22507 APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES — USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY building Proort Identification PFRMH'NO. Bu i" � 22507 b CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION Contnuor'. an,<. Lk.N. APPLICATION / PERMIT —:2_'?—'? BUNNNGEL&:fRICALPLUMBINGMECHANICAL CATEGORY CONTROL I/ / `� A Bee neer. 'a Ip O QTY ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO -- Addreu - d E -Wee PEFMTISSUANCE . LICENSEDCO ACTOR'S CLARATI IherebyaHbmthelam uoderp nmof Chaptnti(mmmenc APPUANCESRE [DFMIAL JOB UI5 IITION uBwlth Sectba7000)d Divldm ofth.BuaIws rad Pnafeal.Code,.d Ikerbe b In s fLorce and dfrsi PANES licj I�d ense ChaILY Date CEc ar,Rm UP TO 200 AMPS ARCHITECTS DECLARATION 291-IM AMPSq]' µqqµ!!0ZQ,Q ]uwentawmy pant eluBbe usedvpubllcm rcda 00 AMPS R S/SQ.FT. 6e�rj Licensed PmfembmSIGNSE l � SGNSELECTRICAL GG OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION SPECIAL CIRCUIT/M [hereby affinmthatl•meaemptfror ,,Contractor's License Law fee the 7p � following reason.(Section 7ml S,Buen®a w Pmfewlom Code:My dry or F y Flmaruc, TEMP.ME[TR OR MOLE INST. county, cl, amp toiU emd ,,,also aqui alter, orrtpdr fOe.rmtlnre tamme t he he i,alaoraed pn uuum t the for inions of t1io POWER DEVICES Ile,signed statement the k h IkenaM pursuant to the Provisions of the 3e Contractor.Lkense Law(Chapter 9(mendn mmg with Section 7000)of DIW- tija aion3ofthe Bu,lneamd Profmkm Code)orthe heb exempttherefmm,rd SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC VALUATION OO Liar beat,,for the alleged exemption. Any vldebn of Section 70315 by any p(7(T,E.ISSNI.ICI,I6Fl%7.URPS 1 L O applicant for a permX,ubjea4 the applicant to a dad"penahy,d net moretlun $ IiNJ,asumdrtu er of ( An. NEW RESIDENTIAL ELDCTR �n u 1,u owner of the Property,or my empbyeea with wage u their sok SQ'F7' STORIES TYPE CONSIItI1CTNJN t compen,,eion,willdothewerk camnot dthestruare isimendedor offend for '$ O sok0$ec7ON,Buennasew Prefeae.Code The Contractors Umne law �$$ don rwtapply to to owner of property who bul)ds or lmprovn thereon,and OCC GROUP RES IINUB whodoavuchwork hlnueBcethwga hl.ownemploym,pnavded that such improvements am nm tntmded oroffered fo uk.i(however,thebuildiag m 'NTA improvement hold within or,eyearofcomplellon,theowner-bullderwW have thX,kurdrn of pmvingtaat he did not wild or Improve for purpose of sale). QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE Lj L as ownof the property,am ehnlvely mntracHng with Ikeraed FLOOD ONE APN owner- xo oantractors to commuct the (Sm 70K Burn®and Profeaiom Code: PEtM1TISSUANCE P odo The a or lop Lioe�sse Lw dm not aPPN to an owner d property who ALTER-DRAIN 4 VENT-WATER(EA) w4da or lorymvn Hereon, and who mmr,m for ouch p(ojMs with a �ll,ctm(a)1lcennedµ,nusnt to theeontnaw:Llanse Law. BACK FLOW PROTECT.DEVICE FEE SUMMARY cU 1 am eumpl under Sm B t P C for thh rtawn Owner Due DRAINS FLOOR ROOF,AREA,COND. SANITARY Y— N= WOR"AN COMPENFIXTRESER TRAP SATION DECLARATION RECEIPTY ❑I hereby afn the I have a rtlilcaconsent te of ct to self-Inwre,ora ® Cd ODl TAX Y N Mre certificate of