S1519 APPLICANTTO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES-USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING-ELF.C'1'RICA I. PF. IIT NO BUILDING DIVISION APPLICKI'ION/PERMIT PLUMBING-MECHANICAL — 1519 BUILDING PROJECT[13ESIN IFICATION RPU ILDING ADDRESS SANITARYNO. APPLICATION SUBMI PIAL DATE jo3S' LA95PA.LF- A&R, OWNEk'S NAME: PHONE: CONTRACTOR'S NAME: LIC NO. C• �. LS•�— g> NIc covrkoLd 'ARC]l l'I'ECDENGNEER; LIC NO: ADDRESS. ❑-T ' CONTACT': PHONE: BUILDING PERMIT INTO ❑ Consultant Fees Paid by Applicant(Initial) BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECII Np LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARA'HON QTY ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE ❑ ) ❑ I hereby affirm this I am licensed under previsions of Chapter 9(commencing JOB DESCRIPTION Z with Section]n00)ofDivpaon3 ofine Business and Rofessiam Cude.andmy licemeis RPSIDENTIAI, 61 O p P13kAt1'T ISSUANCI! F�.-. in full farce and effect. ❑SFDWL ❑KITCHEN REMODEL aUV License Clns. Lied APPLIANCES-RHSIUENTIAL ❑ADDITION ❑PLUMBI6G RE PIPE hQ W Date Contractor S.Dm ARCHITECTS DECLARATION1'ANIi1S ❑MULTI-UNIT' ❑STRUCTURAL. zbr z I undcrstandmy Nam shrllbe"sedaspubremcmdz MODIFICATIONOZ y^ UI'10200AMPS [I INTERIOR OCHIMNEY REPAIR f¢vn t:V, Licensed Professional 201-I000ANPS \`�'IMPROVEMENT [D SWIMMING POOLS Xs 77 OWNER-BUILDER DHCLARA'1'ION OVIiR IGIN)AMI'S ATH RF;MODHIARFPAIR El DEMOLITION yyard 11 by ff Iran pu a Centimeters L err the JC�6WAV fallowing .(S B 9031.5 B IProfession,- Code:Any IY cuunY SIGNS II,F.CTRICAI. L�GTf1ER L•134� xhih respire,.pecou1 treat,war, P theraili,lb, ,,repair ).t stare F I!-OQ prof to its issuance.also requires the applicant for such Permian file asgned staenem SPECIAL-CIRCUI'PIMISC. that he s licensedP - antt the previsions ofth C t t r License f (Chapter9 �ap0 (commencing `th Section 7000)ofD al t he Business d ProfirssmarsCore)or TI.MP METER OR POLE INST COMMERCIAL: 0.0.o that lie is eIcir,dremoranaral❑he thin... he a II b J Pt A ) I'I' t l ❑NEW BLDGIADDI'1'ION ❑DEMOLITION Section 7031.5 by any applicant lore pennlsubjccts the eppl catuo.civil Penalty of POWER DEVICES u•-N Ic deRive hundml dollars(5500). ❑I PROV El FOOD SERVICE FZY nal uwnerof the r,arra employees with saes a their sok compensation, SWIMMING POOL ELE IC OTHER IMPROVEMENT _ = Prnpm > YcrnP g Penn �(..O Ill do the wok.and dre ewemre is not intended or offered for sale(Sec.]OSJ.Busines. ❑OTHER tiW and Professions Cade:'The Cantmcons Licence Law docs not apply to an none,of OUTLETS-SWI- ?S-FIXTURES 4' property who hould,or injou-stM1 1 who does: h weak1' If through tis van can,byee,pavvidedrl t. h'mp C reenol alandealnuodcredlet NEW RESIDENT I.EI.-' R SQ FE sale If him ever.the building p e ) t is sold within are year ofc PI tion the SQ.fly, RARF.A S/SQ.FF. owner-builder wall have the burden of proving that he did not build or manure for pur- pas f: I 1 E] 1 f the pro,terty, exclusively contractingwith licensed comes, is or TOTAL: /� onI tire nproject(s 744 Basic— n 1 c l :)ln c t r- - APR c t J I apply it) fp ly n old. I , b d QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE sense ImcNfor such p jectswthacont Inns)licensed pursuant m Contractors 0/n''1 License law. PERMIT ISSUANCE --vr LUr ❑I am smar,o order See. .H,c P C far this reason rKIIN �. 