24834 APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES-USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING..ELECTRICAL PERMH'NO. APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUMBING-MECHANICAL BUILDING DIVISION BUILDING PROJKC I EVENT IF'ICAT'IfIN BUIL LNG ADDR/lES�S: /1-y. y��� SANITARY NO. �APPWCAIION SUBMfITAL DATE 20 LAW ( 1 UNIT# LOT OWNERS/yy,'AMEl: PHONE: CONTRACTOR'S NAM[: LC •/ l..IA.AV L VV V fn PV'(xf Nle coNTROOLL# ARCHITF,CIiF.NGINF.ER. LIC NO: ASS:_ PHONE: BUILDING PERMIT INFO QTY. ELECTRIC PERMIT ., PERMIT ISSUANCE LICENSED CONTRACfOR'SDF,CIARATION APPLIANCES-RESIDENTIAL +' „OJpBDFSCR OfJ _ PCZ IhercbyaffrLICENSEDiCONT under#rotisDECL RAT( 9(cammencingwiN WO 0 Section]000)of Division 3.f the Business and Professions Cade,and my license is in PANELS yd{"; Poll leave and effect. nn <, Li Class�Lic.a `$3 UPT0200AMPS y< ate�L�Contmcwr 201-1000 AMPS F yZ �7--1 ARCHITECTS DE ARATION SQ.fT.FLOOR AREA $/SQ.FT. ZOrn— SIGN IEOOAMPS O z—rJ I understand my plans shall he used as public records. F,wF; / SIGNS F.LE Q�Y�„J fa'cenu P�'rofcssinnul y W U but I a.-B exempt I,.theDECORATION SPECIAL C CUI /h IS XOa0 1 hereby off Ihm 1 am exempt from Nc Comonors License Law for the a mi+ati following rcusnm(Section]03 L5.Business and Professions Code:Any city or county TEMP.MEkAgUAg�,AE < which requires a pormit m tom ottel.altar,impmvc,demolish,or repair any smictore priorm its issuance,also requires the applicant for such permit file a signed sumemert POWER D8V1 5 tyC�0z that he is licensed Pprompt to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law(Chapmr SWI NG POOL FL a.nCFLL 9(composite g with Section 71X10)of Division 3rf the Business and Professions Code) :faa� VALUATION � OF _¢ or he is cxcmpuhendir mond the basis for the of le,ul exemption.Anyviolntlnn of Y Section]03 L56 an I' Ifura a Isuh' t thea I' moa civil tr f OUTLETS-.SWITCH) -PIXTIIRLS lJ FrZ Y' Ydoo Iwo p rml Ices pp Icon Penn ya not more than Ove M1undrcd Aollars($5001. �=L1 NF.W RFSIDBN'I'IAL ELECI'R .IN'. STOR ;S TYPE.CONSTRUCTION CFS ❑ Laserock,f Ncp,routuonnyempluyed oroftend for sale(Sec. 044,Bsiness will dr Nework,awd Neshu,mmisnot is Deese La creoespolpply to an Business / and Profen s Cndo:The Contractors License Lnw Anes not apply to u of property who builds or improves thereon,and whodues such work bimsclfordon.gh his - em,tolnNw yc .pruv ided wch impmvemems ammt'mtcndWnfufl'eredfarmle.If, GC.GROGP RES.UNITS however,the building or Improvement Is sold within one year of completion,the owner- .m builder will have the burden of proving that he did nm build or improve for purpose of We.). ❑ Las oraernf Ne pp,wo ,amexclusi,ely comractiog with licensed contractors to QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE MOOD ZONE APN - commit, he project(Sce.7044,Bmiocss uwd Professions Csdu)Tt,e Curvatures License Law dossers apply to an ownerofproperty whobuilds or improves thereon.and PF,RMITISSUANCti who contracts forsuch projects with acumacturist licensed punmento the Committees 1 gLTF,R-DRAIN&VENT-WATER EA License law. 1 > �. FEE SUMMARY ❑ 1 am exempt under Scc. B&P C for Nis mason BACK FLOW PROTECT.DEVICE OUTSIDE FEES SANITARY Y N Owner Date RECEIPT N DRAINS-FLOOR,ROOF,AREA,COND. Its WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION SCHOOLTAX YN 'E7 I hereby affirm that l have a certificate ofconscnuosclf-insure.or a certificate ofFIXTURES-PER TRAP RECEIPT -Workers C,mpcnsmivn lnsuaancc ore certified copy Nereof(Sce.3800,Led C)which r PARK FEE Y N ti (f:irven all employee's un der this Permit. GAS-EA.SYSTEM-1 INCA OUTLT'S RECEIPI'p 'Policy k BUILDING DIVISION PEES Company GAS-EA.SYSTEM-OVER4(EA) PLANCHECK FEE ❑ Certified copy is hereby famished. 