19754 APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES — USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Building 4ect ldentlflcatl PERMIT NO. B°'07 vies: 19754 ante: one: - A �l)T RO �(77 E5 CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION ' u,�-�B/�i�G APPLICATION I PERMIT �'--2-�jo . BUrLDING ELBCMCALPLUMBINGMFGHANICAl CATEGORY . I CONTROL,if e{ L No p /f�VC.. QR ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO A / wS PERMITISSUANCE ❑ ❑ ❑ LICENSED CO ACTORS DECLARATION I hereby affirm that l am Ikecaed under provblosu of Ctupter 9(commene APPLIANCES-RFSIDENTTAL OB DESCRIPTION Ingwilh Section 70W)of Dbd.ion3ofthe Buairessand Pmfesetatu Code,and my Ikat binc7�drmucto5a PANELS n.¢. �co mann ARCEIITE 201-1000 AMPS 2 I urdentand my plana ehaR h used as public remrda OVER 1000 AMPS SQ.FT.FLOOR AREA 5/SQ.FT. Iyy[O[ Limmied Prof®loyal SIGN`'EI-ECTRICAL �Q OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATIONgtpCIALCDtCU1•I./h95C' Z1.., Ihemloyafimothm lam exempt from the Camramorb License law for the - following mason.03action 70315,Hub...d PmI.kn.Cade:Any aty or ��� muntywhlchrequU apem Wmv Malter,Impmry demolLsh,ormpar TEMP.METFRO LE ,,,,�� anyatadu¢prlortolbbsuame,aLiom-qu ffieapplluntrmsuchpem to POWER DEVICES 0 fU a signed a [anent that he b B¢rued pursuant to the pmViscm of the O Contractorb Uceroe Law(Clupler 9(mmmenang with Section 7000of Divi- SWIM NG C sbn3ofthe Bualnruand Prdessbro Cade)orNd he6ese Nert(mmard VALUATION ~ < tFe Mala for the alleged esemptlon. Any violai of Section 70315 by any OU"ET" eppnant fora pcmdl vobjects the a pplicant to a ana am vll PC" of not o¢tFan E 0vMhondrcd dollars WM. NEW RES7D AL ELEC7R SQFr. STORIES � TYPE C7ONMUCTION �n I,as owner of the property,or my employees with wages u thio axle ` O msamnum4wBldotewkndthestuctebmWorofemdfor k=7But,=and Profe,%om Code:The Contractor.Lime Law don applymano mrofpmpertywhobWWsorlmpmuethermn,and �'$" who doaeuchworkhMeBarthrough hbvwnemployen,pmvWMlhat ouch OCC.GROUP RES.UNITS Mpmvemenu am not Intended oroffered for sale.IL however,thebuilding or TOTAL Improvement h"wRMn oneyearofcomplelbn,the owner-builderwill have tlW,krrdeo of pmving that he did not bund or lmprne for purpoae of sale.). QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE U I,as owner of the property,am eachuHely contra-mg with Ikmrd F1,001)ZDNE APN contractors to cororu td the project(Sec.7044,Businm.rd Profeasbro Code: PERMIT BSUANCE (-3 oa Tae Comnnor's L3¢ne Lw dm not apply to an owner of property who ALTER-DRAIN VENT-WATER(FA) I L bullds or irmprowa Neon, and who contracts for ouch p(ojrcts with a FEE SUMMARY ' cQntfactor(a)ucenmd pursuant to the Commaors License Law. BACK FLOW PROTFGT.DEVICE u 1 am exempt under Sec B k P C for this reason ( Owner Date DRAINS FLOOR ROOF,ARCA,COND. Ib ao SANITARY Y_ N_ • RLCFRrI'R WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION FlX'NRES PER TRAP SCHOOL TAX Y_ N_ 0 1 teff orfkm that I have• l rtcone of cmmnt to self-Insum,us a RFGms1•a mrtirioteofWorkers