1, ` _ AMER-DRAIN AA,VENT-WATER EA) VALUATION WO K HR S COM PENS A'I'ION UECI.ARA'I I ON BACK PLOW I'HfYfI:CI',DEVICE I� have and waflum under Penalcam of Consent onfollowing Workery Co ` 1 El and will for by Section 37M of Conwrno sell-ire"refer Worker'seocof b- DRAINS-FLOOR.ROOBAREA.POND' STORIES TYPE CONSTRUCTION ration.as hick this for by lection 3](N)of the Irbur Code.for the per(ortnanee of the work have which this Pemni ix ieorker FIX Yl1RF5-Plik TRAY ❑ 1 have nnJ will maintain Worker's CnntPensuminn Insurance,as required M1y SttIion 370B0of t he LalrrCode Gn the pednmresentilic work fla which this penned,issued. GAS-PA.SYS'rl?M41NC.40U'I'IJ?T9 OCG,GROUP MIN My Worker's Compensation Insurance canner and Policy number arc: Carrier: Policy No.: GAS-EA.SYSTHM-OVER 4(EA) CERTIFICNI'I,,OF EXEMYI'ION FROM WORKERS' GREASFANDUS'1'RL WASTE.INTERCEPTOR COMPENSATION INSURANCE BUILDING DIVISION FEES _ (9Tisaamn accrual becomplIdit the permiticfnnmehandreiddlopsSIIIO) CREASE'I'RAP or IcsxJ PLANCHHCK IPE - Icenip,mal in fleperfonnunceofere so,kforwhich this ponsil is mrd,isleallSEWER-SANITARY-S'CORM ICA.200 FT. not employ any Person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers Comport- ICNERGY FEE O Z satinn Lows of Cam .DWATER HEATER WIVENTIELECFR GRADING FELT lifoeam Z C) Applicant ' NOTICE 10 APPLICANT:If,after making this Ceaifienm oI'Exemption,you should WA'TE'R SYSTEMA REAPING f'^ bemire-..bjeo to the Workers ConaTematiun prior sicns nftle Luhor Cale,yon inuxt SOILS FEE a forthwith unmply with such Provisions or his permit.shall be deenlvJ revoked, WATER SERVICE d CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY NEW RESIDENTIAT.PLMB. NQ.FT PAID V 0 l hereby affirm that is a construction lending agency for performance of Dal` pfd D, f'+ the work for which this pcmtit is issued(Sec.3099.Civ.C-) 'AI C) ULender'.,Namne W Lenders AAArc.ss TO3'AI.: Ctim i cerify That I have rend this aPNiemiun and sole that the above informnmiun ms BEH-DING FEE F' tn career l agree t.comply withal]city and county ordinancesrnd stale laws relaiag to QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE U Z buildingconsmumion.and hereby authorize mpreoonaves of this city to enter urym the SBISMICFEE above-mentioned property for iu,ection purposes. FERMI l'ISSUANCE (We)agree to save.indemnify and keep harmless the City of Capone,,against IH,ECI'NIC FEE habilitims.iudpmen¢,crxlx nnA cxPenvex which miry in any way umcmc againa suiA CiIY AI:FICR OR ADD 10 MICCH. PLUMBING 17]; seyuc of 6roming rl ibis Pe."I" APPLICANT UN I STANDS AND WILL COMPLY WI'H ALL NON POINT AIR HANDLING UNIT(TO IqXNI CLAD( MECHANICAL LEI. SOURCE REGUL T NS. •yS AIR HANDLING UNIT HOVER 101100 CFNI) CONSTRUCI'IONB'AX .ignuum •oi'A IiumJCnnmm¢ntr Date EXHAUST 11001)CIIDUCT) HOUSING MI'I IGAI 101 FEE HALAItDOUS MATORIAI.S DISCLOSURE Will the upplievm refulnrehuildingtrc ,parm,mrc in handle h;verdousneledal HHATING UNIT(10100,00 HPU) as defined by the Capetian Municipal Cole.Chapter 9.12,and the Health and Safety Code.Senior 25532ord? HEAPING UNIT(OVER 100.000 if put E]Yes ❑NoPAID VICNfI1,A'fIONiAN(SINGLE RC9ID) Date Receipt# e Will the eppheant to fuorm building occupam use myai,n cam or devhes which mit hamNoux air conuunmmlr5 as trainedum by the DoY ArAir Qrrltry Marigm taB) n IILI:R-COMP(311P OR I0FkX011'1'U) TOTAL p YN; ❑No BOILER IMARY) 'PU) : I huvm read the hanndenx materials rttlrirements under Chapter(Ins of0m Cali- AIR CONDITIONER ISSUANCE DATE, fanner IInJIh At Safety Coda See llnns 2550.5,255]3 rind 25534.11 ii—Lard Ihm if We NI?W IZ17SID17,N I Al.MECH. SQ.Pr. ' building does not cvneally have retain mEX it is toy as,va siladay to notify the pecri and of the n mmtnam,which moa M ren price m issuance of a Certificate.f OceupureY (Owner or aumomed agentDam TOTAL: ISBUIiU BY: OFFICE