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21085 LAURETTA DRIVE 51419 F DIVIDEND DEVELOPMENT CORP. SCANNED BOX # 709 21085 Laure'ta Drive 9 NO. STREET ,.-±- - LOT NO. .7 CffY OFCUPERTINO APPLICATION FOR BUILDING 'PERMIT _ SANITARY NP071 i 51,419 FILE NO. `-DATE 9/21) 19 77 Application is hereby made for o permit to 5-NHR (2835 sq.ft.. Const. Plan 4-C a 2 story,type liv.+506-sq.ft.gar to be occupied only as I & J Single Family & Garage in accordance with plot plan,plans and specification filed herewith. 94,000 ESTIMATED VALUE OF IMPROVEMENTS S FEE$ 275.00 PLAN CHECK$ OWNEK'II11 iyidend Development Corp-ADDRESS 3600 Pruneridge -Suite 340 PHONE 246-5001 SC CONTR, ADDRESS PHONE STATE LICENSE 27577.3 � _ APPROVED James H. Sisk/m BUILDING INSPECTION RECORD DATE PSPECTOR DATE INSPECTOR FOUNDATION -I FLOOR STEEL PRE-GUNITE FRAME _ BOND BEAMS LATH Z, - I W__ALLBOARDS-f T EXT. FIREWALLS •�.1- MEMBRANE - LANDSCAPING F.M.O.INSPECTION FINAL BLDG. '7 p UNDER-FLOOR J TIEDOW NS -MISC- DIAPHRAM$ I MOORE BUSINESS FORMS INC..LA ELECTRICAL INSPECTION RECORD RESIDENTIAL DATE INSPECTOR COMMERCIAL DATE INSPECTOR UNDERGROUND ROUGH UNDERGROUND ROUGH ROUGH WIRING L d _ ROUGH WIRING FINISH WIRING 42 FINISH WIRING FIXTURES 10 AP INTERIOR FIXTURES MOTORS EXTERIOR FIXTURES _ FINAL (p MOTORS FINAL MISCELLANEOUS INSPECTIONS PLUMBING INSPECTION RECORD HEATING&A/C INSPECTION RECORD DATE INSPECTOR DATE INSPECTOR BACK FLOW REQUIRED UNDERFLOOR S.M. BACK FLOW INSTALLED DUCTS&INSULATION UNDERGROUND ROUGH// 77 FLUES&COMB.AIR 3 7 PARTIAL ROUGH 3 }-) CONDENSATE DRAINS ROUGH COMPLETE 3 7) FINAL APPLIANCE 7 ROOF DRAIN&LEADERS ' MAIN DRAIN FINAL GAS FINAL PLUMBING l� MISCELLANEOUS CERTIFICATE OF.COMPLETION BUILDING,INSPECIOR'SOFF(CE CITY OOFF'CUPERTINO DAT �"'0 , 19 7BLDG. PERMIT NO. THE BLDG. LOCIA. ED AT 7D ' u OWNED BY Aw ,., 0� ® Oi( � ✓� (�l HAS BEEN (COMPLETED) FOR USE AS--:7 N4,T -5"�C A�- IALFERED� n ©M li BUILDING INSPECTOR I - BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE. Bldg.Dept. CITY OF CUPERTINO ` office Copy ❑ Backflow Device Sanitary Permit No. / G' �7/ Sewer Connection Plumbing Permit No. Plumbing Final Lot No..; / Owner or Tenant -l�,•+� At Tract Date Connected 197q Date Final ©" PLUMBING INSPECTOR /yrpS 4#90eE77A DR. LOT NO. 9 c� NO. STREET .. ' CITY OP CUPERTINO (((VAL.L7 .�-" CAP. ( 5� d APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT t FEE w Z /�,� CUPEITNO ,19 Building Per.No. oe Date L >< O 1 i a77 Sanitary Per.No. /n a 7/ � LL 3 V Application is hurebyCmade for a permit tLon.LST �LA.nt y- C w LL o-22,'tory, 7ypeS� y 3S .LlV T Shcn /ZG AR. Structure ' O 1 F to be occu ied only a An/h.-f S//LAG i-�Fpm �i 46.n accordance with a 'Z a Plans,Specifications and Plot-Plan filed herewith. a w 9.y &1,0 0 w � Estimated Value of Improvements,$ , LL PI Ck Fee$ O O It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the w Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and all Fee$�75, 'Iry Q a other laws applicable to the construction,location,and Total Fee$ z use of buildings within the City of Cupertino will be Z complied with. 3 0— t ). ' SO i T-E '3Yo c fih E✓T / R •-S= LOT NO. 8 O: STREET Plan 4 Z a CITY OF CUPERTINO - y0)CT 18197APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT (CLL p ' WU !