CC 06-10-92
10300 'ltERE AVENUE, aJPER':t'IW, CA 95014
~: (408) 252-4505
a::ocn. .........·UC, HEW œ .JtIIB 10, 1992,
CALL '10 ~
'!tie meeting was called to ULJt... by MtoJ'U'o !L..~ IM01¡ at 7:33
Counc. ~ S íL:
DeIm, Go 1'-", Keppel, Szabo, MII]/or Sœ:&Iøen
Staff PL ø Jt.:
City MimBger Brown
City Cledt OJrneliuø
DiIector of Public ......... VislIDri.d1
DiIector of PinImce SI1yder
Aøøiøt:ant to the City ~ 8mIID
DiIector of lhlllll1.dty 1)eyIoI],,, .,-.\. n:n 1811
DiIector of Pæ:lœ am Rt:..a...d:im DDlfling
Public ~ Officer Krey
Study øessial to review pre1imiTlAT}' h~ for 1992-93
fiscal year.
Director of Public 1b:u VisIIDvidl reviaIed the
dep!n1:ment's h"7t am hig.1ig.ted ""-9-. Be said the
City IIIIY r-J-t volunteer be1p to 1IB.1st with the
IrIIÚJ1teI1IIDC of the youth sports f'i..1 "".
QJuncil ';;""WIsed t:rmJsferring r-,......nú1fty for .i~ -11.,
curb and 9Jtter repairs to indiviWal baDe 0WDa&... If the
City did the repairø, they .......111 be cbIIJ:ged to the baDe
owners or the gas tax funds mn1d be used for this
project, 1bIeYer, if gas tax are used, it dt..",,-F!ø
the maintenance of effort.
KIH7ŒS CF 'l1IE ADJaJRNED fœSJIAR CITY a:ulCn. ......u.l'G CF
JUNE 10, 1992 (CC-838C)
In regard to street pawment maintenance, Mr. V.i.økovicb
stated that all of the IIDlieø budgeted will mt be uøed at
this time, 1boIeYer, in about three yesrø, Stevens creek
Boolevard will need lID overlay am mœy shcu1d be set
aside for that project.
Director of Finance Snyder said that there is DO in eov-........,L General Fund. In œgard to
CUpertiD:> Sports Center, there is øaœ revenue to offset
the <DSt listed in the hvtr;pot; OOwever, the City does need
to provide CIf:¥1.w'Í-tely 1/2 ~...... for IIIBintenanœ for
whiå1 the City is re&pœl8ible.
Mr. ViBkDvic"t c~ that the QJuncil will prdJably be .....-
to inc:reaøe water mt:eø; hcJ¡IB'IIeI', the i"-'t^-es.i ir...... --8
will i"-.~ly be under 10\. QJuncil will be "A~ for lID
iJA.a..-.. in g¡nt¡ege mt:eø also. '!be œly ospital
~ project listed is youth øportø .,f.1t4oa.
~. _.1 i '111 to a Q:>t...,.; 1 .._,J.eI ' ø ~, Mr. VisIa::Ivicb
provided .infœ:JIIIt.ia1 about the level of .t.......dt IIIIint:eDIInœ
and pointed out that the IIBÌDt:enIIDOe 0C0JI'8 juøt prior to
when deteriaratia1 .....,1tf occur.
Nancy Burr.dl.L inquired about haae owners DBintaining
s;... -1 b, c:mbø, IIDd 9Jtt:ers am what 1IIDUld heppen if the
s;..o--ll1: were tf....-.1"1 by lID act of God.
She _ ;nr.....~1 the haae CJWDe[" would be œquired to hIIDdle
Ann Anger aøJœiI if ..t........t. trees 1TII,11'1 be p1~ inside the
1M-"!'C1.L}' am mt at the ø;'~- 1b in the future.
Mr. Vi.øla:wid1 stated that the 0:Iuncil bsd ~ a certain
..t........4. ~ so that the tree _ CD the .,i-'--11< DBItt to
the WIb. '!bat is the cw.u,uL øtandIm:I; 00wever, IICØt of
the ..t...éétB are alreIIdy develqIed.
