TR-2016-20b �]EY'AIZ'�'11R�1V'I'OF COM[1Vg�J1V�'�'X I���7�]LOlP1V�E1�1'g' J�� CITY HALL 10300 TORRE AVENUE 0 CUPERTINO,CA 95014-3255 ��������� (408)777-3308 � FAX(408)777-3333 �plaruiin�Ccu�ertino.or� May 25,2016 _ � David Grant 10463 Heney Creek Place Cupertino, CA 95014 SUBJECT: TREE REMOVAL PERNIIT ACTIOIV LET'TER—A��Iln���n��'ICIl�����.�-�� This letter confirms the decision of the Director of Community Development, given on 1VIay 25, 2016 approving a Tree Removal Permit to allow the removal ancl replacement of a hazardous Coast Live Oak tree located in the yard of a single family residence, at 10463 Heney Creek Place. �g���ll������� trl�e �n�a�n��fIla���l�ae ��e����e�n�� a �fl���e��� �1�� ���n�e�e� �lu���� ���lle��ng�u�������L �l�e �ga��truu�� ��ns� �fl�� n�g�lk �� ng l��n�a� e��g����nn�e� ���a �fr�u�n��n� �lL�n�g fl�nIlll�� ��° c��ag����anse� ���u� n��n��n���fly ��.���e�� ��.��°�ta� ���°a��Iln� tr�ee� �����n���� �rn�lLa g��n�unk '�'11�����1����0 '�']fa� �m������ �e�ll�����a�tr�ll��a n.���a��n��e�atr wn��u gIl��l[D�������� ']C������fln�a��uee sa���tr�n���p�lln���n�ns�°e�Il��n�a��lf�� $]C�� �][� �g��� �Il1lS� ��� Il��llfl'�1���° �� �lC�� %'��Dfl�C�lIl1[1�Il'll$� ]l� ��ll'A�II���]L'll� �PTII$Il� �� �%'S�]qCA�glt��. 'd']�n� �n��ln�n� n� lCil����S����'s�lflll$�������lC�Il1b�iT�Il�S�Il'Il1[Il1g flIlB�����'6��ICfl��1�N7]($I�Il����fl�]Lb 1L�o�L�e�l�� QA� Q��. The application is approved with the following conditions: 1. APPROVED PROTECT The approval is based on an arborist report, prepared by Don Mclntyre (#WE-7183A), consisting of two pages, and tree removal and replacement site plan, consisting of one page, except as may be amended by conditions in this resolution. 2. TREE REPLACEMEIVT The required replacement trees are two 36-inch.box Acer macrophyllum (Big Leaf 1Vlaple) trees, as per the replacement plan. The applicant shall provide the I�epartment of Community I�evelopment adequate documentation, including but not limited to photographs, receipts, or invoices to verify that the replacement tree have been planted witivn 30 days of replanting/removal. 3. PROTECTED TREES T�e applicant understands that replacement trees are protected trees and may not be removed without a Tree Removal Permit and that they shall be responsible for ensuring the proper maintenance and care of the trees. The applicant shall also disclose the location and species of all replacements trees on site upon sale of the property. 4. 1VOTICE OF FEES DEDICATIONS,IZESERVATIONS OR OTHER EXACTIOlVS The conditions of Project Approval set forth herein may include certain fees, dedication requirements, reservation requirements, and other exactions. Pursuant to Government Code Section 66020(d) (1), these Conditions constitute written notice of a statement of the amount of such fees, and a description of the dedications, reservations, and other exactions. You are hereby notified that the 90-day approval period in which you may protest these fees, dedications, reservations, and other exaction, pursuant to Government Code Section 66020(a), has begun. If you fail to file a protest within this 90-day period complying with all of the requirements of Section 66020, you will be legally barred from later challenging such exactions. Sincerely. �.L ����� . , , Donovan Lazro Cupertino Planning Department (408) 777-3214 - donovanl@cupertino.org 3 g`,; �� d _ �''GE��i�it'�;�`���'�ib�t= 40 �'o'�m1�'� "`�//v � ,� � ir + ���c> �!�'r���F�C��.��%.ei k .S��4��� �ui.�{s'..�f3�'y�� �ik��3t.��.%�✓6 E 6A��'�.:3 Y 0��� CA;ontnactor 879506 ���� f��=_-�� ��zm �����:�'��d� __,_G���� �..;c�.