIl«71'!S OF 'DIE J»I.IARY 19, 1988 CI'lY cx:vNCIL JIIUa'JJG (OQ-734) Fœcl Reine1l, çplicant, said he understarœ Counc1l oo.-..;u regaJ:ti1D¡ size of houses. He said he is aware of the t'li ,,<,'-icn regarãinJ ~ and intends to be in ...-..p1iance. '!be haDes will tie frail 2,600-2,800 sq. ft. Ccunc. Jàmsa1 said parameters shaùd tie established befaœ ocnrlderatim of this çplicatioo. Delays have ",19«1 hardships. Mayor Gatto said he wants a vehicle or i'L' oCA'll1>'9 to allow Council to place cx:nctitia1S sett.irg limits 00 house size, etc. Dick Oliver, Dividen:i Devel"l-""""IL, asked if it WIlma possible to ~U'Ie the tentative map IUXI allow the deve1q¡er to seek a final map before the reza'Iin¡ is awrcvecl. City Attomey Kilian said that Counc1l can p]~ a .......atar.ium (or inter:lm zme) that çplies to the nl1ildin:¡ P"'"",it stage a1ly. It was IIIC~..ed by QJunc. Jàmsa1, secx:nBi by ():Junc. PlUD3Y 1UXIl""--..eI t.II'IanimcuIly to close the ¡xIb1ic hearin]. Mayor Gatto ...1IIOfttOt'I up the alternatives av>oilab1e includirç ~ 1Id1at is ~ s uLad at this meet1D;J, a maratarium pl~œd either at the subdivisia1 stage or the tJuildirx] P""""it stage, a planned &!Vel"l-""""íL "H:'Luadl a1.1c:JwiJ1g further cx:nctit!cms to tie plaoed 00 the use pemit, or an interim 'W.'4'=J...-y crdinance ¡,a..........lbing l:lmitaticnl (~, set:bac:k ~.L..úls) until study is ...-..p'lete. '!be zœing and tentative map OCIIIJld i'L' ...-.i. He st:atecl a pref....__ for the 'W.'4'=Ja.;¥ ordinance identi1'yi.nq paraDBterB and allowing a f1m'1IIOO 1 t.:Imetable far subdivisia1S. Hr. Khkeby stated he OCIIiJld see no prå:)]~ with an 'W.'4'=Ja.;!/ œ:dinance. It was IIICII8d by 0:iI.mc. Jb;Jem, seoctUtod by ():Junc. Jcimsc:n IUXI P"''''E'eel \IrIa11imr:uIly to grant: a Negative Declaratioo for Applicat:ic:n 9-z-87. It was IIICII8d by Ccunc. Rogers, secx:nBi by ():Junc. JåInsa1 IUXI l"""'"'«i t.II'IanimcuIly to ðWlU'le A¡:plicatim 9-Z-87 per Planning ChIoni ....iœ Resolutim No. 4018. It was m::wed by ():Junc. Plun::JY, seccmecl by QJunc. Rogers and l"'''',:,oo \1niI1'ÙJIDIs1y to read ordinance No. 1435 by title cnly IUXI the Dep.rt:y City Clerk's readin;J to CatStitute the first reading thereof. -7- Public hearing closed Negative Dec. 9-Z-87 9-Z-87 approved First reading of Ord. 1435 . Neaative Dec. for 21-TH-87 21-TM-87 approved Taxl permit h.lng cont. Bingo renewals continued Public hearing closed . . .'1 MDI1ŒS OF 'DIE ~ 19, 1988 CI'1Y CXDaL 1'IUi.I.-.uG (000-734) It WI! IIICII8d by ():Junc. Roger.., S80QaA4 by a:.mc. Jœ.*I1 and P"--øel \IrIa11imr:uIly to grant: a Neqativa DIIa1m'a1:.iœ for Appl1cat:ic:n 2~-'DHI7. It WIllI IIICII8d by ():Junc. lb}æ;$, seo...A4 by a:.mc. JI.lII-.