MiJœ Wincn asked about legal acticxt am city 1 ;..h; 1 ;ty if
the I~Jiibility were transferred to haae owners.
Mr. ViskDviå1 said that the City would place a time limit
for citizens to handle repairs, then the City 1IIDUld do it
and bill the heme owner. 1boIeYer, if it were an extremely
hðzarcbJs cxn:titial, the City micþt do a,ICLYcucy mininun
repairs .
JUNE 10, 1992 (OC-838C)
Mr. Wina! addressed Council regarding œble acœeø
funding. He asJœd if the City IY"JI.M fuOO CD a quarterly
basis instead of 8IIIlUðlly, He said that Mr. Snyder bs1
told tWn that it 'oICUld create DDre OIIel.t --.. than it is
'lbe cx:mni.ttee always has the ..yinn of a:ming back to
Council if J\Dre funds are n c -wj.
Mr. Wina! stated that the ..........;ttee feels that it is not
best to revert the $130,000 to the Geoeral FUnd. If that
is done, the IIID!IY may not be _i1....18 when the """"";ttee
needs it.
IS1 Batd1e1or ~ that <bmci1 leIIve $30,000 for the
O"1III'ittee. If no emergencies CXJIIEI up, the DDI8Y will not
be used.
Mr. winc:n said that he bs1 ~Jlllr1ot1 with œe lYYI<nJltllDt wbD
øuggeøted the 0JSt IIIÌc;þt be $10,000 if the .........ittee ~ a
lot of the 'IOt'k the Cllb18 xañ....,r+ti.iDg.
Othmw:ise, it ooulð ooøt around $20,000.
Mr. Snyder said he bs1 DBCIe BaIIB aø-Vinn adj\.;L....d.B in
that fuOO. If CDmcil ta1œs the $130,000, there will be
$26,980 left, whi.d1 "MuM be -.raT far what the .........ittee
is asking.
City MIInIIIger Brown said he __,M resist a quarterly
adjusta!nt by CDmcil.
Director of Pin!Inœ Snyder .,.... I ,I..wI infoDœ regII['diDg
questi.œs "sJœlt at the pœvious bo~ meeting. Be
øubaitted a 1iøt of 1991-92 grants am 1992-93 h~ for
A letter £ran the 0---.1« of n...,_....... 1iøted City/ð-·i..
joint projects am praIDI:.ia1 ~aCt.,...., ",,,,,,I for
1992-93. '!he total City ooøt __,1d be $6,709.00.
Mr. Snyder presented a 1.~ L øbawing the ooøt of staffi.¡19
a:mni.øsia1ø. 'lbœe oosts re¡.a. I IL œly labor with no
Counc. Szabo ~ that the next time the City pr~.eø
a HOD grant, eaœ of these oosts be talœn into
Director of CDmImity Devel'¥'o:aìL QMm also ca.UL....sed
issues broucj1t up by Qxmcil at the previous neeting. In
regard to rental mediation, he lCUAWlcuded that CDmcil
cantinue to oontract with Project Sentinel with I1I:IDeY
r>o; AM through a Ws,iness license tax surd1arge. In regard
JUNE 10, 1992 (CC-B38C)
to exmference expenses for a Planning Omnissicner to
attend the ðIlI1UlÙ PlIIDning Camlissial Institute, the
estimated expense for M!Irå1, 1993, is $600.00 per pe1......,.
'!be next itan discussed _ a fee ød-ill1e, 'l11is includes
fees for General Plan 1M-~tia1, fees for ~i f'ic plllDø,
am fee for sub1ù.ttal of revised plan. '!be City cuu",tLly
has a fee for General Plan .........i...utø. Mr. CboiIm said a
fee øchecIule could be for minor ðlllcaduc.tl8.
