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`— �_____ A ' ' ICANT AtNCY� = RETUR; . stats hit tN RETl11ti�T 'status fait tNft RN status f PLNG Ck ' FIREz - . SAN. DIST. -- — x ASSESSOR - -- ---' 3 4 f � HOOD -- - r HEArrti 0. r x ^+t�J � s ftES. (LUNG) (GARAGE) AI N __� - k t't)MI.SQ.F`f.(NE'�V) IBES. RI~MODEL t PHONE, FAXC TACT �* k r$ Vf1t.t=1�TIt)N - REC"QIP"I' PL Iv, 104 E C K ENERGY -(}NS't ROCTION TAX - -(Y)a(N) __ GRADING x SCIIC)C)L FRES. (#Y) (N) _ --�-�-- SOILS , tt)iI5{NG MI'(`t(I� ON,FEES (YjBLDG PMT �4 a. SEISi�fIC u AkT OP V TY Tr V . PMRCT t tiICH F TALIFERS Ss 10 � 3A I' .x"9 ..A. .:}.W. a.. .:a ,...,.. x,Yfi _ f. IS ._.1 ., ....A-.. .... L , - t- ..7 R a..f ) ...='#. ^ u .,:. kS.A :. . '1t. ...... - .. a t ,-.,a: ,.: `�: a,. d"5,,.,. -. ,. L.,-, ,,.a >`«.. ., .� k ..»a �. ,e .s£..,7.,. x. +# -,a, y r a er .*..., x ..a±S.s,�,,: e_, �Y„. -.a ,,;,:.,. ...., .� •'r�_.._. � -,,•e-.. ...,. �„r x,. ,..n,e .,, F-.v .. ._. _....,. e ... "a. s.. ^n.-.f. .s4. + �tiL -a4 .."'.,... �.t �: �, _ ,, ..C... 't_., , .,x W, ,_ _ .�. .� �' � ca,n,� ... �. � _ . n ,.,Y ^, . �_� ., �,_.��f r � •tea `,,, za,, q~:vy;,�i-....,x,'E;�M;{ :.,.,,�. �s: '$. ..... ... .......'+•g� m,_�..�Yl�., a.. a. ,r ...-.. 'c } ,..1,*1,.. s:.,.�, : '�rx.,a �t..�.:, a'�.,. t, [L.a,:: f,� c.�1 .; `„`.J. k r.._ x.., r ,�',,:d Y�-• J ,1p3� ,.t. i', .s_:a a, ,.v,3” r k&3rs1.. x -a �3 - r M Hie Edit Actions C?eCail larkUt Favorites N1p rme0onInform6tion , ����,� ��;` Psrirutirdormatioa - _ ; Pemih Nunn he • 07030329 M Adores'.. 10554 AF'R1t;(3T L`1- •�••,� \n ; _ k _ Stat C tate 1.i UWRTNO ( 1 esed � Yi7 / AC __ _ _ c.p. 3`5014 f , 3 AAV (3163 14A.00 54 �4< MesterNumber � (�. Naa ' q Unit 'Y a Project _ _ r a , Apply Date• �03,X9/2007 a�T? Operator �suerv` Owner Entity Information e` I'ern5it(ssvef]ate DdrhFf?OOI Operator kie saw — t __ Owner Flame I ANDY A AMY DRA Y+ E Certitrcate Issued' � 'Operator �y US6 Deteu(f _ ' t Certific:ateTwe � ; Address FW)me my, -. 4~w.c�'� f sti�rtlrt+t8 ttitl+n bef ' f tytState zip �Y i '. , 1 c nradot '' Defined Fields efm t oo e� zonng A(Tlioe ` S t - Purposejspecial C-nn�itions �............+..+-� PennrtLietctils �.EVYSI01-M(,"JING C£II,I!!C, BEAU CB 2, 'ADDITION OF CC+NC Pr3rmit7y;�e "vt-RE p, a, _ FC++JTIl4C, UPSI$ING Y FILIN1t BEAM (CF-1) ALL STRUCTURAL. :x .. _ .._....-.__ $WG1 t FAt+:iL'DWELUNG REMODEL Yt Y CMAN;ES-ORIGINAL PERMI. gr)6,-)Fn263-NO NEW PERMIT }S9QeCiQS3` DL'1IL�REh#_ of SENT FILE TO HFCROFILPt �dELi`(Nt1TYziE6WOOD REM y AppliedValue' _ 0 ' soumtE FT. `t CalculatedValue 3 4 � I ALT.RF S!DENTIAL g PetmitForm AUTOPEf M-PERr,4-' •-� , Q a ( Ownership 1' f rr atF t - fAdd Do,avh Tpx , PrGladSize f77 5 W 3 % y F<nt .tl is# a any slat c=�r itt[at ;or:thlsO,rriity iY � qlY . A F ? w i I � A I., etiriotic;DllIS1QCt ; ' ""—CUPERTINQ,'� 2- 7777 /( .", j��t`i�f {y� �j �ry♦� ��y}jj �}�)+ {y�j }y ; �yv.~ia ,a"slya�. trt' ttieu. t�WfIEA'S FiAkt& - • " SA ANL�X. & AC�IY DR'` � IMNtfCt' NITARY Ct)tRFOt4. ARCf1ITEGTlE`lGtt,SE1t7sum"PER'w REQ bLw uAct >tatwtu kl s ; 11C>:u'i.iR)COMRAC'I Cirl D CYARAI NPN JobCSCII QIl ? c9 I baeby wxu slut I on fcs.tncd wntitr p/osis(ans Oft a$01 t vkbUC4wim>�ratw�s�o.�of as. t+ihof��a+ataca� aad.yuc lw R I.SiION-MOVING C INti 'B A ' CB-, X1I)t� r!`IQN'0 is Frit rare„and ow _ ti u ata_. 