ð and 1"'- lei 11nIUÛIIIcUBly to aw........ App].icat:ic:n 21.JD1-8'7 pili:' P1anning no-i_ioo Bøøoluticn No. 4019 with ocn!it:ic:n ~7 ~ to read, ........... to lot 2 is liJdted to the ner.r public ..L..-t entering the )"'.........ty fnD Blaney AverI1a." An t...__...ý ordinance IIIBItiD¡ Rl am RHS ardin!Inces addin;J .......L..úls regu1at.inq size and setbacks of sing1e-f8llli1y dwllings will tie cxnlidered at the next 1IIIi!8t:ing. E:i Ford requested clarificatial of the prøvicus actioo. 21. Request for ~wal to operate a taxi service in QJpert:ino filed by ÐImIIIrIIel 0kwucW.i, Silicon valley Cab. PreviaJsly CCI'ItJrJJed to Februa%y 1, 1988. 22. Ann1al CXIISi.....cdJ.cn of re._al of birxp po-tits: YH::A of santa Clara valley¡Nort:hwest &...d1, st. JœS(Jh of QJpert:ino Chm::h, In'.:.emat.ia1a1 order of Odd Fe1.lowB lI:Jdgia No. 70, Q~ High Sd1col Bocst:em Club, Inc.. PreviaJsly CCI'ItJrJJed to}~ 16, 19a8. 23. App1j.catj,aw a-Z-87, 48-u-87 - west valley mvwing center, IICUtbw8st quadrant, ~ ibid and ~ BcWevard: ..~l œgardin¡ signal at K -"teIId ibid and n....1CO ct. Director of P"'1 it'! 1I...Lk.. V1skcviå1 said his ...........L analyzed what the signal ......1ld do durin;J peak traffic. He said that data indicates that a traffic signal is warranter:I for this intersec::t.icn. J. D. VarxSerlaan .._ ! dLlnq Mr. Franco)'" Ullbed to the Deputy City Clerk a petitioo requestin;J installat:ic:n of a traffic signal at the intersect:iat. It was IIICII8d by ():Junc. Johnsa1, secxn:ied by a:.mc. Rogers æxI I""'ø-'ad unanimaJs1y to close the public hearing. -8- . MINUl'!S OF '!HE .:J»«JARY 19, 1988 CI'1Y <XXJNCIL rJUa".uG (œ-734) It was JIICIYecl by ():Junc. ~S, MCaIded by Came. ~ and ~-nel unanimcus1y to _we the irsta1lati.a1 of a traffic signal at R. ...~ Read ancI :FLa...... Ocurt with døvelq)8l.. to pay for their prcport:iœata share of the cœt of said insta1.1atiœ. RE) .~-.;; 9:50-10:02 p.m. . PJ:.1\NtmC APPLtCM'ICRS Applicat.ia1s 21-'IM-87 am 51-EA-87 - Fred Reinel1 - see Itaa No. 20. 24. Applicatiœ 52-u-87 - F'ranzella's (ord1ard Valley Mañœt Place) , scut:heast quadrant, stevens creek Boulevard and Portal AWlIJe - Use Pemit to cprate a delicatesseJVta]œ-cut food service ocunter within an existin¡ r:crecb1ty food store, æxI to eF,,¡"1 iRh quide1ines for .....Il...úl of aItdcar t'lillpl~ and sale of mm:å1andise. Ð1vira1mental IIeterIIIinatic: 'DIe project is categcrlcally «-_.,.... per ~ guidelines. PA> ····--ded for ~wal. PreviaJSly 0CI1tin1ecl to Februæ:y 16, 1988. 