D-2016-0358 Permit ApplicationCUIPERTINO DEMOLITION PERMIT APPLICATION COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT • BUILDING DIVISION 10300 TORRE AVENUE • CUPERTINO, CA 95014-3255 (408) 777-3228 • FAX (408) 777-3333. buildina(Wcupertino.oro 101 PROJECT ADDRESS ,r /fff(///G` tI/Ip'�I'j� APNft /G I OWNERNAMEGG y PRONE EMAIL STREET ADDRESS - '( / CITY, STATE, IF, ^� FAX (/,�,--,�Q CONTACT NAM F PHONE ,EL,MAIL I f .q He o.weiee ST QET AgpRESS (� _— Cl S to G-� q-1 C� , Z FAX — 1 C2._SyL���- ,QQ.. ❑ OWNER ❑ OWNER -BUILDER ❑ OWNERAGENT % 6ONTRACTOR ❑ CONTRACTORAOENT ❑ ARCHTTECr ❑ ENGPIEER ❑ DEvELOPER ❑ TENANT CONTRACTOR NAME 1 '• rLICENSE NUMBER LICE SETY E BUS. LICN COMPANY NAME J IPA C E-MAIL FAX STREETADDRESS !i IX _ CITY, ST E, ZIP /y C PHONE D SCRIPTION OF WORK r t�—_S� � P �� Illy/l-1 ✓ � .��-?--�SL� --—------- •�'- RESIDENTIAL #DWELLING OFFICE USE ONLY USE - OCC_ TYPE 5_Q IT _vN �VAI UATION �s_• -_—� FLOORAREA" 61i(.J UNITS / COMMERCIAL FLOOR AREA — - - % _— ["'"_. V l LJ(✓ ..---.— TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION- _ #STORIES _ - — - AQMD]OB NUMBP.R `/RECEIVP.D nY TO IL�yiAIUA'r1ON � - B m si -tore below, I .1 f to each of the following: - ltheproperty y y gn y g: am p rn e p Ry owner or authorized agent to act on the property owner's behalf. 1 have read this application and the information I have provided is correct. I have read the Description of Work and verify it is accurate. I agree to comply with all applicable local ordinances and state laws relating to building construction. I authorize representatives of Cupertino to enter the above -identified property for inspection purposes. SignabneofApplicmOAgent; _- _ _ _ Date: SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION REQUIRED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF DEMOLITION PERMIT -ORFicni USEONLY PLAN CHECKTYPE_ +✓Provide Job Number from Bay Area Air Quality Management District www.baagmd.ore @ 415-749-4762. ❑ EXPRESS ✓ Provide three copies of a site plan showing protection for any trees 10" in diameter or more at 3' above grade. Provide letter from PG&E (408-725-3325) stating all gas and electric has been disconnected. STANDARD _✓ '✓Provide a letter of inspection, tests, and abatement of any Hazardous Materials. Letter to be initiated by person(s) LARGE certified in asbestos, mercury and/or hazardous material examination. ❑ MAJOR' _ Planning Dept clearance to verify building is not considered an historical landmark. Allow 10 business days. ✓Provide letter of clearance Of all vermin from a licensed pest control contractor. ✓Applicant shall call the Public Works Department at 408-777-3I04 and schedule a "habitable dwelling" inspection, '✓Provide signed Debris Bin and Recyclable Materials form. Commercial Buildings Only: Provide Fire Dept clearance for fire. suppression / alarm system review. DemoApp_2011.doc revised 03116111