'tk.o C 1`�C 14 'tNt3, tfP$IZTNG CE1 NC REAM (CB-4) ALL i; h AAtN"1sfCT3l S`�'�2UC' 1IFtA�t H. iGES C1k CG'TN ►L `P�AkT #1 C}6t��30263-140 r t c 1 a±dtrsund mr ons t2t�?be wed IFS p+b4c fc G+d1 YYCC a s OWNER•8}�'4.DER pfClARA77(1fI'` - �€ �' ( ki€ ` ' t berth?atTira 45M i ins uea+pt from the cowra"Oes t.kcwn taw for IN , e� topusLos erasoa(Sexirx 70y 13 a winos;O1 PsWcsaieas Ca k-Any Oy a' wbo&mq*a a psttit to Ooaitfue%slier,kvFV4t,01-*-V.'at Xf�'+441 MAKturt - f '+ y4e ' na iw issuanct aw rcQexts the AMICW fa web P"4 w We a Signed auax�eat �-"'"^""' $�UatlOn �-� < du lt:iti caaNpuwaaswtMpovi-AD"do1et.merk—',Lkcasc A%,(C"N-9 .`�'t.�OOr�1rP3 � s �sS•f e,+���: g (caztnsra6t4wubSasson7t140)o(t?nSitio)oftAe5aaiaw;8dpeufeas£ar4Co3eyor $0 e z ., situ ht to sumps datx'om and tta bUTA t«ate&1Wd turrui*Any.iota"d 'Ru -- ¢ * 3ccdca Y07I S by k"Y(pLtcsra Car a peach aabjcas drt ni�g§c+x w a r3vU pCntly er I`IUIrit?xupancyy� i y. 4.F rat aaec mtw five lssittd d4tLvi(f 9003. .t 16 3 0 1.4 8`R a is ac their auk ar*pmnwli y QLuo~ddaproperty.«mrsmP%ram wasq ik yi wiadothewwa wdthe uuctw-aisaxkaeadeddtttf rcdiwtNk(Sx T84i.8asiaret RCquired Inspections a + t, and Pro(r_s,,w C:O&71st Coal cuts Umm law do=nog apply a an Oam a "�� � "� trot'cnYxboh�lttuirsptv�sthr+ao4tndwUadeeasvcA+raklklLnosscrsicrihtasS]t�i 4 0,01%eet ploytes d shoo saNi iaptgvcwrtus aft wal3akAdN1 GY atD;sed(Ot&V&It € �,, kortva.ae bvi3ditts or iralaa^+erH,at Lt ia10 wiirin Ont ytu,d atrw-kusa tie owes• Lt ' bonder WM lam it t kurdcn d pfotiks t6u k aid a X bink v rnl rM f r Par"0 � ©I.u swam of the prspvtr,am-Jwvaty ecavaCtios wi b ISCesaad captraC%M on cuutnxa the Piojecr(Sec.7044.bet;-veli sed 1 rotas ata Code:)lata Ci srttctara i3 r ,r Cense Las docs mot app7Y to An owner a prvpaiy who twaMs 4t itrptvau tbtrcal ani', t a " W hO M-Arca(OA suck Nui—wLW a coin acua(a)Messed Passant tD 111T COarwWev Lk Q1cT.«iwppitinder:c[S� i gg7CERS COMPENSAFFM WIARATtON * l Umby adiLoCa(JJwi 4cr per+sicy of parjtxy nos of t�.doLbwiai daiaraci�nl;. - a t * s ' c+i:vt:;l a f srufitare Of c.Oaie+r rO reit-irttee ior'.; Caaprr• . asl^AS pavV'.de t(Or by Season 37W Of the Laba Cade,kr tt t frtiannanCe d toe psi wane far wbeh chis permit Is ipt+Ed. Q I bare and witi caiacain Moat's Cowpta"tiuv 1 SJrtfaY,u tegd+n!by SIct" ° S; 3 QQ o(d�t tahor Cade far Lha perfurmance O dse wcvk tar which"pccwh is I owi # ` my W"w%Commwactt 1..1w w oct Curies and POLICY rv.,tbrt are: : Apt` fio.: e ,M Cartier__ .�� rcY CUTIFICA-M OF EXEMPfiON fRtN S W OR)ER3 ` Mt s i i.'il COMPf1NSATSON U1SkIRANCF C I Or ICSS) ,a�t.� f(>>v seeucv:aced ntt bo caaptued U trt perms is to ax buattw tb®ars(S IO(dl - w"y owt in Qx P"(01--umo of ft work(Or which this permit is issued.I"I VA r i^ trt pky LaAA is any rnasaxr so u b Lscome ps9iCt!m tA=A'oriwi Cas pc.xaaiwi '< ` 11ws Of C140ME f.a r m irts Sit CrrtiRcm @f Eacmpdota ran stsa:ki. . � rt .` �`- ' K: 1 bacons suti t to the w s COmpeaaatian P of M Labor Cob.you man ( F' Z fe Lh ith Como,wieh such protis or tins puoait shall be Owned mv0e.'. CONsnucnew LtNm%0 AOENcy a tions?ati'trm thu ten Is a cona(tctim SCUNAS agency for the pafwmavx Of ` .r G.�' he rock for winch this Pcimit is isstKd tSee.7lYI J.Ch.C.) e s sip LCWes Nun= zn I?4w read this aprtiCation and Stats LMt.�.:above itttxmatirxr Is. neck 1 asrcr w.toz Cwnply with as cvy tad cony ori#.anccs and sate Sawa rfauaS to bwtMt.!g curs :' and km bytari autrd rtptcscautivcs tlhis tcitY w encu upon W. oO €f t ¢ y shat-Cw.Ai u"cxvptrty for L%fcct>O+pO rases. _ is kmaify as ked htuatICU ft City of('rp.n+w a ung a 1 Nlit'.td,JwdSxC0U,c'-U Aad to6vase whom"In any ray w avc wgak K said C7Y/ t In Lac"-Y(,wtOt Ot itis graatias O(4tiUa I'< : R APFTttANT Uivro£¢STANNDS'"AND WILL COMPLY W1T1('ALL tiON•fOWf Iss4Cd by: Date tfLAT"..-'�.-'.-a^.z•�."""