�`�-� e�E�s"fe:P�"���-..�.� April 22, �016 Dave and Nadine Grant 1�463 Heney C,reek Pl�.ce Cuper�inQ, Califc�rnia 95014-0828 650.965:8734 � ����:r�������������r��_.���� Dear Dave and Nadine;, Thank you for the opportunity to provide recomrriendations cancei�n�ng the appropriate replacernent trees �fter removal of th� four Li�re O�k (quercus �grificali�} trees. A�tex careful consi�lerati�n, foll�win,g is my report:. ,�:RI�t�G�9��` I�EF����" A1tl�oug;h th� recommendations in th'is �eport are based an sound and accepted arboriculturai pract���s:, �he a+�tho� canri:ot be held respansibl� for the f�nal outcome of the recommendatioris or any.lia'b�lifiie� associated vvith th�s pro�ee�'. Tree insp;ectic�ns do ri�t c�iver alf internal cavities, condi�Cio.�:af t}ie root.system ar nan-��sibfe structural d'efects or diseas�. P1�ase cons�d'er my c�bservations as r�.r�ted;beLov�i: �����i��Q, ��-���p Qi►e�cus ra�ri�ali�- Caast Liv� aak trees, The subject trees were found �c� be infected wi�h the armillaria rr�ell:ea fu.ng,us and vu.ere permitted fQ,r removal by�he City of Cu'p.e rfii n o, ������6�� ����� �;u�� ��� �������� �.��g;�a��i��' �u-��; This tree pr�sents a danger to the residerice d:�ae.to rts Iean tciwarci the ,res�derice, Also, the presence of armillaria rnellea fungus. ne:arby sug.g esfis that thi-s specimen rnay aiso be i'nfectec( and therefQr� at a higher risk of failure, ���a�rrav�a��a�����aa��: �n vievv of�he r'islc of physica(failure coupf�d with risk�f fungal infectic�n 3ead.ing tn failure, it i� t�ny recomrnendatio.n that t�te remaining 'Coast Live �ak �Q�a:ercus: agrifolia} also :be removed, Due to the e-rvas'ive nature of t��e arrnillar.ia mellea fun�us and its extens�ve presence`in your � yard, it is unlii<ely t,h.at �vet� remaval of tl�e lo�al:soil �o a depth of five to si� f.eet v+�ould remediat'e the risk;to any introduced �replacement} Qak trees (re�ardless of'speci�5}. Additz�:nally, the cost of �uch a plart is very hig�i compared to �ts 1ow p;robability of succes�. ► � flave and t�ladine Grant _ Artic�rist Report April'22,201:fi #'age 2 of 2. Therefare; I recommend re;piacing th� rerrioved trees with Big Leaf I�ap'le {Ac�r macrophyllurri) trees, �. �pecies found on the City of Cupertir�o's apprvved li`st ofi trees. 1n r�rder to assure optimum 'I�ealth.and space for �he �re�s at maturi�tY, l recomrnend limiti;r�g tl�e re�lacements to t�o (2� Big Leaf �laple {Acer rnacrophyllum) trees c�nly; i�you have any questions or require any additic�nal ir�formation, pl;ease do not {�esstate to can'tact me. You rnay �ontact me rsr� rny cell phone at 9Z.S-2'60-6740. or by e;mail at d�cintyreC�arbor�orksir�c,,cQrn, Regarcl's, .�'������.�$ Don A. lVlclntyre Certified Arlaorist �E=7183A ` __ _ . __ _ . ____ __ � ! - � � � �� ,. ; _ �� ,��.�.�..�.�,.-�����,� . c ,. . . '� �.—�- .�— � n p � P . . . : b :��„� � .,;' ._�i�.:. �,s��� =F'..a "u .o �j[y � /H ��,..� � �'"� r/'� /Y .. _�......... �._ --..."' _.._�_.. �,.�,,.�,.,��..�w .,. ____ - _ �;�� .e�.�P.._ .......,1��_ e'^:g �� .,„.a�,,.3` ..,�. '.:.'� , . -.- .-:.-..-_.-_.� a ,��b°a'r� ' � .�,,.. .�_� ._.. .,.+_' qpa. _ ' _�._ .. ' ��c��.���'� . .� � -� � � � �� � :� � � � � °� . �� � , � .-_ ; . , f � � �� � �� � � �,� � h���,�� �: �� .---- . �... ����� � ��-��� �- � � ..����.c� i � �� � � � �.``.'� ` ����°�1 � � � � � �� �� �i ' �` � ` � `� ��,��.�� �� � ��� � �� � � �, � � � � ��� � - � y�� ��t,� �"�� �- � �=��q���.��.:�„ � �'����1 �� � �. �� � �, ���.�,��=-�_:,��. _ ���....�,,.�.b �V :� Ire�. 2e��cwev�e��' �t�e� �c,e� �r���c� � �I vw, C13i y�eufM��1�; '� ���`' k-�ox � �