25. App1icaticn 53-u-87 - Aroo Oil, scuthIr¡est OOUIIIIr of silver Oak way and Foothill Boulevard, 1012 Foothill Boulevard - Use Pemit to _Cite a 275 sq. ft. snack shcp within an existin¡ service st.at.iœ. Envi.ra1mBntal Det:erminaticn: 'DIe project is œtegoriœlly «--'1!l per ~ guidelines. R&,,_·_·~ded far GKM-wal. Director of P1anniJr:l æxI Devel_d. cowan reviewed his ~~t. ():Junc. Plungy asJœd abcut pJb1ic:: octlO8l11S reganlJnJ trash. ~ sayre .._ B .~ Aroo Oil stated that the P1arJniD;J ChIoni....iœ ocn:litia1s are acœptable. He asJœd Counc1l to judge the )'1-' '1' .....1 00 its own merits and said the dealer will maJœ a good faith effort to keep the )'I-~ty c:lean. Ted Forsythe, 22556 Silver Oak way, said that the cw...etlt dealer has c:leaned the )'I-_"ty up, but he v::IU1.d 1iJœ a ocn:litial At'ItW'I requiri.ng that it be Jœpt c:lean. Came. Rcgers inquized as to ~ a ocn:titim CXAÙè be develqJecl for this type of ~1icatiœ ao:'kb.-inJ trash. Director of P1annin;J and Devel"l-""""rt: cowan said that could be da1e. -9- Traffic signal at Franco and B:>mestead Franzella's continued . 53-U-87 approved. 6 month review set . No walkway or park . MDI1ŒS OF 'DIE JANCAR!( 19, 1988 Cl'l'! OXJNCIL Jomi:a0.uG (OQ-734) It 11118 IIICMId by ():Junc. ~.. to ClM'LU¥'8 the a¡:pli.c:aticn with a J:'IIYi.w after six 1IØ1ths. At that time <DmcilJBy add cc:nfitia1s about cleamp or IIIIÚJ1t8mIC8 of the u.. 'lbe IIICt:ica died far lack of a secx:m. It 11118 IIICMId by ():Junc. Plun;¡y, secaìied by ():Junc. R'ppel. and P"-~ with Counc1l1ll J.... ~.. and Gatto t'li--uJt.!nr¡ to ClM'LU¥'8 the IIRIlicatia1 per Plannin:;J l"nIIIfti_i"", RBsolut:ia1 No. 4027, wit.'1 the a¡:plicat.iœ CXIIIin;J œck as a o..._uL calenSar item in six IIØ1ths for review. 26. Applicatia1s 2~-87 and 57-FA-87 Dividend DBvel'¥"'"'.l Calp. , north side of Q)l.1IIftJs AverJJ8 Jxiund by Maria R:8a and Wi.JJdnscn Averues - Tentative IIBp to subdivide 1 parcel into 15 parcels with lot sizes l'a1'IginJ fraa 7,500 sq. ft. to 14,125 sq. ft. Ð1Yira1IDantal Deteminatim: 'lbe Plannin:;J ChIoni '"EJiat reo:- ····....ds the qrant.ing of a Negative Dec:laratia1. p...:- _·_·~æJ tar denial. Plannin¡ ,..........l1l:I100 moticn far ~wal f..i1ed with a 2-2 vote. Mayor Gatto left the dais statinq a pœsible CCI1flict of interest mñ turned the meetinq CNer to Mayor Pro ~. Plungy . Director of Plannin;J ancl DBvel"l-""""IL ocwan review8d the histœ:y of the a¡plicatial. He shcwecl the neIi plan and "'Cp1..i11ecl that two lots bad been increased in size in an effort to protect the Oak b. ,i. He also shcwecl an c:pn ~ plan )AL I .Led by tœ >q:p1 tœnt: depi.ct.iD¡ a walkway and 1IIini-pmc lin1c1nq Wi.JJdnscn and Maria 1DIa. It ......,1t'I cost the City ~...n-tely ~5,OOO yearly to maintain the area. By CXIIS8I1SUS, Counc1l stated they did not want a walkway or parle. Dick Oliver, DividEni DBvel"l-"""".t CO., said that the p... ,....uel deve1"l-""""ll OCIIplies with zaún;J æxI General Plan rec;r.