�.' �""'7"""' " `,' Re-rQ* , Stgn.tato(Apra (arVaCt4r tYea y a4' ` t ��� 7.AROOUSMATERIALSDtktOSURE Yl fpc Q4 Rt gspilc&at ar Iavra",*q onwptnt stOro m haOdit OarsN,Ovs aaaxLt s . wa dcn'4 ICY tla Cuprttira waskipai Cork.c6pacr 9.12 irA t e F(WA and SaktY .��' cam,sGaioryssi;c.)± All root's shAlfbi inspected prior to any r6 frog materiel beim installed. > < (3yisIf.a too f is installed wttb�ut lust obtaining nn in- Crion,'l agree to remove I :• Wdl tk atvfikactt or faun Wowing 4 cyivnt au�ipOeOl tx metiers which y C s I tai,larardwas air Cwtanttesns Na dcfmcd Ioy 6Y Ana Asr,t'?"Y Mmaiaaatt SI�neW tTiatCCialS (? It13pCct'lon, 'AV District? ;• Qras " "I �� l lux red the t±arstdws mata+laLs K har;.nli tmd€�ChsPmr A93 ottte Ciktrx�; - ;Y tJatietltA&SaLay[di SnvtiOru3i.13573aeW.'$fll.liwScnsndthte �eknr - ,z tku,` rar;tvrly ABvt a Senors. mY M%Afi .. YAswhickLrtasttt aa€siyyaruxaldP�tGcm= I Sig11�Aturts 0,-A"00 Want ~; l clte�': h Amork 4r7'7. Lli rotil coverings IQ bt Gass r'B'r Lir utter owatr rr awbor r m pal IgA "" • = ATION, c Niailln AddressLL if dilie�rent rOrt►b tttdin address):"_ ( 'x� m Buf'ditt Address: Sfl az X10 i °1' Owner's Natttt'� , t = s ay yIy` ' Contractor. 6RW yb ST1F 6 q M' Contac ; p Phofle: Cupertiori Business License#: i►rtC,lygt� a qui v\ Fax: tp��, . z '_1 �1NE� G tt (w�i �7►tv1 { 'Au:ldirg Perniikli�fn: !S"Lc�1U GE'( (�!'r''1y'M �t G�""�� C•lf'i�c„» Sti a I31d Elect ❑ Plumb C7 Mech El Jots Description ( tlt IrG'h) tt f� Commercial ❑ z Residential_` - S4.Ft.'Floor Area: Sq.Ft.: PoW*tF (!;E 31 .k'4 •.5'f"M'4'/b'LI Occupancy Group, f rosv� f Project: - -` _ Please checkthis box'if the project is a Type of Construction: f�m amN� tl`�>� second-star addition: a -- a ❑ t 1_roject Sipe: Standard Major[Lar e ❑ -`- Fee dJroupT ° - Fee Descriptio Fee uantity ID ----- MECHANICAL _--"— _ Other Appliances BAPPLOTHER PP - ; BBOILER1 L2oiler<= I00000 Btu MECHANICAL — _ Bailer 1OOK to 500K Btu MECHANICAL BBOILEl22 _ ___ = x ,. 500K to IM Btu MECIIANICAX, BBOILESR Boiler . _ �; ` , - }3BCILER4 Boiler%_1M to l.75 M Btu MECHANICAL -- _ MECHANICAL ri #rr > Boiler 1.75M Btu _ =a, BBFt�TERS _ = Car►struction Tax BULLRING iBCONSTAX _ BCONST_AX IndlO_ff1C_amn��uasi - BUILDING 'A - BC01�1STAX80- Cony"1`ax for'BQ Zone BUILDING_ 3 I,C`ONSTA?�IIHotel and Motel $l1ILDING BCONSTAXR Constax-Resi/Mobile BUILDLNG ELECTRWAC ^ f k` 'k IELI✓CI000 ^ 'Etec G00V <= 1000A _ FLEC1 WCAL x_ _ Flee b00V>1000A BFLEf.'1001 _ - __ ELECTRICAL `W r B I.I✓t"200^ Elec Svcs 600'V 200A ' ` ' ' " '., BENEIZGY Eftergy BUI bINv �F Bpi MKt GJYADU' Etter Add Multi BUILL11N0 m ' ° /# • I TNVESTIGA Investigationfee 'k t 0-f 3 9 I' OTS Df PWIN V � .i�1cANO #1.7. s uantl k~ :Fe `l►escri "tion ' e+�roiu . BMISCEL 14iisacllanec !s Fee3 DINT k 4x, BUILLiNusin iit.BMTIFee,nr . G BNUCOIyIME New Conitn Electtie . ELECTR CAL Mec BN1COMTyIMI _ IvIECIIANICAL Netiy Cotrim hanical BNiUC4IvIMF New C6111m PlW►ib PLUMETNG BpVERTIMP, s eetorlt) brtiine; - BttILDI1VG ' BPBA `KFIaC1W Atnios heric Vacuuiii PLtt1VIBlN+�i BPCLSSPOOL Cesspool PIUtviBING _ BUILDING 4x BPER'•.4'IFRE BId Permit Fees PLUrMBING F I3PFI3�TURE Ph1 Fixture � BPGAS Gas Piping System Fee _ PLUMBING b y BP'IWr-PCEP Ind Waste Interceptor PLUMBING BPLANCHK Plan Check Fee BUILDING BP KADD Plan Check Add Multi BUILDING BPLANCICREP _ Plan Check Repeat.Fee BVILOING � RPREPIPE R. Isle Of Fixtures PLUMBING --- -- BPSEWAGE Sewage Disposal" PLIJMBING BPSEWER Sewers PLUMBING BPSPRINK Lawn S rinkler/Backtlo PLUMBING TNG a' -_ BPSTORM Storm/Rain'Water: PLUMBING BPTRAP _Kitchen Trap_ PLUMBING x, BPVENT Alt of Drain&Vent PLUMBING BPWATER Install/Alter Water I'i e _ PLUMBING BPWHEATER M Water Heater/Vent PLUMBING - BPWSVCS Main Water Service PLUMBING - _ �---- BREINSPECT Reins ectp ion Fee BiJII DING BREMIACOVER A/C Unit> 10,000 cfm MECHANICAL F,REMiAIRHAN A/C Units<= 10,000 r.frn _ MECHANICAL' BREMAPPLI Appliance Install MECHANICAL BRErViBUSWAY Remodel Buswa s _ _ ELECTRICAL x -- -- BREMFIXT Lij�ttY ng Fixtures ELECTRICAL . BREMI'URN Relocation of Furnace MECHANICAL ` BREMFURNOV Relo Furnace>40K btu MECHANICAL - BREMIIEAT — Heater Installation MECHANICAL _ .