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CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING PERMIT BUILDING ADDRESS: 11513 SEVEN SPRINGS LN CONTRACTOR: SOLARCITY PERMIT NO: 13120006 OWNER'S NAME: PRITI HUKKOO 3055 CLEARVIEW WAY DATE ISSUED: 01/03/2014 OWNER'S PHONE: 4082524849 SAN MATEO, CA 94402 PHONE NO: (650) 638-1028 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION JOB DESCRIPTION: RESIDENTIAL EJ COMMERCIAL (� (� License ClassC4 4 Li,. # � 1D INSTALL SOLAR PV SYSTEM ON ROOFTOP 12 PANELS, 3 KW —00, ( Contractor Date I hereby affirm that I am licensed under the provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business & Professions Code and that my license is in full force and effect. 1 hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following two declarations: 1 have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for Worker's Compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the Sq. Ft Floor Area: Valuation: $12000 erformance of the work for which this permit is issued. ave and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance, as provided for by ec ion 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this APN Number: 366520I3.00 Occupancy Type: permit is issued. APPLICANT CERTIFICATION I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is PERMIT EXPIRES IF WORK IS NOT STARTED correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating WITHIN 180 DAYS OF PERMIT ISSUANCE OR to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. (We) agree to save 180 DAYS FR CALLED INSPECTION. indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against liabilities, judgments, costs, and expenses which may accrue against said City in consequence of the granting of this permit. Additionally, the applicant understands and will comply Issu Date: / with all no t source re .tions per the Cupertino Municipal Code, Section 9.18. RE -ROOFS: Signature Date All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove ail new materials for inspection. ❑ OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION Signature of Applicant: Date: I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for one of the following two reasons: ALL ROOF COVERINGS TO BE CLASS "A" OR BETTER 1, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec.7044, Business & Professions Code) I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE construct the project (Sec.7044, Business & Professions Code). 1 have read the hazardous materials requirements under Chapter 6.95 of the California Health & Safety Code, Sections 25505, 25533, and 25534. 1 will I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following three maintain compliance with the Cupertino Municipal Code, Chapter 9.12 and the declarations: health & Safety Code, Section 25532(a) should 1 store or handle hazardous I have and will maintain a Certificate of Consent to self -insure for Worker's material. Additionally, should I use equipment or devices which emit hazardous Compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the air contaminants as defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District II performance of the work for which this permit is issued. will maintain compliance with the Cupertino Municipal Code, Chapter 9.12 and I have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance, as provided for by the Health & Safety Code, Seio s.25505,255A, and 25534. Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this z % Owner or authorized agent: % - Date: permit is issued. I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Worker's Compensation laws of California. If, after making this certificate of exemption, I CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY become subject to the Worker's Compensation provisions of the Labor Code, I must I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked. work's for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ C.) Lender's Name APPLICANT CERTIFICATION Lender's Address I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. (We) agree to save ARCHITEC'T'S DECLARATION indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against liabilities, judgments, costs, and expenses which may accrue against said City in consequence of the I understand my plans shall be used as public records. granting of this permit. Additionally, the applicant understands and will comply with all non -point source regulations per the Cupertino Municipal Code, Section Licensed Professional 9A8. Signature Date CUPERTINI ALTERNATIVE ENERGY PERMIT APPLICATION COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT o BUILDING DIVISION 10300 TORRE AVENUE ^ CUPERTINO, CA 95014-3255 (408) 777-3228 ^ FAX (408) 777-3333 o building(@cupertino.org PROJECTADDRESS \� Ln APNN 569U52 6 F� OWNER NAME �q PHONE �t LO Z5Z s E-MAIL STREET ADDRESS CITY, STATE, IP®& FAX V\� S CONTACT NAME+--- o j 0 PHONE C Stj 9 E-MAIL� b CCC - y STREET ADDRESSCITY, STATE. ZI ��pp ek oq FAX ❑ OWNER ❑ OWNER -BUILDER ❑ OWNER AGENT CONTRACTOR ❑ CONTRACTOR AGENT ❑ ARCHITECT ❑ ENGINEER ❑ DEVELOPER ' ❑ TENANT CONTRACTOR NAMFi LICENSENUMBER Ing UrJQ V®IA LICENSETYPE C10 CA BUS. LIC 0 COMPANY NAME E-MAIL -'J( STREET ADDRES �, ld' �I�1rU Y, ST,4TE, ZIPdna H"Il` a�"4�C o-z— PHONE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER NAME LICENSENUMBER BUS. LIC H COMPANY NAME E-MAIL FAX. STREET ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP PHONE USE OF t9f SFD or Duplex Cl Multi -Family STRUCTURE: ❑ Commercial PROJECT IN WILDLAND URBAN INTERFACE AREA ❑ Yes ❑ NO PROJECT IN FLOOD ZONE ❑ Yes ❑ NO SOLAR PANELS ❑ ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING STATION ❑ SOLAR WATER HEATING ❑ OTHER: FOR SOIARPANELS: NUMBER OFPANELS/UNITS: HKILOWATTS: �[ TOTALVALUATION. J ©® DESCRIPTION OF WORK By my signature below, I certify to each of the following: I am the property owner or authorized agent to act on the property owner's behalf. I have read this application and the information I have provided is correct. I have read the Description of Work and verify it is accurate. I agree to comply with all applicable local ordinances and state laws relating t buil 'ng constru ion. Uuthorize repr at' of Cupertino to enter the above -identified property for inspection purposes. Signature of Applicant/Agent: Date: 11 '2 D� SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION REQUIRED ' OFFICE USE ONLY ❑ OVER-THE-COUNTER c. F V ❑ EXPRESS ❑ STANDARD. U Z, ' PVApp_2012.doc revised 06/20/12 CITY OF (CNPERTMD FEE ESTIMATOR — BUILDING DRWSION iaADDRESS: 11513 seven spring ct DATE: 12/02/2013 REW EWIED BY: Mendez Filech. Permit Feet: APN: IBP#: L54�-at%i 'VAILUATIION: 1$12,000 *PERMIT TYPE: Building Permit PLAN CHECK TYPE: Alteration / Repair PRIMARX USE: SFD or Duplex Plumb. hap. fee: PIENTAMATIION PIERMIIT TYPE: SOLAR -RES WORK install solar pv system on rooftop 12 panels, 3kw SCOPE NOTE: This estimate does not include fees due to other Departments (Le. Planning, Public Works, Fire, Sanitary Sewer District, School District. etc ). These fees