Director of Finance Snyder infu......",d 0Juncil that he cDeø
have an ordinance £ran the City of 'D1cuøIIDd Osks regarding
charging QxIe Enfotoeluent ooøtø.
Assistant to the City MIIDIIgBr Brown reviewed a øchecIule of
insurance am praniumø, She then reviewed the rebates that
have been credited to the City øince 19S9.
Mr. Snyder stated that in reg¡m:1 to revenue enhancøœntø,
staff did not have infoJ:maticn at this time about raising
fees at the Senior center.
In reg¡m:1 to crime statistics, Ms. Brown reviewed a ..,...,.h
of 1"kt...ul time en ead1 beat in CUpertino ..·'i-Ied to
activity time. Since the Mg:Jnning of the year, pe¡t...ul
time has cpIØ dawn as activity time hils cpIØ up. A h~
recIuctiœ is depicted CD the grapt, also. 'l'.r:J!If'f'tc
investi.gIIti.o has incœaøed -- of lID incr:eaøe in
.....vo;ñoontø. Ms. Brown øtated that øane ooøtø in her h~
will be less than orighlAUy IIDti.cipIIted. 'lhð..ed:......., she
is decU:t:ing $76,025 frail the request.
Mr. Snyder said that ataff dces not have infœ:Jœti.on at
this time regarding passing en Mn!ring fees.
Diøcusøial followed regarding the posøibility of
with the Mayor's lundl meetings.
Mayer Sorensen stated that cx:mnissicners will put in $5.00
for lundt. 'Ihe Mayor then requested a review of Tier 2
t:o"'7't cuts. 'ntis list was ameOOed to shaw a total
posøible cut of $202,000 as the daytime activities for the
Fcurth c.f JUly have already been cut,
City Manager stated that it is estimated, with a revisial
to the busineas license tax, the City wculd acquire
$225,000 in aà::litional revenues,
JUNE 10, 1992 (OC-838C)
In regard to 19)1ying the utility users tax to laJg
distance pxne c:a1lø, Mr . Snyder said he is UMble to
à:x:ImIent the amJUllt it wuld ycalC.Lðte¡ 1xIweYer, he does it
believe it wuld be a øjqUfiœnt I!IIDlIrlt of m::ney. '!he
City Cl.u.1.c:uLly receives $288,580 annually £ran the pxme
utility users tax,
Q)unc. Szabo estimated that 19)1ying the tax to laJg
distance calls 10IIJUld y"u.oI::ðLa "K"-urinuotely $60,000-100,000
per yær JlRYÍIIII...,
Mr. Brown reviewed a possible 1M-'¥'1.L}' transfer tax and
told Council that this WI! not a clear aIt autbority for
the City. However, a Cuu...tL law suit may clarify the
.issue. Another ...'IIM be to have a val.idati.a1 suit
regarding a transfer tax increase or cities may wish to
necptiate with the state to be A 11-¡ed DDre ""'Y8 to raise
cbllars. PetbIIpø the state wu1d be willing to œ1.eaøe
, .~.- --" -..... ~'-- .. ~ t;
CXIIIStraintø CD =......... ...... ........ ........ DDre 1l" "'{..... -.
regarding 1ØYB to raise funcIø. Mr. Brown IIII!I1tiaø:I. that
the ccuncil may wish to increase the business li .-.- tax a
little DDre than originIIlly CDlSiJt......!, tJ:y the laJg
distIIDce utility tax, am take CUIb, ~ am ø; ~--lk
IIIBint:enanœ am repùrø out of the GerIeral P\1nd. He is not
~ ..,..-.ding Tier 2 it&tB.
Counc. R?.ÑYI stated he ....,1tf li1œ to aIt Pburt:h of JUly
events. n...,."., 001-, Dean, Kq:pel, am MII}'or SoreIIseI1
said they did not wish to.
Counc. DeIm suggested that Tier 2 not be CDlSiJt......! at this
time, but reviewed after the state ~- their hñ;poot
n-i.ia1s. Counc. Kq:pe1, Q)ldœm, and MII}'or SortI1øen
cy.....J. with this.
