20549 APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES — USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY ll.ildln,Project Identification - PERMIT NO. guiding Address: 2 O r A n ,goglI a /�c CCS G l^/4 ly/ ams: a me: AA CITY OF CUPERTIN6BUILDING DIVISION G � + � qffb�� APPLICATION / PERMIT L rBUILDIIJGE].ECRtICALI'LUMBINGMECHANIGL CATOCORY CONTROL Co/bb+ AmhXM/En Lie Na QTY .ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO UM lvl��H Address PFAMITISriUANCE F-1LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATIONLF Thereby af(Iren th.t lam llcrosedunderprovlWons dChapter9(cmunm APPLIANCESRF_SIDEMTAL - pg DFSCRB'HO lice. Infull rm and effl 3ofNe BuslrhesadPro(mdoruCode,and Lkeue)CIM,_ me ad dfect 0%9. - PANELS Lkcnse Ch Lb/ V Drteof Cdracor 2011 AMPS ARCHITECPS DECLARATION 0Z )understand my phm aha8h usdapub8c rscvds OVER 1000 AMPS SQ.F[.FLOOR AREA 5/SQ.FL. O� GNS EIECT&A j Llmnxd Professional < OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION AaALVIR=T IhenbyaHirm jW that l am exempt from the Contractor's License Law lose the d .. following reason.(Section 70315,Budnesa and Pmfesdons Code:Any city or LE r" oarntywhl maul aperMttpmmmc,a)ter,Impmve,dem hormpalr 6 anyawcunpdmtolbtmamc aborequb theappbantfwmchpemdt to ' 0 U file a dgned statement that he b Ilocnsed pursuant to the p oW bin of the 04 Contractor's license Law(Chapter 9(commenctngwithSelon70MofDvl- O ebn 3 ofthe Bushes and Professions Code)or that he b esnmpt the=n= NG C VALUATION ' the basis for the alleged exemp[fon. Any vielatbn of Section 70315 b/any �A appU.tf.ra prrmlt subjects the applicant toss dull penalty dna morethan �'E �4c five hundred dollar rill). NEW REQ ELEC3R l �n ❑I,as owner of the property,or my employees with wages a their sob '�'�' STORIES TYPE CONSTRUCTION t cvmpceaMion,will clothe work and theatrunun b not Wended or offaed for _ 5 0 sa1e(3ec.70KPrdesbro Code The Cowadora GmmeLaw �r3$ dm not apply to an owner of property who Wide or lmprwa tMrton,and11 000GROIJT' RIS.IIM'I'S who dosa ichns workhbelf fir Nrough wownemplryeez,provided that meta ` Xnpmvemeds are not Intended oroffemd forsale.If,however,the WlMlog or TOTA 5s Improvement beoM wlthlnorcyearofcncnpletbn,tMwmerWilderwl0 have . t rdenofpmvingthathedid notbuildorimpmveforpurposeofsale.). QTY, PLUMBING PERMIT FEE FLOOD ZONE- APN U S as owner of the property,am exchuWely,contracting with licensed L'FItM1.3.LSSIIANCE contrarTas to construct the pro)ect(Sec 700{,B.Il eea and lid®Ions Code: The Contractors license Law does not apply to a owner of property who ALTER-DRAIN VENT-WATER(FAL Wild, or Improve thereon,ad who comr.m for such proje, with a cMiador(a)Bnnsed purauat to the Cmtncars Lkn.Law. BACK FLOW PROTECT.DEVICE FEE SUMMARY t_I I am exempt order Sec B t P C for this mmn DRAINS MOOR,ROOF,AREA,GOND. SANITARY Y N Owner - Dale RECEIFT 1 . WOAm[ANthe I have ISATION DECLARATION FDCrURFS PER TRAP SCI3pLg,TAX Y N ❑L hereby a(Mn the I have a mtl0cate of consent to selGwun,ora RICEPI' . 