Workeri mmr CwnpeatiImurance ma cannifkd copy thc.smed(Ss �Y 3800,Loh C) GAS EA.SYSTEM-1 WC41 OUTLETS PARK FE Y_ N_ Pulley Y RECEIPT Y GAS EA.SYSTEM-OVER 4(EA) Co�myny BUILDING DIVISION FF.LS I cczffled ropy b hembyth the dd. GREASE/INDUSTRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR PLANCHECKFEE SL�J CerlBicd ropy b f11M with the tlty ImpecHon dlvlelan. CERTIFICATE OF G(EMPTION FROM WORKERS' GREASE TRAP PAID COMPENSATION INSURANCE SEW FR SANRARY SNRM FA ]OOFT Date Recti t# (rhh uRlen need not be completed lithe permit b forone hundred dollars (5lfa)«les.) ENERGY FEE Y N m I mmfythat in the perfoem of the work forwhkh this permit b bWATER HEATER W/VENT/E.CGIRused, �T 1 ah,B not employ my pennon m any manner ro u to brome subjed to the WATCR SYSIT7M/TRFA7INC Worker; mb Compensation Uwa of CAlfo .Date PAID . icart Z Z NOT[ETO APPLICANT.If,after making this CertRicateof Evemprion,you NEW RESIDENTIAL['LMB. SQ.FT. Date Recei t# O should become subject to the Worlm'Comperuekan prerviabm of the Labor TOTAL: ~ N Code,you moot forthwith romply with such provisional or Udo pemdt shall be CC5; deemed revoked. BUILDING FEE __1[L74 UC CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY SEISMIC FEE 0. I hereby affirm that then b a comtmodan lending agency for the perform, X ELECTRIC FEE a� _ Z ance of the work for which thb permit b L000d 5m 3097,CN.C.) IOTA C.V U O "ewer: me PLUMBING FEE a� LL F Ie tall dnss QTY, MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE MECHANICAL FEE OL) Icedi el haverewthbappBcatbnand eatethattheabovebrfomutioa 1 hrorr,n. ,gree roc lywhh aB cttyaw countyordlnummd rate laws PERMIT ISSUANCE Miles FEES PAID } relating to Iding rutllm,snd hereby suthodu represenntNn o(thh F y dty to eat upon vs-mentioned Property for Wpectbn purpaen. ALTERORADDTOMECH. ? (We)a ton , emalfy an d keep harmlea tit,CRy of Cupmrt s Date Receipt# V ,g. u b t ,'td rd,,,....dexpen, which m.yU way mu AIR HANDLING UNIT(TO 10,000 CFM) SUBTOTAL- [ In er�ce of the m d apemdt AIR HANDLING unTr(OVER 14000CFM) CONSTRUCTION TAX Sigmte o A Bcan on pat EIU IAUST HOOD M'/DUC`D CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: HA OOUSMATERIALSD"SCLOSU WW p mor mrewddingooupaotuore or lealanclotat HEATING UNIT(TO 100,ODO BTU) Date Recef t# mueriala en cd by the Cupertino Municipal Code,Cha ,r 9.12,and the I-EATWCl1MT(OVER IOO,IXD arca) TOTAL: Health enuSat Cade Secti.25531h)7 n4�Yn No W ill the ape mm w mbuildingoccvpantuwequlprrentmdeAi VENTILATION FAN(SINGLE RFSID) ISSUANCE DATE watch rout hazardeu s air contaminants as defined by the Bay Area Ab �� qYhhmgement D❑fatrkt7 BOR.FRCOMP OI-0'OR 100,0(10 BTU) Q 4twand No Tuve read theF van rruteriab raqulmmenb under Chapter 6.95 of BOr1 Fu-COMP(OVl7i1W,OfA BIlJ) the California Health k Safety Code,Sectiom 75505,25533 and 25534.1 )'�C✓ B � uwerNawthat"(the wilding don turremly notpu nhave ne.t.which rustle mot NEW RESIDENTIAL N.El71. SOFT I inpomibilfty,to notify the oavpant d the rrqulmmenb whtrh mars"be met /k{ prior toL..race da Crrtiflcate of Oavpancy. R Owner or autheri'rTOTAL: ed agent Date ISSUED BY: OFFICE COPY