71 ❑ Certified copy is filed with the city inspection division. GREASMNDUSTRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR GRADING IEE �� CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' GREASETRAP SOILS FEE �d COMPENSATION INSURANCE (Thin section need not be completed ifthe permit is for one hundredd,llan($100) SEWER-SANITARY-STORM EA.200FT. ENERGY FEF, —r or less.) I rcnify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued,I shall WATER HEATER W/VENTIELECTR nm employ any person in arty m as to become subject m the Workers' PAID Compensation Lawsof Califomia. Date sv WATER SYSTEMfMFATING Date Receipt# C) z Applicant Z NOTICE TO APPLICANT:It.after making this Certificate of Exemption,you should NEW RESIDENTIAL PL.MB. SQ.FT. TOTAL: Ft/) became subject to the Workers Compensation provisions ofthe Labor Code,you must _+ forthwith comply with such provisions or permit shall be deemed revoked. BUILDING FEB O W SEISMIC FEE Q CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm that(here is r construction lending agency for the performance of U O the work for whichlnis permit is issued(See 3097.Civ.CJ ELECTRIC FEE �. Lender's Name I'hUMHING FF,F, � D" F Lewder s Address QTY. - MECHANICAL PERMIT PEE U I catty that 1 have read this application and state that the above information is MECHANICAIFEE s�' W correct. lagree to comply Mil,all city and m inyonimuntin ces undulate lawsnelsg to PERMIT ISSUANCE �_ holdingt,wstrucdmt,and besebyamouri',e rcprencntulowsofthls city menta upon Ne CONSTRUCTION TAX U Z above-mantirned property for in,c,lion....muses. ALTER OR ADD TO MUCH (We)agree 1.oa, ,Indenamly and keep harndce,the City rf Cupcnino against liabilities,judgmelI tuts and exPre"'whorl, ryin�ny wey u¢rucagainsI said City AIR HANDLING UNIT(TO IQ(IW CFM) in sequence of gemming of this Knot. AIR HANDLING UNIT(OVER 1(I,WII GEM) Sib #pies on moorate EXHAUST HOOD OVMUCp PAID HAZARDOUS MAI'MEALS DISCLOSURE HEATING ON]F(TO IOH00(1 BTU) Date Receipt# Will the applicant or future building occomm store or handle hr-r, kus material HEATING UNIT(OVER IOO,IXp BID) TO L: as defined by the Cupcnino Municipal Code,Chapter 9.12,and the Health and Safety Code.Section 25532(¢)] VENTILATION PAN(SINGLE,RESIDE ❑Yes ❑No ISSUANCE ATE Will Neu licamorfmurebtildin cu tusee ' t,rdeviceswhich emit BOILER-COMP(3HPOR I00,000B11i PP eb pan 4ea Air h_aNuus air comaminanu as awned by the Bey Arca Air Quality Management BOILERCOWLOVER 100.00p BTU) Dislriuut yt� ❑Yes 11 No NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. SQ.FE P N I D t I have mad the laxatives materials requirements under Chapter 695 of Ne j California Health d Safety Coda.Sections 25505.25533 and 25534. 1 andemand Nat if the building does not currently have a tenant,that it is my responsibility to notify but MA 93 occupant of the requirements which must be met prior m issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. I 1 Owner or authorized agent Date ISSUEDB . < < U_- OFFICE