are ha.ced on the nreliminary information availahle and are only an estimate Contact the Dent for addn'l info. FEE ITEMS (Fee Resolution 11-053 L ' 711113) Lfach. Plan Check Plumb. Plan Check Elec. Plan Check Filech. Permit Feet: Plumb. Pei -mil Fee: E, lec. Permit Fee: O7he r A1ec•h. Insp. Other Plumb Insp.Ll L__ Other Elec. Insp, El I ilkch. Insp. Fee: Plumb. hap. fee: Elec. Insp, NOTE: This estimate does not include fees due to other Departments (Le. Planning, Public Works, Fire, Sanitary Sewer District, School District. etc ). These fees are ha.ced on the nreliminary information availahle and are only an estimate Contact the Dent for addn'l info. FEE ITEMS (Fee Resolution 11-053 L ' 711113) FEE QTY/FEE MRSC RTEMS Plan Check Fee: $0.00 1 # $229.00 Alternative Energy System IPHOTOWS Photovoltaic System Suppl. PC Fee: 0 Reg. OT 0,0 hrs $0.00 PME Plan Check: $0.00 Permit Fee: $0.00 Suppl. Insp. Fee:Q Reg. .0 OT 0 0 hrs $0.00 PME Unit Fee: $0.00 PME Permit Fee: $0.00 Construction Tay: Adininistralive .Fee: Work Without Permit? 0 Yes 0 No $0.00 Advanced Planning Fee: $0.00 Select a Non -Residential Building or Structure G 0 A Trai;el Documentation Fees: Strom Motion Fee: IBSEISMICR $1.20 Select an Administrative Item Bldp_ Stds Commission Fee: IBCBSC $1.00 SUBTOTALS: $2.20 $229.00 TOTAL FEE: $231.20 Seven Springs Owners AssocWion Application for Approval orArchitectura) Change/Addition CATEGORY C Category C - Modifications that ore'exterior moditicarions with nu changes to the original building structure oriluor plan. All roofing, siding. window material change, exterior paint color change. addition of a roof attic Can. or garage door, fall into this category. Date: ! 7 , Request for -Approval of Proposed Change PLEASE PRINT TRE FOLLOWING INFORMATION r _ r game: A J., Address: alone Phunc: Y,< ��..'Ti K `j Work Phones email: t :y`. !__k t , .CL Description of Proposed Change: Ar t'}�ytt: P.'-.';� Li�71i•�� Paint Color Change: Please choose from "approved list" (Garage door outer trim should be diamond white or frost) h F , r..„ l,j+lr� 1 r ..,r' A• tKl;';,N� ihr:±i ' ...,rnr', "I"!" specified color Trent color. diamond wltitc or frosi Front door color: diamond white _ frost _ natural oak _ or specified "approved color 2), Roofing Material Change (please check one choice) a. Lightweight Concrete Tile from MonierLtfetile - sq le "Cedarlite ;780-, color "Muirwood" b. GAF Laminated Fiberglass Asphalt - style "Grand Carryon". color "Mission Brown" - I c. GAF Laminated Fiberglass Asphalt - style "Grand Canyon". color- "Sionewood'• d. Dccra Stone Coated Steel Rood System- style "Decry Shake", color "Shadowood'• e. Class "A" Fire Retardant Rouging System using pressured treated ecdarwuod shingles with fire retardant fiberglass cap sheet underlay. Need to hate a City of Cupertino Permit accompanying tlik application for all wood shingle roofs. 3) Siding Material Change (Please check one choice) Ne)v Siding Material: Hardiphrik Cedarmill (wood grain finish) or Hardip lank Smooth Finish tl'hich side; vre you are changing material? f from _ back _Icil _ right 1 a j Window Material artd Design change: (Please check this box): IN10gard Vinyl Windows = style "Tuscany', color 1Vhitc 5) ,adding a roof artic fart, TubularSki•light. or satellite dish Please attach Information regardtOg the propincd Change. Application most include diincnsion, color of the proposed fan and its location on die roof. Please include detailed druwIngs, speciricatiuns. and product brochures if available. Tubular skylight up it) l4"diameter. orre rm! ulric %an up to ?6" in width & heighl - paint to match roof 6) Garage doors: r. Recessed woad panel, not rmxd in center same style for Mridow's (•'PLAN" =non decorative) Style 84 (8 panels across. 