21591 APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES — USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Building Proen Identification 7 PII?MITN'O. Building Address: 215 91 os- A � I rs ams: one: CITY OF CUPERTINO�BUILDING DIVISION � tractor's Name: Lo N. APPLICATION / PERMIT to. o AnLP�} gj Sit-=Trej I - QBUrIDINGELECTRICAI IV MBINGMECHICA ANL CARYZ CONTROL Y/ -7 ` ^ Archttect/Engineer. IJr.No V JiL/ CV Q ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO �� Addresti w V PptMl'[ISELIANCE LICENSED CONTRAC"ORS DECLARATION IherebyaBirmtlullam Brmsedundnrpm Wb o(Chapler9(a yen APPLIANCES JOB ON Ingwith Stolon 700D)of Dldslan3ofthe BuMn and Pmfodoru Code,and my have b In fullfora and effect. PANETS LlmrueCh® LR.6 Date ��I CoMranorUP TO 2DO ANTS ���/f��AR-CHITECTB DE LARATI 02. Iunderstand my plan shad]be used n public records OVER 1000 AMPS SQ.FT.FLOOR AREA $/SQ.FT. O SIGNSELECIRICAL Cloyed Prdubvl - OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION SPECIALCIRCUIT/MISC zE, 3 IherebyafRrmthat lamexempt fromthe Contractorb Clave Lawforthe qoo following reason. 70715,Busluess.nd Pmfembro Code:Anycityor FF'� cwntywhich requtrn•pemattocovtruct,almr.lmptomdemalbh,orrepalr TFMP.MEIl]t ORPOLE INSf. q''� any.imcturc prbrto lb bsuave,abo requBntheappBant(orwch pematto POWER DEVICES P Ne a signed rnlearent that he b Iloerued pursuant to the proWbn of the 3� Contractor:Licenee Law(Chapter9(commencng with Section 7000)of Div SWIMMING POOL,IT.ECIFIC VALUATION C3 F, O sbn3ofthe Buelnneand Profenbv Cade)orthmhebexempttherrlrom..d Sn tk bash for the alleged eaempbn. My violation of Section 7m15 by any OUTLEISSWITC "1 a aPPBcandred dollars otheapplicwtoadvll pevlty of not morcthan /L D E ❑use hundred ddlvshe p0). NEW RESIDENTIAL $FI. STORIES TYPE CONSTRUCTION �n F11,as lou willer ft the work and nryeucture nwtlh wagnuthered fo �7 mm(S,-70 ,wWdotheworkandthesCccie bwomoaded aroff Law p sale(Sec706{,Busineaami Pmfesebv Code:TLeorimpo esMame Law Lrikv r'f3 dm stop,lytoan h.rkh lf.,th Sin M,..ul pl ym,pv Wt dreon,and a-s^ whodoneuchwork hlmve8ortheough hbownemployen,prwdedttitsud' V. OCC.GROUP . RES.UNITSImpmamernsartunintended orokered foraale.l(however,lhebuildingm TOTAL: Improvement baald within oreye�ro(mmplelbr�lheowner-bullderwlll have ld tl arden of proving that he did not build or Improve fee purpose of sale.). QTy, PL BI ERMIT FEE L as owner of the property,am exclusively tmLLracting with Ilancd FLOOD ZONE APN LJ mntnRons to mnrmct the project(Sm 7066,Busbee and Praferbv Cede PIEFITTOMAkNCE The Contractor's License Law don not apply to an owner of property who bunds or Imp.thereon, and who mrdracts for such pipjecb with • ALTER-VIAIN&VEM- TEA rlpq-ctor(ni licensed poravnt to the Contractor.License Law. s wI'itorEcr.D 4 FEE SUMMARY U 1 am exempt under Sec B &P C for this reason DRAINS FTDOR,ROD ND. SANITARY Y N O Owner Done RECEIPTFxRECEIPTj I WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION ❑1 hereby aIftrm that I have a certificate of ameent to self-Insure,or FO(TuRu&PFR TRAP SC7100L TAX Y N aklfiate of Workers'Compensation Insurance a a certified copy