ComperaaHonlrounn¢era¢rtiffcd mpytherto((Sec. 3Wm,LbC) GAS EA.SYSTEM-1 CNG40U PARKFER N Cllry IF .SYSTEM-OVER t(EA) R➢ II yvo BUILDING OI VISION FEES rtRiedmpybhrrebyfumkshed. GREASC/1NDU5DU-WA5IEINTFRCET1OR PLANGHECK FEE CertBled ropy b filed with the aty Iropea3on dlvlalon. CERTIR(ZATEOFIXEMPEIONMOMWORKERS GREASE TRAP PAID COMPENSATION INSURANCE SKIVER-SANfTARY-SIORMEA 2011ET Date Recei t# (ITleeectbn need not h MSATed B the SURA[b fusorc hundred dollars mammleaa'> WATER EffATERWfVENT/EILCTR ENERGYFEE Y N I¢rtBy thrt Uthe perbrman¢of the wvk(orwMch WepenNl la issued, I shall not employ any person In any manner so as to become subject to the WATERSYS IN/TREATING Workeri Comtpematbn Laws of California. Dane PAID ZZ Applicant NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMIk 9Q17T. Date Reee1 tM O NOTICE TO APPWCANT:R,after making this Certificate .1 you of aeptio should become wb)ect to the Workers'Compensation provhioro of the Labor TOTAL: W Code,you mrst forthwith comply with ouch pcmd,daro or thio permit shall be lL > dmnW revoked. BUILDING FEE cONSTRI/C DON LENDING AGENCY SEISMIC FEE oto I hereby affirnNat there Is a construction leMing agency for the perform ELECTRIC FEE :) Z anceof the work for which this pomdt b bvied(5ec.3097,Civ.C.) TOTAL OO lender"Name PLUMBING FEE LL ~ t<nder.Add. QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE MECHANICALFE•E O W Icertify Nat l have read this appllatbn and etatethatthe above information iamrrect.IagreetocanplywlthaBckyandmuntyordimnmsandgatelaws PERMIT ISSUANCE FEES PAID: } relating to Wilding corwroalon,aM hereby authorlu reprernuthv afthb F cGy to enter upon abvacr¢mbrcd property for Wprctbn purpoe. ALTERORADDTOMEGH. Z (We)agree to.eve,Indemnify an d keep hamrd.the City of Cupertino Date Recei tit O .&nat lkbwtles,judgmew,metsand evpenrs which mayln anywayaccrue AIR HANDLING UNIT(T010,000CPM) SUBTOTAL: agalrot said City in conmquen¢of the granting of this pemna. AIR HANDLING UNIT(OVER 10,000 CEN) CONSTRUCTION TAX Signature of Applicant/Contractus Date D03AUST HOOD(W/DUC) CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE WOl the appllantor tutu building oavpantst morhardleha cans HFATINGUNIT(TO1W,000BTU) Date Revel 1M materialsdeRrcdbyz pertlno UMPAICode,Chapter 9.12,and the I kahh and Safely Code ion 25532(a)7 HFATING UNIT(OVER IW,000 BTU; '�L, ❑Yes No WRllheappBantm tvrebuildingoavpanturequlpmemusdmiom VENRIATION FAN(SINGLE RFSGy' I$$' 'ATE which emit hazard it umbonla u defined by the Bay Arta Ale • QualnyManagcmemDmNo BORER-MMPOFB'OR1W.0(UBM rG� x ;11990 l Yes alSyd love¢ad Neh r oue rtaterlab rUquirements under Chapter 6.95 of B0R-ER-comp(OVDt1W,000 RRL) the California Health k Safety Cade,Seabru 75505,25533 and 25534. I //�s urdentaM[teal i(thebulldingdmrotamentlyhave aterunt,that lthmy NEW RESIDENTIAL W-CH. SQF7. COX !If rtIpewl rieporoibnfty to notify the occupant of the requ rrcm ntz which maul h mat „- prior[ an �Cy\tLB��/y of panty. � �////(yf�� /� �,� �{-q�R�\�Y ���ioriaed.gem T ]late ISSUED BY�w �tom-'w'�`"'`71_ TOTAL OFFICE COPY