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B-2016-1321 Plans and Specs
INTRODUCTION Thank you for choosingRE-C pbotovo Itaic panels. REC TwinPeak Bola r panels are ideal for deliveringiong-lasting and reliable }avwer output. lhe;panel have been created through Well gast deslgn:and are manufacturedto the highest quality and environmental standards. M. tco;rrectinstailation and maintenaoce, REC 7wWt eak,paoels will provide clean, renewable energyfor many years. Please readthis entire.wanual carefully. Jt contains �critical.informatton on safety, as well as deta_lled.instructions forinstaltwtto'q ran and McW2nanceofthis,panet failure tofollawtheprocedures.containedwithin Will lnvalidate;thewarranty. Reviewalllnstnmt 1,aopdsafetytaotes before working onthe system. Failure to do so trays!ead to Injury or damage to property, HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL This installation manual.descrlbes the,procedures for mounting all REC TwlnPe.ak solar panels in a;photovoltaic array (certified aacc rdingto the UL 1703.standard), including REC Tw nReak panels with a black'backsh eet and/or a'black frame, from.hereon all referred to asREC TwlnPeakpanels, The drawings within refer to all frame, backsheet and cell color typed and are meant to be a generic representation of the instructlem detailed in the text regardless of the color depicted. The installed panel is only considered to'be-in compliance with UL 170.3, only when mounted in themannerspecified bythesemounting instnuctlonsbelow. Note thattanypanel without aframe (laminate) is not considered to complywiththereclOrernantsofUL1703 unless rnethanicai ly installed with hardware that has been tested and evaluated with the panel under this standard or by a fetid inspection certifying that the installed panel complies with the,,re.quirements of UL 1703. Review the entire manual before installingtheipanels and ensure you are working from the latestaersion. Throughout •the manual, you will seethe icons below which highlight important information or notes: Indicates potential for damage to the array or property or pavoonM saffety Iaodieaten irep®rtant au®tag ®n best practice to helpp with the installation or to av M d Potential damage to the panel%airay or property. For further Information on installation procedures, please call your distributor or contact your local REC Solar office. Detailsavailableatwww. recgroup.com. YOUR RESPONSIBILITY AS AN INSTALLER Installers are responsible for the safe and effective Installation and operation of the photovoltaic system and for adhering toall local and national standards and regulations. Prior to installation, check all applicable regulations and permits concerning solar systems and ercure all local directives are observed. Ensure the REC TwinPeak panels are in a suitable condition for us e and appropriate for the particular installation and emkonment Use only parts that convene to the specificattons set out in this manual Ensure a safe installation of all aspects of the electrical array Ali equilpaaent should be properly maintained) and Inspecteedl prior to use, SUPPORT Do not attempttoInstall when you are unsure ofthe procedure orsuitability For questions orguidancewith your installation, pisasecall your distributor or contact your REC sales office, which can be found at: www.recgrouP,com/en/contacts. LIABILITY DISCLAIMER REC SOLAR PTE. LTD. accepts no liability forthe usability and functionality of its photovoltaic panels if the instructions in thisguide are notfollowed. Since compliance with this guide and the conditions and methods of installation, operation, use and maintenance -of the panelsare not checked or monitored by REC SOLAR PTE. LTD., REC SOLAR PTE, LTD. accepts no Ilabilltyfor damage arisingfrom improper application of Incorrect installation, use, operation or ma intonance. This does not apply to damages due to a panel fault, In cases of loss of life, bodily Injury or damage to health or in the event of a grossly negligent breach of obligations on the part of REC SOLAR PTE. LTD. and/or in the event of an intentional org Gsslynegligent breach of obligations by a legal representative or vicarious agent. MECHANICAL INSTALLATION FIRE GUIDELINES