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/��� � _ ... . � — – �:�__ _ _ _ __ -- - � � - __ � NO.��� STREET �'"' LOT NO. � � .��`" '�'��'"����T-1�� �� �' � � — � ; ��,; � � �'�-�,N � � FO� �id6LDG�9G PER�A6 '' � ��y�.� .�,�� ���:��'"�, �I'I�'saF CUPERTINO � ��, � Date � zF '�i�, «•� ��, �,, ; � � > . .� =` � f't , � �����. ' E � �q �pplication is hereb �`�` � Pertnit No. �" a ��` y � y made for ermit t t�) �- � � � __— �� � r, _ > ����rY��'���� �' _ �,�� - ' b � at ,� � � `� � Building ���_ �, 6 � to be occupied only as \ � in accordance with Plans, S eci � ` � r p fications a lot-Plan file herewith. �stimated Value of Improvements,,� � �� � �� It is l�ereby agreed that the requirements of the Fee,� -�—.e � a11 other laws app1icable to the construction ,.� Cupertino will be complied with. Cupertino Buildin� and Zonin � ^, � , location, and use of buildin�s a,�hOrdhe Cityapa � �yvner d r' -; `° - �y � � y � ��'/J � � , Addres p , r j_ c��l ti r �" � : �/ � /R / _\ t�,.' »ls..L.%� 1 ,� l � 1 �� S`ti2'(1/(/> � � '--'�'`zk �y ....:�" .�� _ ^CONTRACTOR, AGENT ; � ( ' AddreS ,�- Phone�y`�� � , ` , � . ,.� ,, � , r ` _ Al'pro � -- -�--- _ BUILDING INSP 'r � � • ' RD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS ' ' .RECO � / I INSPECTOR FOUNDATION E � � I INSPECTOR FRAME DATH � I "�i ��1�nd��������TER INSPECTOR ——J.[11 Ii a DATB r'�, �✓ I � I pECTOR �� FINAL BLDG. DnTa �� � �j� ^ ���—I INSP OR FINAL ELEC. % �--ra ,� . :,..,, ..,. .. „� .,; � I y INSPEC , R ,,'� ' FINAL PLBG• Dnrs .- � I � INSPECTOR FINAL GAS DATg r� ����� I _ - �«. � � ����. � � �, T�y� ST�E2, i+1� �"` r c�..., :I a�� ;- LOT NO. �� ����P���t'�'A=� r�,� FO� �� " , � � { v�e��v� �, � � �::_:� f � ��� � ��;�1 ''� ��;;T� OF CUPERTINO �ERMIT Date � ��c � � �j 's�.� q d� ��-^ , 195_ a � e� ,;��, ���y j;'� �i-'� v a���� � Permi k No. �� �� � _.?�: i .. -1 •_ �r ��a j r lj _,�� . � Application is hereby r,nade to the Ci Fee ,� ��� I'lpes and/or fi�ures Iisted ry °f�upertino for a � and�°r fixtures in accordance wi he the erse side permit to install 1 Cupertino hereof, and ag p �bing , and all provisions of the P1u rees to install said prices � other laws app1icable thereto. mbing Code of the Ci v ry of � Use of Ptemises � ���-( i � � v � � � Owner d p �\ ��0.,��.� �By �:1 i.���� � Address � � .� � �.1���� r � (� �U� a CON�p��GENT Address - C� �a Phone -,C; , �v��f ��3 r - Al'pro�e a � - --—�, �`— y PLUMBING INSPEC OR ---—� � d. T �' o � �� � � �, �� x� �id � ��� � ��� �� � � �� � � � � �C .b ,--� b � 9 C a �I.°� 0 5• �I Q. v, � '� �s `° � � °.�� G n'� '� � w � ►rJl� I 7r v� . I � 7 � K � O � � � � � � � .7 �� (!� '� C/)�(7O � � W (/�� N� � O n '�yi �VO �. � � n � �n r� A� v�+ d Cf� C� � � ry � `� '�I � � (D .f9i C'�1 ^� `�� r „ � � � � V � K. 7'r � � �n N � N t� � � 0 o G a, N �' C/� � � �' � ;; �s N '3 � � `° ° rt `�� � a _ -- .•� � y N �' w --_ �, � � � �� � __�,_--- c z T �' -- �' �q z � `__ � — � � C � � � � -----�____ � � _ ` � � O ---- ` � O O �' r�" � d - --- o o p Q d p O G `� � _ _ ____Q —� __ — � � ����- .. � _-__- I ,,.� ,� '� �' I Z' o ° o I p+ � --= riy ��.�, � '�G'I O O ,�.� CD U%� rt C�7 b n ^ r�+ "C "d y/C � � ' t� cv '.D � �/ [D � n k. 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Date Connected ----------- -- f3 -- --------- - ---- � l -------------------- _ " _ ' 1 .... ' ' "" ^ "� . ----------�SPECTOR ,] I �ate Final ------------------ - -- -- " bSSIN� IN � � PI.0 _, i ,.,._ ;:: _ , ��.� i`�t; I :� � � . ✓'l s�i7 r'�k%' - N0.. ' ,. TREET � LOT NO. ������ � ' ..: � �r''a��""o`?