64 (6 panels across), 4 (a panels across). Stvle with w'indow's or Stvle no windows b. Insulated wood, insulated metal w•i wood facing or" Carriage f louse" style 303C. windows 303 no window rl,�C �f Homeowner's Signature: (- �'/• `` The request is in compliance with Seven Springs HOA Archit"ral Guidelines: hrtp:/:seven-springs.orgrfiles/archilectual-guidelines.pdf , }}}+}}s}+}..}s}a}n}tea}}}}+nans..:}}anssa}}}•.sand}}ai}ana}ni..say}a.}}}ae}aaa}a0}}}sdndo}}da Architectural Connol Committsti'f3oard! Approvc)1, Pcnding Dcnicd Pendine Architectural Control Committee Roard: SiEmamrc;_LZ "66;1 Date: . 1 17.11 eat C 1 t 1. , Seven SpriaLs Owners Association � ►pplication for Approval of Architectural Chan�efA° dditioa o a (,'ATEGOR1' C Catag,ory C • klodiitcanons Coal air eNt=,:aur modifications with no cIxingcc to the original building murure or lltwr plan ,ail cooling, dinle., ,eiindow material change. exterior paint color s;ham3m addium of a t(gs)'attic tan, or enrage daiml fall into this category. 4 y Request for Approval M' Proposed Change PLFASF PR. NITTH E FOLLt7W CNG INN OP-MATIUN, Work I'limic. m_ email: + ' a .��_� -.'�: 1 rs•, � .. i , a a.m. Description of Proposed Change: Puint Ctdi,r Chrngc! Please chauae from ^upprotcd list" torn sFmId be dine m id Hbitc or frost) Irim color .hammnd whites !r" ir)o From doter ctilor dumimd Mule. � from � nae{et4r1 oak irr rpt ifrrd "approved cedar r) Itooling Material Change{pleasr check one chaiccr a, {-tet,a�'rithtt4inemtc';nc ii-kim tit iecC,aceiie-c+tyle"todorlite �'hq",�,1lor' c4uitwttyd , h, iittF Laminated Fibcrglacs.A Vhalt - ;(yic "Grand Canyon", cttitrr"4tixaiun Brown" c. (r'Ah La ulimmed HN VgI4:,; N pha}a sgic "Cirand Canyon-, CE Ior d, Beers Mane Coulcd Stat Rood System- myla "Cerra Shake', cok+r'Shapouc.- e, t: la A" Fmc Rckwdam Ri o:*Ing y tent ttsirk pms�tircd tre,ued ctdw Wood eiantc;lctc with fire rcrard'011 fibcrglas,s cap slices unite) }.. Ae<'d u4 ba4c a Coy of'C .penin P unit auxo npanying this application I -or all wiwd shuiglc refs. 3) Siding, Material Change (Please chock tine choice) Ncyti Sufing hbut .'Ilii: Hardiplank C-eJarmill iNvic l (train IinislV _.• . or Hudipiank Smooth Finish Which adcs are yutiare changing maicrial`? {iron) hack- _W1 _ , right s ai Windo. Material and Design change, (Plcasc sh:-ck thaw box); Rlilgard Vinvi Windows ,,isle ""ru'canv", Color Whitc _ Fl adding a roof attic fan, Tubular Skylight, orsaatellite dish p# azc auach m41rmauml ro ar•ding the rmrntsed '- vUnge. iloplicutian mast hichide dirnc^r Ovn. cofm of rlw prof", ed fan ;rod itw location coli the ,vf. Pic°ase include dcf tilM drtu m s. specltrcatlexrw tach product brochuics If at aiiablt ?ibniur.c$?di lu up to 14 "viiameier, f".C.c. rt"y'rusic jar up to N":n width S. hegior -- mint w todn h mol 6) C:araicc Mmm a, Rs'ac�sed tcood purist. not riled in center 'anw style llor uindosrs ("PLAIN" - ppn ileeurmit>c) Style g4 (S 17auc1_. across, 61 it) panel' Jcrn„s), 44 (4 panels acroS'q' Style -__ with windows err Stylc ___, nn windo,"" 1>. lit+ -lafcd wfwiL inrulatCd metal w-' wv,md )acme or - Cama{;r Blouse" style 303C" ttindoess_ _ 303 no windotiu Hotoce>t<net's Sigttaturc--. _„ n»,•,.-_. ... �. The request is in complian.c v i(IY Scv>m'piings HOA ki-chitecturalGuidclincsr hrip;i crccn.,prings.i.rrt.filcs.acvhit clues!