__ BRENiINHOOb - Installation of trIoad iYIECHANICAI, BREMMISCApparatus _ ELECTRICAL t` �3REMNRAPP--- Rem Nott-ltes'ApplianceT ELECTRICAL. -- ELECTRICAL' BREMPOLE _ Pole/Plaffarm Fixture _ _ } BREMPt)WER Power Device/Apparatus ELFCTI2ICAL _ M BRIEMRECEPT` Rc t1,Sh.& Outiets . EI ECTIUCAL - �BIZEIViRELd_CA Relocatiowof Hood Il4ECI IAlu1CAL ` BRENIRRPAt;T Re air/Alter Hearin MIE('HAltiIICAL 17IREMRESAPP Remodel Res APPlaance EI:ECTRICAL k Pp I W01 { akr4x3'-3' LsP 11. I. 5.; ka, p _ " Y r R, t �tt �P SIN " x_ -EMSfta AD Itn t ELECT IU]Pee C AI `ua►tty I Si dd BrMIch . i � BIEMSICiNS Remodel SignsviacieeEt:ETRIGAL Y BREMTN Theatrical Li tin `Fix ELLCTR CAL s PH REMYENFAIV `Fentat�Sin ieuCt MEHANt "ALMYENSYSventilation Sstems MhOHAIYCALScb Specific PlanBf3TLDIN_S_FISNtICC)M_ Seismic Commercial Bt1ILItINC: yBSEISMICRE ' Seismic Fee Res BiILDNG "? _ BSPICIAL Special'In' esp ctlon Bt3iLI�II�tt� � BS Swimmin Pool _ BtJILD1TIG ss WIM — . BT Temporary Power' EL, 4'TRICAI, BTEMPPERM Tem orary Bldg Permit BUILDING _BU Tem' Dist S "cs ELECTRICAL BTEMPSVCS p BUSLiC Business License, _� UILAXNG ELE(:Ti7IC Electrir-al s foot EIECTRICAL EPEI4MITFEE Elec Permit Issuance ELECTRICAL PE FEE Mechanical sq foot MECHANICAL * t. PPF.RMITFEE PIu4ibing Permit IssuMPERMITFEE Mech Permit Issuance MECHANICALe _..__-. ~ PPLBG Plumbing Fee sq foot PLUMBING -- PLL0NGRNGC PlanningLR Commel Multi-Fain PLANNING Long Range Residential PLANNING PLLONGRNGIr I'l�nn►n I, _ � � " _.--------' y BUILDING k.. 7ADDCHG Address Change 3' Y. r * w - y f $ y a syM t k . 4 $e. " e 33 ,} k r7 t T g t 3of3 r A } X A CITY OF dopuRTIWD - 1TEM 'x OF PERMIT RECBTPT OpBRATOR: SeO: Twp Rng Sud: Blk Dot , „, ,�, APN 3163Q�.48.00 -, , , � t ry DATA` I$SUED. . . . . : . 03/29/2007 { ' RECEIPT`#: . . BS00000f181i " r a k REHSRENCB TDA#. . . .': 07030329 SITE ADDRESS 10554 APRICOT CT . . . . SUBDIVISION `, f CITY CUPERTINO IMPACT AREA 'OWNER ANDY & AMY.DRAKE ADDRESS . . . . . . . . . . CITY/STATE/ZIP < °r, .v RECEIVED FROM : RECEIPT INTERFACE • TBD - TO BE DETERMINED LTC # 00096 CONTRACTORS . . . ° COMPANY TBD - TO BE DETERMINED' 1. . . .. _ . . . . . ADDRESS' . . . . . . . z CITY/STATE/7•IP TELEPHONE • • - p FEE ID UNIT QUANTITY AMOUNT PD-TQ-DT THIS REC NEW DAL ----------- -- - ------ BPLANCKP.EP HOURS 3.00 262.42 0,00 261.42 0.00 �- '�---------- ---- -- ------ 5 TOTAL PERMIT 261.42 0.00 261.42 0:`QO METHOD OF PAYMENT APaOUNT REFERtNCE NUMBER --------- ----------- # 261 .42 VISA-DRAKE s+ CREDIT CARD s. TOTAL RECEIPT 261.012 l' VOICE ID DESCRIPTION VOICE ID DESCRIPTION � -- - ---- ----------- --------- ------ --- -------- -- - , 1 ' — -- -- -------- : 101 FOUNDATION 102 PIERS' xfi,, 104 REBAR 103 LIFER , 205 ANCHOR BOLTS 106 SEWER & WATER x, 203 UNDERFLOOR MECHANICAL ` 202 ' 'UNDERFLOOR PhtTMBiNG :: u 204 UNDERF ,OOR FRAME 205 tINDERFI,OOR"TNSUI,ATTON f 302 .' ROUGH PLUMBING 302 TUB & OR SHOWER 303 ROUC#H MECHANICAL 304 , ROUGH ,ELEC'TRICAL 306 HOLDOWNS � 305 FOIE 3A') SHEEfiI2 INSULAI'IQN: 30$ 0CK : a s a VERTINO 13 CIT �n } VILD i ly;t2MtTt`'PTA C`11 � COM, 9[EITS NTAC;r FEl7SC)N I `Alr FAX NO; � DAM R0zk AyMRES: k '... ._.......,.... q � ,.r h" RO,IE -DESC, ! OWNER 0ERMIT No: � s f. 