Site Plan - Via Paviso, 3 17MATIOI'1 CC E 01 WTI I 1 September 12, 1997 City of Cupertino 10300 Tone Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 Attn.: Mr. Joe Antonucci, Chief Building Official • _Re: Aviara Apartments - Site Code Compliance Work Items Dear Joe: Thank you for meeting with us to resolve the site code compliance issues for the apartment project. During our 9-11-97 meeting, we agreed on the modifications needed to bring the site into code compliance. The attached marked -up site plan illustrates the modifications proposed as numbered below: 1. Build carport over two (2) handicap spaces. This carport is behind a sound wall and is mostly invisible from surrounding public streets. 2. Extend roof deck over handicap van stall, with 8'-2" headroom clearance to provide carport -like coverage. While the roof deck added is visible from De Anza Boulevard, your initial discussions with W. Colin Jung indicates that this item may be approved as an amendment at the Planning Director level. 3. Loose two (2) handicap spaces and replace with three compact spaces and one bike rack stall. 4. Loose two regular parking spaces and replace with one (1) handicap van stall. • Relocate handicap ramp. 5. With total capacity at 55 persons, add one exit gate to the pool and the surrounding recreation area. 6. No modifications are needed for the attached or detached enclosed garages. With your help, we will seek prompt approval from the Planning Department to make these modifications. Also, we do not need additional plan check or building permits for these work items. CITATION HOMES Meiling Address: 404 Saratoga Avenue, Suits 100 P.O. Box 581 71 Sento Clare, CA 95050-7062 Sante Clare, CA 95052-9171 (408) 885-6000 Telefax: (408) 895-6050 SCS Development Co. �*"'CLUTIM C E N T R A L As for securing the fence between the occupied units and the remaining construction site, the owner of the project, PSS Ventures, LLC is ultimately responsible for all liabilities. On a day-to-day basis, our site foreman, Mr. Jeff Kleinsasser, is responsible for assuring that the fence is intact for the duration of the remaining construction activities, and the clean up of any debris in the occupied areas for safety concerns. I trust that this letter accurately summarizes our discussions. Thanks for your help in this matter. Sincerely, Citation Homes Central, by Chun Pong Ng Director Architecture and Engineering cc: Mr. Bob Cowan Mr. Greg Casteel Mr. Cy Hotovec Mr. Lee Cooper • CITATION HOMES Mailing Address: 404 Saratoga Avenue, Suite 100 P.O. Sox 59171 Santa Clare. CA 95050.7062 Santa Clare. CA 95052-9171 C4091 995-6000 Telefax: 1406) 995-6050 SCS Development Co. CITY OF CUPERTINO 10300 Torre Avenue Telephone 777-3228 INSPECTION NOTICE BUILDING DIVISION JOB DATE -:i ADDRESS & U ;-0 6-Q . TIME DAILY REPORT ❑ CORRECTION NOTICE ❑ VIOLATION ❑ TYPE INSR: BLDG. ❑ ELEC. ❑ PLBG. 0 MECH. O s4OP m mm ❑ WCOCJ�pC C�4�0O b I, - � -s<; L WEATHER INSP. �L CARD TO REMAIN ON JOB -SITE Ch,�h e/-P�?ay . V1:1F . a TOTAL BUILDINGS RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS: 7 TOTAL # UNITS EACH BUILDING 20 PLAN A = 4 PLAN B = 2 PLAN C = 8 PLAN D = 2 PLAN E = 4 # GARAGE SPACES EACH BUILDING 14 GARAGE BUILDINGS 1 TOTAL REGULAR SPACES = 12 TANDEM SPACES = 4 TOTAL = 16 PARKING: GARAGE SPACES TANDEM 4 REGULAR 140 CARPORT SPACES COMPACT 0 REGULAR 21 OPEN PARKING SPACES COMPACT 69 REGULAR 22 saw cRR tbaT c as,e 2 - t1mplCAP PA EXISTING FACE OF CURB Scale 1" = 30' -90 -16 0 80 60 80 NOTES —� 1. SEE ATTACHED LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR FENLiNG,( TRASH ENCLOSURE &-LIGHTING FACILITIES. f 2. SEE ATTACHED PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN FOR PUBLIC & PRIVATE IMPROVEMENTS, GRADING, TOPOGRAPHIC CONTCVRS & GRADING QUANTITIES. 3. SITE IMPROVEMENT SHALL COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 31 OF THE C.C.B. 4. ACCESSIBLE.ROUTES BETWEEN ACCESSIBLE CLLISTERS SHALL BE PROVIDED. 5. SITE WALKS/ACCESS TO RECREATION AREA TO BE ACCESSIBLE. 6. A ROUTE TO PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM �O BE PROVIDED AND 144 COMPLIANT WITH C.B.C. CHAPTER 31 PROV I S IbpN _ REV I SED: 10-16-96 REV I SED: 8-16-96 7. PROJECT SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL APPL 1 CABLd NON POINT SOURCE, REVISED:9-30-95 BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES FOR STORM WATER DISCHARGE. REV I SED:8-23-95 REV I SED: 8-15-95 21 91 TOTAL�PARKING PROVIDED 256 SPACES S'lr4EMoD/fiC.ITe,�S I COMPACT 69 = 27% ± REGULAR 183 = 71% t TANDEM 4,= 2% ± PARKING RATIO :.256 SPACES % 140 UNITS 1.83 u CPO 1