-(uitie)ivts.prtf c.... c...r.+....a.a..+.•atirk.e:............... ..a4 .......... a.y.r.. i... ......... .......... Archsai�^torr° Fonrro) titammittre-Eiaartl: 3lpprocacl_�_ PcnsJnt^;__..._...-._.__._. _.. DcrlwdlPcna >n > Archit Burnt C nvul C'omrntice )hard. Silnartvc �Ooo 3055 Clearview Way, San Mateo, CA 94402 (888) -SOL -CITY (765-2489) 1 www.solarcity-corn November 26, 2013 Project/Job # 9502312 RE: Project: To Whom It May Concern, COVER LETTER Hukkoo Residence 11513 Seven Springs LN Cupertino, CA 95014 !Version #17.3 A jobsite survey of the existing framing system was performed by an audit team from SolarCity. Structural review was based on site observations and the design criteria listed below: Design Criteria: - Applicable Codes = 2010 CBC, ASCE 7-05, and 2005 NDS - Risk Category = II - Wind Speed = 85 mph, Exposure Category C - Roof Dead Load = 10 psf (All MPs) - Roof Live Load = 19 psf (All MPs) - Ground/Roof Snow Load = 0 psf CUPERTWO Building Depai'tmen RE VIEVVID-) FtDR CODE (;0MPl,iANG _ Hevieeded On the above referenced project, the structural roof framing has been reviewed for loading from the PV system on the roof. The structural review only applies to the section(s) of the roof that directly supporting the PV system and its supporting elements. After this review it was determined that the existing structure is adequate to carry the PV system loading. The structural roof framing and the new attachments that directly support the gravity loading from PV modules have been reviewed and determined to meet or exceed requirements of the 2010 CBC. Please contact me with any questions or concerns regarding this project. Sincerely, Yoo Jin Kim, P.E. Civil Engineer Main: 888.765.2489, x5743 email: ykim@solarcity.com Digitally signed by Yoo An Kim Date: 2013.11.26 11:18:36 -08'00' 3055 Clearview Way San Mateo, CA 94402 T (650) 638-1028 (888) SOL -CITY F (650) 638-1029 solarcity.com A7_ RCC 243171, CA CSLB ER81n4, CO EC X041, CT H C '=? 3%'B, C: I+;!, 71 �i114N8, DC R' �'� P.�+.:N 4, H C-,:"177(. i,[d R7 1..: '1') nn CCB IBn'.nA, PA 1177143, T%TOLE ^%Oi'„ WA GC1-SOL ARC'Of0O7.'2G I.15��Lu: _1, Au.n,'-r^ n -...I r a, 1} �" `.". t yr j� l+ -:^•+< y s y} al v } � � � n ,'��� �t-�'`�t +'`c taws i � �.^ �* •-� '� t � ¢ i� � I +�1�+ '� � + ��� �3..�� � -rJ 'n' .--�, . i i ♦ c .aY { ,..,� � ''��v :.'.r .r rt �I`. C. i Y 6:•..f r 1 m ', � .:i ;.}{' '�, - .. .9s ..p o k` � � r •�� Q. � � r ♦I 7-v t �},,+� � {3�"•.:�j!' � � il.rl.�.i v..11'1 J i �o Js tir ut»�x 'L �. .x•� J,i .4 �'� r3.. J ��`. `�' ° 'J`,✓¢,,�t � x, -r' Ji ,i. �' ,r 1 i. .aq �."req. 1 . I Y �' - _ Y•"r .. ! .... r r 5� (.. .i `� t i' x�, w.+fir ,rC4 I. -Y �� ''.NOR` Threes' i y --�% +t'i 1 ` fx � i .'sq ss .r i ,. r't ,. f •j [ \ � '_ si ,: p 4..a a f r Oaksj Park4z ,1 L �y��"� ' a S.x..-�W� xY �� �>�' .- � ' z u , � ,� � �J qp: , a :;� F.. � Svc � P o•:n � I •'I x_.%- l�c�'1/ { .—�. a --r+ ----•.�,• �1-...a*a,�. »tT�C' �. �"°'9� �� Ct .L'r� rr :3 '1 .r, . � i• ` r Ja 11r, �rr,. � t.y� � 4 ,� r ri . �4 S' !! % -{ � �, ` t i�Ur _.�.Gc7'�� •'r"�{s. ' •..,� -3- v-• ,�� 4 , x,) t, C rs� : Rairibow;Dr _�. °,lt �� vrr `7 f�i ¢ rr r� i 1 Y. �. �.✓1, �_. 1• �L.1 j� r f' a ^ " a . dr_t 1 l;. �. � 1J �� �� 'S'SfJaLy tl �}a - /� •�N d r'J � T, ". ° M'. mix J, y.- r �-.. �] Q�� � ��`'F-�\__°�'� r ' jlril` �,L����- ri U . (ll iV CU ���' I �1 �� � •+. G - �.f, c ! f f.. _^� u A i .'•'St °�< t �( 7, �t� a� t } �~ i� `l�� �� �`.�ra9�u j it=d t .�� t:-7 {£, r +fit -w 4,♦t .# r`' P '+ a ..t K:`-� �L�r.