05120125CITY OF CUPERTINO5r�v's BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT CONTRAC QR'ANFOIiMATIQN ` BUILDINGADDRFM: 10366 AVENIDA LA CALIFORNIA SKYLIGHTS PEkM`PNo05120125 NAME: PERNm ISSUE DATE WRS MYRNA EHRLICH 18637 BUCKNAU 12/21/2005 PHONE: SANTIARY NO. CONTROL NO. (408)866-6759 A0.CHr1ECf/ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMrf INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH 0 0 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION lob Description I betcby.fOrm that m I .limosed Under pony':,,,,. of Chapter 9 (commencing . wtb Section 7") ofE lvisan 3 of the Busmen and Rafc000ns Code,.d my license Is inmllferteudeDm - g �' REPLACE 6 EXISTING SKYLIGHTS Lieertsi' r' econlr�; . Coo ARCHI'IEC"rs DECLARATIONN 1 advuaod my phis shall he usd u pblk research Licctued PrtY®olid OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm that 1 w exempt from the Canv.clor', lieeue Law for the following reason (Section 70515, Business ad Ptafeaiuu Code: Any city or county which requires . Penh w rnnaruct, .ler, hnpmK, demolish, nor mpir my structure $9100 pd. w its is.. slatunquire the.pplesam fmsuch permit W file. slgrad uue.M Sq. Ft. Floor Area Valuation hal he is licensed pu.t to the pmvisioru of the Coeuetnri litcrose Lsw(Chapter9 (commencing with Section 70D0) of DWhian 5 or the Btoo. as! Ptafeniotu Code) or Nu he U exempt thertfrem ad the bmh fm the a1 ftd exemption. Any riolad.. of r U U Occupancy Type Section 7031.5 by my.pplionl fur. permit subjx the applies to. civil prnWy of aces mese Nvl EK hmdrtd ddha 155004 . ❑ Luarmcr of the pvpny.amy mvplyvru with wrpesulhe4rok eompnatimn, Required Inspections will do the work. ad the stratum is not lnteodrd orarfered fmsale(S .7044, Business ,ad Ptoreuioru Code The Conactors License Law does tet apply it an owner of q P Property aro builds or tmfames thmmn, and who does nsAw himu3r or though hu t»m empoyas, p mided thou mch ImptoKtoenu.rt not inratle! or offered fm ale. If. how .du building or im,mKment haid wlNvlone Year ormmplNon.themarc+- budder will baw Ne btuden of ponying that he did nes WW R improve for purpose of ale.). n ❑ 1. a afar of the propn4 . ely with licensed i- onetanors ca the (Sec. B sonetg prolescoomatingless Code) The Cemmcwr's Lin rty whalmu case lar noes r so apply on as ower of pmpeny aro bcd P m Impmtn Comosa. and, La es not n as aoser of Property rro..Lace lm card pojecU W N lcaluceds) IYcerued ptmwnt w the Gay.norl ❑I.m eumpumdc See .Bol PCfm thhrram Date- atWORKERS WORKERSCOMPENSATION DECLARATION I bcxchy syrionts Ludes Penalty of prim,, arc a the fmlowitq,wt.,.rt,.� - ruftcue Waiters Cempuo ❑IhaK.dwcclfor Section 5'/W of t4 I.bor Cole. for de pufamuraz of the sedan, ySce 0 do Labor pds idor for wmY for ahleh tbu permit Is Tested r mi ❑ 1 Wroc"rill maimain Wortrfs Compeesadco Insurance. as required by Secdon 3700 d the Labor Code, for the perfermace crone rerk fon which this permR Is Usved. . Mywuhds Compew0 Insman wrier d Pdiry oumbar are: b� Grim:PdN OMWO?2 FRO WORKERS CERTIFICATE FCOMPENSATION IEXEMPTION COMPENSATION INSURANCE Clhb canon aha tat he compleud if the I +mtk h fm ve hmlthd de ala (SIOg m kss) I certify tbu N the amfotma me of the rork for which this Perrot, U honed. I mail not TpWy lily N. In my mNar,a at a beepae Alb}YI to NC W.ra Coreop onadw IM of Califomh. Due, APpLnru NOTICETO APPLICANT: If. ares making this Ccniftatc of Euet0cm. you should become wbjeml W the Worker, ComPewlbn p Woo d the UW Code, you must fonhwN comply, with such Prmisimu or this pmrroi shall he deemed rooted. I j CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY 1 ber by.rtbm that Here is a cownctim lerldin, avoc, fm Ne pmfmmmce or ' tro wont for whkb Nh Moor It Issued (Sec. 3097, Co, C) Lender, Name Leder's Add'. j l certify that l NK rtW Nis apPlicWon and sae that do above inf.a. h x cotton. I .gra w comply wN JI city std camty ordinuce, ad sale has relulnS w - building eotuuunion,.d hereby.uthorire rtprnaalives or thh city to calm upon the .ro-mmttioted property for inspection purpoac (We) .gra w uK, indemnify well ISW harmless tho City of Cuprnlnu agsans j IUbilldes.jdgmcoa, coedad capuucs which may u any ray a¢ruc.g.lnx said City in consoce tee of the Scanting d this Permit. APPLICAtiT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POIT Issued by: Date SOUR e -roots Si(n.tore ofAPIkffVContram,or Dale HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Type. of Roof Will Ne.pplionl or rtntoe building taupeart some or b.rdk b.ardtws m.teral as deOmN by the CUpeNro Mtmld* Code. Chaper 9.12.4 the Ninth W S.fay . Sermon 255320)? All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. ❑ Yes If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove will ase'*iou on lot. buiWNt .,son, equipment as duiac rh¢h emit b.rardntu air conumirr ns as defnrod by the Bay Area Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. District? ❑Yes 1 have read Inc hanrdnu tn.crUh ray'vmron, undorChaptem 6.95 of the CaFfm- ni. Heard, dS.fmy Code, Smoimn 2505.25533 and 25534. Itudctnud thatifthe Wilding does rot,tort ve e I It h lcspauihility W notify the aavpal a the nctr01R111C h aw aar.cairmesion, of Signature of Applicant Date I l:of All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better Ow�it rm.uNmrs=d m me