R-6240 PERMIT F{_ 6240 APPLICATION FOR CITY OF CUPERTINO NUMBER INSPECTION DIVISION _ PERMIT EXPIRATION REROOF PERMIT (x308)]]]-.3'228 PERMIT EXPIRES IF WORK IS NOT STARTED WITHIN 160 DAYS OF PERMIT ISSUANCE OR • , 160 DAYS FROM LAST CALLED INSPECTION, BUILDING ADDRESS �2_ 5// A RESIDENI�COMMERCIAL OTHER — OWNER'S HAZARDOUS FIRE AREA S VES ❑ If yeas underslegrad a Class A. NAME moi assembly is required. NO 2r' InNal LC.B.O.>i ADDRESS C� EXISTING ROOF COVERING PHONE 3 — 1 5 - NUMBER OF EXISTING COVERINGS I CONTRALTO /T TO BE REMOVED TO BE RETAINED - NAME Oo ADDRESS 7lad TYPE OF ROOF COVERING Cm ZIP SlO� '�15�- t9$2 UP i � PHONROOF ❑ UCENSE / Y", NUMBER to ll - ASPHALR�SHIIC)GQE099 (J -;�r V�W' LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION j I I hereby emrm met'am licensed under provlefons of Chapter a(commendtg with Section W OD SHAKES El of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code,and my Homes la In full force entl i >V effect. WOOD E]Uranea Gena Uc.Number Data G contractor OTHER(S ) ❑ CIWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm that I em exempt from the Contractors License Law for the following reason. (Sec.7]031.5,Business and Professlone Code: Any city for county which requires a permit to tr corNmt.ever,Improve,demolish,or repair any structure,pdor to Its Issuance,also requires the BUILT-UP ROOF ❑ eppYcent for Such permit to We a signed Statement that he Is licensed pursuant W the Provfelons of the Contractors License,Law(Chapter g(command rq Mth Section 7000)of DMsfon 3 of the Business end Professors,Code)or that he Is exempt Merefrom and the basis for tit alleged ASPHALT SHINGLES exemption.Arty violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more then five hundred dollars($500)): D h C]1,as owner of the property,or my employees with wages as Inner sole compensation,will do WOOD SHAKES ❑ / the work,antl the Structure Is not Intended or offered for sale(Sec.7064,Buvlmas and ProfeS. sent,Code: The Contractors License law,does not apply to an owner of property who builds or WOOD SHINGLES improves thereon,arxt who does such work himself orthrough his own employees,pproNded that El Improvements are not intended W offered for sale.11,however,the building or m Wonnent Is sow within one year of compleMon,the"nor-builder will have the burden of proving that he did OTHER(SPECIFY) not Wild or Improve for purpose of sale.). I]',as owner of the property,am exclusively contracting w0h licensed contractors to construct the project(Seo.7046,Business and Professions Code:The Cuntredora License,Lew does not PROVIDE I.C.B.O.REPORT NO. apply to an awrrer of property who build,or Inprc a thereon,and who contracts for Such projects with a contradoge)Mcahusm Pursuant to the Contractor,License Lew. PROVIDE MFGR.INSTALLATION SPECS. E31 ern exempt under Sec. ,B&P.C.for this reason Owner Date WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION APPLICATION DATE VALUATION PERMIT FEE I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following comaretfon: a / ❑1 have and will maintain a CeNMcate of Consent to sed6nsure for Workers Compensation, `' BUIlding / lam= es provlded for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code,for the pedormance o/the work for wmeh Nie perm leaud / `7 / iw have entl will maintain Workers Compersatlon Insurance,me required by Section 3700 of � � �� /0/ 2� / Seismic the r Code,for the pedormence of me work for which this permit b Inausd.My Workers mpensatbn/lw uersnce carrier arra Pdlry_ number are: /, Total r Carrier- '�`7'Z (oY]� PoliyNo.0a ?yo 2 PERMIT AUTHORIZATION DATE G/ CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS'' COMPENSATIONlIfthe INSURANCE DO) o (This martfon need not be completetl It the permit o for ane hundred dollen(5100)or lase.) I certlty that In the performance 01 the work for when this permit is Issued,1"'rqt emvIaY any person m aaq mennerao as to become subject to mew s'Ccmpen tion Laws of