B-2016-1165 PERMIT APPLICATIONCUPERTINO ❑ I'mW CDNSTRUC CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION COMMUNI T Y DEVELOD10EN T DEPARTMENT BUILDING DIVISION 10300TORRE AVENUE • CUPERTIKID, CA 95014-3255 (40ff8) 777-322B • FfiX (408) 777-3333 • buildino(Dcuperino.oro lON LJADDITION ❑ALTEit-kTjo- /TI ❑ R wsiON/Dint.R_--.D my -,NA PEtiter' ?RORCI ADDRESS 103yy R'vercresf Coc.trt GF?.NA1� �o G /koi�mtiedt I?HGlrn IfOB-3/�l9yG??I E""`.' royan,gj(�Ya�oa. ST? I'ADDRSS 1.3 l 9 i (�LP-�rClesee I C:i Y, STAY, L7 %�.. C4f9 ra 14I FAX /�/ COIvTAC7 NAv.B R�Ya /„l C)J��Qo�' r\ I r_,10n_ 4��V—?14945$I E-m"= ro Y�r"-,o Y loo.co �/ S-E---r ADDRESS C--, Y. STAT-, L? FAX 13 om,v OWNERBI DER ❑OWNZRAMErt ❑C04,"'l,SGOR ❑CON-,m-C?ORAC73 ❑ f.?C=:_CT ❑Cl D13.OpEa 11ic1:Fh"I CONRACTORKAM- I LICzNsENUI.GER I I.IC--NS TY?E I BUS. Lici COWA.Ny NAI,S I bM4I. I FAX STRFti ADDR=FS I CtiY, STATn. L? 13"Haps ARC=ECe r'iG➢v 2?:A-W— I LILTSBN1L,,�ER I BUS. LIC9 COMPANY NAJ:= I E-Y.Am I iAX STPEM ADDRESS I CITY. a, Aic, n? I Pilot- DS=-IIONOPWOP.K PQarlovrn9 a non bforrny W4rr �+�•�ep/ace L'SE I TYZ: I OCC. I SQ.F'T. VALUATION IS) :OTAS. ARAF100a - I A - I RElfOD7..:REA I R_',. OD=L AR&. ?OACd /.R?.1 DECK AREA TOTAL DECK,: DACi A:�/. GARA AREA: I ❑A�,ACi I I I I I §D1'FEU.INCIP.TS: ISASECONDVNT ❑Yas SECONDsTORY QYS BEING ADDED? nvo I ADDITION' r-INO I I I I ?Pc -A —CATION tJY?S - YS, 7%Ovm- COPY Or I ISTIREaLDGA-V 02S I- V� TOTIVA T:ION ?IhN!v'OtO aaPLe i']NO PLAY' *NGA?RDVALL-„_. EICY.LERSONIEt ENO D O By my sin=_mre below, I ce-iy to each of the fello.:daE: I an the prope ty orner or authorized agent to act on the property owner's behalf. I have read this app!im-don and the information I have provided is carat I have read the Description of Work and verify it is accurate. I aeree to.cc nply wi,h alI applicable local ordi,nmms and state laws relEgrg to budding construction. I avho; i> epresen_ ves of CuDcrinD to enter the €bove-identified propel for insrxtion purposes. Si�:etere of knplicand.AEea:: Dare: SUPPLEl,r NTAL UK ORMATION I2EQU! rD New SFD or dwellia : Apply for e, olifion per existing buildine(s). Demolition perits required Drier to isSuar cc of buid+gig pef-it for new buildi, _ Co mercial Bldes: Provide a coamleted Hazesdous Materials Disclos-,re Yom if a y H=dous Meterials e e being used as Daft of this project. Copy ofPI=i...g Approval Letier or ?s5eetin Math Planning prior to . 54b� i$al of Building Pe Lf application. Bldof_AD_ 011.doc revised 0612?111 �����,�,��, CITY OF CUPERTINO 11� wal FEE ESTIMATOR — BUILDING DIVISION ADDRESS: 10399 Rivercrest Ct DATE: 01/12/2016 REVIEWED BY: Sean APN: BP#: 'VALUATION: $1,200 "PERMIT TYPE: Building Permit PLAN CHECK TYPE: Alteration I Repair PRIMARY USE: SFD Or Duplex PENTAMATION PERMITTYPE: 1GENRE WORK Remove existinq two sided fireplace and infill openings. SCOPE t, cia. P:.. r: n;: h.,: NOTE: This estimate does not include fees due to other Departments (i.e. Planning, Public Works, Fire, Sanitary Sewer District, School 1)htrirt. ntr-L These tees are based on the nre/inrinary information available and are anly an estimate. Contact the Dent for addn'l into. FEE ITEMS (Fee Resolution l I-053 Gf[ is b73) FEE QTY/FEE MISC ITEMS Plan Check Fee: Hourly Only? 0 Yes 0 No $0.00 F-71 hours Plan Check, Hourly $143.00 ISTPLNCK Suppl. PC Fee: e) Reg. Q OT 0.0 1 Ins $0.00 -PME Plan -Cheek: $0.0 Permit Fee: Hourly Only? C) Yes Q No $0.00 Suppl. Insp. Fee:Q Reg. Q OT 0.0 1 firs $0.00 PME Unit Fee: $0.00 PME Permit Fee: $0.00 C onstrifelion JCL _ A&&ninistratiee Fee: 0 G) Work Without Permit? 0 Yes 0 No $0.00 Advanced Planning Fee: $0.00 2 hours Inspections $286.00 /ST/NSP Inspection, Hourly Trave! Documentation Fens_ Strong Motion Fee: I BSEISMICR $0.50 Select an Administrative Item Bldg Stds Commission Fee: IBCBSC $1.00 SUBTOTALS: 1 $1.50 $42-9.0-01 TOTAL FEE: 6 $430.50 Revised: 01/01/2016