TR-2016-33b ������t�o�co��r�t������.m����r�
�(������ � (408)777-3308 e FAX(408)777-3333 ��lanning@cu� .
August 18,2016
Sand Hill CominercialProperfy Management
Attn:David Semenero
2882 Sand Hill Road#241
Menlo Park;CA 94025 �
This letter confirms the decision of the Director of Community Development, given onAugust.l8,2016
approving a Tree Removal`Permit to allow the removal and replacement of 2 dead Sequoia Sempervirens
(CoastRedwood)trees at the park area within the Main Street Development, located at 19449 Stevens`
Creek Boulevard.
Staf� has rna�e �he f�� that the protected frees ape sleacl amd cannot be co�atrolled or remed.ied. '�
�hrough x�easonable relocafion or a�odification.'�'he pro�osed.replacemex�t���x�is co�siste��vvifh the
]L9rotected ''�'ree �rdinance since the applicant gs replacimg #he $�ees o� s�te, a�cl fhe n�xmbex° of '
x�eplace�ne��s is cm�siste�t with the orslinance. '�'he fynding is x�e�essary to grant the tree x�emovai
perflngt yn acco�d.ance vvath section�4.1�.180 (A) (1) and (3).
The application is approved with the following conditions
- This approval is based on the arborist report prepared by David Babby (#WE-4001B), dated August
5, 2016, consisting of four pages including a tree removal and replacement site plan, except as may
be amended by conditions in this resolution.
The required replacement trees are two 36-inch box Sequoia Senipervirens (Coast Redwood), as per
ordinance 14.18 Protected T��ees. The applicant shall provide the Department of Community
Development adequafe documenfation, including but riot limited to photographs, receipts or
invoices,to verify that the replacement trees have been planted prior to final occupancy of the park.
The applicant understands that replacement trees are protected trees and may not be removed
without a Tree Removal Permit and that they shall be responsible for ensuring the proper
maintenance and care of the frees. The applicant shall also disclose the location and species of all
replacements Erees on site upon sale of the property.
The conditions of Project Approval set forth herein may include certain fees, dedication
requirements,reservation requirements, and other exaciions: Pursuant to Government Code Section
66020(d) (1),these Conditions constitute written notice of a statement of the amount of such fees,and
a description of the dedications, reservations, and other exactions. You are hereby notified that the
90-day approval period in which you may protest these fees, dedications, reservations, and other
exaction,pursuant to Governxnent Code Section 66020(a),has begun.If you fail to file a protest within
this 90;-day period complying with all of the requirements of Section 66020,you will be legally barred
from Iater challe ing such exactions.
Gian Paolo Martire
Associate Planner
(408) 777-3319
� �arofess�anai consult�ng arbori�t� and tr�e care
Site Visit: 8/5/16 Report Date: 8/5/16 I
Prepared for: City of Cupertino Community Development Department
' L Babb Sent via: email I'�
Pre�ared bv. David . y i
Registered Consulting Arborist°#399 ',
Board-Certified Master Arborist°#WE-4001B �
Notes: In reference to the two dead coast redwoods (Sequoia sempe�vi�ens) #18 and 29, I�
this document presents my observations and photographs, provides probable factors
tri ti to, ir demise, and specifies recommendations for promoting the
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p.o. box 25295, san mateo, california 94402 ■ email:
phone: 650.654.335 i ■ cell: 650.274.3656 ■ licensed contractor #796763
professional consuPtong arborEs�s and tree care
August 5, 2016 !,
1VISC -trees #18 and 129 '
page 2 of 4 '
Tree>#18 is situated at its original location (i.e. retained in place and not transplanted), '
along the north edge of the park currently being constt-ucted. Tree #129 was relocated
from a center median alon the revious Finch Road. ',
g P
Tree #18 has a tnulk diameter of 21 inches, and#129 has one of 23.4 inches (measured 54
inches above grade). In 2008, I measured both trunks to have diameters of 17 inches,
which advises the two trees were growing since that time and the time before or around �!,
their demise (my 2008 report contains the latest historical records for these two trees). I
The conditions of both trees in 2008 are documented to be healthy and v'igorous for #18,
and only fair and marginal for#129. Observations of these trees beyond 2008 and up until
- construction reveals a notable decline in#18, to around marginal, and only a slight change
!" to#129; these changes were a direct result of no water being provided for many years.