R.E.CTwinPeakpanebshave,a,CtassC,Type2Fireolassvficatton,ThefirsratingofM!sparteIisanbyvalidwhenrnountediinti OaR©;erspeeifiedinthes mechanicai,mountinglnstructtans.:Uttlize the•follaWutg fire safety.guldelmes.wben installingRECTWInPeak panels: Check,Wtthlocal a,Ahorttles.farfire safety;guide0mand requirementsfor anyibutldingcrstructmeontoWhichthe;partais lbelostajied. The system design shouldrensure that-ittanbe, eaSllyaccessed}n:the event of a buitding fire.. Checkw(thlocal authorttiesforapplicable;regulations.noncelningsetbacks,orotherpiacementeestria#ionsthat.may p%y^ unroof•nounted arrays. The use•aflDC ground fadltInterruPters is recommended. This may also be -require d:bylacaI and;national cod es. All electrical appliances are afire risk. "Th e pa nelshould therefore be mounted over afire retardantroof:covering ratedfor the application and a suitable.dlstance.of4an000 mm) between the panel:and;the mounting surface,: allowing free circulation of alrbeneat 1h;epaanels, should be respected at all times. ORIENTATION To maximize system output, panels should be installed at the optimum orientation and tilt angle. The specifics ofthis depW on location and can be calculated by a qualified system designer. A lower angle of panel installation increases the requirement focregular cleaning The optimal mounting position of panels resu Its in the sun's rays fa [ling perpendicular (i.e. at 90°) to the surface. All;panels be string should, wherever possible, have the same:orierrtation and tilt to ensure the system does notunderperform due to mismatched outputs. AtThe pandb must+n®t be exposed to artlfn¢lallg ¢®n¢entratn� �a nl`agltt, ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS REC TWInPeak panels are designed to provide decades of durable and stable output. Ambient operating temperatures should be -between -40 and 185°F (-40.and +85"C). The panels are nottsuttablefor installation in potentially hazardous locations nor should they be installedIn the following locattor s: Near sources of flammable gases or vapors Near open flames. Underwater or In waterfeatures. o Where exposed to sulfur e.g. near sulfur springs or volcanoes. Where the panelsmaybe exposed to harmful chemicals. .Ensure panels are not exposed- to direct contact with salt waterfsprapy and avoid instrilMlon in areas subject to high Bait Mist contest e.g. rr�-, coastal arias. PANEL HANDLING To avoid damage to the solar cells and other components, all solar panels should be handled with care. All warnings and Instructions on the packaging should be observed. Follow these guidelines when unpacking, transporting or storing the panels: Record the serial numbers prior to installation and note the Information in the system documentation. Carry the panels using both hands and avoid using thejunction box as a grip. Do not allow the panels to sag or bow under their own weight when being carried. Do not subject the panelsto loads or stresses e.g., leaning or placing heavy objects on them. Do not stand on the panels or cause impact through dropping them. o Keep all electrical contacts clean and dry. Store panels in a dry and property ventilated room. Do not apply force to the backsheet. Avoid using sharp orpointed objects if panels require marking Never apply paints, adhesives or detergents to the back of the laminate. Do not use any solar panel that is damaged or been tampered with. Never attempt to dlsassemblethe panels. e;a If the panel front glass to broken or laminate back sheet is damaged, It can expose personnel to hazardous voltage& FGfTv,4�va4C✓.�n...amu..,n,.,.d.i , ,m� A) Lnngside mounting using clamps Mounfirlg utilizing clamps on the twalong sides of the panel have b een found to be in compl iance with•A 1:703 requiremaits for ;a:mazimum design load.of 75.21bs/ft2,(36:00 Pa) (fig. 8). ° Clampsmustbesecured;betweenadistance of8.2i:nto16,4.in(2-08mm- 416mm) from the corner ofthey anel(me ue3fi'rom'thenidpoin% to the clamp edge. • Tighteniggtnrque musUb.e tightened to 9-ftAbs (12 Nm). The distance betw, eon the and clamp,andthe end of the rail must be,minimum Yin (25:nuri). Fig.