-U� rti •; // Z�\,` 1 .�7 ° .tt i.. ..14.5.. 1 r: r �t r�,,, t o f •� ,,..e. � '. . �� \.A 1'V� M j "+l .re ''�7 'S IF : T'!Jal'7 !f._ I Q. n��. , ` •.. - � e j'Vl � .} 5 1, ` �:,� � r .�4� t JI� i � it �, P _;', -61 : (('I00 ,'Hoover Parley age A�01'� r r , o m 3 AM8AG. DiaitalGlobe -U.S.: Geological°S.urvev.• U..SDA-Farm.�.eNic`c,f��aencv.' �ODpo�O��IJ �J� O'<eec � .fZOJECT I FOf2h1ITI[oil MealkHount"M pd soot m Mmuc tuirral DD esrign appl]iic atrion 3111.26.2013 Version #17.3 Page # 3 Project Name: Hukkoo Residence AHJ: Cupertino Job Number: 9502312 Building Code: 2010 CBC Customer Name: Hukkoo, Ajat Based On: IRC 2009 / IBC 2009 Address: 11513 Seven Springs LN ASCE Code: ASCE 7-05 City/State: Cupertino, CA Risk Category: II Zip Code 95014 Upgrades Req'd? No Latitude / Longitude: 37.300202 -122.043534 Stamp Req'd? Yes SC Office: Foster City PV Designer: Luke Levin Calculations: Grady Kou al EOR: Yoo ]in Kim P.E. h1OUNTING STRUCTUfZE � � V SYSTE 1 I FOR 1ATI00 N Mounting Plane Hnfolrmattion Roofing Material Comp Roof Tile Reveal SM Span Only NA Standing Seam Spacing SM Seam Only NA Roof Slope SM Span Only 240 Rafter Spacing 16" O.C. PV Assembly Inforuv aUon PV System Type SolarCity SleekMountIm PV S tem Module Orientation Landscape Tile Attachment System Tile Roofs Only NA Tile Spanner Bar Direction SM Span Only NA Spanning Vents Yes Standoff (Attachment Hardware) Comp Mount Tyoe C with Lifter Minimum Eave End Setback 6" Minimum Ridge Setback 12" PV SVstem Weight PV Module Weight (psf) 2.5 psf Hardware Assembly Weight s 0.5 psf PV System Weight s 3 psq Page # 4 SEISMIC CONSIDERATIONS Seismic Design Criteria(per USGS Seismic Desig.n Code 500 sf ASCE 7-05 W PV Latitude Area Dead Load Weight 37.3002 Longitude 500 sf 6.5 psf 3,250 lbs -122.0435 358 sf 9.0 psf 3,220 lbs SRA at Short Period Ss 2.548 USGS SRA at is Period S1 1.298 USGS Soil Site Class D IBC 1613.5.2 Seismic Design &teciory SDC E USGS Seismic Check Required (Ss >_ Yes IBC 1613.1 0Aq & SDC ?:D)? ALTERATION LATERAL DESIGN 10% EXCEPTION CHECK Weight of Proposed PV System Sum Area of MPs with PV Area Dead Load Wei ht 500 sf PV_System Weight Total Weight of PV System W PV 211 sf 3 psf 634 lbs Area Dead Load Weight 634 lbs Weight of Roof on Existing Buildin Sum Area of MPs with PV N►tPv�/ W(exist) 500 sf IBC Sect. Portion of Roof Weight Area Dead Load Weight Roof_ Ceiling- _ Interior Walls (Top Half) Exterior Walls (Top Hal 500 sf 10.0 sf 5,000 lbs 500 sf 6.5 psf 3,250 lbs 358 sf 6.0 psf 2,147 lbs 358 sf 9.0 psf 3,220 lbs Net Weight of Roof Under PV W(exist)11 13,617 lbs Check % Increase of Roof Weight / Seismic Shear Load Increase of DCR of Lateral N►tPv�/ W(exist) 4.7% ZE01K73 IBC Sect. Force ResistingSystem Increase Seismic Shear Load < 10% 3404.4 Note: Seismic base shear is directly proportional to roof weight. Page * 15 Cl1LCUL�TIOON OOF DFSIG �, INO LOOAD� Wind Design Cifteria Wind Design Code KZ ASCE 7-05 Table 6-3 Wind Design Method KA Partially/Fully Enclosed Method Section 6.5.7 Basic Wind Speed V 85 mph Fig. 6-1 Exposure Category I C Section Roof Style qh Gable Roof Fig. 6-11B/C/D-14A/B Mean Roof Height h 20 ft Section 6.2 Effective Roof Slope 240 T -allow Effective Rafter Spacing 16" O.C. DCR Effective Wind Area 1 Module A 17.6 sf IBC 1509.7.1 Wind Pressure Callc ullaition Coefficients Wind Pressure Exposure KZ 0.90 Table 6-3 Topographic Factor KA 1.00 Section 6.5.7 Wind Directionality Factor Kd 0.85 Table 6-4 Importance Factor I 1.0 Table 6-1 Velocity Pressure qh qh = 0.00256 (Kz) (Kzt) (Kd) (VA2) (II) Equation 6-flS 3 psf fl4.