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CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING PERMIT isuU_,UMU"UxNss: CONTRACTOR: PERMIT NO: B-2016-2738 7864 LILY CT CUPERTINO, CA 95014-4212-(359 03 014) PERFECT HOMES CONSTRUCTION SAN JOSE, CA 95136 OWNER'S NAME: SOUNDARARAJAN RAJARAM AND KRISHNAKUMAR JAYA OWNER'S PHONE: 510-579-3588 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION License Class j} Lie. #556533 Contractor PERFECT HOMES CONSTRUCTION Date 02/28/2017 I hereby affirm that I am licensed under the provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business & Professions Code and that my license is in full force and effect. I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following two declarations: 1. I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for Worker's Compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. I have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance, as provided for by IM Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. APPLICANT CERTIFICATION certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. (We) agree to save indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino, against liabilities, judgments, costs, and expenses which may accrue against said City in consequence of the granting of this permit. Additionally, the applicant understands and will comply with all non -point source regulations per the Cupertino NAunicipal Code, Section 9.18. I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for one of the following two reasons: L as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec.7044, Business & Professions Code) I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project(Sec.7044, Business & Professions Code). I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following three declarations: 1. I have and will maintain a Certificate of Consent to self -insure for Worker's Compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. 2. I have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. s. I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Worker's Compensation laws of California. If, atter making this certificate of exemption, I become subject to the Worker's Compensation provisions of the Labor Code, I must forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be,dcemcd revoked. APPLICANT CERTIFICATION I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. (We) agree to save indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against liabilities, judgments, costs, and expenses which may accrue against said City in consequence of the granting of this permit. Additionally, the applicant understands and will comply with all non -point source regulations per the Cupertino Municipal Code, Section 9.18. Signature Date 12/19/2016 DATE ISSUED: 09/15/2016 PHONE NO: (408) 910-0779 BUILDING PERMIT INFO: X BLDG X ELECT —PLUMB X MECH X RESIDENTIAL _ COMMERCIAL JOB DESCRIPTION: KITCHEN REMODEL (250 S.F.); INSTALL (I) LOAD BEARING RECESSED BEAM AT KITCHEN AREA; REMOVE FIREPLACE AND CHIMNEY; UPGRADE PANEL (200 AMPS) - SAME LOCATION; RELOCATE FURNACE TO ATTIC, INSTALL A/C UNIT - NEW LOCATION; INSTALL TANKLESS WATER HEATER - NEW LOCATION; INSTALL 6 RECESSED LIGHTS IN LIVING/DINING ROOM; RELOCATE WASHER/DRYER IN GARAGE REV #1 - RELOCATE WASHER/DRYER; RELOCATE SKYLIGHT; (1) PATIO DOOR; REMOVE DOOR TO GARAGE - ISSUED 11/15/2016 Sq. Ft Floor Area: I Valuation: $70000.00 "N Number: Occupancy Type: ' 359 03 014 PERMIT EXPIRES IF WORK IS NOT STARTED WITHIN 180 DAYS OF PERMIT ISSUANCE OR 180 DAYS FROM LAST CALLED INSPECTION. by: MELISSA NAMES RE -ROOFS: All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove all new materials for inspection. Signature of Applicant: Date: 12/19/2016 ALL ROOF COVERINGS TO BE CLASS "A" OR BETTER HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE I have read the hazardous materials requirements under Chapter 6.95 of the California Health & Safety Code, Sections 25505, 25533, and 25534. I