Cell- All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being hernia. /, installed. If a root is installed without first obtaining an Date Applicant inspection,I agree to remove all new materials for inspection. NOTCE TO APPfJICAl If.after rreklng this CerfflicateA Exemption,you shoufo become Applicant understands and will comply with all non point Subject to the Workers'Compeneellon proWefore of the Labor Code,you must forthwith comply PP P Y P with such provisions or this permit shell be deamed revoked. source regulations. I certify that l have read min application and more that the above Information Is correct.I agree ��JJ to comply with all city and county orNnances and state Iowa relating to bulltlirp construction,and All•roof Coverings to be class V or better. hereby eueodze repreaenlethem of this city to enter upon the above-mentioned Property for Ion A 77 epectpurposes. (We) epee to save,Indemnity acrd keep harmless the Gry of Cupertino tied against IodllUe,, at the gran costs tris expenses whkh may in any way emus against eafo City h cpnSequerWe SIGNATURE OF PLICANT DATE of the granting of this permit. PRE-INSPECTION: PLYWOOD: IN-PROGRESS: INSP, DATE INSP. DATE INSP. DATE TEAR OFF INSPECTION: BATTENS: FINAL: INSP. DATE INSP. DATE INSP. DATE NOTE: OSHA APPROVED ACCESS TO ROOF SHALL BE,PROVIDED FOR INSPECTION OFFICE COPY °''ax•` ICBO Evaluation Service Inc. a 0°' 5360 WORKMAN MILL ROAD • ,WHITTIER, CALIFORNIA 90601-2299 ''•••'nn A subsidiary corporation of the International Conference of Buildin, Officials VALUATION REPORT ER-2093 Copyright O 1997 ICBG Evaluation Service, Inc. Re•ISsued Jus 1, 1911 Filing Category: ROOF COVERING AND ROOF DECK CONSTRUCTION—Roof Covering (202) MONIER EXTRUDED CONCRETE INTERLOCKING ROOF TILES See Figure 1 for tile profiles and dimensional details. MONIER LIFETILE LLC 2.2 Installation—Sew Construction: I PARK PLAZA, SUITE 900 IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92614 2.2.1 General: Care should be taken to ensure both horizontal and LO SUBJECT vertical alignment on the roof. Foreign particles must he. clvaned from all interlocking areas to ensure correct lit and interlock and to Monier Roma,Classic`100",Homestead,Mission`S",Split Shake, prevent water damming. Cracked or broken tiles must not be Slate Flat, Villa, Galaxy Split Shake, Galaxy Slate and Cedarlite Ex- installed nor allowed to remain on the fool:Regular weight:aid light- traded Concrete Interlocking Roof Tiles. weight tiles shall be installed in accordance with Tables 15-D-1 and 2.0 DESCRIPTION 15-D-2 of the code.Tiles installed on roof slopes Icss than 3:12..h:dl be applied over an approved roo(coveong,subject to the tical build- 2.1 General: ing officials approval. The extruded concrete roof tiles are interlocking elements having the In areas subject to.reeze-thaw conditions orwhere si omall in ex- dimensions and configurations shown in accompanying figures.Ac- cess of 24 inches 1610 mm)per yr.Ir is encountered,file inzlallation cessory tile units are available for ridge,hili and gable areas.The tiles must he in accordance with this report and Mouiur instal!ntion in- ane of nbbed design varying in thickness from 3/e inch to 1 inch.An- structions M.684, pages 58 and 59. chor lugs located on the underside of all tiles except Cedarlite overlap wood battens, purlins or spaced sheathing for anchorage in the 2-2-2 Sheathing: i! sheathing shall be :Idcyu;tic n. support the plane of the roof.Holes are provided in each file for fastening where loads involved. As a minimum, spaced she.;rthmg sh;Jl he nominal required by the installation.Interlocking ribs are provided on the Ion- I-inch by 6-inch boards spanning a maximum til 24 inches. gitudinal edges of the tile to restrict lateral movement and provide mum spacing shat not exceed that shown in Figure 3. Solid and a water stop.In addition,transverse bars are provided on the under- spaced sheathing shall be nailed in accordance svidl