�: .. .. '�-���. ----.=�� _ , � �� A�PL����'I�n1 �� �-ELE�T�ICAL PER�A11' � �- -,� "��rt�A CITY� : �,�����d ;, ;:. � �F�CUPERTINO �� ���� } �� Date ���°'�� ✓� ' � �,, ,� (�� °� ��s,-� �-,� �� 19�'� Permit No. :� - F€..�� � � �a�'���`� I-ee $ /'T� '%� 4;.�� Application is hereby made to the�City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical � � � wiring and�or �ixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said �';`� b wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code �� City of Cupertino, and alI other laws applicable thereto. of the � � Use of Premi ;j��_,;;' � V J%� ` � Owner, J/�.;i.,,���=„' '�C;' -�`,�'��e>� Address � ,� �,-� . - � � �����, f °'� , .�. �- ,� �� y ` +..� �d �f✓ c h . . . . � t _ ,: __ Address �� � �.'� ��,-J �F{;� .:�'� �, ' C��1�T'I'RACTOR, AGENT i J ,�'��° e. �' � ��f `-.,�' Approve�,, ` ,��f.:°�,..�-F,6 � ��. / � �LELT�qI�L iNSPE(,Z'pg �_ � NEW RPL FEES � � / '�• t! Size Seri✓i�e Co:duit__.1.- `�--�--�---F--�Number of Outlets�----------------- --------- -----'-.-�-'"-`-�'.�- � - /.�_ .--------�_!_�_.� Size Service Wires__._.._____�-------Number of Switches________________ _ : ,� . f c''� Number of, Receptacles............ ..... "' '""""____ _4"__""""_ - -- Size Service Switch_.-••••-••------------- ,. ;, . _.� ��- ----•----- --� Size Sub Feed Conduit__________________Number of Fixtures._:__------------- --- � --------- ---------� . j-------- KW-------------- ---------- - ;�� Size Sub Eeed Wires_.__..-----•------ _Ranges__.___.. ' �. _.1-------- �w.----------..� ---------- ---------- -------------- --� ----•--- Oven � �� Number of Circvits_._____ .. �y � -� - - ---- ---------- -------------- ---- Numb,ex of Meters_:,...--�--•---�-------Signs____.__.__ Transformers_. ___. _ � .,'� ,'� :_,,r=,- � r���i��"'tio��- --------I---------- --�-�--_---.. S,C.r_Nr'sLf�(r@�"Dryers------�------------------------------- -- Misc��:.Sr_=!�---�-------�� Phase-------------------- Permit Fee $1.00 Motors-------------------- HP-------------------- Phase-------------------- • HP-------------------- ---- Motors-------------------- Phase-------------------- H P Charge----------;-----I------;f- � Motors-------------------- HP-------------------- / �� � ;', TOTAL FEES ` CO INSPECTION APPROVALS , Fixtures ---------------------- ---------------------------- . �� ._.___. INSPECTOR p " """"""" DATE a INSPECTOR �'"R���• Rnugh Winn ---- . , D TE � •-----"'-'-""'-- Motors ---"-'- ------------- --------- - • j�� •�. ""' ATE' Finish W�� n ---- -------------------•- ---- ;���'E INSPECTOR 1/���✓T / "I" """"' C/���s Final -------------•- '_ ' �` INSPECTOR i ��i DATE 1. ' --�"""� , _ ��� � _ F � � �..�r Crl. '.a � �__ _ .. . ....._�. � , � � . f ._. . _. � i�}�6 �;R'��`t`�T1�'�T,�1b y .'^ n. � �. . � �..� �) � � �>' LOT NO. �y �a �t � ��a�l �����6 � � � �C,�� ��= ='. ���y 4��H FQR �s,4S p " ' � -, CI�"'y'�pp CUpERTINO ERMIT Date ��'`:_ � r +� � � F� ���'�t.�� �,�'��k"��,-� ' � n }�1;�5 � — Petmit No. � Application is hereb Fee,� �.—� � and Y rnade to the City of Cu /or gas�pp1iances as listed on the reverse side her and/or a 1i pertino for;a permit to install pp 'ances in accordance with the eof> and gas pipes � of Cupertino, and all other laws a agrees to install said v pplicablethereto.ns of the Plumbing Code of thepC y � Use of Premises r � y ��r � �. � � � � Owner!C � P ��� �� i ��C�-1�S /� �Y � _ �--- — Addtess`'f" � � � ��,S �� f � ��Z ��� Phone �'',� �oNrRncroR Address ,1 , �' , AGENT �� ��Q �� � � � � A ` ( r _ pp oved .. � _ PLUMBING INS EP CTO$ 1 (� cn� [� � � �p1 o nf� �'w�� .