will maintain compliance with the, Cupertino Municipal Code, Chapter 9.12 and the Health & Safety Code, Section 25532(a) should I store or handle hazardous material. Additionally, should I use equipment or devices which emit hazardous air contaminants as -defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District I will maintain compliance with the Cupertino Municipal Code, Chapter 9.12 and the Health & Safety Code, Sections 25505, 25533, and 25534. Owner or authorized agent: Date: 12/19/2016 CON RUCTIWLENDY I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of work's for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ C.) Lender's Name Lender's Address ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION I understand my plans shall be used as public records. 0 m /0300 orre-Avcnvv- Cyer4irw,,, CA qsv-35-,ss- 2-0 7 3 9) (ITAV47�06 V/ I CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING PERMIT I BUILDING ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: PERMIT NO: B-2016-2738 7864 LILY CT CUPERTINO, CA 95014-4212 (359 03 014) LING WEI CONSTRUCTION INC SAN JOSE, CA 95124 OWNER'S NAME: SOUNDARARAJAN RAJARAM AND KRISHNAKUMAR JAYA OWNER'S PHONE: 510-579-3917 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION License Class ELECTRICAL Lic. #998527 Contractor LING WEI CONSTRUCTION INC Date 11/30/2016 I hereby affirm that I am licensed under the provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business & Professions Code and that my license is in full force and effect. I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following two declarations: 1. I. have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for Worker's Compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. I have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance, as provided for by Cecfion 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. APPLICANT CERTIFICATION I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. (We) agree to save indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against liabilities, judgments, costs, and expenses which may accrue against said City in consequence of the granting of this permit. Additionally, the applicant understands and will comply with all non -point source regulations per the Cyperono Municipal , ec io 9.18. Date 11/15/2016 I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for one of the following two reasons: 1. I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (See.7044, Business & Professions Code) 2. I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sce.7044, Business & Professions Code). hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following three declarations: 1. I have and will maintain a Certificate of Consent to self -insure for Worker's Compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. 2. I have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Worker's Compensation laws of California. If, after making this certificate of exemption, I become subject to the Worker's Compensation provisions of the Labor Code, I must forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked. APPLICANT CERTIFICATION I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws; relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes: (We) agree to save indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against liabilities, judgments, costs, and expenses which may accrue against said City in consequence of the granting of this permit. Additionally, the applicant understands and will comply with all non -point source regulations per the Cupertino Municipal Code, Section 9.18. Signature Date 11/15/2016 ISSUED: 09/15/2016 PHONE NO: (408) 386-7550 BUILDING PERMIT INFO: X BLDG X ELECT _ PLUMB X MECH X RESIDENTIAL _ COMMERCIAL JOB DESCRIPTION: KITCHEN REMODEL (250 S.F.); INSTALL (N) LOAD BEARING RECESSED BEAM AT KITCHEN AREA; REMOVE FIREPLACE AND CHIMNEY; UPGRADE PANEL (200 AMPS) - SAME LOCATION; RELOCATE FURNACE TO ATTIC, INSTALL A/C UNIT - NEW