CC 10-26-92
10300 'lŒRB AVI!IIB, .........u.'Uo, CA 95014
~: (408) 252-4505
MDI1ŒS æ 'DIB ~ RI!a1IAR .xmr1' crrr CDH:IL,
M..;m'JJ!Cl\JdL All) SI'IB API'RJ'lAL <XIIIl'l'D!Z _~.aiG,
lIEU) CIf Ul:l\.IS5K 26, 1992, CDIPBRI!:NC!: lOllS C All) D,
CAIL 'lO œœR
'DIe meeting _ "" 11 ed to order by Mayor 9orEI1øen at 7: 30
QJunc. P). s_iL:
DeIm, Golàœn, Jl'rß-l, Szabo, Mayor !L&.~.
Architectural and Site Approval ....J -, D Pl._-!L:
Lavioø, Lim, ~, Hœœie
Staff P)._s lL:
City Clerk 0JrT-1 ;""
Director of n-...;ty DeIIoel''I...~,L o:-n
Planner r: lnhi1 honj
œAL CXHDaCATI<lwS - Ncne.
1. ()zt]ine for rI; .....ISSi.on:
Basic role and pw.~ of city cpv....UUClÙL.
Perceived prcòleaB with CW,1....lL øyøtEm.
¡t¡at; d:> we '4IImlt ~ to look liJœ?
ExIiIIpl_ of ~.
ASI\C Reøpcnøibiliti.eø
Mayor SorenseIl reviewed the DBterial to be discussed am
BUgJe8ted a give and take rI; ......ISSi.on fOIDBt.
u.:i.......... 26, 1992 (œ-846A)
0:1IIII. Laviœ ~_S d.ed b!Ic:kgrouOO aIXi ~c&sed the need
that CDmcll and ASN:. n-onnD1iœte. <kl occasion, she has
felt offended reg¡miing Council's questioning of ASN:.
.. J'aLD' qualifiœti.a1s.
MIIyar 9orI!nøen aølœd Wat the Camù.ttee felt shculd be the
'l"'1if'iœti.a1s for ASN:. lIIt2ILc..s,
Calm. Lim said that ead1 rœJItJer is different; ead1
1.""," S 4.8 a piece of saœt:hing', an architect, a lcng-time
resident, a ~ ..~.,~, etc, '!here is a broad range of
~ at the oamù.ttee,
cnmc. Ilr{p> 1 said she did mt want the oamù.ttee to be a
rutiJer øt:I!IIp of O:Juncil,
cnmc, SZabo zeaffiJ:med that the oamù.ttee shculd mt be a
mirror iJœge of CD.,;-xil. If Ccuncil wants sanet:hing
ØP'i""if'ic, tT"OnIIi -ionø and oamù.ttees IIIJSt be given a
written 9.;,.1 ;1'Iß, A _jar prà>lBII is the øjql om;......."...,
'!he City needs 9.i,.1inAA in writing for a ~ean to
follow. '!he øiÇJ1 ordÏnIInœ needs to be caucoahl.
Calm, I.avioø said it is CDUI1ter-p:rocluctive to hear in
pmlic £ran the City 0:Juncil, "N1at does ASN:. think it'ø
Calm, Lim said he shared the <X1IlCertl reg¡miing pmlic
criticism of a ..........; -ien or ocmnissianer. ASN:. is a
subjective tT"OnII; -ion, deteImining BI1d1 ti'.ings as whether
or mt necn shculd be allOle1. '!he sjql ordinance is mt
s.iJlple or clear cut.
cnmc, SZabo BUIp!Sted a bic tier siÇJ'l ordinance that wculd
state ~ is IIBIIdIIt:ary and ~ wculd merely be
guidelines ,
CDmcll agreed that staff should checlt into the liqltø in
the J:1XIJ\ where ASI\C Jœets, cu..-rentJ.y licjlting d1Imges
color 1WIIIp1es. 0:Juncil ~...,j with the suggestial of
daylicIt hùbø.
Cbunc, Golàœn will provide the nsne of a suwlier.
Hr, Rå:>illard was asked to rontact him,
lX:IUZK 26, 1992 (Œ-846A)
CamI. Laviœ cdh.=aed Cooncil regarding the Ii; "I?"rity
between the siCJ:l ordinance ðI1d what was being ~ by
ASN;. She asked if the cxmnittee should "WL0Ye all siqls
within the ordinance. 'lhis rould be Œ:ne¡ 1øieIIer, the
cxmnittee 00es rot want unsicjItly sicps.
Mayor Sorensen 8IXi Ccunc. Go1dœn agreed that ASN; øbJuld
rot "WL0IIe uns~ly sig:!s.
Discussicn followed regarding the possibility of åIIIDging
the cw......,L siql ordinance at ooœ regarding heiI1t, '1bI!I
purpose of this wculd be roO avoid misleading pec.ple that
they oould have a 20 ft, sjq1. Generally, ASN; "'!¥L~-
6-8 ft. In planned districts, the size is di.s<::r:eti.oo up
to 20 ft. In the u.u..ld1:cial secticn it states the øjq1
shall rot E!Xœ""I a height of 20 ft.
By CD1Øer1BU8, with Counc. KcWel an:i Desn disøenting,
Ccuncil stated that the cw......,L ordinance shall ~
until the entiIe siCJ:l ordinance is revised, AS!\C -
requested to prepare infocual gridelines that rou1d be
hIInded to peq>le aver the rounter.
CamI. lkIXBie said the sjq1 cxmnittee is working at a
i'L'" eoillre whim, if iDplemented, will allow staff to
ØWLCNe øaœ sjqls rather than all of them cx:ming to ASN;.