[B::Long s!.ro ,..,,, -+1— "Fig. 9: Short sidp mom, otl,,., vli) Short side mounting using clamps Moumting utilizing clamps on the two short sides of the panel have been found to be in compliance with 11L 1703 requirerneresfor a maximum design load of 33.4lbs/ft2 (1600 Pa) (fig, 9). Fix the panels so that the>lower short side of the frame is supported bythe mounting structure(to reduce risk of damages dueto sliding snow load). Clamps must be secured between a distance,of 4.9 and 9.8 inches j'125 - 250 mm) from the panel corner to the clamp a&� Tightening torquer must be tightened to 16ft-Ibs (21.7 Nm). The minimum distance between the end clamp and the end of the rail is 1 In ,(25 mm), Mechanical load must not exceed 33.4 lbs/ft•(1600 Pa). The overlap between support rail and -frame must be minimum of 114 in (6:mm). f On areas of snow b uilld-unp, panels can he subjected to forces fin excess of the stated liuuuit even when snow depth does fmt appear extreme, W causing damage to the framework. Of the instaOOation is Rally to be affected, further suitable paneO support Is ree"imndsd on the lower row of panels. �a Ensure the drainage ha his are not covered bythe vruoanntfingstrn�tou e. III) Mounting holes Mounting utilizing the four elongated holes (0.26 x 0:43 in (6.6 x 11 mm)) on the underside of the panel frame (at a dista nce oil7, 72 in j450 mm) from the midpoint of the long side) have been found to comply with UL 1703 requirements fora maximum design load of 75.2lbq/,$ (3600 Pa) (fig.5). When mounting using mounting holes, the frame and panel edge must be supported by two transverse ra [Is (fig.1), of alominim or galvanized steel to avoid galvanic corrosion and be appropriatefor the local environment. These must be held in position bybolts and flange mts accordingto the specifications below. if bought in a kit, do not use the washers and bottom mounted clips provided if they don ot match the slxcifications below. Pam muffle Material speeifieatio n Bolt ASTMF59B(stainlesssteel) 1/4"x20-5/8" Flange Nut ASTMF594(stain(esssteeQ 1/4x20 <� OnstalO the above pawls as shown In 'RE. S. Consult the Unirac Code ConopOlant OnstaElataon Manunal %rfunu'her dletaiOeuu(aere necessary. For areas where discrepancy May exist, this installation Manual shaIR take precedence. f When using mounting; holes, fittings must be fastened to 9 R-Obs 42 MM) of torque and it sta`Olation must lbe a¢cordng-to fig. 6. Fig. S: Mountingholes Mounting holes F19.6: Mounting using mounting hales CO,NNECTIONS AND CONNECTORS In order to ensure durable and -safe connections between panels and.BOS equipment,thefollowing instructions mustbefnh?wQdh5n orderto,protect the electrical corrections frorarthe elements. More detailedbiformationisgtvan ECwbslte:Dwloa'Cner(:vrecgroupicom/downaacan be6found via the RintheGuidetoBestPrac#ice-tConnedir ad'Connectorswhich ds). CONNECTORS Connectorsmust;bes.2cLwely)oinedtoeadhotharaccordingtothe.manufackurer'slnstructlons RECexpticOEly:excludaitbacuft.gof-cablesane replacement of connectors. If this,causes.an issue fora particular site, contactiREC via www,repgr..;oup:com-forfurtheraivjce The use..of any chemicals orilubrlcants,on the connectors or contacts-mustbe.carried out In line with the:aonneetormawfacXurers<mstructlons PROTECTING THE CABLES To prevent stress on'theJunction box casing, ensure the cable exits thejuncticm box in a straight line before any.bendii4iiecoNe. o The cables on RECTwinPeak panels have a minimum bending radius of 30rom to avoid damage to the insulation (Fig.9 Ensure cables do not hang loose where they.mayibe damaged through friction or stress, e.g., caused by wind orgrazir>gariirrials Shield connectors from failing or dropping water by locating them directly beneath a panel Cables must be firmly secured to the structure,without overtightening as this can deform the cable insulation Y' > Fig.11: Minimombend radius ofl2tn(30mm) 2.4 In .v SECURING CABLES AND CONNECTORS When securingthe connector, place It away fromthe mounting structure with sufficient air circulation all around. This Jows the connectorto dry effectively and avoids the risk of damage or degradation of the connection { Goodpracticeistosecure the cable either side ofthe connectors, ensufmgnostress Isexerted onthe connector casingercaibleentry 1'. To enable correct cooling and drying of the connectors, do not add extra protection to the connector, e.g„ heat slemie,'aerie or tape MAINTENANCE CLEANING INSTRUCTIONS REC TwinPeak panels have been designedfor easy ma4ntenance. Normal rainfall will naturally clean the panels if Installed :at is:ufficient angle. The need for cleaning will vary dependent on location, rainfall, pollution and angle of Installation —the lower the angle of Installatha, the more cleaning will be required. To optimize electrical output it Is recommended to clean the panels when dirt can be seen on the glass surface. j- '' Cleaning of the panel ohoulld be carried out in the early morning when the panels are coal to asvold thermal ohock. If dirt remains on the panel,itmaycausecellshadingwhichwillreducepoweroutputorevencausefurtherdamage.Todeanei ierthefrontorrearof the panels, use only delonized water at ambient temperature and a sponge, mtcrofiber cloth or a soft brush to wipe away the drat (ralnwater, tap water or diluted alcohol may also be used as a secondary sotut(srn). For further cleaning a mod, biological and biodegradablewrashingup liquid may be used. When cleaning the panel, take care not to scratch the surface or introduce foreign elements that may cause damage. Ensure veter used is free from grit and physical contaminants that may damage the panel. Always rinse the panel with plenty of water. if soiiing remains, repeat the cleaning process. If stains require more effort to be removed, Iso-propyl alcohol of a concentration less than 10%. Acid or Alkali de'terIent may not be used JLUse of high pressure hoses OF cleaners is not parunitted as these may damage the panel, lamminate or cells. Using a rubber squeegee, wipe the panel surface from the top downwards motion to remove any residual water from thepanelglass. Panelscanbe lefttodry Inthe air orwipeddrywithachamois, Avoid putting pressure on the panel surface when drying. For more information on cleaning REC panels, consult the Cleaning Information Sheet available to download from the online REC Installer Portal www, recgro u p.co m/installers. SYSTEM INSPECTION The system should be inspected regularlyto ensure that: Fasteners are secure, tight and free from corrosion. Electrical connections are secure, tight, clean, and free of corrosion. The mechanical integrity of the cables is intact. Bonding points to ground are tight, secure and free from corrosion (which could break the continuity between the panels and ground). RECYCLING REC has made every effort to ensure panel packaging is kept to a minimum. The paper and cardboard packaging can be recycled and the protective wrapping and panel separating blocks are also recyclable in many areas. Please recycle according to local guidelines and regulations, DOCUMENT HISTORY Date Rev(sfan Number Reason 01.2010 A First release 1:2.2014 A2 Update.to BlertrJcajdlota @SXf27,5Wp Imnj 12.2014 A.3 Update -to Electrical data;@.ST,,C (addition of 260 &283 Wp), revision of lowljghth.WV,,Wrdata in Electrical Data e3.2015 B Updatedto include information on panel variants N,4b EOL OF,CbMPLEll90N AND AUTHOR2ATION To APPLY THE UL MARK Sunrun South Llc, Dba Snaporack Greg MOPheetens 775:Fierc Ln Suite 200 San'Luis Obispo Ca 93401, URited States Our Reference: File Your Reference 1 * Project Scope t polar E. LTD..(NRTL) models: RE ,. ,.all 101lowed by TP to SarJ.as 100 an l 200 Any int (UL) or We are contact QVP Y is onsl UL's investI mas determined t ervices Procedur ervice Program. ad a copy oflh.ls ie Fgllow-Up Se; Until then, this left' _ 1 7uiraments related to S related to Eariv Au RTL) models Q BASE-GYXXX; XX, Q.PRO BLKGYXX)(Q PR10- 1 and 9, where XXX is the power nu r proo ea t< " under the above Reforence the qul" hislettertemporarily supplerr as a 1to a Mark at authorized factories Yurm a) ndedauthortzation:touse the 1 man ,,,oca ..