19835APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES —USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Huflding Project Idemllkatim BuRding Address - v� � 1 1'FTiMIT NO. 19835 nonr. qjjktV trae"or Na� .N« CITY OF CUPERTINO- BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION if PERMIT CATEGORY CONTROLy .713 1 J A L VQ/f�SS ISO ASA / A Lk N. BIlf1AINGELECIRICALPLUMBWGMMIANICAL QTY ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE a BUILDING PERMIT INFO Address ❑ ❑ ❑ PERMTTISSUANCE LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I herebyaffirm00()hatl amlkan3 ofthe erpr,iaand dChapler9 (commenc ingwlt`Sedto 7000)°Divlstm3oflha Bustnmamd Pro(eastoaCode, and AI'PIlANCESItE_SIDF.NITAL JOB N , 14mr b In foil fo�E and d(cR. LTff Lbenx Cbae �j_Lle/� PANELS t Dale 'C'pD�_7� rtraRorL 1-1 MI ARCHITECTS btEnAWN I umdentsnd my pis _ - -li be used u pubbe rtmrda. OVER IODO AMPS 177 p glit 1 FtrTN $/SQ. Fr. SIGNSEIEC RICAL O L a, Licensed Pmfmional - 11 OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION Thereby dflrml License Lw fat he ^ �, •• R SPCCIALC RCUIT/MISE 7FA:P.ME177iORI'OlEINST. following ream. (S ap 7 to Bu me and Pimp be, Code: My city or icrm31.5, R.io.eComfensioa mrntywhlchpe R,dtenapbvntfnaorrtpalr 9 (� any at ruredatamtolbbuarre,.beAsed rtma ttothe t fmsulom of t e tosaperedt oto re floe a :Igoe° m t that lu b pursuant to the provbbm of the POWER DEVICES SWIMMING POOL ELECIWC �E.��.C.ES�ES nae, L r 9 (cord Contractor's3 ofthLkeims and rofmi r9 Code) witels Section 7000) mpttherefof and h of the Businmond Prdmbra Code) orthat he b essmpt therefrom and theivt- m any are bub for the alleged jecUthe a. Any Wolstbn of Sectinatty not room ap:t o.dforapersubj:amthe applk:ntto•dvll perultydnot mon than _ VALUATION — l 1 (r a 5-5-16(n, �J J (� NEW RESIDENTIAL EI"F-CfR SQ'FC' dollarsthe pr . ' fiU 1, as ❑ I, u owrnr of the property, or my employees with wage u tktr scab STORIES TYPE CONSTRUCTION compensation, wit do the wmk and the azmcium b not Intended or offeredfor \ 1 ale Ike 70K BueStru and Pmfmbro Code: theG Coritraole License Taw �/ _kJ does not apply to ao owner d property who builds or improves thereon, and who doeasuch work hlmeelf or thr«rgh his awn employeea, provided that such OCC. GROUP RES UNITS impmv norm an not intended mattered fmsale. If, however, the bulldingor neem lssold wlthlnoneyearofccanpldbn,tkovnerbuBderwlB have TOTAL - yt _7L_Improv V tfCIi+rdenofpmvingthal he did wtbulldorimproveforparposeofule.). lvely ntro rg with liceruad U 1 as owner of the property, am ettWem contractors W matrod the project (Ser. 7011, Bualnm and Pto(mbru Code: QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE FLOOD ZONE AI'IJ PERMIT ISSUANCE The Co&ndarl Llmrm I.w does net apply to an owner d Property who builds or Improves thereon, and who mMram for such p(ppots with a cqaITac1or(0 Brensed pursuant to the Cmtrarme's Llmrue Law. U 1 am exempt under See. B & P C for this rtron ALTER -DRAIN& VENT- WATER TN FEE SUMMARY BACK FLOW PROTECT. DEVICE OOT91 DF FEES DRAINSFLOORROOF,AREA. COND. SANITARY Y_ N_ RECEIPT / Pvvar Date _ WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLAMTION F71 hereby affirm that I have a aerHffate d consent to x8 -Wort, or a oerti(Irtle of Workers' Compematlm Inerranm ma mrtifled mpythemof (Sec. 3800, Lab Paley/ - SATRAP BCI -TOOL TA% Y_ N_ RFOEIPI' / GAS lA.5YSEM-I INCA OUTLETS PARK FEE Y_ N_ RECEIPT / ens Fw. SYSTEM-0VFR 1(EA) Cam ny BUILDING DIVISION FEES CeniRed mpy Is hereby furnished: enRied ropy Is filed with the city leopeetbn dbAaim. GREASE/PJDUSTRI. WASTE INTERCEPTOR PLANCHECK FEE GREASE TRAP CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (fhbaeabnneed nothecompletedlithe b!moshundreddoWn AID 'x Date Remi ted a'[ SETVFRSAN)TARY-STORM E.A. 2DUFT WATER HEATER W/VEVP/E].FLTR ENERGYFEE Y N 0100)mlea.) laertifythatlnthe perfomunmoflhevaorkforwM&th permRbtsaved, WATER SYSlT2.f/TREATING I ahau not.mPlay, any penin many manner n as to berome subjed to the Worker(u Compentbn Laws o(CGIRonb. Date PAID Appllant NOTICE TO APPLICANT: If, after making thb Certificate of Excmptbn, you NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMB. _SOFT. Dale Recel ted TOTAL: should become subject to the Workeri Canpemathm pmwlalons of the Labor Code, you rruat forthwfth comply with such pmWa. or this permk:hdl k 13VILDING FEE 61.00 deemed revoked. - _ SEISMIC FEE CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY lherebyall'i hattheets mutmdimlMingagenryforthepedorm anm d the work for whish this pemnn is owed Bee 30V7, Cl, CO Ieedee' Name Iendee.Add. IronlfythAlhavereadthlaappllotbn.M.tethattheaboveinfor on h onmxf.I.greeto comply withal dtyu,d countymd .r...d state lawn - TOTAL ELECTRIC FEE QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE PLUMBING FEE MECHANICAL FEE PERMIT ISSUANCE FEES PAID: relatingtobuildingmvtrunion,and herebyauthorfurepnsentath softhis dtytoenterupontheab,memmtbned propertyfor Wpmabn purp«xa. (We).gee to save, indemnify an d keep harrrdca the City of Cupertino ALTFRORADDTOMFCH. - Date Receipt# SUBTOTAL: agml llab[htln,}rdgm nt;c samdexpena ichmaylnanywayamue AIRHANDUNGUNIT(TO10,000CFM) against sild City In mnsequeroe of the granting d this permit. AIR HANDLING UhTT (VQt 10,000 CFM) CONSTRUCTION TAX Slgu prom/Cmtnotm to E)CRAUSTHOOD(W/DUC) CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DI SCIDS URE HEAT1NCUNTT(T0100,(00BTU) Will the applicant or future bueding o pant mom rehandle ha—rdous material as defir ed by the Cupertino Municipal Code, Chapter 9.17, and the HealthandSafety Code c ion 75537(a)7 lllthcappu.mwgmmbuddinga pantuuequipmerumdr oea which emit havMoua air mob mbunb.a defined by the Bay Area Air Date Recei t# HEF FTING UNIT (OVER ioaxo BTO) - TOTAL: VENTILATION FAN (SINGLE. RESID) ISSFYWATE BOILER -CLOMP OHP OR 100,0(9 BM Oua thy Management D'utdn7 ThaYn ,o ve readlheha>s matedab rryulrtmenb underehapter G95 of �.,ial\ wa 1 1990 BDILERIUMP(OVEIt 100,000 8711) the California Health & Safety Code, Sectbm 75505, 75533 and 75530. I undo: Mthatifthebulldingdon'natmmntlyhaveatevntthatitkniy responsibility to notify the ar pain&the mquimmenb which crust be met City Bf CBBertino NEWRESIDENTIALMECH. SQ.Fi prior to lauaroe da Certiflate d Oce puny. ISSUED BY: Va O Owner or autheried a gent Date - TOTAL OFFICE COPY