� sf T -actual Wind Pressure Ext. Pressure Coefficient (Up) GC -0.88 Fig. 6-11B/C/D-14A/B Ext. Pressure Coefficient (Down) GCp(DoWn) 0.45 Fig. 6-11B/C/D-14A/B Design Wind Pressure p p = qh (GCp) Equation 6-22 Wind Pressure Up Wind Pressure Down POP) P down -12.4 psff 20.0 PST ALLOWABLE STANDOFF SPACHMS X -Direction V -Direction Max Allowable Standoff Spacing Landscape 64" 39" Max Allowable Cantilever Landscape 24" NA Standoff Configuration Landscape Not -Staggered Max Standoff Tributary Area Trib 17 sf PV Assembly Dead Load W -PV 3 psf Net Wind Uplift at Standoff T -actual -187 lbs Uplift Capacity of Standoff T -allow 637 lbs Standoff Demand Ca aci DCR 29.3% Page # 6 CALCULATION OF ROOF DEAD AND LIVE LOADS Roof Dead Load Symbol Material Load Roof CategoryDescription Lb All MPs _ Roofing Type _ At Co_ mp Roof 5.0 psf Number of Layers 2 --Pa Underlayment -_ _ _. Rl Roofing per Section 4.9 Plywood Sheathing_ R2 Yes 1.5 psf Board Sheathing_ _ _ Lr None 0.0psf______ Rafter Size and Spacing Lr 2 x 6 @ 16 in. 0. C. 1.7 psf Vaulted_ Ceiling - --- — - None 0.0p4 - Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Items 1.3 psf Total Roof Dead Load 30 Psf All MPs 10.0 PSf Reduced Roof Live Load Symbol Value ASCE 7-05 Roof Live Load Lb 20.0 psf Table 4-1 Member Tributary Area At < 200 sf Roof Slope 5/12 Tributary Area Reduction Rl 1 Section 4.9 Sloped Roof Reduction R2 0.95 Section 4.9 Reduced Roof Live Load Lr 4 = Loi i) (k2) Equation 4-2 Reduced Roof Live Load Lr 19 psf All MPs 19.0 PSf COMPANY PROJECT qJ WoodWorkso SOFTVAREFOR WOOD DESICN Nov. 26, 2013 12:01 1 mp1.wwb Design Check Calculation Sheet Wood Works Sizer 10.0 Loads: Load Type Distribution Pat- Location [ft] Magnitude Unit 306 278 tern Start End Start End DL Dead Full Area No 10.00 (16.0)* psf RLL Roof constr. Full Area Yes Capacity 19.00 (16.0)* psf PVDL Dead Partial Area No 1.67 10.58 9.00 (16.0)* psf -lrinutary wiatn (in) Maximum Reactions (lbs), Bearing Capacities (lbs) and [Searing Lengths (in) 11'-8.8" Unfactored: Dead Roof Live Factored: 148 157 137 141 Total 306 278 Bearing: F'theta 477 477 Capacity Joist 625 357 Supports 586 586 Anal/Des Joist 0.49 0.78 Support 0.52 0.47 Load comb #2 44 Length 0.50* 0.50* Min req'd 0.50* 0.50* Cb 1.75 1.00 Cb min 1.75 1.00 Cb support 1.25 1.25 Fcp sup 625 625 -Minimum bearing iengtn setting uses: 1/2" for end supports ana wz1 for interior supports Lumber -soft, S -P -F, NO.`S/No.2, 2x6 (1-1/2"x5-9/2") Supports: All - Timber -soft Beam, D.Fir-L No.2 Roof joist spaced at 16.0" c/c; Total length: 12'-11.0"; Pitch: 5/12; Lateral support: top= full, bottom= at supports; Repetitive factor: applied where permitted (refer to online help); mp1.wwb WoodWorks® Sizer SOFTWARE FOR WOOD DESIGN Woodworks® Sizer 10.0 Analysis vs. Allowable Stress (psi) and Deflection (in) using NDS 2012: Criterion Analysis Value Design Value Analysis/Design Shear fv = 44 Fv' = 169 fv/Fv' = 0.26 Bending(+) fb = 1267 Fb' = 1635 fb/Fb' = 0.77 Bending(-) fb = 14 Fb' = 1626 fb/Fb' = 0.01 Deflection: Interior Live 0.34 = L/417 0.60 = L/240 0.57 Total 0.71 = L/203 0.80 = L/180 0.89 Cantil. Live -0.07 = L/130 0.07 = L/120 0.92 Total -0.14 = L/63 0.10 = L/90 1.41 Additional Data: FACTORS: F/E(psi)CD CM Ct CL CF Cfu Cr Cfrt Ci Cn LC4 Fv' 135 1.25 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 1.00 2 Fb'+ 875 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.300 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 - 4 Fb'- 875 1.25 1.00 1.00 0.994 1.300 1.