21902APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES —USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Building Pm'M Identlfleatim - Buuding Addna.: 7 0 ALLL Gr e PERMIT NO. "I a� n O n 21902 G I Vy G r• j�(„� �PH ),k 11hme. CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDINGDIVISIONGy APPLICATION I PERMIT BUILDINGET.EXHtICALPLUMBINGMFLHANICAL ca,mad«•°N•^,e. (/�•p L. No: `�" u CATEGORY CONTROLI[ D vfs Arehkec/Fsgircer. Lir No: 5 rZA lit DS QTY ELECTRIC PERMIT BUILDING PERMIT INFO � Addreuq"(J3N S� nth N RNC ❑ El ❑ PEELMITISSUANCE LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION I hereby affbm that l am licensed under provWau of Chapter9(conunenc Ingwlth-gam n9W0)of Dlvblm3ofthe Buel andlhofeae Code,and APPLIANCESRFSIDENTUL n p0 ON Renee is In full f«m and effect Limner tit 2 titA PANELS \' /�` Date�� Comraa[or I iy_r MIS ' UlT�- ��NL. rB V' i01- DECIARATR)N I undersand my phmahallbe used as publlctecceda OVERIWOAMPS SQ. FI'. FLOOR AREA S/SQ. Fr. SIGNS Licensed Professional CIRCUIT/MISE OWNER-IUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm that !am exempt I. the Cornrador'a Lksrae I- Wkl ,ins madm. ES oo 7131 S, Buelnm and Profmlona Code: My d or oatntywhk requb apermktommlrucl,alter, rove,demolbh,or r TIMP'METEROR 1 anysru¢ure prlortola baanc6 also requmnthc appBanHor such pe to file a signed alamb teent that he Ik erued Pursuant to the provisions, of the POW ER DEVICES STVP.4MING ELC OIITLETSSMTC Contractor's License IAw (Chapter 9 (romnendng with SeUlon 7000) of Dlvl- aon3oftheOusinmeandl'Nenbro Code)orthat heiserempt lhcrtfmmerd the bub for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7m15 by any .ppeont fora Ne tmb)a theappl anttuad 1pnahy fnm mortthan ) VALUATION �v NEW R® SQ fiv hundred d r oft (S.riOPf. as owner of tic Property, or empbyeea wRh wages u them dole STORIES TYPE CONSTRUCTION e a tion, wW Bothe he dart not nt Wed or offered for cote and tura, ES and Pr C h tale (Sec 704/, BuaNev and Prdru.bro Cade The CoMndofd Llmroe IAw dos not apply to an owner of property who builds or Improves thereon, and who doessuchworkhlmase orthwgh Meow, emplgees, prwldedthatach OCC.GROIlI' RES. [1NCI5 improvemew are not Intended oroffered instate. If, however, thebuildmg o- fmptovemeM bsold wkhNoneyearolcomplsbrktlrowner-0ulld<rwW have 7 aa¢t rdenofpmving HuthedOmbufidorlmproveforpurpodeof vie.). LJ L as own« of the property, son e.lusively contracting with Banned mntrscbn to ooro tithe projim(See 7044, Busin,s and Pra(nsoro Code: QTY. L N RMI FEE PERMIT C FLOOD ZONE APN The Corkrador's Lkxrse Law does out apply to an owner d property who build, or improve thereon, and who contracts for a3i plo)eda with a �➢j+�or(q lloeneed puraant to( eCmtraet&. Llarise Law. U I ins cnempt order Sec B & P C for thio re.n FEE SUMMARY BACK FLOW PROTECT. DEVICE DRAIN& FLOOR ROOF, AREA, COND. SANITARY Y_ N_ RFCQPT / Owner Dae WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION F-11 hereby affirm that I have a mnif eau, of content to self -tore, o- a artifioate of Workero'ComperaaHmlwrance or a certified copy thereof (Sec. 380(LLb C.) Y RE4I'F.R.RtAI' SD{OOL TAX Y_ N_ -RECFFlPT Y GAS FA. SYSTEMI