15060102-Special inspectionSILICON VALLEY SOIL ENG[NEERING IF 'ILE GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS 11®10 - File No. SV1363F ,June 24, 2015 Bjurman General Engineering Corporation 3553 Haven Avenue, #7 Menlo Park, CA 94025 Attention: Mr. Phil Bjurman Subject: Swimming Pool Removal Existing Residence 1064 Westlynn Way Cupertino, California TESTING AND INSPECTION SERVICES DURING THE BACKFILLING OPERATION OF THE SWIMMING POOL REMOVAL Dear Mr. Bjurman: Pursuant to your request, we have performed testing and inspection services during the backfilling operation for the swimming pool removal. The subject site is the existing residence located at 1064 Westlynn Way in Cupertino, California. The existing swimming pool area was approximately 650 square feet with depths ranging from 4 to 7 feet below existing ground elevation. First, the entire pool was removed. Then, the excavated bottom was compacted. Next, the excavated area was backfilled with import soil material to the existing ground surface. The import soil material was moisture conditioned as necessary and compacted in uniform 12 inch lifts to at least 90% relative maximum density. The backfilling operation was performed by Bjurman General Engineering Corporation on June 22 and 23, 2015. A total of 8 in-place field moisture/density tests were performed by our field engineer using a nuclear gauge (CPN MC -1 DR -P). These tests showed values in excess of 90% relative maximum density of the backfill material as determined using the laboratory compaction test procedure ASTM D1 557-12. The results of the field moisture/density tests are summarized in Table_ 1. Approximate locations of these tests are shown on the Site Plan - Figure 1. - 2391 zANKER ROAD, SUITE 350 ® SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95131 a (408) 324-1400 • F (408) 324-1404 File No. SV1363F .June 24, 2015 As a result of our testing and inspection services, the contractor has performed the backfilling operation accordingly. If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact our office at your convenience. Very truly yours, SILICON VALLEY SOIL ENGINEERING Sean Deivert Project Manager Vien Vo, P.E. SV1363F.BF/Copies: .11 �Y�OF_SglC�� 0.JAN M• L �� 0 RCE 32296 rn rT1 EXP, ' CIV I1. �F CAL 3 to Bjurman General Engineering Corporation 2 SILICON VALLEY SOIL ENGINEERING File No. SV1363F .June 24, 2015 TABLE SUMMARY OF FIELD MOISTURE/ DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test Date Test Moisture Dry Rel. Comp. Soil Type No. 2015 Location/ % Dry Density % of Max. & Remark. 90.7 B 4 IfX4/5.L. Elevation Weight p.c.f. 93.8 B 5 IfX5/51. SWIMMING POOL BACKFILL 1 6/22 X1 /3.L. 11.4 109.4 92.8 B 2 isX2/3.L. 12.7 109.8 93.1 B 3 isX3/31. 14.8 107.1 90.7 B 4 IfX4/5.L. 12.8 110.7 93.8 B 5 IfX5/51. 13.8 107.1 90.7 B 6 6/23 X6/F.L. 11.9 109.5 92.8 B 7 X7/F.L. 13.5 106.8 90.5 B 8 Xs/F.L. 13.8 107.8 91.3 B NOTES: 3.1- =THIRD LIFT S.L. = FIFTH LIFT F.L. = FINAL LIFT B: Light Brown Gravelly Sandy Clayey SILT 3 SILICON VALLEY SOIL ENGINEERING \ 'r6 ABANDONED SWIMMING. PO( II I I l NOTE: X - DENOTES APPROXIMATE FIELD TEST LOCATION Silicon Valley Soil SITE PLAN File No.: SV1363F FIGURE Engineering 2391 Zanker Road, #350 Existing Residence Drawn by: M.N. 1 San Jose, CA 95131 (408) 324-1400 1064 Westlynn Way Cupertino, California Scale: NOT TO SCALE June 1. 2015 Y 120 100 + 7 9 11 13 15 17 Moisture Content (% of Dry Weight) 19 SAMPLE: B DESCRIPTION: Light Brown.Gravelly Sandy Clayey SILT LABORATORY TEST PROCEDURE: ASTM D1557-12 MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY: 1 18.0 p:c.f. OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT: 13.0% Silicon Valley Soil Engineering 2391 Zanker Road, #350 San Jose, CA 95131 (408) 324-1400 COMPACTION TEST B I File No.: SV1363F Existing Residence 1064 Westlynn Way Cupertino, California 5 Drawn by: M.N. Scale: NOT TO SCALE FIGURE I 2 June 2015