LOCATION; INSTALL TANKLESS WATER HEATER - NEW LOCATION; INSTALL 6 RECESSED LIGHTS IN LIVING/DINING ROOM; RELOCATE WASHER/DRYER IN GARAGE REV #1 - RELOCATE WASHER/DRYER, RELOCATE SKYLIGHT; (I) PATIO DOOR; REMOVE DOOR TO GARAGE -ISSUED 11/15/2016 Sq. Ft Floor Area: I Valuation: $70000.00 APN Number: Occupancy Type: 35903 014 PERMIT EXPIRES IF WORK IS NOT STARTED WITHIN 180 DAYS OF PERMIT ISSUANCE OR 180 DAYS FROM LAST CALLED INSPECTION. Issued by: ABBY AYENDE Date: 09/15/2016 RE -ROOFS: All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove all new materials for inspection. Signature ofApplicant: Date: 11/15/2016 BE CLASS "A" HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE I have read the hazardous materials requirements under Chapter 6.95 of the California Health & Safety Code, Sections 25505, 25533, and 25534. I will maintain compliance with the Cupertino Municipal Code, Chapter 9.12 and the Health & Safety Code, Section 25532(a) should I store or handle hazardous material. Additionally, should I use equipment or devices which emit hazardous air contaminants as defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District I will maintain compliance with the Cupertino Municipal Code, Chapter 9.12 and the Health & Safety Code, Sections 25505, 25533, and 25534. Owne o authorized agent: Date: 11/15/2016 COT yNDIN�AGENC3Z I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of work's for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ C.) Lender's Name Lender's Address . ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION I understand my plans shall be used as public records. CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT • BUILDING DIVISION 10300 TORRE AVENUE • CUPERTINO, CA 95014-3255 (408) 777-3228 • FAX (408) 777-3333 • build ing(cDcupertino org CUPERTMO 1NTF.IV (-0N11,TR T 1('TTr)m 711111111 'U1 I T —1 a —1—IT T , TT 17 r BldgApp_2011JOC revised 06/21/11 PROJECT ADDRESS7 APN CGI ALAIL e �o J / STREET ADDRESS : � CITY; STATE, ZIP FAX CONTACT NAME rr- M / PHONE E41A.IL ems- T ADD SS "749;07 CITY, STATE, ZIP FAX E] OWNTR ❑ OWITTER-BUII.DER 13 OWNER AGENT ❑ CONTRACTOR AGENT ❑ ARCHITECT ❑ ENGINEER ❑: DEVELOPER ❑ TENANT CONTRACTORNAME Z -11V6 IVE7S7 LICENSENUMBER LICENSETY'PE BUS, LIC;: COMPANY NAME E-MAIL FAX STREET.ADDRESS /e 7 q ��� ^ !� CITY, STATE, ZIP ; w' , � � � PHONE ARCNJTEC TIENGLNEER-NAA4E � M1�1% LICENSE NUMBER 5--,-) -7BUS. LIC r COMPAW. NAME E-1.4ATL FAX STREET ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP PHONE DESCRIPTION OF \FORS: r� EXISTING USE PROPOSED USE CONSTR. TYPE = STORIES I USE TYPE OCC. SQ.FT. V"ALUATION (S) EXISTG NEW FLOOR DEMO TOTAL AREA AREA AREA NET AREA BATHROOM KITCHEN OTHER RFA40DELAREA REMODEL AREA REMODELAREA PORCH.AREA y DECK AREA TOTAL DECK'PORCHAREA GARAGEAREA: ❑DETACH _ []ATTACH DWELLING UNITS: ISA SECOND UNIT E] -1 -ES SECOND STORY El YES BELNGADDED? E]NO ADDITION? ENO PRE -.APPLICATION ❑ YES IF YES, PROVIDE COPY OF PLANISING.APPL= ❑N0 PLANI.ZNG APPROVAL LETTER IS THE BLDG AN ❑ YES EICHLER HOME? NO CEIL'ED B 'u TOTAL VA UATION: 5 S, By iuy signature below, I certify to each of the following: I am the property owner or authorized agent to act & the property owner's behalf. I have read this application and the information I have provided is correct. I have read the Description of \x%ork and verify it is accurate. I agree to comply with all applicable local ordinances and state laws relating to build' a tion. I a representatives of Cupertino to enter the above -identified property f r inspection purposes. Signature of Applicant/Agent: Date: ! 2 SUPPLEMENTAL INFOR 2, ATION REQUIRED a. VLn cHECiT1PE. , ;'. ;> 4., .IouTinG SLIP, „` New SFD or Multifamily dwellings: Apply for demolition permit for Ot £R I HE LOL ❑ BUiLDLNG existing buildina(s). Demolition permit is required prior to issuance of building ITER PLA REITER permit for new building. ❑ EaPREss ❑ PL ��.L�rLA\�iEtii x k h Commercial Bldgs: Provide a completed Hazardous Materials Disclosure ❑ sTARDRD ❑ PLBLIetoRls' fora ifany Hazardous ?Materials are being used as part of this project. LARGE ❑ SIRE DEPT _ Copy of Planting Approval Letter or Meeting with Planning prior to AL4JOR F Y ❑ 'Si1TFARY S£RERDISTRICT submittal of Building Permit application. '❑4�'ENtIRO?