>y authorized under File.EMB are G pro being prepared,and will be s - _ the ;M days from the date indicatt Y..q,. tFi st v as the A be found in the:document A a can be foun wing web -site: documentation provided to you involving UCx I ',Yded on :d licensee of'UL. a h t 12now able to apply the U1 Mark to your proWW"02MA61your . #Vustomer Service representatives if you have any questions. Very truly yours, Long Vo Engineer Project Associate Long. Vo agul.com NBXBDC8-1F949i Reviewed W24N,2015 to to This is an electronically generated letter. Signatures are not required for this document to be vapid. Page 1 of 1 �ryol�In r» Single Phase inverters for North America :,E30�OatC31Z �'Gu�-tti JJ=S;,;Ci't 5�>tvi3O -115/ _-.. SE3000A US SE3800A-US ; $E5000A-US SIE60D0A-US i SE760DA-US I SELII000A- US , SE;9dA0A US r . _ -... _ OUTPUT _ _. Nominal AC Power Output 3000 a { 3900 5900 6000 7600 @ ROW ( 11900 VA 54W & 208V ; 368Q0 208V k... Max. AC Power Output 3300 .. . j 4150 6000 8350 i 7200Q. .._. +,5450 �240V> 10%0Q240V.% .. . _ - - ...... VA r C Output Voltage Min -Nom Max °1 , t .. _ 183 208 229 Vac i i i s :. AC Output Voltage Min: Nom: Max.i'1 j ... , ...... . ....... ... ..... ... ... ... .. .. 211-240. 264 Vac j - i AC 1"requeney Mm.Nom: Max l'i t � ���125�� .' .....:... � ........ 593 fib 503 (unfit #i3 nounfry settlng57 60 6Q.5)......... ........ . ...... .... H... Mail Continuous output Current ' �� 16 { 24La 208V � 2: 3. 48@208V �-� I� 47.5 ....i A __ ....... ..... .. ,. i ... ,.. _. .. 21�240V. .-.. ..... . .. 42. CD 240V .,..,A.... ,FDI Threshold ... .. .. ........... UUtilityUtilityDlonitonng ISlanding Protection, Country Configurable Thresholds Yes _. ._..._. _ .. .. .... j yes ftlaxrnaum DC.P.o.... ..... ..... _ , ., ... .......,0750 .... 8,.10.0r�C250. ,,. 13500. L. Transformer -less, Ungrounded .1 ., Yes _W ... 7 M ax. Input Voltage 50p ' Vdc Nom OC Inptrt Voltage i . ........ ... 325 @ 208V J 350 @ 240V i i Maxinput Currentl't 95 165 2QSV - •. 33 2 .. i 13 @ 18 23 @ 1 34.5 _Vdc ,.. Adc I I 15 5 @ 240V Max input Short G ... CurrentI. ! � •� "' '" ........ , ._ .... � j��•Adr Reverse -Polarity Protection i ...._.• yes ' ' '� ' ' •' " "� "' Ground; E-auif Isolation Detection i fi00ka Sensitivity ._ ... ... ..... _... ,. ! Maximum Inver Efficiency, .... -.1-, 977 _ ,.... ..,,,. 982 .!„• . 983 ,•. 1, 983 . ,. 98 98_ .. i... CEC Weighted Efficiency i 97 5 •.,, •, 97 5 ' 97 @ 208V 98 97 5 Cl 708V 97 97 5 ............. .. ... ... .. i...... ....... ....:..._,I -98 @,240V .1. ......,.: -. ,,. ,... �. 9 a 1- Nighttime Power LonsumpfiOil _ _. _, <- ____.__ __. _ _.. _ .__ _.. _ .... 1 ADDITIONAL FEATURES __ SuPpormd Communlcanon interfaces _ _ - R5485 RS232 Ethernet ReYanu 1 Grade Data, ANSI .. 11.2.1 Opiionafl" .....' ......,. Rapid Shutdown NEC 201469012 Functionality enabled when Solarfdge mptd shutdown kit a insmdedi'r STANDARD COMPLIANCE S fcty........... .�.. .. . . .,. ..,... ,,...CSA 22.2 Gild Co .. .......... ......-. IEEE1547r ... ... ........ .......,. EEmissionsp _. ........... ...... .. ......._ FCC artl5 class � ������.• ..r ' �� �- INSTALLATIONSPECIFICNTIONS AColrtputmndudsize/AWC, range ___ 314 minimum Ja6-b AWO 3/4"minimum/83AWG l DC strings / 1 strings AWG ! 3!4" minimum / 1-2 strings / A1NG/tinge„ ,,,. j . ... .... ... . .. . mmeosioDs with Safety Switch � 30.5 x 12.5 x 7.2 / 775 x'315 x 184 30.S x 12.5 x 10,5If ( in! AjIFAQ) ... ..... ,.... .... . . ...... .... ... _..... - 75 3 5x2 .... ...... ..... _...,I 7 x 1 60 I Weight with Safety Switch _ ....,..-...51,2(23.2........_L .._........... .54.7/?4:7....- ...........884/ 40.1.... ......_l,Ib/kg.. � 7 Natural•-� 1 ' convection Cooling Natural Convection j and internal ! Fans (user replaceable) fart (user I replaceable) Norse i <25 ' <50 .. Niln Max. Operating Temperature i ' 3#o. / 25 otGO 4D to a6 0v.r l ... 6leNr) i F1 C Protet#ion Rating . ...._...-_..._...............�.......................... •-� -. -..,. ......on .,NEMA 3R ..-. _..., ........ _... .. . .. ....... VI r�ur12gewnabeMnSEyIDlpcontS Solarrl8mOPort,VIn .,......-......, ..............., ............ _....,..._.... ,.. Moherrsource may beu-Im flits Imaj Input Cto tile 2stUaene,meoter PfN:56wishV!SWGNNR2(far 76p0W invertel:SE7GOphU500rRINR2).'ollapdsholm P/N: 3.Ulimit 40vrslonp/N:SmA-WONNMt/or]600WilrvrerSC]600A-0SOU2NNU4I. la Mg W SolarEdge Power Optimizer hAnH"In Add-®n for North A,merilon —I-_--- t Ott€) €{nr EC -eels mnrutesl ffm' high -Rower (inr rt F 4`a-rnat {for3hin Him A,reA.mndales rttn{tu]esI 1_ mo+lute. pi Rased hiput,DC Power j3DD 320 400 405 iN ... Absolute Ma<amum.Inpt+t Voltage ...... ............ ? I 80 48 y ...... ..... 125 V.dc (Voc,atlowesttemperature),,,, {. , MPP70peratinR Range 8 48 ; 8 80 1 125 1D5 Vdc Maximum Short, Circuit Currert,{Isc) { .... .... 