'rhe departmetuts/agencies checked below have reviewed your pl:�tts. Attached are copies of the comments. pleasemrieNv and piake'the required changes. Resubmiaies of`the plallss '1't) THE BUlLt3ING D ,pT with writ ten I s to the commeirits from all deitmaIts attached to � each set of plans. Incomiete submittals will not be'acce ted. ` '. Note:' All departments who previously reviewed the plans will meed to re-check them regardless of prior approval: All re-sebmittais deed to be submitted to the Building Departitent. Plans submitted directly to other.departments(bypassing building)will not be valid. µ Y It0V1 D1APPROVED BY: BUILDING(,fob, office} NO r APP k O;l PLANNING w � ' PUBLIC WORKS 4. FIRE DEPARTMFNT ^" h dd SANrrARY DISTRlCr xIEAlf�rl 1 nfljA1��IMEN�r' w HOOD. s r1SSESSOR Note; Iititial`pl n"check fee iu'c�riiles l`�p flt�`click ar►tl Z re- itccks. Additional' re-snbinittals ni: ��be stili ect`:l0 xc(clititilial fees. 'i x Note; I'erttl(f aPpli4at on9 t:t a valid f��t:G.'tttor�ii (rattt'ilte ilate;pf nitilfilcntioa: `Aftr;i'G,trita'nths thee' p tli ati tt e l Ires aitil ttO ce �� it be retlitit�e�l: u c r s GUPGRTII p�.IrIRSfi REVIEW Aprils, X007 Cuertmi� ppi=IVtf`t7`03b�2s BfNA' ect 33201-b405 Sue VltinsiQv� ' City of Cupertino==t3uiiding Qi�ision ` X. �I. � E Ccmmunit}i'Davetophnent Dept ' £ , � 1t)300 Torre Avenue Cupertino,CA 074 Email: suewQcupertin0$org' ` Re: Plan Review: Drake SFD(Structural Revision ) Address 10554 Apricot Court < '. Dear Ms.Winslow: k x; Inc. (E3VNA) has completed a first review of the following y Bureau`Veritas `North America, x , documents on behalf of the City of Cupertino: a ` y of sheets S-1 and Plans: one ('1) approved set of plans forreference only. One {1)copy � t < .. S-2,dated March 27,2007,by MS Engineering.. t } k ry Structural Calculations: One (1)'copy dated March 19, 2007 by Mahmoud Sanatkhani, t � k PE. ', t 3, Other. One(1)copy of letter dated March 19,2007, ' 4 �Y f yy The structural provisions of the 2001 California`Building Codes (i.e., 19l�7 uniform Building Cade G4 as amended by the State of Ca!ifomia) were used as the basis of our review. Our comments z ' _. follow on the attached fist. ' Please note, on the following page, that we are instructing the applicant to submit an � h' Itemized response letter and com late and revised documents` with all revisions clouded, F 3 to the City of�Cupertino. = a Y Sincerely, BUREAU VERITAS NORTH AMERICA,INC. „. 4 :x Curtis S, Hume, S.E. Structural Engineer Structural Pian Review.Manager 4. CS p:ACupertino 007 Cupertino\\X207 0 45052.i�4=rpGl.doc(bin`0 ) cs .. . w 'Enclosures Ernal:klersa cu ert/no.ar cc: lCinrsa Witt"City pf cope rdno p 0 6poot 4 F Retde ;1or+9k� # ��11irVIV RiaJe1s►13tbr, 3dQ0+t1.. 1Q5M A*$*ow S i t _ z GENERAL, E S* A The..l"il�owln0 pian review documents,are based on the pity of Cupertinq.Building � k 45, Ell Regulatlans 't�e 20 1, Cod Coded {i .,, 1g7UEG; 2U00 UiNG; 2000 m UPC; and X002 N. C pis arinertded by the State of Ca�ifamiaj was used as the basis"offt s u our"review. t ; 2r B. Please:respond lr writing to each comment by creating a response letter. ln'dicate ,. `: which' detail, specification,. or caiculatian shows the requested information, Your % r complete grid clear responses"will expedite the re-check'and hopefully, approval,of this #E project. Blease submit plans with all revisions clouded directly to,the Clty of Cupertino, y I i= C. Please be sure to include on tho resubmittal the arch ct`s and/or engineer's"wet"stamp, t signature,registration number and expiration