úremmts. Every effcrt is beinq made to save the b. :so Bruce Smith, Wi.JJdnscn Avenue resident, stated oalOem regard!n:;J the <Y'OOp"tibility of the )AL~ nd haIIes with existin;J a1E!S. He referred to a petitiœ subaittecl by residents in the area calling for a moratorium ~ deve1"l-""""lls suå1 as this a1EI until an cmiinanoe reganlilq deve.l"l-""""It <Y'OOp"tibility with exi.st.i.rq haIIes has been enacted. -10- MIH1rI!S OF 'DIE J1\N()ARy 19, 1988 CI'1Y CXXJNaL 1'IUir.uG (OQ-734) In ~- to the petitia1, COUnc. Plungy said that nBII J:Ules will be CCI'IIIi.........cl at the next œet:.inr¡. E:i Ford, Wi1Jdnscm A'YeI1Je, said that IIIaI:'8 neighbana 1IIImt to sign the petitic:n. He said the waIJcway was a TolaY the City t'Y'!I,1., own the b: es and prot:ec:t them. SUzæ1ne Ford, Wi1Jdnscm AVWI18, said the neighbana feel .L......,¡ly about the b: H. She as- Ccuncil to give the ~ idea Dn8 thaJght:. Density.is also a OQ...-... to her. Scale of house size to lot size """"112 tie cx:nsi......, eel. ~ neigbbars dal't want estate ",...·HS 00 city lots and want ... <' to the trees. Ccunc. Plungy ashd if there .is a þrwI~. ~"'8OC'iatic:n in the 7I"'1~.....d. Ms. FoJ:å said no, b.1t: it's a ~ neigh1:x¡mcod. ():Junc. Plungy ...~""tecl that the neighbors might tie interested in am1n¡ the area. Ccunc. J&ypeJ. asJr-1 if the r>ef'1'ñors had fœ.-...1y had "<'<~ to the b: ,s; Ms. Ford said no. Marr 1l'i1"ln:oby adiñ ad the lot size i"""U8. at lots 3 and 14 }vy-ns are to be b1i1t cutsJde the c1ripline of the t.... T. ():Junc. Plungy IIIIJNtd if the J1(Jo1Se 00 lot 3 t'Y'!I,1., be IIICMId back en the lot 80 there is vi...""'1 ~x to the L.. rr. MI:. Oliver said that t'Y'!I,1t'I be dcne. He also stat.ecl that the l'I'p1ica of a ...i_kn en the l'L_l}" will be 1IICII8d. It was JII:MId by ():Junc. Jålnsaì, .......càod by a:.mc. ~.. and P"'--lel unanhcus1y to grant a Negative n-b"tial for the project. In answer to CkJuD::. Bcgers quest.iœ about viewiD;J the ttlWI traa the "L..-t, MI:. Oliver said they can adjust '::he p1",: ,- L of the """'lifS en lots 3, 14 æxI 15 to tie sensitive to p,h1 10 view of the b. r. It was JII:MId by Ccunc. Jàu~ and ...........càod by ():Junc. ~ to "'M"'uv'e Applicatial 2~7 per Plannin¡ ChIoni~oo Resolut.ia1 No. 4024 with cx:n:tit:ic:n 17 ~ to J:1ICl.1ire a visual ----.Il, details to tie ~Jo....d QIt be't1Æen staff and çplicant. -11- Negative Dec. for 26-TM-87 26-TM-87 approved as amended, visual easement to trees . . ASAC 51,762.1 approved e HINm'!S OF 'DŒ JANœRY 19, 1988 