B-2016-1434 FRAMING CERT LETTER®iaf Its/ February 9, 2016 RE: Project/Job # 9506471 Project Address: AHJ SC Office Design Criteria: CERTIFICATION LETTER Thompson Residence 22248 Hammond Way Cupertino, CA 95014 Cupertino .Foster City Applicable Codes = 2013 CBC, ASCE 7-10, and 2012 NDS Risk Category = II Wind Speed = 110 mph, Exposure Category C Ground/Roof Snow Load = 0 psf MPS: Roof DL = 15 psf, Roof LL = 18 psf MP2: Roof DL = 15 psf, Roof LL = 18 psf Per Section 1613.1, W-(PV)/ W-(exist roof) = 4.4%, Increase Seismic Shear Load < 10%, -> [OK] To Whom It May Concern, Version #53.6 - TBD Digitally signed by Henry Zhu Date: 2016,02.09 22:53:16-08'00' Ajobsite survey of the existing framing system of the address indicated above was performed by a site survey team from SolarCity. Structural evaluation was based on site observations and the design criteria listed above. Based on this evaluationI certify that the existing structure directly supporting the PV system is adequate to withstand all loading indicated in the design criteria above based on the requirements of the applicable existing building and/or new building provisions adopted/referenced above. Additionally, I certify that the PV module assembly Including all standoffs supporting it have been reviewed to be in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications and to meet and/or exceed all requirements set forth by the ASCE 7 standards for loading. The PV assembly hardware specifications are contained in the plans submitted for approval. Additionally a summary of the structural review is provided in the results summary tables on the following page. RECEIVED ED 3055 Clearview Way San Mateo, CA 94402 T (650) 638-1028 (888) SOL-CITY r (650) 638-1029 colareity.com n._H x'M3,;I r.._Rlz'E 14,G,,I .a,41 ! 1lncW 0111C a n..oc1!•S+ 10148a. OCT:' i ILHGu>8f ]'. Go' l 1,1I34m" "t. OR 1:11 1 t_1e. L.._l.14_. lk'I[I'M :usOt P w3 v;111 41e,dt,k" *..�...I SEISMIC CONSIDERATIONS Seismic Design Criteria(per USGS SeismicDesignCode ASCE 7-10 Latitude 37.3311 Longitude -122.0823 SRA at Short Period Ss 2.548 USGS SRA at is Period Sl 1.298 USGS Soil Site Class D IBC 1613.5.2 Seismic Design Category SDC E USGS Seismic Check Required (Ss>_ - IBC 1613.1 0.4 & SDC ? D .Yes ALTERATION LATERAL DESIGN 10% EXCEPTION CHECK Weight of Proposed PV System Area Dead ad Lo Weight PV System Weight - Total Weight of PV System W(PV) 551 sf 3 sf 1,6 :2 lbs 1,652 lbs Weight of Roof on Existing Building Sum Area of MPs with PV 1343 sf 'Portion of Roof Weight - Area Dead Load - Weight. Roof Ceiling Interior Walls (Top Half) Exterior Walls CTop Half 1,343 sf 15.0 psf 20,150 lbs - 1343:sf 6.5 psf 8,732 lbs 586 sf 5.0 psf 2,932 lbs 586 sf 85 psf 4,985 lbs Net Weight of Roof Under PV Wtext:tl 36,799 lbs Check% Increase of Roof Weight /'Seismic Shear Load % Increase of DCR of Lateral W Wexmt) (PV)� ( _ 4.5% u IBC Sect. 3404.4 Force Resisting stem Increase Seismic Shear Load < 10 /o > OK , ( ] Note: Seismic base shear is directly proportional to roof weight. CALCULATION OF DESIGN WIND LOADS - MP1 Mounting Plane Information Roofing Material Flat Tile Roof PV System Type _ SoldrClty'.SleekMount'"' Spanning Vents No Standoff Attachment Hardware Mighty Hook HOG FT - Roof Slope 270 Rafter Spacing -. 