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 - 2 Fcp' 425 - 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 - - E' 1.4 million 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 - 4 Emin' 0.51 million 1.00 1.00 - - - - 1.00 1.00 - 4 CRITICAL LOAD COMBINATIONS: Shear : LC #2 = D+Lr, V - 258, V design - 242 lbs Bending(+): LC 44 = D+Lr (pattern: _L), M = 798 lbs -ft Bending(-): LC 42 = D+Lr, M = 9 lbs -ft Deflection: LC 44 = (live) LC 44 = (total) D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact Lr=roof live Lc=concentrated E=earthquake All LC's are listed in the Analysis output Load Patterns: s=S/2, X=L+S or L+Lr, _=no pattern load in this span Load combinations: ASCE 7-10 / IBC 2012 CALCULATIONS: Deflection: EI = 29e06 lb-in2 "Live" deflection = Deflection from all non -dead loads (live, wind, snow...) Total Deflection = 1.00(Dead Load Deflection) + Live Load Deflection. Bearing: Allowable bearing at an angle F'theta calculated for each support as per NDS 3.10.3 Page 2 Design Notes: 1. WoodWorks analysis and design are in accordance with the ICC International Building Code (IBC 2012), the National Design Specification (NDS 2012), and NDS Design Supplement. 2. Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. 3. Continuous or Cantilevered Beams: NDS Clause requires that normal grading provisions be extended to the middle 2/3 of 2 span beams and to the full length of cantilevers and other spans. 4. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. 5. SLOPED BEAMS: level bearing is required for all sloped beams. 6. The critical deflection value has been determined using maximum back -span deflection. Cantilever deflections do not govern design. _ 4-J if 1 o fid' $" , it • V p I js d All: �iLUoz � xt Ii c2n4 �zc�i air � a1 Oa# t m £ y iLyu o g f � d CL C� UJ j} UJ Q W 1 in Fi s O d O z $ z } L.0 O w / ®a z ► z`" • O H � b Z Ln ��y®� �q z LJ ct 67 0" S 00 rn 2 a Qw� I w OVW?t✓ N fs O � } w Z ,3 tL zm�F and a: r YU7n- O No ¢ o ¢ -"n - m dS0 =i0Z d w } W W Z Z owtz. ®w o,-.0-¢i�. � =w� u~rz�"c�v W s�vio c" ocno ® =06 O�� �mZa mm®¢ �r� dodo oa uWO Z f-wZ Umo_dodJw�7w wmu OpuO¢ Q o�� �a`"Nw ¢p yo mow <,-- p Z pZ J O N W W¢ d m J to .i W J z m w N _v w Vara m®za OwKW _ zNOwQ®Umws-•`uoi®Wz�a. z vt�� ce r- On ���w �o3w¢ to cr- U(�O Z w v w Q¢ p O W S a= ¢ a w 0 W K w a z 0 (~} wd 7ZnZ2 q��o vw ¢ ��� �o z W dmmzz�cnoui�E-=z.a'-Z�- wog'-' J"� w w rorg omJau � p —� wa-J'°'cz.��QzoU`o-'ao�`~-'oo��.ionw� � �"xWz® o W S M*Mt d t- Zd= U w z Owp a=0 w w W_ J- wppN �m S SowwZ Wo N z H LO H V} 6¢ d p W J I Z C.5 ¢ JVs p d wg J O w J 2 6 6 S J'd' ti N W V'4 =S m� O U u I z� ?moo do O W _-�,.. m�¢zrJ�dMi4a<ru�.ri mw ocor••�sedm6ai v2i ca'o .=acv M'i�<r¢i �si� m CV J 3 Ln u o 0 6a :2i Lu 15 o 0 0 L—'' C, o m o to �!-� w o O oU t-LijLJJ �u q w4�Tsg�' r� iY p �� m Z ate.. ..��p o ate¢ a- c.>ce r- = d.s m W¢uzw z®®�zw`-'��ma �aozo>�w�J� o cmwg�°w-W,s� O d a w O �4- W W OGJp !- dd w 000�zaa�z�� l � � o a mJ�o-.oxJdceceOzo2_.�o-wwozaeO2cji-t-}z000dw d¢ m u D w cxJou�,W^M¢wzn E NYmz Zwt�-O Jo7c2�cnraa E o a ¢H C?C�C?S___ _Ig vZZi.7 a. dt�cn fn Vl i-}}7iMM� 0 m m n m < 2-1 > -d Z Ln < c- LLJ uj 2! m w C> 1-t- LD I a� ® < nn�,-2 0- - 23 E Ll -�w- 00�1 0 LU 3 < EF)l 0 1-M ED ®®®®0111 p e) 'N > Q -01 C, 0 44, Q, 'o Li CD Un-Locked Gated af m cL L-i ih 0 MQ N C-i O bi ��c C- C) C) ztm Im o CD CY) LIJ -D > WN f � M O c0 N W U W W T } � 6 i W CD} x � N S M a (n > O 0 N - _Q P v P c o� m •� W o Q� J(n 00 Z M d W 0 W S Q O mG iW' ,::5 C V U d W Q p O¢ w JU J LLJz iO H N .. 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