Counc. R?.ÑYI stated that the City œedø to "nap" cbm to
break even in three years. He stated be ~!ll'l aIt the
Pburt:h of JUly events; antact the JIlt jar cozporationø to
provide funding for the Sister City 1M-~""; c:b:t'p the
rtmùnder of payment to the o-m-- of n ...,~, 08; eliminate
IIIBint:enanœ CD all software <:IM.qÅ. psyrol1¡ ~>œ the
distril:Juticn of the Scene to œoe every biD JII:Ilths; am to
defer the ma.intenanoe/repl'" -'~1L of baIt--o_, tem1i.s
screens, and nets. '!be oost: of lancIloM/renta1 l'II!I:1i.ati41
services has already I'8ID\ÆJd £ran the h"7t. <Dune. R?.Ahn
stated he toQIIld not r-iI"... or aIt services to the sc:bJols¡
close City Hall during C1risbnas week; fund œly htmm
servi08 agencies in CJper:tim; or drc.p the City MIInager's
ront.ingency fund.
JUNE 10, 1992 (OC-838C)
In regard to other itelœ, 0Junc. 57 ebo øtatecI thøre bad
been a drop in registration in the øœmer amp ~~.... with
the raising of the fees. He sugr;JeSt:ed that the fee
structure be sent. back to the Parks Imd Rec.._ticn
canniss.icn am be revieIoIed and IIdjuøted to be ~
neutral, Assistance shculd be _; 1Ahle far thoee WID are
not able to afford rec::reatia1 1M-~"""
Director of Parks am Rec:reati.œ Dawling said that ........
fees have been increaøed, reg:istrIIticn is ŒJwn at this
point. He cbes haw the ...hi 1 ; ty to adjust fees to reøp. 6.1
to the ma..ka~laœ.
0Junc. Szabo "'..v....-ted that fees for }'OUth l"-~"" be
rern'oer'I am ..-oinr fees be increased.
Q:Iunc. Golàllln fII~.r.:r-i:ed that Mr. R7...)on c1arl.fy this in
writing. As it is revenue neutral, it ....'111 nœ be a
~ item.
Mayor Sorensen also m~"'J~-œd that this be put in writing.
Q:Iunc, Szabo re ~.n""i that he will cb so. He stated that
it is inpartant to DBIœ sure dúldn!o have a. . III to
rec:::reaticn ~uy¡.CIUD.
Q:Iunc. GoJttNm stated that all ~ft'V'l'Ì1 ··_·)--111 "'I-Q.L
sdIolarshipø for the needy. He requested that Qu¡c. -.......
return with a cbllar I!IIDUDt and ~,~.
~'I't.!':S: 9:35-9:42 P.M.
Mayor SoreI18eI1 œqœst.ed that at this timB, {):II""';1 .._·J....8
1M-1S IL their Þ"9"t aJtø.
Q:Iunc. Szabo --, in xegMd to the $5 mil1;nn in }'OUth
sports fie1dø, if that I!IIDUDt 1TJI.1I'I be x-to........ """""'.
~ aslœd if øaœ of it 1TJI,1I'I be
Mr. ViskDvi.d1 explained that that ....'1ñ not be easy to cb
as, in U1.der to get a CFOd bid, the f'i..}.. will be pa. "'-r
as one project. l'ert1aps, it could be Dl"-ððd out in three
year Ì1'1\.a.dhcuLs. '!he City will ask for a bese bid with
amenities being listed as separate coøt alt:emates. Mr.
ViskDvi.d1 is anticipating that the basic bid will be about
$3-1/2 million. staff will~. <eed with the bid 1M-'" -ø
aIXi oonsi.der cbing 118 many fields at cnce as possible.
1Þiever, this will remain as an item far future
oonsi.deration far reduct.icn.