10.......... i .......11..... ,.. ... _........ .. _10.......... . ........ .......Adc,_.. ivlaximurn DC Input Current ...... )..... 12.5 ..,, ....L..,.. 13 75 .... ,... ....... Adc Maximum EffiOlencY 99.5 e..... %. ... ........ WeI hterl Efficient 988 ......._,. / Overvo)tage Cateel:y ._.. _.._ ,.._... .....W. P9a;lmum OutQuY Current i _- ... _...�._ . _ .___. __ 15 ..._. _..... Cdc Matlmvn Output Voltage 60 3 85 -' Vdr. 0UTPVTrDUR1NG STANDBY (POWER OPTIMIZER DISCONNECTED FROM 501AREDGE INVER?£R OR S'01AiiEDGE INVERTER OFF) __.._ Safety Output Voltage per Power _ _ _ —__._. .. T 1 j ..._ __. ... Vrlc Optimizer STANDARD COMPLIANCE EMC.,.. ,,. , ,, ,, ,,,,,, , , ,,,,,„ FCC Part15 Class B IEC61000 6 2 IEC61000 69 -- - .. .. ._... t. ..... Safety ........... ................ t. _ _..,. ........ .. 1EC61109 1 (cla'js 0 satetyjr UL]7A1 ROHS Yes + INSTAiLAiION SiYECNICATIONS Maximum, All owed System Vohape , , . 10DD Vdc „_. 4t7mpnti171e inverters ! All SolvEdge Single Phasa And ThTae Phpse ...... ..... .. .l .., ........ Dllnansions �W x L x H) 128x 152x 27.5j 1 128x152x8Sf .l •.•.:128x 152 x 48f 5x597x 108 Sx597.x 1,37 I 5a597x189 .,.... ................... .<.,.. .,......<,......... ., _... I. i W�Iht jlncluding.gabless ..............i.,........... Input,Conni ctor ; .. MC4 Compat ble Out Double Insulated MC4Com�atibte Output Wir¢ Length 1 0 95 f 3 0 1 12 f 3 9 m A, ,<.40 +85/,40 +15:5 Protection Rath$ .................... L............... ....... ....... ..... ......,. IP68f RIEMASP ........-100 ... ....< .....,.. ..,.0 ....... .,.......... ............... 3....�,..�... 4) Aatad $rGRm+'er gfthe mgUgle�is1qdulvn7uRtqa5y6�ymuu'tnlamnce ellewed OLA FENIEDGE 1NVER7ERIm DESNGN.USING A S01AR91NGLE PHASE THR££PHASE 2D8V THREE-PHASE 490V A - _ Mmunurn String Length PowerOptimi{ers)....................1,,.., .,, 8 ,. .,,_..... ..... ....10 i , ... 18 +...,......... Maximum String Length } 25 25 50 N (Power Optrmixersf Ma. Jtnum, Power ei Stan , .. 5250 ., ... „ ..GOOD ° - 12750 - W P..... �....,.. ,. ] Parall¢l Strings of Different Lengths Or Yes Orientations ................ .......... .i PI It is nOtallw�a d;o mM Ffl➢5 wNh A7i1DJP+lOUiMFO({r}"daaln Nlt<3t(lnft• SNAPNRACK------- ' W%5OS4TI©N L•FCOT — 5/$LA§ A9L7 MUST E+,MBE➢ .... • _ �_ ;CAN B4 MgqUNTED YN ANY ORjENTATION I E,5° Ipp11TO ROOF STR �.TURA_L• ' 14UG ,WRAPPERS - T©ROUK ALL S/16° HP9,DL}ARE TO t SNAAPNRACK ' THE FOLLOWING, CHANNEL NUT a SILVER SS. 10 Y6 P'�-1,85 ! ' X t° S.S. BOLT AND I SPLIT WASHER BLACK SS. 7.9 FT-LBS — RAILS CAN MOUNT TO EITNiER SIpE OF L'F'OUT WP.SLUPt VS DNS-APE) SL�APkatzAd' i 59"AA1t1ARB RAIL S.S., FLANGE NUT t' STEP & PLACE L FOOT ON TOP ` e OF FI,ASRm AND Tt6r EN NUY ' I „ 1 �: STEP 2LSt,aP � Ktp3ta3NG Y3WER SNAPNRACPG; COUPOSITION - L FLli3Y 'BASE RMF ftAsnowd v e STEP 1e BOLT L FnM . .'bASE TH f7C1Cir WXTW ' ° SOREW WITH FLiAT WA�HT, Ot BmL7 i I SS. LAS RMDE;DMENT C, STANU,6 i $es° MSNII,gQki SNAPHRRUK CPLAir SW%NGLB ' � kD16F' i7ECKaNPs 'TTP. mAL P NEggCRA'1`EpN APPROPRYATEDflWa&"ALAN� ROOF 119CKING TYP. _ CY ssa C�Me�E I R.AFTEL2 TYP. fiLASHED L FOOT MOUNTING POINT FOR ' USE ON COMPWXTIOIN 01V 8URFACES r Q' Ifii LOW TO Himem'm TILT d• ai.� �o_„ _ ' RAILS CAN tE LP—VM0 UP TO B° i m :u�fa. $tGTi •osh5 U68N$�� UP TO Tva LtvkL%rm S`PwRS _ # 6tEVNLOYN6' IM °SERIES 169 RAIL ' • � I � f 1 i eLa,°'�y0 ex°X" •tiellumR' ° G. MehhtEkei'�elzN 5C„aY,G M15 VART4 DET L 01 FLA WED L FOOT O4V C� . cA w R . aLY : Inn' au alertsw exdisn sE B'e+s s �sNau. 6 AFiMR G. mcpHOE4'ERC 17A7E 1201,11 PEN- b�. � i i SCOPE OF WORK • SYSTEM SIZE: 4125W DC, 380OW AC • MODULES: (15) REC SOLAR: REC275TP • INVERTER(S): (1) SOLAREDGE TECHNOLOGIES: SE3800 (240V) W1-ER-US OR A -US • RACKING: SNAPNRACK SERIES 100 UL; FLASHED L FOOT. SEE PEN D01. • (15) SOLAREDGE POWER OPTIMIZER P300 VICINITY MAP 8 o : EeAimn Or 0unholnu Way .Alban A. AM -11057 FIoWerinp Pear 0, E NomesHiad Rd "no u..s. 