<7+TENTALS.HEALTFI,� BldgApp_2011JOC revised 06/21/11 CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING PERMIT BUILDING ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: PERMIT NO: B-2016-2738 7864 LILY CT CUPERTINO, CA 95014-4212 (359 03 014) LING WEI CONSTRUCTION INC SAN JOSE, CA 95124 OWNER'S NAME: SOUNDARARAJAN RAJARAM AND KRISHNAKUMAR JAYA I I DATE ISSUED: 09/15/2016 I OWNER'S PHONE: 510-5793917 I I PHONE NO: (408) 386-7550 License Class B Lic. Contractor LING WE Date 11/30/2016 hereby affirm that I am licensed under the provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing ith Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business & Professions Code and that my cense is in full force and effect. hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following two declarations: r. I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for Worker's Compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. R1___11_ I have and will maintain Worker's -Compensation Insurance, as provided for by Sec}ion 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. APPLICANT CERTIFICATION certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. (We) agree to save indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against liabilities, judgments, costs, and expenses which may accrue against said City in consequence of the granting of this permit. Additionally, the applicant understands and will comply with all non -point source regulations per the Cupertino Municipal Code, Section 9.18.. Signature`✓ Date 09/15/2016 I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for one of the following two reasons: 1. I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec.7044, Business & Professions Code) 2. L as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec.7044, Business & Professions Code). I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following three declarations: 1. I have and will maintain a Certificate of Consent to self -insure for Worker's Compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. 2. I have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code; for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. 3. I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Worker's Compensation laws of California. If, after making this certificate of exemption, I become subject to the Worker's Compensation provisions of the Labor Code, I must forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked. APPLICANT CERTIFICATION I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. (We) agree to save indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against liabilities, judgments, costs, and expenses which may accrue against said City in consequence of the granting of this permit. Additionally, the applicant understands and will comply with all non -point source regulations per the Cupertino Municipal Code, Section 9.18. Signature Date 09/15/2016 PERMIT INFO: BLDG X ELECT —PLUMB MECH X RESIDENTIAL _ COMMERCIAL JOB DESCRIPTION: KITCHEN REMODEL (250 S.F.); INSTALL (N) LOAD BEARING RECESSED BEAM AT KITCHEN AREA; REMOVE FIREPLACE AND CHIMNEY; UPGRADE PANEL (200 AMPS) - SAME LOCATION; RELOCATE FURNACE TO ATTIC, INSTALL A/C UNIT - NEW LOCATION; INSTALL TANKLESS WATER HEATER - NEW LOCATION; INSTALL 6 RECESSED LIGHTS IN LIVING/DINING ROOM; RELOCATE WASHER/DRYER IN GARAGE Sq. Ft Floor Area: I Valuation: $70000.00 "N Number: Occupancy Type: 359 03 014 PERMIT EXPIRES IF WORK IS NOT STARTED WITHIN 180 DAYS OF PERMIT ISSUANCE OR 180 DAYS FROM LAST CALLED INSPECTION. Issued by: PAUL O'SULLIVAN Date: 09/15/2016 RE -ROOFS: All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove all new materials for inspection. Signature of Applicant: Date: 