020200893333 CITY F CUPERTIIoTG C' PERMIT APPLICATION FORM CUPS TINO . III IIII BAPPLOTHER, Other Appliances .:. Bldg .M Boiler<= 100,000 Btu :i Boiler> IOOKto5OOKBi� BBOILER3 Boiler > 500K to 1M Btu ,� i ili��irlil Boiler " t BCONSTAX, ! Construction Tax ff It i i • i • _ !it Elec, 600V <= I #It Y� ELECTRICAL BELEC1001 Elec 600V > 1 itt" ELECTRICAL BELEC200 Elec Svcs 600V tt . " , #t n , ' rr *. • e ' ONE I.-Ifilems- _C OFFICE - - '- -- - - - - CITY ` DI ESIONO BUILDING SIN PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 22199 HAMMOND WAY 02020089 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB DATE STEVE & LISA CRAWFORD 02/22/2002 PHONE SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. O O ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO '.� BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH Z I L -J L.._) ¢a m = t9 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION 1 hereby affnd that 1 am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing ithSection7000) 'moksion, Job Descrip ion i l w' ofDivision3ofrheBuaQes and I Code. and myrc<nx< I, in full for�a�onil efff(((�h T L/� LQi,m1Jnu [IyR U7 ^ Lie M / RETAINING WALL & FIR PLACE ad V is. O Com� 1 y � O g JS IT[CI"s DECLARATION x 1 unJenuuN my plans shall he used os public records ' a= O O 0: Licensed Pmfessional o 2! OWNER - BUILDER DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm thin I am exempt from the Cm niom') License Law for the ? < et following reason (Section 7031.5, Business and Proessions Code: Any city or county which to improve, demolish, $14000 i3m requires a permit construct, alter, or repair any structure pan t t: Is rW t 'N PPI'canlor. ch pe mienfileasgud statement .. ... .. .. .. ... _. .. - _ .y_ {;1 � i3 Y•L''�t$V`18r� i_st••;. f. ll *t Valuation chath I e td puriWmmthepo ism fth C t cmn L¢ense law (Chapur9 (commencing with Sat 7") of D' J of the Businesl and Professions Code) or that he rs excmpi therefrom and the basis far the alleged exemption. Any violation .;'„ VU -of not come than iv a hundred doll rs (S50•nnit subj acne the uppliram to a civil penalty of not nrm<mam five nanerca dollars (ssIXB, l0i -PN ��UN�DATION Occupancy Type "'` '' 01, as owner ml the properly. or my employcm with wages o"heir sole rompensation, ,ill do the work, and the soucmrc is not intended "or offered for sale (Sec. 70 , 'Business and Professions Code: The Contractor& License law does not apply to an 103 - UFER Required Inspections' - nwner of property Who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself nnhrongh his own employees. pmyided that such improvements arc not intended or '.offered 10 4 _ REBAR for sale IL however, the balding mp mcm is sold within one year of completion the ownerWlderwll have the burden of proving that he did not build or ... __ .. _. -" ` - ._ 105 - ANCHOR BOLTS m improve mrppnseofsale.). 106 - SEWER & WATER ... , .. ... _._ exclusively . _ _. .._... _... am contracting witbadens<dco ❑ga&uwner of the p(Sec. — - 202 - UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING - the pm;eat (sec. 71 Buins and Business and Professions Code) The tin Contractor's .. cams c to an od reon, ord.mel.awduetfororytu.joels refprnpcnywbn o 203 - UNDERFLOOR MECHANICAL`' =. aw.wno mmmds for such.pmj¢ts wiN a contmctor(s) licensed pursuant m.the licenseimwu..tw.th. enmmrtnr &wren &e law. - `204 = UNDERFLOOR-- FRAME- nlamexemptunderser. B& PC for this reason t 205 - UNDERFLOORt' INSULATION °vn" DB1C 301 - ROUGH PLUMBING WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION 302 — TUB & OR SHOWER I hereby affirm under penalty of pe jury one of the following declarations: 303 - ROUGH MECHANICAL Intuition 0 1 have and will aintain o Certificate of Consent to self-morm for Worker's Compensation; as provided for by Section 37W of the labor Code, for the 3 04 - ROUGH ELECTRICAL performance of the work for which this permit is issued. 