06030138;off Ipz 4 °t �y.I1O� `cc 3se Cer35 z: G IIJ a� UF( Ff U; CITY OF CUPERTINO '�' -pP` BUILDING DIVISION PERNUT i,CONTRACT0 INk'O.RMATIOI�I Y.. BUILDING ADDRESS: S B I PERMR NO.O 6 0 3 013 8 22032 ACACIA WAY 'R'S NAME: PERMIT ISSUE DATE HOMESTEAD RD LP 395 DEL MONTE CT. 4153 ns/22/2oo6 E SANrTARY NO. COMROL NO. (831)274 -2518 BUILDING ERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT LECT PLUMB MECH 0 0 LICENSED CONU ACTORS DELIARATKIN Job De$Cri tlOn p 1 bercby afnnm tht 1 m Ik<nsod udM Pmviuoo. of baper 9 (ammoncing vlN sawn )Od) of DiWbn 3 MNC B�nu+ud Prpfaimt Cock. vW my x• ^.e. It in fd1 faa am effm. REV I S I ON - STRUCTURAL THROUGHOUT Oa L'I`" COmracwr . ORIG PERMIT #05090181 -NO NEW PERMIT aaw I ARCH=S DECLARATION 1 uodcrvaod my pluu shall x incd u palic ram.4 - 1Javcd Pmf=.W OWNER- BUILDER DECLARATION I be -by M. Nat I am uanpt fmm tx CO.h W& IJceoso Law far We fdbwiaL rosin. (Satan 7031.5. Busbtus and PRfenlmu Codc: My my m cauuy whim rtyui. a permit - cavlry L a Or. ftzgr , h-a W m -pair soy v — prior W iu imurce..bv tundra WC applieam for m1b permit to fun a ilLZd vOnOrnl IJanso Law 9 Sq. Ft. Floor Area Valuation 0 tut bOI, llcerucd Pavan In tx pMOVW0na Of tx COnuacnrl (Chapter (emtmuaing wiN Section 7") a Di Wion J of the Budneu and Pmleulnu Cndc7 m Nat be h -inapt thvefmn and tw huh fa the a14O4 eaonptlam My Nolatlov of pEN Number Occupancy Type SeNat 7031.5 by my apps Mt fa. MrO t TAjcas the apps L In. a W"y a not mac thM Bw W °dR^ ddhr (5500). 3 2 6 02068.00 ❑ Luvweer al Ne ptopuOy,amy employ —w'uh v�nudte'v mle emnpeunBm. Required Inspections q p w din taeW. 1k' an°° e" n>< n 'Rd,WO.°'dmnr°rte'°dfnr°le(S.`.m .Bnd""' W PtafesdaOa COdc The Caawwm . Llmsz law dam tnt apply W ao Ownu a prop ny who WI,,, a IrproRS 1xmWn, and wEo doesysh work mmw for through Ida Owv mpjoe pMvaWtad tM vnh Imprmemau art tMinlended woQrrzd fer tale U. kowavcr, the bidding Or Imps, inn h sold within one ,,•r Ofe jrb ioe.dtcowrv- bulWer. ha. tit burden a "m c that In Ad tin WW Or irx a fm prpoe a tile.} ❑ I. u owrcr a! the P ^R^ /. w eadvd JI mnvaalni with BvsN mhuacros n -nation the la^jas lSa. 70Ca, Buian Md Prdfmvaru Coca::) Tae CauOamah U. cove Law dery not apply n an owner or pr9Pcrty who Wllm a imPOn�s N .' Mod , who contract. far suck Mjems sold aOmt,.- u.(,)fi n d pvu••• m tae COauanOYa \ \ (Jana law. v ❑Imlcaa,,t Sec ,Bd PCforthis -ame a Dnc WORKERS COMPENSATION DECLARATION 1 hereby a1Erm under powly Of perftity one a the 101 m n dOdMaidnx 01 wK and ari0 maMM, a CeNr aCOUCm n relf -imm fawmtces COOPM,. udm. u pOM, C Ter by Sc.. 3700 of the Labor Code. for the perfar-.nm of Nu soak fa whkb mu permit is iaued. rj 1 ba,< aW wW maiNam W.W, Carpmmla Ivurma, as r q Wmd by SeNOn _ 3700 a the Lawn Code. fa the perfamaea ofthe soak fa wluti this peMait'a L My Workets CempevulOa bO,On n and Policy rt n tie: CaOrIQ P.1k, Nm: CERTIFICATE OF E%EMMON FROM WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE . rnnis Ua eedatxooanitImd If to permit u for One hmtrN dollar (3100) v kaa) 1 artily tM W t O perf.m N the soma for whirl thin perch L. L-ucd. 1 "I om =play any actvn in My maorcrw as n bsome aubjwt W tR Waterer' COmpwube law. Of California DaR APro NOTICE TO APPLCANT: If, afer making Uds Cerdrt Of Eaempwp, you shvuW became abjm to Ix Wake(. Cm N.,iOa inr v Of the labor Code, yOO mot farNwtN comply with axb pravivmn R thin pmmil "I w dasrd tmvtcd. CONS. ON LENDING AGENCY it. c aF^7IQ tc perfummc of Iherbyichthi tMNei V a (Secu307Ming tmwak fa wakbtM permhuiruM (Sec. ]097. CI.. CI LcMria Name ' ludcfs Mdtm � D I amify that I have rod this wplkuim and sun Nat tic a laferrnat b cover( ( n= n comply witb all city and count)' ovdia and fate Ian Rhdeg W WBdieg cons Lion, and( mby auO =mpm talirt oftho my to enter uptm Nc alnve- mrntutmd lu.,My for tvleeriov fxapmcv Iwb) agRe W sam indemnify and keep Mmleas the city Of Cuprni. agai- n liabilidm,*Z=M emu aM expevo whim may Nary ny aceree akuml said City in caury Of the fradat Of NIs faUMIL APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON -POINT Issued by: Date SOURCE REGULATIONS Re -roofs Type of Roof Stgnauvc MAppb HAA �DOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE WO Ue appliaa err fmuR Wilding o.PanL vac a bandk hazadom material as dCBant by the COpenbu Mm pal Code, bapw, 9.12 and lit Health vd Way 'mot' 532(a)7 All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. ❑Ya obn If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove MI meapplicant or hm R WWinc Oaopam Mac wW,� a d,. whin em0 aamdom air cmna is as dcrmed by the Bay AR. Air Quality Mana�cv all new materials for inspection. Distrkz7 ❑Y,$ [D NO I ha a Rat NC harnLm novcrhls Rquucmetu umkr Chap. A95 Of the Califo, da Ih " Wery codO, S=Ona 25505.25533 and 25531.1 undo ate tkv I(tc Wilding d mA r." hare • ntwa Nv It b my R'O.Owiy in mdfy the Oauputt a the - 'ubrO.r Inkhme°x°e PH. Wi. -- Of'e°tr°tewDa.PR . Signature of Applicant Date All roof coverings to be Class 'B" or better Dwaer a aaWrbed.pem mm .