09/15/2016 ALL ROOF COVERINGS TO BE CLASS "A" HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE I have read the hazardous materials requirements under Chapter 6.95 of the California Health & Safety Code, Sections 25505, 25533, and 25534. I will maintain compliance with the Cupertino Municipal Code, Chapter 9.12 and the Health & Safety Code, Section 25532(a) should I store or handle hazardous material. Additionally, should 3 use equipment or devices which emit hazardous air contaminants as defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District I will maintain compliance with the Cupertino Municipal Code, Chapter 9.12 and the Health & Safety Code, Sections ;5505,25 3; arad-i5p34. Owner or authorized agent: Date: 09/15/2016 CONSTRUCTIONLENDAGENCY I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of work's for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ C.) Lender's Name Lender's Address ARC'HITECT'S DECL.ARATTON I understand my plans shall be used as public records. Licensed Professional ❑ OWNER 0OWNTER-BUILDER : ❑ OWNERAGENIT IR -CONTRACTOR ❑ CONTRACTORAGENIT ❑ ARCHITECT ❑ ENGLKEER. ❑ DEVELOPER ❑ TENANT ONTRACTORNA LICENSE LICENSE YPE BUS. LIC # a � (� C4 rY,\ MEVV[�� _ EL b Ah AA rP�tP0 1 v1�1�/Ann. nFAX SYY 1 vv ST f- >�e _'I g 1 CITY, STAT ' ZiCTII I V r \ v_\ �'� "/ _1 r> zL P N�K CJ.�O t Ord ARCHITECT/ENGINEER NAME LICENSE NUMBER BUS. LIC 7 COMPANY NAME E-MAIL FAX STREET ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP PHONE DESCRIPTION OF WORK 14-1V C,U l" -F RikN - l CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION /TORIES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT - BUILDING DIVISION 10300 TORRE AVENUE • CUPERTINO, CA 95014-3255 (408) 777-3228 • FAX (408) 777-3333 • buildingQ_cupertino.org UPERTINO TYPE OCC. SQ.FT. VALUATION ( ) ❑ NEW CONSTRUCTION NTW FLOOR ❑ ADDITION ALTERATION / TI Q REVISION / DEFERRED ORIGINAL PERMIT # PROJECT ADDRESS 796 / /L-A. C� nom^' APNn °SO n; ^� OWNERNAMEkW_ S�A V © I PH( /� J AREA E-AZAIL� _ ` BATHROOM STREET AD CITY, STATE, ZIP ordinances and state laws relating to building construction. I authorize representatives of Cupertino to enter the above -identified property for inspection purposes. FAX F.AX c CONTACT NAtPHQNE /v, REMODELAREA REMODEL AREA REMODEL AREA r�i 4• w STREET ADDRESS - existing building(s` . Demolition permit is required prior to issuance of building CITY, STATE, ZIP PORCH AREA FAX ❑ OWNER 0OWNTER-BUILDER : ❑ OWNERAGENIT IR -CONTRACTOR ❑ CONTRACTORAGENIT ❑ ARCHITECT ❑ ENGLKEER. ❑ DEVELOPER ❑ TENANT ONTRACTORNA LICENSE LICENSE YPE BUS. LIC # a � (� C4 rY,\ MEVV[�� _ EL b Ah AA rP�tP0 1 v1�1�/Ann. nFAX SYY 1 vv ST f- >�e _'I g 1 CITY, STAT ' ZiCTII I V r \ v_\ �'� "/ _1 r> zL P N�K CJ.�O t Ord ARCHITECT/ENGINEER NAME LICENSE NUMBER BUS. LIC 7 COMPANY NAME E-MAIL FAX STREET ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP PHONE DESCRIPTION OF WORK 14-1V C,U l" -F RikN - l EXISTING USE PROPOSED USE CONSTR. TYPE. /TORIES BEINGADDED? []NO ADDITION? ❑NO USE TYPE OCC. SQ.FT. VALUATION ( ) EXISTG NTW FLOOR DEMO TOTAL TOTAL VALUATION: PLANK NG APPL # ❑ NO PLANNING APPROVAL LETTER EICHLER HOME? ❑ NO AREA AREA AREA NET AREA. _ ` BATHROOM KITCHEN OTHER application and the information I have provided is correct. I have read the Description of Work and verify it is accurate. I agree to comply with all applicable local ordinances and state laws relating to building construction. I authorize representatives of Cupertino to enter the above -identified property for inspection purposes. __ Date: Signature of Applicant/Agent: SUPPLEMENTAL IFO ON REQUIRED REMODELAREA REMODEL AREA REMODEL AREA BUiI.DING PLA' I2Et'IESi New SFD or Multifamily dwellings: Apply for demolition permit for - existing building(s` . Demolition permit is required prior to issuance of building OY ER PORCH AREA DECK AREA TOTAL DECK/PORCH AREA I GARAGE AREA: 0 DETACH ❑ `PLBLIO i§ ORIwS Commercial Bldgs: Provide a completed Hazardous Disclosure STANDARD z i _ form if any Hazardous