TR-2017-02 (dead) Action Letter.pdf D�PAIt,,'�"Pvi�ihd°��&"�Ct�TVI�t;J�f ITX�J9�'f11�L�}�'Pi�Pw9T' CITY F3."41..C. li)3t7C1 T`C?���:E��hNi.�E * C°�.]PEPTINt�,CA�5�114-32�5 . ���"����I�''� (���8�7�7-33t1� • F.�X{��78)?77-3�'o-� � }�l�nttmn�l�o��c�;?.�tw�'rn�.�.rr��� J�n:��r� 1�, 2C�1� Ar�ar��1L, I�c. Attr�. S�n�t�e�flakley 2337 A��terican Av�i�u� H��+c�w�r�, CA 9�545 SUBJ�,�T:TT��E L�Efiti'���°AL PEI�MIT A�T�4�� LETT�,T�—A��li�atit��a TIt-��17-p2 TI-�is 1ett�r c�t7f'rrms �h� d�r�i:�iorx caf th�L��rectc��af�a�ramu��ity T�er�elca�m�n�, �����u �tt�Jaz�uary 11, 2Q�7 a�pt�a�vin� �retr�~���ti�a�ciea� Trc�c Rez�n�v�ll�ei•rmi� f� �ll+�vv far th�r•��r�c��v�1 a���,F�r �2) c�ead 1�"" �ruci 12„ diatru�t���'c�ask I�.�eivw�c��ls, cra� parc�l�16-21�-�88. S�aff �as runade t�� findin� �hat the protected tre�es are dead ti1aa��d ra� k�e de�initic�n �r�avi�ed in ��.��.C�2Q!ca�#h� �ity's Protec��d Tn°e�e �r+�nnanc�), pc�ses a haza�d�ca th�e sa��ty af�earsoar�� +�r�rr�r�erty, and can�a�t be c�an�rcalled +�� �enm�edie+d �hraugh reas�m��l� r�lrrea�i�n or nno�ifi�a�i�rn. "T�e pra�aos�cl �ep�la�ernenk�ian is c�nsist+erut w�t�i fi�e T'rote�t�c�Tre�C�r�d��a�ce sinc�e ��+e ap�lican�is repi�ci�g the �rees c�ru s�t�e, a�d the rruxn��er +�f re�la�cerr��ent� i� �c�nsis�ten� �rith the ��clim�nce. 7Ch� fandirn� is n�cessary tc� grant th�t�ee ar+��n�v�a�perrmi��an a�c�ard�nc�wvn�� sectapn 1!�.18.1'8�! (AD ��). Tli� �}��l�c��i�r�t �s ���rov�d �vbth tl�� fc�llcav��iz��;,candit�c���s: `la APP'PC9V�� Z�R��ECT T➢�i� ap���aval is bas�cl c�t7 �i1e �rb��r�st rep�rt pr�p�red b� S�rnu�l ���Cle� (�E-9474A), dl�ted C7ece�a�b�� G, 2017 anci �L��z:�aecl J�nta�ry `, 24�17, ��ansis�z�g c��fouz° pa��s including � reamav�l an� � r�pl�eememt�i:te �1��1, �xcepk�s rrna��b��,�enc��e��� ��nclit�cans in t�is r�scrlutIlc�n. 2. "�"R�E R�T��,AC��EII�IIT "I'k�e rec�u�r��i rep�l�cc��e��uk ��°e�s ar� fc�u� (4� �4-i��el� b��c Coast �,iv� ��ks (�',?r�er����� cz���ifotic��. T"��►e re�rl�accme��t tr��s �ill�� ��ac���d u� �cccard�nc�tic�t17e c��l�c�n-��1�t�Ian. "Th� �ppIaea�ti� shall pro�vicie tl�e T�e�a�rkym�nt�f C€�rrarmua�iky LL:>evclr�p:m��ti��equ�te �c�c�n��ntatia�a, flz�cluc�i��n�but no�lir�if�ed t�a ph�tc��r�p�tis,r�ceip�s�a°iruvc�iee�,to�a�rify t�uat k�e xepl�c�rnee-nt tree h�s bee��u pl�nted �ait��un��days af ar�e re�nav�T. �. �I��"Y'ECT�L`� TI��,�;a The �pg�l�ea�uk u�cl��s�a.nds �hat repl�c�me�at �y�e�s are �rat�ct�� �r�es and m�y �r�t �� r�nn�aveci �+r�t@�;�ut � T"r~ee R�rm�av�al P���r►i� az�d t�uat ti�t�y ��aa�l be res�c�n���ale fcar �z�s��rin� tI�►e �i°��rer n�a���u�e����n�e ��c� ��r� exf the tr�es. The app�caxl� �l�aau[1 �llsc� discicrse t���e lo��tz�r� ��� sp€�cies �f all re�l�c��ne��t�nd �rcat�ctec� tu���s�n �it� up�rn s�le�f���e�r�p�rty. �. �,Ts�TIC��F' FEE.� ]��1�ICATIQ�TS I����I�VATI��,1S��.�►'Tk-��"1� ��A��IC7['�S Tlt� cc�rrc��rt-i�p�� caf T�rr�j��t A�piT�vaI s�ti f�rt1� l�rereiui �-n�� it�c�a.�c�� e�rtai�� f���, d��rca�t�cat�. r��ui�era�e:nts, res��ti���u�n rer�u�r�rr�e��ts, an� c�����r exaetio�s. I'urs�a�t�� t���v�rr7zrr�i�t�c�e�� S��ctIl�i� 66t�2Q�el) (T), kE��se�r��ci��i��us�azl�tituf��r��ittr�n z���ice�f a st�l�e��m��ut c�f�E���mca��rnt a�se�ch�e�s, ���1 � ���cri�tl�Il�t �f t�i� ��c�i��fIlc�ns, res�rv�ti�r�s, a��t� c�tl�er ex�c���ai�s. Yc�u �re l�ereby notifi��i th�t fa�� '90-��� �ppr�aval p�r�c�d i�u whiclm yca�� rnay �r�tes� the�e fees, clec�ie�tiaatis, rc�ei°v�tic�ns, and r�tfl�er �x�ckic�i�,p�irsu�i��t+a Gav�rnme�zt��de Secti��ti 6602�1�(��,��as be�azm.If��an.c f��I ka�i1��pg`r�test�+ritll�.ia� ��ti�s�U-ci�y peri�c���m�lyi�u����h�1:1 c�f th�rec���irerr►�mts r�f�����n 66f�2a�P�c�u wi➢1 bc 1c��1�y��rrec� frc�mrn����r c���].le���i:�ug sucl� ex�ctia����. S�l�c�r�ly, �� �11�n Yau 1�'sSiSt�nt Pla:�eg" (4G�$) '777-136� el lenyC�cup�rt�mcr.��g �t�tclasur•�: arbr�ris�r�p�rt ��: 'wWcalEe l��c�perti�s �.L�, �ttn: Ba�b��a'�1��1��, +�55 IV�amt;��zn�r}� Stree�, Suite �1191�, Ssu�Fr�:ncis��r, �'A �4��1