sate on all sheets of plans and cover sheets of specifications and calculations. C13006.3.2 a - k , NOTE: The following code comments reflect a review of building plans only. if site- i related comments are applicable to'thls project, they Will be generated by others (e.g., < 'a City Engineering,_Public Works, Health, etc:). a STRUCTURAL COMMENTS: x 1, Please respond to the following comments for sheet S-2: A. Provide strap from right end of 4x6 beam to wall top plate(also clarify if this 4x6 R is a ceiling beam or roof beam- in any case provide a collector at this wall line that extends up to and over ridge to shearwall between living room and garage}. B. Specify size of beam shown between end of shearwail between living room and garage and CB-1. 2. Please amend calculation for CB-1 to Include point load from header noted at comment #18 above, 3. At caiclilation for CB-2 plea io clarify how P1 load is determined and provide calculations x. checleing right end of,beam as it appears that end of beam will have to be tapered to match slope of roof at this location, fIf ydij have�any questions regarding the above comments,please contact Curtis Hume for " structural cbmMants at (826)408-1400. ;¢ [END) E �■1■ . ) Ni/) txy, 4Fz f t Q i r iT a y w z �r n, "ri r ss+ et x # arc. C'ci�nsultt�tg tix�ctural.Gli roc in S r ccs C p l 71-6it)r*i , �11}> -STI-IiS1 s .. 2"t�SS'..tl4S'C00A119.801 E260 94Om *! a rsT I)AT r �1/rrrrh 10, 2007 ' r �S'U13./ C'�: KIYAL/APPI-ICA ON �` I655A iV ;' " ,r s �� POJGTDDRk' .,: _' Cbl cope-ttno, Ca UWNk'R_ 41r. &Mrs. Drake a4� �rriRr sr ftrr*rrrrrrlocam ■wool"news•r#rrrr•i1Irreill err-�lr�r�rrr r/ -. L Y' } Th tetter verifies the application of c�istingtncu stud y With or�ti r4htrtrt 17IYNNo d where it is show otl`the approved plans is adcctuate and meets nue design spcxriicatrons k Y,A 4 Pictise cell ►ttc if you have anyquestrons. w zs rto. 48545 Exp,Q6/3o/ x ' # T � )��H1Vl!(?l1 �SNATKHANI,P �'Ntt S iE ,i S 'tigince ' g* Associtrlev, In a ,r �Y E r } y S i r Yl -Ak s T; t 3 { �. 1 it EI it ,i Se .�/ + t , ` J C nsulligt; tructu� 1` n91 ee"ng rrrt s 6 PAVE ,Vtj1fE.`?60.I � ?/SCJ inirlrrr�rriirk'"u`irt�rrr'i,t cjrirr rfel (:A",9'1008 �rSSl�t�Fc��� 63 C g, a. ,r 2 ax -VATE : 04-0 9-07 FItC ;1 � '' !1)UKB.r';: "f ?5 4U-0t-ANEY-W, IPRt�►-t CUPE TtNO-CA DRAKE RESIDENCEOWNER ARCHITF,'CT.• MOM ARMITECTS :PLAN C111-14CK ff.- -33207-045052-00 RESPONSE, is . TRtIC 7`t�RAt. PLAN CHECK�"O�t°IMEs�'TS* As listed below, a. Beam is located at tate ceiling 1eve1. Strap i�provided as"regtrestett, �. 1 _ bt t)dite, Please see updated plaits el T '©oii e. Please see added calculations. 6 ptiat load is eliminated. C13-2 right end is ()k lir insl�cctioN► caltc1�. Alec see added'calculations. -�_ss,0 Dane. �' �'�1)O SA,}���`q`� �3 [ Please calf out'mice it' you lia�c n��y gtirst:ons. No.48545 ? Reg ' Is, $ OF CAt.1F� _. ,; — Mai motid Sanmlkhani, PY �. ; € i , , Sozkesen ; l x . PAGE t'OF t { a Nil g,t� PLAN REVIEW OR I tURip _ ti.� a+,'�'S T "h�ut�-#.c►sdod beam(�IC}1 C41�fornt�R411��n�Godes(Qit IP'. )J:Vbt' ►-01; Ptojec# --,OWE, Locstton.(C5=1 j 3. X 11.25 NSI., t. Summs�r .1ius.foist 3.510 11.2 l5 IN is 14,7`8 i t J 0 FarBtiarlt `. _.. , SectionAdqua_te, 51.696' Contr�ilin Fa Section r haloment of 1neKkie l D ttt R Oaf t:79 tt1 ---7.r..----�--�—a. .0 iNOr G + ( y .._... � " T �:.-�-...=-a--'�'i+9�-s. A h A a S G t Y aS Gent@t Span R a 5 �"P •....