3800,Lab CJ ateo(WorYen'Cwnpersatlanlmunnco ora artifled Dopy thereof f$ec. GAS EA.SYSTEM-11NG41 OUTLTIS PARK FTE Y N 3800, Porky/ RECF # GAS EA.S1'SIII.1-0VER 4(FA) F Calm gray - BUILDING DIVISION FT." I 1CeKilled copy It herebyfurnished.thecid. CREASE/INDISMI,WASTE INTERC=R PLANCHECK FEE Killed ropy b filed with the coy InspMbn dfvWOR CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' GREASE TRAP PAID { COMPENSATION INSURANCE SEWER­ EA 33�T. Date R i ted �J (I'Heneclbn need not be completed Rthe permit is for one hundred doll (SI 00)aWATER DATER w/VENT/ELECTR ENERGY FEE' Y I unifyfy than in din the performance wk ler which this pemnitbm led, - I sibs not employ any person In any manner ro as to become wrbject to the WATER SYSTEM/TREATING worhere Compensation laws of Caluamla.Data ' PAID 0 Z Applicant NEW R®DFMLAI.I'11.1B. �}T., to Recei NI Z O NOTICE TO APPLICANT:If,after mnMng ton Certificate of ExemptbR you ehald become subject to the Workers'Compensation provisions of the Labor TOTAL: N Cade,yeurruufmthwithmmplywlthm&provbbroorthbpemJtdeil W '! 'deemed rnvoked. (L O CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY M O I hemby&III hatthenb.comtructimlendingagencyforthepedornF E ICFEE Z arm ofthe work/can whkhthio permk b lined(Sec.30 Y/,Civ.C) TOTAL V O I<Mer'e Name PLUMBING FEE LL F Leodcr'a Addns - QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE MECHANICAL FEE O 111 Ic,dify thadl have mad twappllottanand state that the above Information IL bconect.IagreetocmnplywlthaRetyandowntyor iWnccsand4atelaws PERMIT CEUANCE f � D _ FEES PAI >. Mating to building iomtactlm,ami hembyauthorbe mpreaentathes oftw N U) city to enterupon the abmne_nvntbmd property for Wpectlon purposes ALTERORADDTOMECH. &7l) DatC eeel HI (We)agree to save,Wemnify an d keep harmlem the City d Cypertlro agaWt WbWtlm,�udgmew,mstsand expemnwhkh may d anywayamue AIR HANDLING UNIT(170 10,(100CFM) SUB OTAL: against said City In�h+�werme of the ntingdtwprotu C_ _._ t- Z/ AIR HANDLING UNIT(OVER IO,WOCFM) CONSTRUCCIONTX Sigrutum of Appbant/Cant to IXHAIR7 HOOD(W/DLJ–D CONSTRUCHO�TAPAia HAZARDOUSMATERIALSDISCLOSURWBltheapp0ontorfuture building occupant Mom of handle hazardous HIATINGUMT=IW,(WBTU) Date material as defired by the Cupertino Municipal Code,Chapter 933 and the - IIr.lth a Safdy Code S ition 25531(a)7 HEATING UNIT(OVER 1W ODD BTU) TOTAL: ❑ Yes ,t+�-,1 No WOltheappO mM futon Wildingoaupmtuseequlpmeruordevkos VENTILATION FAN(SINGLE I=) ISSUKWP[ ,TE hkh emit hazardous air rontamlnsnts a deBred by the Bay Arta Alr: • sIity Marugement D(strlct7 gOm i;p-NMP PFB'OR 100,000 B7V) YyeaF� JUV have read the hazar7ous materials requlremenb under Chnpler G95 of BOILLR-000MP L00,0008T1J7 the Califcrnb Health k Safety Code,Sections 25505,25533 and 15531.1 uMaratand that lithe Wildln ceiwtamertUyhaveatenant.that it is my N'EWRESIDEMULMECH. SQ.FT C/;;4,,1f PM,e.{;no pns oly to notify tM1c rat dthe mentawhkh oust be met rn prlort erre a to of Oma ner w author)�agen Uate TOTAL: OFFICE COPY