ING4 OUTLETS PARK FEE Y_ N RFLF]IT I GAS EA. SYSTEM -OVER 4 (FA) Go Co ny BUILDING DIVISION FEES rCenlfled ropy b hereby furnished. Cened copy b filed with the city Inspection division. , F� Ri Y'C CERTIFICATE OF IXEMI'TION FROM WORKERS GREASE/INDUSCRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR PLANCHECK FEE PAID CREASETRAP COMPENSATION INSURANCE CTM.sectionneednotbecompldedffthepen bforonehundreddollam Date Recef [# SEWER-SANTCARY-STORM EA. 370"1' WATER IffATER W/VENT/ELECTR ENERGY FEE Y N Cf1IDJ) ftfy that loenot thatoy he apermRbbo any of work for intobecohich 1 °lou not empky any Laws f any manner eo u b become abject to the any person I he W«ken'CompensaHon !Awa of California. Date Applloant NOTICE TO APPLICANT: If, after nuking this Conffiate of Exemption, you should become •ub}ct to the Worken'Compematbn provbbm of the Labe, WATER SYSIFAI/TRFAnivO � ��((�� PAID ,���.[.I_ t� Date Recti t# 1ST' cc NEWRESIDENTIALPLMB. SOFT. TOTAL: Cade, yore voted fonhwbh comply with ach provbbna ordhb permit shall be deemed revoked, CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY a (� 1 BUILDING FEEt 5EISM IC FEE . Sb Ihereby.fRrm thattherebacomtrucHmterding•ger forth per(ortry a of the work for which this permit lr L�ed(See 3097, W.C.) TOTAL ELECTRIC FEE Lerdert Name Lender'. Add ] o-nifythat l have readthbapplintionard tlaetha theabwe ln(omutlm is cor . !agree to crenpty withal] ctyaM county ordinances and state laws relating to buikfro ing rotmWon, and honr ereby authreprete°tathe of this Qct. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE PLUMBING FEE MECHANICAL FEE EEINII'T ISSUANCE FEES PAIj}� 3 -1v! -JY Y7 dty to enter upon the abev rncntbred property for bupedbn Eau Tomas. (We) agree to save, IndemN Ey an d keep harMets the City of Cu penlno costs agebat habWtba, Pdgments, ab expeves which may In anyway... age W[ dCByldcontequerce of the gassing of Wa pmdt. � 11 ALTERORADDTOMECEL _b�q Date Recel t# A(ft LEA [JMf CIO 10,000 CFM) SUBTOTAL: AIR HANDLING UNIT (DYERIO,WOCFh1) CONSTRUC77DN TAX Sigrutumof AppOa mtractor Date EXHAUST HOOD(W/DU(:T) CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: H DOUSMATMIALSDISCLOSURE HEATING UNIT (TO 100,000 FEET) Will the app0nnt or fuwre buildingomtpnt tlarear haMle h.rdous rnatertel at defined by the Cupertino Murddpl Cade, Chapter 9.17, and the IieYe Sefety Code,Snllom2S537(a)7 Wtheapplias orMnTuuturo Wildingoecupantumequipment mdev4m Date Rceol t# BATING UNIT (OVER 1X,000 BTIZ TOTAL: �JS VENTILATION FAN(SINGLE RESIO) ISSUANCE DATE which emit havrdous am mntarnrurn° an defined by the Bay Arca Air alNy Managcmerd Dlatrkt7 fte MOILER{OMP QHPOR 100,000 BTU Yn ❑F� No BOILER-NNP(OVER 1W,000 BTU have read the havwou° nateriab requirerrcnb under Chapter495 of ted CABf.0 Health &SafetyCod, Sectloro 75505, 75533and 75534. i R� / PYA 71,9 NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. SQ.FT. uMerstand that lithe building dm wt currently have a tenant, that it b my r '#/ 1 respon°Iblllty to notify the oaupnt ofthe reqM ubennee which must be met C prior to isuame of a Certificate of Oc upancy. map L6IlED BY�C�/ � Owner or authorimd agent Date TOTAL: OFFICE COPY