JUNE 10, 1992 (OC-838C)
Mr. Snyder stated that he has 1 nnIr....t into ABI!G as a source
for borrowing funds to finance the sports fields
inprovenents. 'lbere is a week1}- vari.abìe rate whkh is
a:u.u:uLly about 2% below IAIF rates,
Counc, Golàœn stated that he <b!s feel that the sports
groups would be willing to volunteer to help IIIrintain sane
areas .
Counc. Szabo reviewed his list of hvigPt cuts which
included enacbœnt of lID ordinBnce to pass en Qde
Enf01:lA2l1cuL fees, a pbcne syøtem nrrIif'icati.a1, and a
recIucticn in the nœber of le......, of the C"\'r_rHnn SœrIe.
City Manager Brown stated staff is also Jœking an effort to
pass along booking fees.
Mr. Snyder said the hvtt:rt has deleted Nati.œal T!r~1e of
Cities .._.J~~Dh.ip fees.
Came. 001- BUgIJB8ted eliminating the Cable Te1evisial
Advisory lhnnittee grants am approving a $3,000 grant to
the Eu¡iu.áL Gallery am $1,700 .".i"9 -- to the FiDe Arts
O-iRsial for other grants. 'Ibis --+uonge .......1If be
revenue neutral.
Pbl1CJwing ni.....1BSial, it _ n-i""tl to œvise this policy
to include $1,500 in ..,.,aULs for the ~e Te1evisial
Advisory o-ittee. 'Ibis ......,1<1 be ta1œn úan the $26,000
in cable revenues rnning in. In the 1M-,~<ged hvigPt for
OJpertino'ø Gcrv.::........,L Qwmel 53, the $1,000 for ~i...l
events will be J:Id"-' to $2,500, which will be used to
tape the Civic Service.Al!!..... UCI..'CIØJ&'f. 'Ibis was s¡:proved
with 0::J01JV". KagJel di.ssenting.
Came. KcgIel ~essecl ...u.....t for maintaining the $7,000
for ~i...1 events.
By CCI18eIISU8, Q:Juncil cy.~ that those úan the Sheri£f's
Department am Fire District pay for their own lunches at
the armual 01aniJer of a....UCLOc State of the City Ad:fress
Mr, Snyder infuu....... Council that i£ there is a åIImge in
the bJsiness license tax, there will probably be a
tarporary increase that is not in the preliminary hriJPt,
By CCI18eIISU8, Council requested that necessary funds be
,.,y¡..n to the Camlnù.ty Deve~IIC&.L RntitJe't for new Planning
Camtissioners to atteOO the Annual Planning Institute,
JUNE 10, 1992 (OC-S38C)
By oooøer1SU8, Council ~ àIarg:inq a fee for rental
medi.atial øervi.ceti, 'lbi.s shcu1d be either part o.ç the
bJoinesø liœl1Se fee or a user fee.
City MImIIoger Brown stated that it wculd }11.' ~y œ better
in the bus;-s lj.-.- fees,
QJuncil also approved the aàlitial of $2,000 for 'l\ujjWII:
Bill fees.
Mr. viskDvidl said he àJes beJifl!Ye that the øtœet cleIming
~~..\ ",,,,1d be ~..ed to lU'i'Vint SOUJ:at. Also, <::urlJø,
gutters, am s;~--1Ir.. could be shifted to glIB tax.
a:-ver, in bath of these œøe&, DÚnteI1IInCe of effu.. L JIIJ8t
be cxmøiJt:recl.
0Juncil approved t.hløt shifts by ". AanalJS. '1!Jey also
requested, by I.AA_ -m, that plllD fees be i'T1_._.t.ed. In
I1egIIrd to the Five Year Capital 1IIt&-. -,I PlIID, all
Council stated that Square Park "",,",M be left in
the plllD. 'DIe c:œt of staffing l'nIIIIi...i".... will DOt be
cd:h_øecI at this time. 'DIe h~ is _,1..., for p.Iblic
hearing am aåJptico at the p?1Ar meeting of .JUly 6.
'!be meeting _ adjoumed at 10:30 p.m.
City Clerk