� pp Permit No. r 0 Date 10-17 19 Fee$ o F Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to((install electrical F wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said z)- wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the F i City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. a� J LL 00 Use of Work To Be 3, Premises I—fam_ rags Performed ®1 ec t r l ca 1 1- 3 ' Dividend Dev. Corp. P.O. Box 280 Sana Clara . O< Owner Address Jz Z o By 41APIDERER ELECTRIC, INC.F �- ;;;;�' 3 F Contractor,, Agent —N Phone WZ 22�� m state License '� n Approved 02 Electrical lnsp to QO _ u i 2 Z 2 y 71 ZZ Z c c c w c c c c m a M A a r ,11 T .SLOT NO.Q `lO O/5- /. N STREET C; - - CITY OF CUPERTINO -APPLICATION FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT Date 1977 /� 1577 PermitNo. I e. ..s 19_ Fee E • Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install gas appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. Use of Work To Be Premises Performed i Owne •/ =5 Address Phone/27///P—,5OC�q� ByAddress Contractor,Agent Phone State license CLASS 0-2a LIC. Y 29903. Approved Plumbing Inspector I AGREE I WILL NOT VIOLATE ANY OF THE WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. ®LA w LL F Z F a � O O N Z 0 a J m w V o - O w W O 2z d O 0 J C y Y Q O 0 0 > Zd d N N N0 Z 0 Q tt r tt 0 2 2 !n Q J Q Q o p m d J O O x a m a p O n .- i m LL U i 1Y d' KO O H Z O J m Z LL LL O Z Z _ a N O O O LL O w 2 K O > O J O iN w O W rc ZOO '6 v F = gi ^-U $ m Za O ? z y a > > du O V O O °1 O nQ d��' J• zvz W> a a a"iy V _ u '^ V o0V 0 0oow op F ONZu Q ZF VVQ dQZ ZJpZ OUp � Z . Q ZJO= oNEW zO Oaz Z a ZpO z � a pNO aNvl pQ' O O pwp0w000$ Ow0w^ wVI Qid' ax- O ;Y z z � zo ? wZuaNOo oF wV 0 , QZ ZVO F F J odOa OOgDZWQ0F0 00 $ O Y - K > ww0000 VV00 , 0 PN Z 1-11/6) `�h��/.UI.Gt.GC� A), ' LOT NO NO. %ST EET y QO wz n;:� CITY OF CUPERTINO ' xo 1qx APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT LL `' pQ.�A n 7 3 Q t.\OV �I ? t� �`f�/ Sanitary No. W V Date az ,�9 Permit No. =LL FO � Fee$ eje LL D>a< Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino fora permit to install plumbing Z y pipes and/or fixtures listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said prices a,Z and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of a 1- Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. J LL 5 O Use at work Ta Be y Premise Pe rform ad FQ ^� O / �) n 2 J Owner ` 1�"Address W 'G✓���if //// �2 BV iC:iAdtlress�3`7 r-'• �lQ^i'IZ ati`_ 3 Q Contractor, Agent w Z Phone W is'79 2 LL State License Approved Q0 Plumbing Inspector - V L s ' m m d (pn d � W �. 7 � d d a d D O• F d_ Va N 1 � J N S S N F J N N T 3 F d d 7 � d 1 a � 3 T W m m T Ll rL N 3 T 3 N 1 -I 2 N 2 g g N p d u y O d X d O O E p O O O d Q — N d 3