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TR-2016-40 Actionletter.pdf
C)�°l?e"��Tl+vtl�t'�]°�"GM�'CCDI1i1�w�U�tI�'�"'�7E�TEL+C7k��[�h9'I" +�ITY 1-3A,�.L , 1�1�3[��`T'C�C�T��t1�E��YE * �T,�I'��T1�3�,��.9."rfl'I�-3255 ���"��'"�"�I��, (4C7�3}77�-'��i08 • F",�X(�{�$�77�-3�33 + lt�i�.��iz� <p�e�.0 caa'kixtt�.�ar°-� �i��retnber 1�1, 2C116 ��rah ���kia� A-P1�us T��ee �'�OCt�B�:�es Av��ue I� C'c���cc�rci, CA �452t7 ,��ff��EC'T'; TI�EE PE�CC:pVA�.P�R�MI'T'A�"I`I�l'� 'L�TT��—Ap�iicakicr�"TT�-2Q1G_4� mTYtis lett��cr��uf�rms th� c�c�cisi��r caf����ire�t�r af Cc�nn�rnun��y��v��capm�nt, �;ivea-►o�z�1a�vem�+�r 1t], 2C��6 a�provin���"re�R�m��a� �'ernr►it�a a11�vv tilne r�rsrawal�1�x•��1a��ment cat thirteez��r�rtected ti���s witi-riat The�ulkuaa�r� eorrt�lex, �c�c��ed at 1f�T a9 Sau�h�la���y Av�nue. StaEf rec�ive� � cam�r�n���f frc�rrrn � �esid�nt at "TE�e Baltm�r� c�r�plex rec�uestu~�g kh�� t�� �r�es ncat b� iMen�c�veel.T�e re�pca��se t�th�r�sIlc�ent stafe� tha����e dacrarm���nt�ti�n �phc�t+�,�ra�Y�ts ��a� ��b�,rist r�pr�r�) suppc�r�ecl �he remaval �f�1�� tr�es be��use af t�e instabiYity of tree �imbs �an t�� �articul�r �pec�e� a:nd spec�f�c��ly the �re�s in �his campl�x. Adcfli�ie��ual�y kh� rern�ve�i tr�es ��uid be replaeed �e�° t�e City"s tree a�eplaee��tez�t gun��I;ine�. I'�a �d���a��a��c�nnmeru:t�ar r�sp�ar�s�s�ere rec��ve�.. St�ff h�� �an�de �h� fi��lirz�s t�n�t tl�e tre�e c�r trees �fl~� irrev�e�°�iLl� d:is�.a�sed, �c� ��� d���er c�f f��lin�, cail �a�se pcake�xti�I ��mage ��a existin�, �a�� pr��aseci �ssen��l s�u�t��es, crr u�t�r�eres vvitlh priv�:ke on-site utilit� servic�s ��td c�nnc�t be ��r�tralfled c�r refl�edi�� tllrou�h reas�r�a�ble �e1�ca�a� ar �n�rcli�ica��a�a af t1�� sfx°uctur� o��t��ity seg°vflces; an� thaf th��ratec�ed f�ees �r� � ��tri�rnerzt tra the subj��t prr�per�y and e���an�t&�e �de��a�ely sup�art�cl �ceo�ding; t� g�rc�� n,xr��n Ea�es�y practices due to the a�ver���t�°n� �r cav�rci�cacvdi�-i�nf�trees�n th���ubjec�pra�ert�. Th.�s f�n����i�neces�a�y���rant t�e�r�e rem�v�l pera�i� i1-� acctartiance wi���S�ckiorl 1�.�$.�8t1 (A�(�,) a��l (�) of�he 1''r�teefe� Trees��d�n�r�ce. �'he a��lic��iai�is���rc�veci rn���k� th�ft�llcawirug c�anciify�ns: 1. AI'�'R�"i�"�L�P1�C)�,��°Y' °T1�is�p}�r€av�rl i�1�ased�x1 t���arbarist repart pr�pa:r���ay S�r��G�s�Cir����-���.'