3 05 — FRAME 01 have and will maimain,WOrkerls Compensation Insurance, as retuned by Section 3 06 - HOLDOWNS 3700 of the Labor Code; for the performance cif Me work l for which this permit is iuyW My Wo k rs C pen Lion Iniumnce acre end Pocy mbar arc: %LTG'' hUYd/Or'nhrrN _ 307 - INSULATION 308;an :. m«S '; ISHEETROCK r f w t i 4 CLRTIFICATION OF F. %EMPTI N FRQM.WORKERS l -•� 3� i. } i Je Y - F'XTF.'RIOR -LATH o n' missocmnnnewnii icc ompledeah the for one hundred dollars 310,' -, INTERIOR LATH permitis ,& 311 - SCRATCH COAT lcc.nfy,thiin&prf aceofthe work 'f wnicht his proud iisruuen -I 3'1'3 - "='ROOF NAIL shall of employ any Person in any manncraoast become subjecttotheWorLed Compensation Laws of California . Data 501 - FINAL ELECTRICAL ENERGY . Applicant - -. _ 1 ... ... _ :. ._ ... _... .. .5 ... .. _... 02 "- 'FINAL - PLUMBING ENERGY---- - NOTICE TO APPLICAN'll 11. after making this Cenificme of Exemption, you should Z 1 hcioresubjecuo the Wmker'sCompens duon provisions o flhcLidsoCode, you most forthwith comply - with provisions or Nis be d« 503 - FINAL MECHANICAL ENERGY C such permit shall mw revoked. 504 - - -- FINAL BUILDING ENERGY,.... � CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY Ihereby alnuffirt di- is a construction lending agency for me perfommnce ofN okfar whchN termisis &sew s« 309] SOS — FINAL ELECTRICAL (.] r' 'Lenders Name ._ ... .._ .. ..: .. .... .. .. ,- . - .506...', -.. GAS_. TEST, . .:.. -.... .•.. ._. ... . I'z Lenders Address 507 - FINAL PLUMBING i certify ihzt 11... read this application and state that the above Information is 508 — FINAL MECHANICAL t'V ei recu -L ugree;m comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby euothe, representatives ofthis city to enrerupon 509 - FINAL GRADE , -W LLt l the above mentioned properly, for inspection purposes. (We) ague to save, indemnify and keep harmlem the City of Capeiiinoandust 510 — FINAL PLANNING I / Z Z haul dgmemt rose and which may in any way accrue againmtsviJ Cl m con qucnce of the gin ago,,, ' permit. 514 - F INA P I C WORKS ' PCICA P{JNDERST SAND LL COMPLY'wITH'ALC NON -POINT Issued by: .REGUI'ATI rrr' _ ! Date - sigwturco heat n - •••...• ' - Re -roofs HAZARDOUS MA RI ISCI OSURD Wllthe pphsantorfruebuilding ant store or. handle haranloismaterial .Type of Roof_ .. - as defined by doe C pertmo Municipal Cad Chapter 9 12 and the Health and Safety 1. Code 355 �il. te7l.k,) 13 Yes o., '. -'e.' t I tV 1541 Iw. ta. l sON All roofs- shall.be inspected pnor_to any roofing,matenal being installed. Wilding Willthe air defined emit If a roof is installed without first obtaining n ins ection; I a ree.to remove g P g contnmorfumrt hazardous air contaminants as by the Bey Arca AU Quality Management by Bay AirQmlity Management nt Disnicty " , , all new materials for inspection_ Applicant understands and will comply with ❑Ye& 11 No ..: • 1. - "all non -point source regulations I'have read flo,burcordal, mmeri5ls uporemems under Chapter 6 9 of the Calif. builth '& Safe, tale Seoul 5 25533 and 8534 1 understand that If i , does note rrtntty h una t t t t s my respo b l ty t notify the c: „ cops n th y{odic m m to rousubc n p' to issuance of C nIficme .f Copan l ` ' , Signature of Applicant Date All roof coverings to be Class "Bo or better' Owner mnuthnoted agent Uett _C OFFICE - - '- -- - - - -