CI'1Y CXXJNC:IL 1'IUa".uG (00-734) Mr. Fard said the neighbors haw net had time to CXI'IBider pmimsiø¡ the .....""'""'l)'. He st:at.ecl that 0D1cil 81 ..... to haw an fIIIOt.icnsl œ&pa1Se to hav1n:¡ a IIini park. IIIybe the cnly solutiat is to spend the $5,000 to maintain the park. ():Junc. Plungy m",,--u.d that the neighbors wadt with the deve1cpar reganUnr¡ the ¡m'dIase or dcmat.ia1 of the lA"","",L)'. Mr. Fard said he didn't feel that the City has ........l..ul CIII8:r the to. !S. 'D1e maticn p"'øø..... 4-0 with ():Junc. Gatto absent. R!yar Gatto retumed to the dais. ~ AND Sl'Œ API9JIlAL CXHaTl'EE APPLICATI<K9 27. Applicatim ~ 51,762.1 - Shell oil 00. - ~ aw..u.tal of site and aråú.tectural -"'Ii 1':Lcat.ic:ms to an existi.n] service statim located at the southeast cœ...... of st:eYens Creek Bculevard æxI Blaney AwnJe. 19990 stevens Creek Bc:W.evard. RJe(, ····....dId for denial. Director of PJ.anniD;J and Devel,+""",.L Q:JWan reviewed the ¡,~L with Ccuncil. Jåm EricJœc:n, !'Ihoo11 Oil 00., said this is a _11 pmject and there is no intention to expan:i the use. 'D1e intent is to solve a safety prnh'. reganUnr¡ the 1.ocat.ia1 of t.anJœ. At this time, truåaI haw to park in the......... Il to fill the t.anJœ. 'Ib8y ......,1t'I 1ika to np'- the tanks to maJœ sure they'm safe. Q1StaDar will have .ze cpm cira11atial. Director of PJ.anniD;J and Devel"l-"""".L Q:JWan shcwIEId 00 the plan ŸIere the iDprowaents woold be insta11ecl. It was IIICII8d by ():Junc. Jå1nsa1, secx:njecl by ccunc. Roger. and P"'--sel unarùmcus1y to approve the çplicatim per the plan ..... S Id.ecl. UNFINISHED HJSIJŒSS 28. Hale. -12- MnI1l'!S OF 'DIE JAIImR!C 19, 1988 Cl'l"l CXXJNC:IL 1'IUa'.uG (OQ-734) NEW IIJSINI!SS 29. O:l1sidm:atia1 of a resolut.iœ œ:' ....-.dinr¡ a ban at -1)1111 and bIIIvy trucks 00 Rcute 85 beituem 101 ard 280. (a) aesoJ..ut.iœ No. 7411: "A Resolut.iœ of the city Counc1l of the City of QJpertino Reo ....-1diD¡ a Ban of ......inlll and Heavy 'l'ruc:Jœ 00 Ra1te 85 BelbIeIll1 Ra1te 101 in south san Jose and Ra1te 280 in Q pertino. " It was IIICII8d by ():Junc. Plungy, seoa1dad by ():Junc. JÙIl-.t. and P"'''-ed \IrIa11imr:uIly to adept Resolut.iœ No. 7411. 30. aesoJ..ut.iœ No. 7412: "A Resolut.iœ of the City oamci1 of the City of 0Jpert:in0 sett:in;J a F\ hJ i" Hearl1q to 0:nIider Part:icipaticn in Fœ:IIBt.ia1 of a CCJunty-wide Vector o...ll..úl District." It was IIICII8d by ():Junc. Plungy, seoctdeol by 011nc. JÙà-... and I'" eel un2InÚIUI1.y to adcpt Resolut.iœ No. 7412 with the 1"10' i" hearln¡ date å1aD;¡ed to February 16, 1988. 31. selec::t.ia1 of date for anmal ChIoni-ia;ers' dinner. By OC'......BUS, Counc1l set Marå1 12 as the date for the dinner. 