Materials are being used as part of this project. LARGE x L� FIRE DEPT r_1 ATTACH p J.isaoli ©sirrAR sEIiEIiDISTRTCT submittal of Building Permit application. DWELLING UNITS: IS A SECOND UNtr U YES SECOND STORY Lf YES BEINGADDED? []NO ADDITION? ❑NO PRE -APPLICATION ❑ YES IF YES,- PROVIDE COPY OF IS THE BLDG AN F1 YES _ D By TOTAL VALUATION: PLANK NG APPL # ❑ NO PLANNING APPROVAL LETTER EICHLER HOME? ❑ NO d F r r(OO.L3 By my signature below, I certify to :each of the following: I am the property owner or authorized agent to act on the property owner's behalf. I have read this application and the information I have provided is correct. I have read the Description of Work and verify it is accurate. I agree to comply with all applicable local ordinances and state laws relating to building construction. I authorize representatives of Cupertino to enter the above -identified property for inspection purposes. __ Date: Signature of Applicant/Agent: SUPPLEMENTAL IFO ON REQUIRED , P': y r TH>irCOUI�TER BUiI.DING PLA' I2Et'IESi New SFD or Multifamily dwellings: Apply for demolition permit for - existing building(s` . Demolition permit is required prior to issuance of building OY ER permit for new building.' EirREss ❑ }PL�I�INGPI A \ Izi IE�o Materials ❑ `PLBLIO i§ ORIwS Commercial Bldgs: Provide a completed Hazardous Disclosure STANDARD z i _ form if any Hazardous Materials are being used as part of this project. LARGE x L� FIRE DEPT _ Copy of Planning Approval Letter or Meeting with Planning prior to p J.isaoli ©sirrAR sEIiEIiDISTRTCT submittal of Building Permit application. BldgApp_2011.doc revised 06/21/11 Owner Name Address WATER -CONSERVING PLUMBING FIXTURES FILE OWNER CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE �- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT • BUILDING DIVISION_ f 10300 TORRE AVENUE o CUPERTINO, CA 95014-3255 (408) 777-3228 • FAX (408) 777-3333 • building(alcupertino.org 1 �t V ��l-�.,�-✓Z�-g Permit No 0> — f 7-3y 1y, 1. Is your real property a registered historical site? ElYes Civil Code Sections 1101.1- through 1101.8 do not apply. Skip the rest of the form and'sign bottom of form. KNo Go to Question 2. 2. Does your real property have a licensed plumber certifying that, due to the age or configuration of the property or its plumbing, installation of water -conserving plumbing fixtures is not technically feasible? ❑ Yes Civil Code Sections 1101.1 through 1101.8 do not apply. ❑ The licensed plumber's certification has been provided to the Building Division. Skip the rest of the form and sign bottom of form. No Go to Question 3. 3. Is water service permanently disconnected for your building? ❑ Yes Civil Code Sections 1101.1 through 1101.8 do not apply. Skip the rest of the form and sign bottom of form. No . Go to Question 4. I 4. Is your real property built and available for use or occupancy on or before January 1, -1994? ❑ No My real properly is built and available for use or occupancy after January 1; 1994. Civil Code Sections 1101.1 through 1101.8 do not apply. Skip the rest of the form and sign bottom of fbim. Yes My real property is built and available for use or occupancy on or before January 1, 1994. Civil Code Sections 1101.1 through 1101.8 apply. Check one of the three following statements and sign bottom of form... i 5. Please check ONE of the following: My property is a single-family residential real property. See Civil Code Section 1101.4. On and after January 1, 2014, building alterations or improvements shall require all non-compliant plumbing fixtures to be replaced with water -conserving plumbing fixtures throughout the building! On or before January 1, 2017, all non- compliant plumbing fixtures shall be replaced with water -conserving plumbing fixtures '(regardless of whether property undergoes alterations or improvements). i ❑ My property is a multifamily residential real property. See Civil Code Section 1401.5. On and after January 1, 2014, specified building alterations or improvements