��� 1 ?y} 7ots2�l� ` o A 1495 Lb 1184 Ll. 2869 Lb (?Lb 8 1847 L h 12411b 2888 Lb 0 L b { d Uniform Loading a t,oade1tYY� si�i ; W 192 Pit 144 Pit 9 Pit 345 Pit Point Loading P1 210 Lb 105 Lb 11 Ft K 100 Lb 50 Lb 11 Ft T � c [ S ,�, _. via ✓ 4 - ^4 F dpi 9. .,µj ,ry lr VIC M M1 Sf 3'Q x lz � a . . zi- ho v- aA FMA W 4 € Y 1 Cal(ArR1I1 Bul(dinO 0,06 MuBt-Loaded 'rru r tt A at73 +?►i,ti4�t12ti0 ;till lkt N),AIN i3y teU4 Loon (C1) r 1 i ' -` Summary;. i° 3.Ei IN it 1i 2 IN+x"1 75 fl, "F?afatiatrt i Ttu omit rit'Irtart�a 00 41h t�tc�rt�f ►i J'i is"icy M �= Ado(4773 if h t 5 (, t ontrtg7ng Factor d" tae0tim l sl y ¢ Center,,S Pan Deflect on Dl tepyr�= ::t8 i t lt41 � # a� wea14 tqi' T " Load, l j that' �./"'If+T ! irlMl+` tlytE} _�'i ��'� I triat t Osrd' � � �" 4$5 � ��E��"� x Span'Left End Reactions p Ltve'Load: DL-Racn-A� -1164 ' Dead Load: x t^ i Otdi Loan. ` - ' � a pat check - BL A= .S,Q1N Bea�ina Length Required(Beard brily.supfs4 P , 3 t^,8fiter Span Right E`nd Reactions.(Support 13i. t L-Rxn-B� 1647 ,yh d t Ltve Load: DL-ttxn-t3� Z4t tt� . Utead Load, Tta- Xr►& 2888 L k BeaTotad�LoL Required(B am only,support capaoitY not checked}: at.-S= .10 ng _ gtn � $µ yBeam[data: L1= i4:f5 F i ' Center spall Lei optll. Lug-Top` 14.75 FT y f, Center Spart_Vr,bracod Length-Top of fieam: Lu2-Bottom= 14.75 FT t Center Span Unbreoed Length-Bottom Of Beam: Cd= 1.25 Live Load Duration factor, ` U 360 x ` U 240 ' L7vn Laad i.�tiect C►�ta[ra: Total Load Defied.Criteria' { Center Span Loading: ' Uniform Load: wL•2= f�2 F�LF Live 1_08d: wD_2= 144 PLF . Dead Load: SSW= 9 PLF .y Beam Saif Weight, WT-2= 345 PLF 3 Total Load: 210 LB ' Point Load 1 PL1-2= ' PD1-2=' 105 113 # Live Load: Dead Load: Xz_1: 11_U F i LOCaiwtr(i`fOnr iett fend Ol SO)") Point Load 2 PL2.2 ._ 100 LB 50 LB ` Live Load: PD2-2= ; s .: Dead Load: T �,(j(rd41i)n tl'ian�lesit 1.'117.(tlt span). Fb= 2900 PSI Propertieri For.2.0E Parallam-Trus.foist f3endinq Stress: Fy 200 P$1 Shear Stress: E= 2000000 ': PSI PSI Modulus of Elasticity: Fa pErpd 750 rc Stress Perpendicular to Grain: Adjusted Properties Fb'= 3131 PSI x Fb'(Tension): ' Adjustment Factors:'Cd=1.25 CI=0.8t3 CF-1.01 Fv= 363 PSI 1 ZL4k F vtijustment Factors:Gd-1.25 > Design Requirements: 10262 F1--LB ` ` >.k Controllina Moment: 7.07 Ft from left support of span 2(Center Span) Critical ncoment created by combining all dead loads and live loads on span(s)2 _ 2583 LB Controlling Shear. rj At a distance d from right support of span 2(Center Span) t (;1rtic i sheaf cleatw uv colribloiny all dead loads and Irve Wads urt span(e)1 39,33' IN3 Comparisons With Required 8ectians Sreq= 73.83 IN3 ; a Section Modulus(Moment): S r ltl.fii8. it3't ^+ Af2tt" t: tUea(Siruar). A= 39.3it IN2 al ireq= 274:11 Moment of inertia(Deflection): !_ .415.28 '194 t < d A �$ NO AAft ar ' `` � rF� ■i� ]k TA A rt �rf i€ 4 IVt+�1t'rl:t ada i 1301*4 200 Calit(YAi4 t3uilr�in �od�{Of� }�iter �01 1f} Byfe SOtkese#► iot�at�s x prYs t)fRA L ati+�n (Cp.2} f 1.Se SSL Sutr►ntiary x 3.6 N X1:878 iii Xs13 OT'/2 oi~ParaNam=tiros.!Dist �- '' Section Adequate By 151.29b' CoMrollI Factor:Moment of Inertia/ m R�tlUireti it In k �. LOADIN k Center Span = i3,S It a �b. h _ .5Lb D L T to U t' ',� , ° -} -� A 11 34 811 Lb 2045 Lb Lb4» 4 1134 LbOi' Lb 2046 Lb4 Lb 3 x s , fiQr St�ttn `A' x Uniforro Looding fi � x Lbffllog Q Load self_ Yilei9 talo I L2ad W 160 Pit 124 Pit O pit 303 Pit N y° r � #x Ys Y, r r w , . r a p ii f}} gn }t}, c v � « ty i ` Mini-Loaded 8831rh( ,Ga(tfomiatJilding.Dod f�D$} 7,031 1.0 thy„r^t�i.sv2ktxst�tF hA�>rrl$j�r}r3e�tlt'tyb }Uaf?c+r�tt¢s� Frotepk LUSratlpn ,(C - )3 5, ii,$ ' � .S�rmmzl ,. u' R a - 5 fit ii$75 IN�c3T w1 f Ppraltarn 7`rus`,Ioiut it t ee tWt AdW4o0l8ixsti9t�y1(ittl$I-e lti t t3 2a+ Lt [��t$ o t'� 6AO IN Center goon Deflections