32. Bey....l 00 bicl cpn1n}, DeAnza Bc:W.8I7ard am SbMnI Creek Bculevard IamP "dng ~..._,t.s, Project 3002, and award of o....ll..caA... It VIIS D:Md by ():Junc. Plungy, ........dad by a:.mc. Jù...... and P"--eel un2InÚIUI1.y to øelect Altemate A am award the ~Il....ct to IIIIrz8r Iar-w. 91" œsed 00 th8.t.r ltIIl!Øt Alte:L...te A ~. y -1 in the amount of $132,000, to ~..". a CXI'ItJ.ngency for a total project of $150,000 with fUnr:Unr¡ as fallows: stewns Creek Bculevard, $75,000; D8Anza Bculevard, $75,000: to authorize l..culBfer of $75,000 :r.raa ...-..pløtecl Project No. 4011 (st.el1inq,ISbMnI cr.k) to Project 4019 (DeAnza¡St.e\I&1 cr.k Widerdn;J) ; to ~-:>' itJAte thŒ.t two projects .into CI18 for accx:amt.irg pnp.:ns, Project No. 3002. 33. RBview and CXI1Si......Atia'1 of ratifiœt.ia1 of ~()1)=n:1 dues :I..nc::ræse of League of California Cities. It was IIICII8d by ():Junc. Plungy, secxrDed by ():Junc. ~. æxI p"'~-ael unaniJawsly to ~ the :I..nc::ræse. -13- Resolution 7411 adopted Resolution 7412 adopted Karch 12 Commissioners' dinner Contract to Herzer Land-· scape Increase appr<:'ved e .HIH.1Æ9 OF 'BIB JMÐAR!( 19, 1988 Cl'1Y CXXK:[L ~-.uG (œ-734) WIU'~'~ CXJIIJNICATIaIS 34. Hale. œD1NAlaS 35. Sea:ni readin;J and .-..I:-L of 0rdJnance No. 1434: "An 0rdJnance of the City Q:Juncil of the City 0% O,¡pertjno ~ Sect:ia\ 1 of 0rdJnance 110. 2 by Rezcm1D¡ h........t.y fma en ZelIa to P ZelIa; IDc6tad in the BallI lilt ().oachcull, R. -'teI!Id RcIId and DIIInza Bculevard; ~ 8-z-87, West V'all8y ~ 0IInter. " Second re&ding It was IIICIII8d by ():Junc. Plungy, MO...dad by ():Junc. ~.. of Ord. 1434 and P""'nel \IrIa11imr:uIly to mad Ordiœnœ No. 1434 by title œly and the Dep1ty City CJ..etk's readinI¡ to cx:I1Stitute the seccni readinI¡ th8reof. Ord. 1434 It was IIICII8d by ():Junc. Roge1:e, seoct~ by ():Junc. Plungy enacted and p"'-.1Id \IrIa11imr:uIly t4) eBCt Ordiœnœ No. 1434. e DeAnza Racquet Club . RmOII11'ICtIS 36. Hale. M'~ !':IõSSIaf At 11:53 p..., Counc1l adjamlecl to a clœ1ld sw"i,.., for pULPéus of p-..ih1e ""'<l,i.it.ia1 of 1'L~lý. At 12:45 a..., Counc1l rEO:I1II8I8d in cpm s-":la1. R:>IL CAIL a:.mc. p~ 8 .L: Jù......., liu41, Plungy, Rcg8ra, Hayar Gatto staff -'11 L: City IIID'IegIrr ()dnlan Dep1ty City CJ..etk Wolfe Directar of p"1 i.., w..ð... Vi.s1a:wi.å1 Directar of Plaminr¡ and eøv.¡, ,---It ocwan Director of 1Ub and .........t.ia1 Dcw1in¡ City Attamsy IW.ian It was IIICII8d by ():Junc. P1ungy, __.dt.d by ():Junc. JI.h~ and p"'--eel \IrIa11imr:uIly to authorize staff to "'OC¡)1œ:e pcss:ible ""'<l,i.itial of the ~ Raocp!t Club 1'L..........lý. At ]2'" ..... tba__ ~ tI. .V:."Á-. City ClerK -14-