�A),cl�t�e� �epteinber �, 2(�16, cc�r�sistim� of ser�en (7) �a,�,e� i��cl�s�v� �f a re�nav�.l anci a re�lacezme�nt sz�� �i��t, exce�t �s m�y b� �rr��e��ucl�d kay�c�alc�itu�ns u�t this reso�ut�an. 2. "�"�EE I���L,AC�MEI'�TT"� T�-�� r�c��zre�i r�pl�c�rr�ea�t trees �r� t�ac�llt�-si� (�6} 2�-ixtch }�ox kre€�s tc� be �l�r��e� �n t�°�� subjec� prop���� �s a�e�ailed in the a�°L+�ri:st re�c�rt a��d c�n �the �eplacer�e��t�a��art. If it is dek�rrn�n�d t�tat i�is �a�-��sically not feasi�l� t� �lant the reqt�irer� �epl�c�rr7e�t �ir��s t�ue �p��l�cant in�y p�y i�z-li�u ��es _ "C'rcc:Re��n�v�l 1'e rn�rt e^�cti�-�rt��k:te¢� 1'��e 2 TR-2�116-�{l d�fierr�i�ecl tc�be a�a�r��ri���by khe�r�mu�lunrty I��velc��m�nt L���ectc��. Tkte repl�c-crnent�r��s sl�all be pl�r�ed wi�hn� tllirty (�Cl�� d��� c�f t�� f���r�rrnovals. T��e �pp�:�e�n� s��ll prcavi�e tk�e�epaa����ez�t of ����mtgnity 1�evelaprn�nt ader�ua�e dc�c�zme��atian, z�ckud�z�g but n�tr liz�n�t�ci ta �Ync��c��ra�Yn�, �°�ceipks �r inv�aiees, ��v�rify t���t t1�,e r�pl�ce�nez�t tz°ee�i�a���ac��i��1�11ted. �, ]�I�.C�T'E�C'TEL�"Ii'1��;1�� Tl�� ��a�lic��ti u���erst���ds ����t t�n� r��l�c�rruenk itrecs zruay r�Q�be rernaveci w�ith��t �T'p•ee T�er��v�l T'�rn�it �n� kY�a� f�-�ey sha11 b� respc���sible �c�r°�nsuriaxg th� �ra�p�x��uazz�fer��n�:e �nd caz°� �E t1-�� trees. T`Qne ����icamk�lx�ll ais� dzsel�as� �l�e lc����ic�n and sp�cies�af all r�plac€��n�nt�ree:�+�i7 sit�t�p�c�u-��ale a�f t���e�r�perfiy. 4. �if�TIC�C9� �EE�i �J�UICATI4,�I'�dS �.ESEI�'�'ATI��TS�� �"�"H�R ��ACTT��3`tii i The cr���ditica�l� c�f Praj�c�t A��rov�I se� fa�rth h�r��n rn�y ���ncdua�e c�rt�i�1 fe�,s, c��dic�tion r�qn�ir�rn�nts,re�erv�tian rec�uirem���s, �� ath�r�xae�i�ns. Pursuart���a�ca�e�Il�m�nt�c�d�S�cfi��t �i6�2(�(�i� (��,t�ue�e�c����iti�agls�c�a�stit-�.i:te v�rit�e�notic�c��`� s�ate��z�t a�t�e am�aui��r�f�uch �ees, ���d � deser��tIlan �f tl�e d��ica�t�a�s, res�rvaticans, �n�d �fh�r exacti+ans. �'�ta �r� �er�by a��tifi�� t�at �h� �0-��y appra�v�� period u� �vhich ycau rrua� prate�t f��ese fees, ded�c�t��ns, r�s�rv�tIlans, aa-►d o���r° �ex�cti�aa�a��rs�na��t t���v�rn��en�C�ad�e Sec�ac�n�6f�2�{�), Ih�s k�egu�.�f yca� ��i1�c fi�e a pratest�ry�hin tk�is'�Q-�ay��ria�1 carrti�l�nn��nr�t��a��r�f���r��uir�r�er�ts c�f aec�ic7n 6E�02�1,ya�u r�ri�.l be�e,g�lly�b�r�ed. f��m l�t���hal��x��irtg sucl� ex���aons, P�ease nate t��k a� ap�eal c�f'��ais de�cisian may��ac�a�e vvithnn�4 caiend��days from th� date o� thns l�t#er. D►� N(JT REM(�VE "�'�� TIZ��(S� �n�il �he e�d �a� th�e appeal period. Iff arn a�ape�I is fifle�, yc�� will k�� n�akif�ed a� a� p�u�li�c ��a�rin�,, whi�ch �rill l�e sc�ed�l�+� �ae�are the �lanning ��muni�si�an. Syz�c�re�y, ..✓",y (:�f J�'°`���" � E1.de�t"�'�u Assz��a�t�'1����r (408} 777-1360 ellen���u.zp�rtano.Qr� Enclas�r�: site p1a� ��C. Tim 1'�ash, �9�a S I"�ar��lk�ti., �a�ti�w'iateca, �A 9�4a3