DLD=Centel, 0.t3 IIV Ui28i M tx Dtaltd.Load j,Cf-C,etlter � ; LiyyVt#Load i t Uw- .einte �;` Center Span Left End RBBGtl+'r1S(5upp �) , ,t1134 t B > #* ` x { Liv@ Load.:. Di:Rxt-A= B11 Ct3 De"Load: yi �*� -g .G t3L-A= -0.78 IN. 2 0 b y 1, I vadl Load. , ... < eearinp t.enStth Re9uired(Beam onh►,suppdrt capacity fiat checked}: Center Span Right End:Reacctions(Support�}: LL 4;txh-R� 1134 L$ g We Load,, UL-ii+tt113= fit. i } Ua ad Load. = TOW Load: c3 a not checked} Tl. 0 8° N " Bearing Length Required(Beam onf)►�support 03pac ` Bearn Data: Lam- 1 d. I ► r✓r3tit St)ait j_enjAtl►: L:u2-Tap= 1 0 FT Center Span Unbraced Length-Top of Beam: [,u2-Dottom= 1.3.5 FT , ry "` Center Span Unbraced Length-bottom at beam: 1.25 1 Live Coad Duration Factor U :ilio �. UVO Load Uelieci C:tltt3tlil. U 244 Total Load Dolled.Criteria: < Center Span Loading: b Urtiforttt Load' wL��= 168 FLi- 126 PLF L,va Load: wD 2= 9 PLF Dead Load: BSW= Beam SW Weight: wT-2= 343 PLF Total Load: �rJpeities For:2.41r Paralisrn-',rus Joist = 2944 PSI Bending Stress: Fv= 294 P51 " Shear Stress: E= 2040000 P31 Modulus of Elasticity: 750 Psi - Stress Perpendicular to Crain: Fc�perp_ ; Adjusted Properties Fb'= 3358 PSI Fb'(Tension): ` Adjustment Factors:Cd=1.25 C1-0.93 CF=1,00 Fv'= 383 PSI �r b � FV: i%d'lustment factors: Cd=i.2:5 ` Design Requirements: M- 6943 FT-LB w M r'bb ControtlinO(Moment: 13,75 fit from IpR support of span 2(Centor$Pafl) ted by combining all dead 10a V=live on span(s)2v^ 1759 LB Critical moment crew j Controlling Shear. At a distance d from fight support of span 2(Center Span) i;uUt ai siie3ar t+edteiti i V cdtlibttling all deed loads atilt iiVa loads vis apart(�j 1 Comparisons With Required Sections: Sreq= 24.87 IN3 Sectioh Modulus(Moment): g= 82.26 IN3 + s Aiati� /.i'8 IN1 (Sheaf): A= 41.56 IN2 Ifeq= 67.71 IN4 Moment of inertia(Deflection): I= 468.41 iN4 PLAN g P 4P t ) 1 �ltj tA fit+, x �I( i ash € - . - s 3' c3 r V: ApnE 17, QOMCUt ORTINO.4 E1NAL REVf!E Cupertino,Appf, fro 0�'0M2 i3VNA Project X10 3 A45i352.t ' �A. Jk � So Winslow $ $ �City of Cupertind-Bulidlrtg`Division Corriimunityr Development Departrr of Y 10300 Torre Avenue" Cupertino,GA"95074 Email: suewcupertino.org` Pian Review, Drake SED(Structural Revlslons) Address: 10554 Apricot`Court Dear Ms.Winslow: ` £ Bureau Veritas North America, Inc. (BVNA) has completed a final review of �ths following s documents"on behalf of-the City of Cupertino: I ,'.KLzG r 4 r 1. Plans: One(1) approved set of plans for reference only. One (1) copy of sheets 5-1 and Y a S-2 last dated March 27, 2007,by MS Engineering. s 2. Structural Calculations: One (1) copy(4 pages) dated April"9, 2007 (attached to plan check response letter)by Mahmoud Sanatkhani, PE. 3. Other: One (1) Copy`of letter dated March '19,"2007, by MS Engineering & Associates, Inc. r ' Building Code(i.e., 1997 Unifo The structural provisions- the ?_001 California rm Building Cade w y as amended by the State of California) were used as the basis of our review. Please note that - ' t h our review has been completed and we have no further corvtments. ,We have enclosed the`abova noted documents bearing our review stamps for your use--We are f also retuttming the approved set of drawings. Please call if you have any questions or if we can be of further assistance. AV Sincerely _ .. J;!"ai Nt v " xk BUREAU VERITAS R AMERICA,INC. is S, Humeo ; tructural Engineer > Structural Plan Review Manager " f, � 1Cuperu Q07 G 'rtrno1 2o o450 b1r10 8) } w csh P Pg ' t k # rY# u �ranCtOSUf@S. Ilifroll Vcf1 as.1larth Ant�f�ta�Iit�. +'rt fi �t�cn`,g' 4aidRI rzr`,U