15120063 PW COMMENTSReview Type: Public Works Reviewer Name: ALEX WYKOFF Submission: 4 Request Date: 03/08/16 @ 1:49 pm Start Date: 03/09/16 @ 9:24 am End Date: 03/09/16 @ 9:47 am • Open Issues (2) • New Issues (1) • Resolved Issues (0) The following issue was created by this submission: Issue: 3 Document: No Document Entered Code: No Code Selected Reference: No Reference Entered 92AVS 1) TRASH ENCLOSURE: Interior usable space within the trash enclosure as proposed is insufficient for all current tenants and current waste bins on the property. All existing and future waste bins, including tallow (cooking oil/grease) containers for this property, must be contained within the enclosure at all times. Enclosure must not only provide for sufficient space for all waste containers, but also include a minimum of 36" between containers for loading materials. It is recommended that the waste bin configuration be evaluated to determine if smaller containers can be consolidated and/or waste collection service levels be increased to provide for less containers needed. Please note- 6 and 8 yard waste bins do not have wheels and may not be an option for use within the enclosure. Additionally, 64 gallon carts are the largest size that may be used for organic waste collection due to weight overloading. For questions about waste collection service, please contact Recology at 408-725-4020, 2) WASTE TRIO: Location not included on the plans. Applicant must include location demonstrating sufficient walkway clearance pursuant to the Building Code on the plans. Applicant must provide a spec sheet for review and approval for the trio. 3) STORM DRAIN INLETS: Confirmation letter received and approved. 4) FOOD WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN: Confirmation letter received and approved. Above comments were provided to Sy Tsai on 3-9-16 at 0915 via telephone. For questions concerning the above, please contact Alex Wykoff at 408.777-3255 or alexw@cupertino.org