NO STREET #March 28, 1974
Mr. John A. Busto
Building Inspector
City of Cupertino
10300 Toore Avenue
Cupertino, California 95014
Dear Mr. Busto:
778 Dartshire Way
Sunnyvale, California
This will confirm our March 28 telephone conversation and an earlier
one about a week ago. My wife and I are buying a condominium on
Lot 97 at DeAnza Oaks. I was concerned about three or four items
in the framing, which I outlined to you. One was about a 4' or 5' sec-
tion which had been cut from one of the 2" x 6" rafters. You stated
the contractor had not requested a framing inspection, but you'd have
an inspector perform a pre -framing inspection.
My wife and I visited the building yesterday afternoon. Your inspector
not only listed the four things I mentioned, but using a blue crayon and
also a written list, enumerated 14 items he wanted corrected.
It's a pleasure to inform you how pleased we were, not only at your
prompt follow-up, but the thoroughness with which you or someone
in your organization performed the task. We wanted you or your in-
spector to know and also Mr. Sisk to be informed. This type of per-
formance and protection for the buying public is certainly appreciated.
4; Z
Robert H. Smith
cc: Mr. Jim Sisk, Director
Planning & Development
City of Cupertino
This will confirm our March 28 telephone conversation and an earlier
one about a week ago. My wife and I are buying a condominium on
Lot 97 at DeAnza Oaks. I was concerned about three or four items
in the framing, which I outlined to you. One was about a 4' or 5' sec-
tion which had been cut from one of the 2" x 6" rafters. You stated
the contractor had not requested a framing inspection, but you'd have
an inspector perform a pre -framing inspection.
My wife and I visited the building yesterday afternoon. Your inspector
not only listed the four things I mentioned, but using a blue crayon and
also a written list, enumerated 14 items he wanted corrected.
It's a pleasure to inform you how pleased we were, not only at your
prompt follow-up, but the thoroughness with which you or someone
in your organization performed the task. We wanted you or your in-
spector to know and also Mr. Sisk to be informed. This type of per-
formance and protection for the buying public is certainly appreciated.
4; Z
Robert H. Smith
cc: Mr. Jim Sisk, Director
Planning & Development
City of Cupertino