'F k � •S s z s a a io I y a I GENERAL NOTES • ALL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH 2O15 CEC, 2014 CBC, CRC 2013 MUNICIPAL CODE, AND ALL MANUFACTURERS' LISTINGS AND INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. • PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM WILL COMPLY WITH 2O15 CEC. • ELECTRICAL SYSTEM GROUNDING WILL COMPLY WITH 2O15 CEC. • PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM IS UNGROUNDED. NO CONDUCTORS ARE SOLIDLY GROUNDED IN THE INVERTER. SYSTEM COMPLIES WITH 690.35. • MODULES CONFORM TO AND ARE LISTED UNDER UL 1703. • INVERTER CONFORMS TO AND IS LISTED UNDER UL 1741. • RACKING CONFORMS TO AND IS LISTED UNDER UL 2703. • CONSTRUCTION FOREMAN TO PLACE CONDUIT RUN PER 690.31(E) AND 2012 IFC 605.11.2. • ARRAY DC CONDUCTORS ARE SIZED FOR DERATED CURRENT. • 9.38 AMPS MODULE SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT. • 14.65 AMPS DERATED SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT (690.8 (a) & 690.8 (b)). R161 am I/ .- L ouposa - f r w w . LEGEND AND ABBREVIATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE # DESCRIPTION PV-1.0 COVER SHEET SOLAR MODULES SE SERVICE ENTRANCE RAIL PV-2.0 SITE PLAN MP MAIN PANEL ° °— PV-3.0 LAYOUT PV-4.0 ELECTRICAL ° SP SUB -PANEL STANDOFFS & FOOTINGS PV-5.0 SIGNAGE LC PV LOAD CENTER CHIMNEY G jPF Pie SM SUNRUN METER ATTIC V_RT uuil E Iing Dee I RTINO Building Department FLUSH A - r I' 2 -11 i B 2016 PM DEDICATED PV METER o W( WED F PVC PIPE R CODE COMPLIANCE INVERTER(S) WITH INTEGRATED DC 0 IEW�D F' EVVED Fi METAL PIPE VElY�viewe PLIANCE BDISCONNECT �WlAr YED AND AFCI 0 T-VENT AC 0 AC DISCONNECT(S) DISH SATELLITE DCDC DISCONNECT(S) FIRE SETBACKS, CB 0 COMBINER BOX HARDSCAPE F_ —) INTERIOR EQUIPMENT — PL— PROPERTY LINE L J SHOWN AS DASHED SCALE: NTS s u n r u n A AMPERE AC ALTERNATING CURRENT AFCI ARC FAULT CIRCUIT INTERRUPTER fil GILBERT CORREIA, C10, C46 AZIM AZIMUTH LAILIM CA CL #750184 COMP COMPOSITION 2300ZANKER ROAD, UNIT F, SAN JOSE. CA 96131 DC DIRECT CURRENT PHONE 408.746.3062 (E) EXISTING FAX 408.894.9294 EXT FRM EXTERIOR FRAMING CUSTOMER RESIDENCE: FREDRIK OLSSON INT INTERIOR 11057 FLOWERING PEAR DR, LBW LOAD BEARING WALL uj CUPERTINO 95014 MAG MAGNETIC ,CA MSP MAIN SERVICE PANEL TEL.(408)799-5976 APN#: 32345039 (N) NEW NTS NOT TO SCALE PROJECT NUMBER: OC ON CENTER 102R-057OLSS PRE-FAB PRE -FABRICATED PSF PV POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT PHOTOVOLTAIC DESIGNER: SHIVANI SAPTARISITY TL TRANSFORMERLESS DRAFTER: TYP TYPICAL V VOLTS SS.JASMEET W WATTS SHEET REV NAME DATE COMMENTS COVER SHEET A REV: A 11l212015 PAGE PV-1.0 SITE PLAN - SCALE =1/8" = 1'-0" L �N n INTERIOR WALL CUP -Build i j�ePaPttl�tTJNO ullding Department RE1@jf)RCCEb�ODG COPVILC ReviMOyed B :E L- NCE ROOF TYPE AR-01 I COMP SHINGLE D1 - AR-01 - SCALE: 3/16" = V-0" PITCH: 180 AZIM:180° ATTACHMENT FLASHED L FOOT. SEE PEN D01. 16'-0" MAX SPAN ROOF HEIGHT ROOF FRAME EXPOSURE MATERIAL TWO STORY I ATTIC WOOD FRAME TYPE FRAME MAX FRAME OC ROOF EDGE MAX RAIL SIZE SPAN SPACING ZONE SPAN RAFTER 2 X 8 16' - 0" 24"' YES 6' - 0" RIDGE OLLAR TIE Cc X 4.0" LAG f PER PENEI DMP SHINGL SOLAR TOI [X8 RAFTERS, LOAD BEARII\ MAX RAIL DESIGN CRITERIA OVERHANG MODULES: 2' - 0" REC SOLAR: REC275TP MODULE DIMS: 65.5" x 39" x 1.5" MAX DISTRIBUTED LOAD: 3 PSF SNOW LOAD: 0 PSF WIND SPEED: 110 MPH 3-SEC GUST. LAG SCREWS: 5/16"x4.0": 2.5" MIN EMBEDMENT ROOF FRAMING DETAILS CUPERTINO Building Department 08 2016 IR CODE COMPLIANCE By sunrun GILBERT CORREIA, C10, C46 CA CL #750184 2300 ZANKER ROAD, UNIT F, SAN JOSE, CA 95131 PHONE 408,746.3062 FAX 408.894.9294 CUSTOMER RESIDENCE: FREDRIK OLSSON 11057 FLOWERING PEAR DR, CUPERTINO .CA 95014 TEL. (408)799-5976 APN #: 32345039 PROJECT NUMBER: 102R-057OLSS DESIGNER: SHIVANI SAPTARISITY DRAFTER: SS.JASMEET SHEET LAYOUT REV: A 11/2/2015 PAGE PV-3.0 120/240 VAC SINGLE PHASE SERVICE OMETER#: M PG&E 1005901379 NEW 100A UTILITY SUB PANEL GRID EXISTING 100A MAIN 100AMP PANEL o RELOCATED (N)LOCKABLE HOT BREAKER (N) SUN RUN BLADE TYPE FACILITY BUSSED METER AC DISCONNECT LOADS 4 3 3 FACILI 15A SUB caoUND 20A PV 250V METER SOCKET SQUARED FEEDER BREAKERAT 125ACONTIN000S& DU221RB BREAKER BOTTOM OF 240V METER 3R, 30A, 2P BUSBAR 200A, FORM 2S 120/240VAC CONDUIT SCHEDULE # CONDUIT CONDUCTOR NEUTRAL GROUND 1 NONE (2) 10 AWG PV WIRE NONE (1) 10 AWG BARE COPPER 2 3/4" EMT OR EQUIV. (2) 10 AWG THHN/THWN-2 NONE (1) 8 AWG THHN/THWN-2 3 3/4" EMT OR EQUIV. (2) 10 AWG THHN/THWN-2 (1) 10 AWG THHN/THWN-2 (1) 8 AWG THHN/THWN-2 4 1" EMT OR EQUIV. (2) 3 AWG THHN/THWN-2 (1) 3 AWG THHN/THWN-2 (1) 8 AWG THHN/THWN-2 MODULE CHARACTERISTICS REC SOLAR: REC275TP 275 W OPEN CIRCUIT VOLTAGE 38.3 V MAX POWER VOLTAGE 31.5 V SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT 9.38 A OPTIMIZER CHARACTERISTICS MIN INPUT VOLTAGE 8 VDC MAX INPUT VOLTAGE 48 VDC MAX INPUT ISC 10 ADC MAX OUTPUT CURRENT 15 ADC SYSTEM CHARACTERISTICS - INVERTER 1 SYSTEM SIZE 4125 W SYSTEM OPEN CIRCUIT VOLTAGE 15 V SYSTEM OPERATING VOLTAGE 350 V MAX ALLOWABLE DC VOLTAGE 500 V SYSTEM OPERATING CURRENT 11.8 A SYSTEM SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT 15A PER CODE: 690.52 SOLAREDGE TECHNOLOGIES: SE3800 (240V) W/ -ER-US OR A -US 3800 WATT INVERTER _ 2 1 S tee% JUNCTION BOX LOAD RATED DC MIN RATED NEMA3R DISCONNECT & AFCI NOTES TO INSTALLER: 1. 15 VDC EXPECTED OPEN CIRCUIT STRING VOLTAGE. 2. ADD 20 AMP PV BREAKER TO MAIN PANEL. SOLAREDGE SYSTEM NOTES: 1. SOLAREDGE INVERTER AND OPTIMIZERS ARE A LISTED SYSTEM. 2. STRING OPERATING VOLTAGE IS CONTROLLED BY INVERTER AND MAINTAINED AT 350V DC (NOMINAL). 3. STRING VOLTAGE IS ELECTRONICALLY LIMITED BY INVERTER TO 500V DC, MAX. 4. STRING CURRENT IS CONTROLLED BY OPTIMIZERS AND IS ELECTRONICALLY LIMITED TO 15A MAX (PER STRING). 5. SOLAREDGE DC SAFETY SWITCH DISCONNECTS BOTH POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE DC CONDUCTORS AS REQUIRED BY NEC690.35(A). 6-12 AWG BARE — COPPER WIRE �0t�r� pa�ellf ReviewedGOd� Cp PV MODULES ey' REC SOLAR: REC275T (15) MODULES + OPTIMIZERS WIRED IN (1) SERIES OF (15) OPTIMIZERS SOLAREDGE POWER OPTIMIZER P300 5/16"-18 SS BOLT SS SPLIT LOCK WASHER (TORQUE TO 16 FT-LBS) SNAPNRACK GROUNDLUG BONDING CHANNELNUT SS BONDING RAIL PINS NOTE: • ALL HARDWARE IS INCLUDED FROM MANUFACTURER • A MINIMUM OF ONE GROUND LUG IS TO BE INSTALLED ON EVERY CONTINUOUS ROW OF MODULES • GROUNDING LUG MAY BE INSTALLED IN EITHER RAIL CHANNEL • GROUNDING LUG MAY BE INSTALLED SO GROUND WIRE IS PARALLEL OR PERPENDICULAR TO RAIL • ENSURE SPLIT LOCK WASHER IS INSTALLED ON TOP OF COPPER WIRE SNAPNRACK GROUNDING SCALE: NTS LABEL LOCATION: DC DISCONNECT, INVERTER (PER CODE: CEC 690.35(F)) [To be used when inverter is ungrounded] LABEL LOCATION: DC DISCONNECT, INVERTER (PER CODE: CEC 690.35(F)) [To be used when inverter is ungrounded] LABEL LOCATION: AC DISCONNECT, POINT OF INTERCONNECTION (PER CODE: CEC 690.17(E)) LABEL LOCATION: AC DISCONNECT, POINT OF INTERCONNECTION PER CODE: CEC 690.17(E), CB LABEL LOCATION: INVERTER, JUNCTION BOXES (ROOF), AC DISCONNECT (PER CODE: CEC690.13.G.3 & CEC 690.13.G.4) ADHESIVE FASTENED SIGNS: • THE LABEL SHALL BE SUITABLE FOR THE ENVIRONMENT WHERE IT IS INSTALLED. • WHERE REQUIRED ELSEWHERE IN THIS CODE, ALL FIELD APPLIED LABELS, WARNINGS, AND MARKINGS SHOULD COMPLY WITH ANSI Z535.4 [NEC 110.21(B) FIELD MARKING]. • ADHESIVE FASTENED SIGNS MAY BE ACCEPTABLE IF PROPERLY ADHERED. VINYL SIGNS SHALL BE WEATHER RESISTANT tIFC 605.11.1.31 LABEL LOCATION: AC DISCONNECT, POINT OF INTERCONNECTION (PER CODE: CEC690.54) LABEL LOCATION: POINT OF INTERCONNECTION (PER CODE: CEC 705.12(D)(7)) [Not required if panelboard is rated not less than sum of ampere ratings of all overcument devices supplying it] LABEL LOCATION: MARKINGS PLACED ON ALL INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR DC CONDUIT, RACEWAYS, ENCLOSURES, AND CABLE ASSEMBLIES AT LEAST EVERY 10 FT, AT TURNS AND ABOVE/BELOW PENETRATIONS AND ALL COMBINER/JUCTION BOXES. (PER CODE: IFC605.11.1.4) LABEL LOCATION: DISCONNECT, POINT OF INTERCONNECTION (PER CODE: CEC690.13(B)) LABEL LOCATION: WEATHER RESISTANT MATERIAL, DURABLE ADHESIVE, UL969 AS STANDARD TO WEATHER RATING (UL LISTING OF MARKINGS NOT REQUIRED), MIN %" LETTER HEIGHT ARIAL OR SIMILAR FONT NON -BOLD, PLACED WITHIN THE MAIN SERVICE DISCONNECT, PLACED ON THE OUTSIDE OF THE COVER WHEN DISCONNECT IS OPERABLE WITH SERVICE PANEL CLOSED. (PER CODE: CEC690A5, 690.13(B)) LABEL LOCATION: POINT OF INTERCONNECTION (PER CODE: CEC 705.12(D)(4)) PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER SOURCE LABEL LOCATION: CONDUIT, COMBINER BOX (PER CODE: CEC690.31(G)(3)(4) & CEC 690.13(G)(4) LABEL LOCATION: DC DISCONNECT, INVERTER (PER CODE: CEC690.53) NOTE: ALL SIGNAGE SHALL BE RED PLASTIC ENGRAVED WITH HIGH WHITE LETTERS CUPERTINO wilding Departnent REVIEVVf--C FOR CODE COMPLIANCE Reviewed By r--1