Observations of the ground surrounding #18's trunk reveal the following: fill within the
dripline, approximately six feet from the trunk; soil distt.irbance only a few feet from the
, - trunk; drip hoses within 12 to 24 inches from the trunk, watering only 10- to 20-percent of
the tree's total root zone; very dry soil; an absence of mulch; no protection zone being
maintained (or fencing present); and a storm drain riser near northeast edge of canopy.
Obsezvations of the ground surrounding #29's trunk reveal the following: drip hoses cover
much of the rootball (created when relocated),but not its anticipated entirety; soil moisture
inconsistent throughout the drip hose areas; dry soil, particularly for a relocated and
tu�established tree; an absence of mulch; no protection zone being maintained (or fencing
present); and a light pole footing five feet from the ti-unk, at or slightly within the
anticipated rootbalL
p.o, box 25295, san mateo, ca(�forn�a 94402 � smaii:
phone: 650.65�}.335 i � cell: 650.274.3656 � I�censed contractor #79&763
' �ro�e�s�anaf con�ultEnc� arborE�t� and tree care
August 5, 2016
MSG -trees #18 and 129
page 3 of 4
Observations of trees adjacent to #18 and 129 reveal unfavorable ground and watering I�
conditions, factors which may also result in further decline and/or demise of those trees. !,
For instance, tree#19 has fill within 18 inches from its trunk, and soil conditions were dry. ��
The two redwoods flanking #129, namely #22 and 128, also have sporadically dry soil I
conditions. i
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Based on my observations, the dominant factor contributing towards the trees' demise is a ,
lack of supplemental water to the root zones, both before and during site development.
Additional likely contributing factors for #18 include grading and soil disturbance within ,
its root zone. For#29, the severe impacts inherent with tree relocation also contributes to
its demise, and installing the lighting pole footing may have sliced into the rootball.
For trees being retained, either in place or having been relocated, I recommend the
watering program, both the supply and monitoring of, is intensified immediately. To
achieve this, the drip hoses should be substituted with bubbler emitters, four per tree (i.e.
one per each side) placed mid-canopy for redwoods retained in place, and three feet from
tninks of relocated redwoods. The purpose of the bubblers is to allow soaking of the entire
ground beneath canopies, or for relocated redwoods, their rootballs and several feet
beyond. The moisture depth should reach around 18 to 24 inches per interval; 12-inch tall
benns� can be formed around the perimeters to contain the water. For relocated trees,
watering should occur at least once per week, and for ones retained in place, once every
week or two during the summer months; please ilote the watering cycles and amounts
should be monitored, and adjusted accordingly, by a tree service or landscape maintenance
p.o. box 2529.5, san mateo, cal�fornia 94402 � email:
�hane: 650.654.335 I � cell: 650.274.3656 g licens�d contractor #796763
�rofe�s6o��[ consultin� arbor��ts and tree care
August 5, 2016
MSC -trees #18 and 129
page 4 of 4
A three- to four-inch layer of wood chip mulch should also be spread over the ground
beneath the canopies. For trees retained around the park, all soil fill should be manually
dug to be beyond the outermost canopy areas, and fencing established to restrict access
from equipment(can be four-foot tall orange plastic mounted on steel stakes).
For replacement trees, provide continual and active irrigation, and regularly monitor to
ensure function. Upon arrival, they should be free from defects, including damage to the
tri.inks and limbs, as well as having a favorable lateral rooting structure absent of girdling
roots. �
� ,
p.o. box 25295, san mateo; california 9�402 � email:�
phone: 650.654.335 I � ceii: 650,274.3656 � lrcensed contractor #796763