� � ry� (/�. �" rr n n W i/i .1 C I r��"'C= k�� � `r � W W � b t•' `�' z n� p "Q C. � 4. � � `� ^ ?* v`�-x��� O� ;'i� �I� Z � „`�� � C' ,,� a-'� � � o a�o o,. `r� ° y � � 9 . re I.�' � � � w I � �o �-rf � � O tT� v x �' ~� ��t� � • fD n '� U �w � � H � �. n ~ � ��' �r j � p,l?� O `�+i w � �d ��i+ f^4 ?i^ � N '�^ � � N �-f � P1 � � �I� Q •'S (E �/ � tA N � � -v � � �' 9 N ----- � ^ " o � 'b _---- � G� -° � � y � --------�� . 9 e — " °y —— v' p., _-———— �-r� � � '�' b _--�— N � ':�i� � +n ,�,j —�'�� L� �.. ,.��.�� M� (/1 ;ri '• ���-_���-I — fp . .` . � � �. �.��-� ___ � � � a�� : �..;.� .„ �� � — -- —��-� � �, � --� � �N ? c -x . •�� � ����'-'� F,� -�� �� �" �"�.�-3�. �",.,�r� �, � � fn9 (D b � M ���-- ��� E 1 n _-- ...i � ' � � _----" Iw o �° '"r . � •� � .k��,' - � � ��k���[4tSJ� �����p�vg�l$�� I - f i ��k�' L@ ��I 4 ��e�' ��� I I I . . 1 c�� '`'�� � � �'�:� �' , ' %`�``��n' � - � ;v�� � � �, ��s?RaEr`a - __ r � ___1 � ��������;.�,� � �'�� b:� to1'i�ro, "' •�� 3� 7 r', �� ��� � U� 4�a . � . ��. � � ���s� �I� oF��Pl./q��� � Date ��� .; CUPERTINO � � �� .t:, ��a ���� �� ���3.,-����.d 3 � 196--i A - � `�`� �����a'� j'ermit IVo. ����'' Pplication is hereb � gas�ppl�ances as liste y made to Fee,� � �� --� appliances ' d o the C� of 'n accorda ° the reverse sidery of�uperrino for y Cupertino, and °Ce with the hereof, and a permit to ' ' � of pre . all other laws a Plo able the eto.e Plumb ng�o�eal�l said Stall �se '� �, mises ---�-�,� " f the City L i —�� � �IICf � _ -�-�_.✓ �Y � � c�'� �'' r��,�Tr(If(i 'll�,��'<}'�y 1�;-' ��'`_� 't�;�hoYi�`����,�� ������e;?'��C, �aNr� �ddress – " ___--� � a� ��•�,na� �� � `�dd�'ess � — �PProved� � � �.-- -i-s �y �1 G� �'w � � � .e � � o ., � � � � . �� �'��- � �,1 � �n G� �e � Q � ,��� �'�o � ,,.� '�, � �„ w w G- o � 'TS r: °' w �'i� �, /� "t� '�. `,'� G' ' :+ W 9 � > � ►n o-�`' '"� � o v�o �- � � � � � ►`°o a � � � � o- � � N � o. � x w c� ,.� � � , � o- ro ro C ^ �•'� N `�^ " N ^ � n (D V� N 67 K � w �R� �/ ��� Ga � N -���! � . 'C —�- _J�_ N �O �� �t7 � � C ���—� �— ` � � ���� � H a. ,��— � _� O —� _—-- � _�— �, o . _:�— ` Q � � :�� ____--- �� ' r' l!—� �. �-- �� �r _— � � .��� �� �� N l9 �-�- �` " �� � ti x �. �-- R-� N : �� � l'�l'� n A ' . 1 �: �: I _� I -------_`-_._ j ', � ___ �:., ° i a -' ��������� l � _ , � - �F COIlAPLE�`1 � � � BUILDI1vG INSPECTOR'S OFFICB I � CITy OF CLIpERTINO� � Date ' � --- ��_-- : ,- 9 � .,��- -------- , 1 �'� Building Permit No _ �- � The Bullding Located at I __... =`W� �- : � , _...__ jOwned bY - - � �.-�;. ,;�'�,;: -;,�.--�`� „�a �� ��,� ��. _�..��.�'� --- � ,�' K - --- .-�. � _ � , '�.. - 4 Y~ '� � .�ity�e���'�i'✓x a > r- ... ___'� ,- � . ' ..- ...fs'F:. adyy-.s' '� . . (Com leted � � -"��`r Has Been. P --------------------------------- I � �'"'For Use As: ----- � � � � � (Altered) _ ,r` � _.. yY, _,,,.�=- I -' �- � = ------- ------------------ I --------------- <'� ,, ------------------ � --------------------------------------------------- .::, , ------==------------------------ �I --------------------------------------•-•--•--- ------------------------------------------- ----------------------- I ----------------------------- --------------------------•--------- I -------------------------------------- ----.... ----•- f ------------------ ---------------------------------- I -------------------- ---------- , ,.� --------------------•. I , �,;�_ : �. ,� _"""' >' • y �"'� �� L a".".+0 J ^N_ � � 102 7/G3-500 ' -��� �` `'� , �BLTILDING I ---------- --------• _._•_----- NSPECTOR