I!:IIpO'-i neon sig:!s are rot aå:h.c&sed in the c:urra,t
ordinance. Historically, they are rot awroved· J?erbspø
this issue oould be aå:h.=sed in the revi8ed siCJ:l orrl;ntmCII"I
stating that it is at ASN;'s di.scretic.c.
Ccunc, DeIm stated that sane merd1ants need the exposure
created by having a flashy sjq1.
CamI, Lim said that A- Úcud> are occurring nme often and
they are unsicItly, 'lhis type of sic.Jl is prohibited in
CUpertino; 1xJwever, enfu1.u:aucuL is difficult.
Other issues pertaining to the siCJ:l ordinance are the
possibility of allowing nme sig:!s on the main shcg>ing
center sic.Jl 8IXi alternating sic.JlS.
Ccunc. Golàœn said that the sales tax is rot the anly
thing to (D)Sider. It is better to axrt;rol the
proliferation of sic.JlS.
CamI. Weber stated that it was necessary to establish a
level playing field for all rosinesses.
MDÐŒS œ 'DIE AWŒIRNED ~ CITY a:ucn. """'~'.uG (II
(),;~1.a!ÒK 26, 1992 (CC-846A)
Qmn. Lim felt that ASAC ~ to cb lIDI'e site BRJ[OWl.
'1he way the dellel. \ "~jL is planned DBIœs a difference.
Stores are in fra1t of ead1 other whid1 DBIœs sane of them
1IDI'e diffiaùt to see. Shcps ¡,.c..~mcular to the ..t..._L
rather than parallel have a IIDI'e diffiaùt time.
Qmn, Iaviœ said that ASAC has tried to be prcblEm solvers
and not just deny an application, but to <uœ up with
solutiœs. '!be way the ~""-"'D8 is at this time, plans are
dJne deals by the time that ASAC sees them. Sjq1aga is not
btportant to the developer; it is .inportant to t"~.
Director of Camunity Dellel. \ ··-.L Q)wan caid that in the
City of IDs Gates, there is an infmmal review of plans by
L,¥,- s .Latives of the City Council and ASAC prior to the
application being filed. It was stated that as the City
has IIDI'e desiq1 gl;rila1ines, it will need to be lIDI'e
directive earlier in the þL~.
~.r s~ are for advertisinq or identification
pal:' Bes is a hiçþly di.scretiœary itan. Exanples brouI1t
up were '1he ili=dJOUSe, Pb:Jt:o Dri~ and Symantec.
0Junc. Kq.pel said she '«JUld like the City to have sane
lEeoll!ly, ScIIetimes an advertising-type siq1 '«JUld be
~JOhle. A h;gr;rr prcblEm is the clutter of signs.
Du.:,!ssien follCfolled regarding the City'ø ability to abate
old, ncn-amfoIllling siqls. Perhaps when a new owner ta1œs
aver a ~ center or business, they <XJUld have 5-10
years to abate the nrn-<xnfm:ming si~.
tþJn it being suggested that the City not wait until the
business turns aver but siBply have the si<JIS abated, it
- menticr.ed that this _ not a cpxi policy and it '«JUld
be better to create a positive inoer.tive for dwmge.
'1he subject of large lease ;¡~ en h1ildingB and ~
centers in CUpertino was brouI1t up. 'Ihese are ronsidered
t-,\.., cay si<JIS and are, therefore, allCfolled.
Council BUggested that there be a size limitatioo. and
length of time the siq1 moùd be up. In regard to
political si<JIS, a time limit ally is allowed and that is
in the œrrent ordinanœ, CUrrently, there are many si<JIS
thrc:JuIþJut CUpertino that advertise eII'eI1ts outside of the
city. '1hese are not currently allCfolled, but are a oode
enf01.'-"2UCI,t issue. A-frame si<JIS are also a oode
enfOl.\A:llclIL issue. ASAC will also a:me up with guidelines
re']aI'ding the sign letter height on h1ilding--¡munteri signs,
MI1«1ŒS (F 'DIE AnXURNED REnJIAR Cl'1'Y CXXH:IL h!.I.~'.u.«; (F
'A.:~\ÆZK 26, 1992 (œ-846A)
CDmc, Kq:pel suggested that peq>le be able to have mre
than bole garage sale øjqlø¡ but if they are not cbwn within
48 hcurs of the sale, the P=......, '-ÙJ put them up be fined,
Qmn. Ibœie said the American Planning Asøociat.iœ has a
mdel sÏl.Jl ordinance that is useful. '!be City
(h...,..;) may "'.3nt to look at it. '1he øÏl.Jl cx:mtdttee is
uøing it in framing the City's new ordinance.
'!be next type of sjqlø to be ,;; R1"11SøecI were bllnalCl.D and
those for sr-",..l EMÐts. '!be <:W.1.cuL orc:tin!mce is quite
lenient with these types of sjqlø.
QJunc. Szabo suggested ASIIC subnit a 1"-' ¥ _1.
Another item for discuøsim was external VB, intema1
illœdnated sjqlø. Q.u.1.CI,Lly, external type is preferred
by ASIIC. ASIIC will prepare sic;J} 9,;ñAHnes which will be
stated in the minutes of their next Jœeting. If Q:Iunci1
differs ñ:an what has been prepared they will notify
ASIIC. '!be guidelines will not be inp. JIEIlted for 30 days
after ASIIC a¡:proves them.
'DIe next najor issue to be discussed was esthetics of the
h,; 1';;"'J". Council ag¡:ccol that ASIIC can try to persuade
Ig)liamts to do IIC.Iœthing different than their or; g:i "" 1
1M-' \" ~ if the cx:mtdttee does not think the desÏl.Jland
mlors are esthetically pleasing,
At 9: 10 p.m, , 0:Juncil adjourned to their meeting of
'DIurøday, October 29, 6:45 p,m., in Council Ovonb:>r.
City Clerk