24"OTC, Framing Type / Direction Y-Y Rafters Purlin Spacing X-X Purlins Only - NA Tile Reveal Tile Roofs Only 13" Tile Attachment System Tile Roofs Only SM Span -, ,Standing Seam/TrapSeam/Trap Spacing SM Seam Only NA Wind Design Criteria Wind Design Code ASCE 7-10 Wind Design Method Partially/Fully Enclosed Method Basic Wind Speed V 110 mph Fig. 26.5-1A Exposure Category C Section 26.7 Roof Style Gable Roof Fig. 30.42A/B/C-5A/B Mean Roof Height h. 15 ft. - Section 26.2. Wind Pressure Calculation Coefficients Wind Pressure Exposure Kz 0.85 Table 30.3-1 Topographic Factor - Kn 1.00 Section.26.8 Wind Directionality Factor Ka 0.85 Section 26.6-1 importance Factor - I NA Velocity Pressure qh qh = 0.00256 (Kz) (Kzt) (Kd) (VA2) Equation 30.3-1 22.4 psf Wind Pressure. Ext. Pressure Coefficient U GC u -0.88 Fig. 30.4-2A/B/C-5A/B Ext. Pressure Coefficient Down GC pow 0.45 'Fig. 30.4-2A/13/C-5A/13 Design Wind Pressure p P = gh (GC) Equation 30.4-1 Wind Pressure Up p „ -19.6 psf Wind Pressure Down down 16.0 psf ALLOWABLE STANDOFF SPACINGS X-Direction - Y-Direction Max Allowable Standoff Spacing Landscape 72" 52" Max Allowable Cantilever Landscape 24" 24" Standoff Configuration Landscape Not -Staggered Max Standoff Tributary Area. _ Trib 26 sf PV Assembly Dead toad W-PV 3.0 psf Net Wind Uplift at Standoff T-actual -263 Ibs Uplift Capacity of Standoff T-allow 500 Ibs Standoff Demand/Capacity DCR 52.7% X-Direction. Y-Direction Max Allowable Standoff Spacing Portrait 48" 52" Max Allowable Cantilever Portrait 20" 24" Standoff Configuration Portrait Not -Staggered Max Standoff Tributary. Area Trib 17 sf PV Assembly Dead Load. _ W-PV 3.0 psf Net Wind Uplift at Standoff T-actual -176 Ibs. Uplift Capacity of Standoff T-allow 500 Ibs Standoff Demand Ca aci OCR 35.16/o CALCULATION OF DESIGN WIND LOADS - MP2 Mounting Plane Information Roofing Material Flat Tile Roof PV System Type SolarCity SleekMountT`" Spanning Vents No Standoff Attachment Hardware Mighty Hook HDG FT Roof Slope 270 Rafter Spacing 24" O.C. Framing Type Direction Y-Y Rafters Purlin.Spacing X-X Purlins Only NA Tile Reveal Tile Roofs Only 13" Tile Attachment System Tile Roofs Only SM Span ,Standing Seam/TrapSeam/Trap Spacing SM Seam Only NA Wind Design Criteria Wind Design Code ASCE 7-10 Wind Design Method Partially/Fully Enclosed Method Basic Wind Speed V 110 mph Fig. 26.5-1A Exposure Category C Section 26.7 Roof Style Gable Roof FIg. 30.4-2A/B/C-SA/B Mean Roof Height h 15 ft Section 26.2 Wind Pressure Calculation Coefficients Wind Pressure Exposure K� 0.85 Table 30.3-1 Topographic Factor Krt 1.00 Section 26.8 Wind Directionality Factor Kd _ 0.85 Section 26.6-1 Im ortance Factor I - NA Velocity Pressure qh qh = 0.00256 (Kz) (Kzt) (Kd) (VA2) Equation 30.3-1 22.4 psf Wind Pressure Ext. Pressure Coefficient U GC -0.88 Fig. 30.4-2A/B/C-5A/B Ext. Pressure Coefficient ( Down GC Down 0.45 Fig. 30.42A/B/C-5A/B Design Wind Pressure p p = qh (GC) Equation 30.4-1 Wind Pressure U p " 19.6 psf Wind Pressure Down. dow" 16.0 psf ALLOWABLE STANDOFF SPACINGS X-Direction Y-Direction Max Allowable Standoff Spacing Landscape 48" 52" Max Allowable Cantilever Landscape 24" - 24" Standoff Configuration Landscape Not -Staggered Max Standoff Tributary Area Trib 17 sf PV Assembly Dead Load W-PV 3.0 psf Net Wind. Uplift at Standoff T-actual -176 Ibs - Uplift Capacity of Standoff T-allow 500 Ibs Standoff Demand Ca aci DCP 35.1% X-Direction, Y-:Direction Max Allowable Standoff Spacing Portrait 48" 52" Max Allowable Cantilever Portrait 20" 24" Standoff Configuration Portrait Not -Staggered Max Standoff Tributary Area Trib 17 sf PV Assembly Dead Load W-PV 3.0 psf Net Wind Uplift at Standoff T-actual -176 Ibs Uplift. Capacity of Standoff T-allow 500 Ibs Standoff Demand/Capacity DCR 35.1%