the co& side to serve as weather checks.The tiles are composed of Portland 2.2.3 Battens:Battens are required on solidly sheathed roois where • cement and selected sand aggregates.The proportioned mix is ac- pitches fall below 3:12,in order to minimize membra uc.pcnctration. curately maintained to ensure tile production In accordance with the and where pitches exceed 7:12 for tiles having projecting :ichor approved specifications. The exposed surface is generally finished lugs, to provide positive tile anchorage. Battens must be liisicaed with a cemendliuus material colored with processed oxides. Aller- with corrosion-resistanl 8d nails or approved m1wd at 24 inches nately,processed oxides are mixed integrally with the tile mix to pro- (610 mm) on center or with ll/­inch-long (38 mm), 7/I6-inch duce a through-colored product. crown, No. 16 gage [0.(162-inch (1.575 mm)], corrosion-resistant 'file Villa, Split shake or Slate Flat and Mission `S" tiles are also staples spaced a maximum of 12 inches (305 mm)on center. available as Premium Duralite tiles. They are manufactured in the Battens instilled on solidly sheathed roofs with pitches exceeding same manner and size as regular weight tiles. The Cedarlite tile is 3:12 shall have prodsion fordrainage.Nominal 1-bv-2-inch(25.4 by manufactured in the same manner as regular weight tiles and has a 51 mm) battens laid directly on top of underlaymont require a wood shake surface appearance and flat backside.Premium Durable 1/2-inch(12.7 mm)break in battens every 4 feet(1219 nil).B:dtens and Cedarlite tiles use lightweight aggregate with proprietary addi- may be raised above the deck by shimming with moisture resistant tives.The dry installed weights of the various tiles with 3-inch head 3/8-inch(9.5 mm)nominal lath,or strips of decay-resistant material lap are as follows: such as asphalt cap sheet or asphalt shingle,spaced no greater than INSTP D WEIGHT 12 inches(305 mm). ME PTE (Pounds"spun foot! Tiles installed on roof slopes less than 21/±112 may be used only Roma 9.3 as a decorative material over other lopes of approved roof coverin Gs Classic"loo" 9.5 as specified in the code and at the discretion of the local building olli- Homestead 9,5 tial. Mission"S•' 9.5 Tile Installed on roof slopes 21/,:12 to less Lima 3:12 shall be :Ip- I'rcmium Uuralitr 5.9 plied in accordance wdh Table 7_>-D-1 of the code.Hcfore Installation of battens, nominal 'is-utch (9.5 mm), dec:Iy-reslsuni, wood lath Split Shake or Slam Flat 1D.3 strips are fastened vertical fly to the deck over the underly v meat lion Premium Durable 7.4 gave to ridge at 24 inches(610 mm)on center.'I'll e en lire.Jcck is then Villa 9.3 top mopped with asphalt. Nominal 1-by-4-inch (25.4 by 102 mm) Premium Duralite 5.8 battens:are fastened at intersections with vertical lath with 8d corro- Cedarhic 5.6 sion-resistant nails or with 7/16-ieeh(11.1 mm)crown,No. 16 Gage [0.062-inch (1.575 mm)), corrosion-resistant staples. Fasteners Galaxy Split Sheke or Slate 9.5 must penetrate the tall batten thickness but must not penetrate the. Premium D ralie 5.7 sub-recd membrane. valuation reports'r,J1CU0 Era/ualinn Service, are ueued solely to provide information w class moorhen. uflCUO,ulilicinx•the code upon which the report hayed.Evaluation reports are not o be ronxtrued Incas representing aesthetics or any other allrdmtes'not sprnfrcally addressed nor as an endorsenr rel or r,,omm, tion for use of the suhjecl report . rho repay(u hayed upon indrpendel!esti or other(ethnical data submitted by the applicant.The ICUO Eralualion 5'emice,Int.,tedmical sluff ha.v rerire'rd the test resultsandlor on, er data,hal/does rotpact ess Irt'I facilitiesto makeon independent verification.Thereix no w'd,.nlyby 1CUolv'uluatinn.service,Inc., ,p,,,, or implied,as to any•'Finding"or naar matter in(he report or as to any produof covered by the report.Th is discla inter includes,but is not limill d to,to rrhu oto bday. Page 1 of 8