shall require non- compliant plumbing fixtures to be replaced with water -conserving plumbing fixtures. On or before January 1, 2019, all non-compliant plumbing fixtures shall be replaced with water'- conserving plumbing fixtures throughout the building (regardless of whether property undergoes alterations or improvements). ❑ My property is a commercial real property. See Civil Code Section 1101.5. On and after January 1, 2014, specified building alterations or improvements shall require non -:compliant plumbing fixtures to be replaced with water -conserving plumbing fixtures. On or before January_ 1, 2019, all non-compliant plumbing fixtures shall be replaced with water- conserving plumbing fixtures throughout the building (regardless of whether property undergoes alterations or unprovements). I, as the owner or owner's agent of this property, certify under penalty of perjury that non-compliant plumbing fixtures will be replaced prior to date specified above with water -conserving plumbing fixtures in accordance with Civil Code Sections 1101.1 through 1101.8, the current California Plumbing Code and California Green Building Standards Code, and manufacturer's installation requirements, and that the water -conserving plumbing fixtures comply yvith the requirements as indicated in the table on the following pate. 0 t Owner or Owner Agent's Signature: Upon completing and signing this Certificate, Date: a 1 it to the Building Division in order to final your ZD i permit. SB40 7 2015.doe revised 08/26115 1. If the existing. plumbing fixture water usage/flow rate is equal to or lower than the figre shown, it is not required to be upgraded. SB4072015.doc revised 08/26/15 Non-Compliant Water-Conserving Plumbing Fixture PlumbingFixture (Fixture Complying with Current Code Applicable to New Construction) Fixture Type Maximum WaterjUsa a/Flow Rate 2013 CPC Ch. 4 2013 CPC Ch. 4 2013 CPC Ch. 4 Water Usage /Flow Rate 2013 CALGreen Div. 4.3 2013 CALGreen Div. 4.3 2013 CALGreen Div. 5.3 Single -Family Multi-gamily Commercial Residential Residential Water Closets (Toilets) Exceed 1.6 Gallons/flush Single flush toilets) 1.28 gallons/flush Dual flush toilets: 1.28 gallons/flush effective flush volume (the composite, average flush volume of two reduced fiushes'and one full flush Urinals Exceed 1.0 Gallons/flush 0.5 gall ns/flush Showerheads Exceed 2.5 2.0 gallons per minute @ 80 psi. Also certified to the performance criteria of gallons per minute U.S. EPA WaterSense Specification for Showerheads (A hand-held shower is considered a showerhead.) For multiple showerheads serving one shower, the combined flow rate of all showerheads and/or other shower outletsI controlled by a single valve shall not exceed 2.0 gallons per minute @ 80 psi, or the shower shall be designed to allow onlyone shower outlet to be in operation at a time. Faucets — Exceed 2.2 gallons Maximum 1.5 gallons per Within unitsi: 0.5 gallons per minute @ 60 Lavatory per minute minute @ 60 psi; minimum Maximum 1.5 gallons psi Faucets 0:8 gallons per minute @ per minute @ 60 psi; P 20 psi minimum 0.8 gallons per minute @ 20 psi In common and public use areas: X0.5 gallons per minute @ 60 psi' 1.8 gallons per minute 60 psi Faucets — Exceed 2.2 gallons 1.8 gallons per minute @ 1.8 gallons er minute 1.8 gallons per minute @ 60 Kitchen per minute 60 psi @ 60 psi psi Faucets May temporarily increase May temporarily up to 2.2 gallons per increase up to 2.2 minute @ 60 psi, and must. gallons per minute @ default to maximum 60 psi, and ust 1.8 gallons per minute @ default to maximum ber 60 psi 1.8 gallons minute Where faucets meeting @ 60 psi the above are unavailable, Where faucBts meeting aerators or other means the above are may be used to achieve unavailable/, aerators or reduction. other means may be used to achieve reduction. 1. If the existing. plumbing fixture water usage/flow rate is equal to or lower than the figre shown, it is not required to be upgraded. SB4072015.doc revised 08/26/15