them((See. RECEA7 if 3500,LbC3 GA&FA.SYSITIM-IlNCVOUjE2PARK FEE Y— N Pdlcy I RE{EM. Com n GAS F.A.SYSTEM-0VER4(FA BUILDING DIVISIONFEES Ned mpybhereby harnbhN. CREASE/INDUSIRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR P NCHECK FL•E • ' ' CekBled copy is filed with the aiy Ivpeetbn divialon. CERTIFICATE OF EXEMMON FROM WORKERS GREASE TRV' PAID COMPENSATION INSURANCE SEWER-SANITARY-STORM EA 7WFT. Date Remi t# (fhb aedlon need nor be completed B the,scoot la froom hundred dollen (f100)afy that WATER HEATER W/VENT/ori-rR ENERGY FEE Y N /♦ laonytinnily anyhe person iaorthewar so to ech Wapemdlbbathe 1 orkhalnot employ any perm b any runner at u m beaorrc subject to the WATERSYSTEM/TREATING weekm�earnPertutlan Lawaor e.luanla. Date PAID - Z ZApplicant NEWRF9DINDALPUIe. SQF7. Date Recei t# O NOTICE TO APPLICANT:If,after malang this Certificate of Exemption,you should become subject to the Worker'CompevaUon provbbv of the Labor TOTAL: N Cade,you most forthwith comply with such imwislov or this permit shall be Q > deemed revoked. 13UILDING FEE W W C CONSTRUCTION LENDWO AGFTCY SEISMIC FEE CL I hereby a(flrm that there is a construction lending agency for the pekomn, ELECTRIC FEE Z ane o/The work for whkhthb prr'dbblued 6ec 3097,CW.CJ TOTAL V O fenders Name PLUMBING FEE LL 1— Larder:Adams QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FE O W lakllythatl love read this applfcatbM r naarctluttheabovelnfarmNon MECHANICAL FEE l (1 is correct. to comply with all city and county ordinances and late laws PERMIT ISSUANCE FEES PAID. } relating to bending camorectler,and herebyauthorrne fm repentatNof this Cr F Cr city to enter upon line above-mentioned property fa inspection Purpose. ALTER OR ADD TO MEAT. (We)agree to rove,Indemnify an d keep harmiea the City of Cu pekln, Date Remi t# V aga hast liabilities,jrd gmenb,costs and expenses which may in any way accrue AIR HANDLING UNIT(TO 10,000 CFM[) SUBTOTAL: agal dCity In aequeran aftk grantbg oftMs pemdL AIRITANDUNG UNIT(OVER IO,ODOCFM) CONSTRUCTION TAX Signature of Appilant/Contrxtar Daust EXrIAIhT HOOD(W/DUCT) CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the applicant orfumre building occupant Blore or haMk hazardous HEATING UNIT CTO 100,000 BTU) Date Recel t# material as defined by the Cupertino Municipal Cade,Chapter 9.17,and the Health and SafetyCade Section 23532(a)7 FMATING UNIT(OVER 100,DOO BTT, TOTAL: ❑ Ya No WWthe appB mr Nrebuildingocupnt..egryip.rctordeviny VFN'DL,I7TON FAN(SINGLE RE9D) N�('F7'T ISS1 ATE which emit tazardous air cntaminaMs as defined by the Bay Area Mr 1�C �[ Quality Management District? BOILER-COMP OEIP OR 100,000 BTM ❑ Yn I�I No R . Ihavemadthehaaa ousmHekabrequlremenb under Clupler G95o( BOILGILNMP(OVEi]00.000 BTU) JAM 7 �y.E the Calfamia HeaHh&Safety Code,Sectio;2505,2S573 and 25536.1 ! M 6 wv undmtaw that if the WDding don rot mrrcntly tuveatenant that itbmy NEW RESIDENTIAL MEIN. SQ.FT mspomlbdity to notify the occupant of the requbements which most tae mrt `__'• _ prior to bwarur of a Ceklficete of Occupanry. ',^F'tF�aNI'll�fl Owner ser authokred ageot Date ISSIIEU BY: ` TOTAL: OFFICE COPY