CC Resolution No. 15-016 Updating the Master Tree List RESOLUTION NO. f5-016
WHEREAS, street trees provide economic, social and environmental benefits;
WHEREAS, the City has a substantial interest in maintaining a healthy urban
forest; and
WHEREAS, the planting of the appropriate tree in public right of way is
important and predictive of the future health of the tree and the infrastructure that may
surround the tree; and
WHEREAS, a Master Street Tree List shall be determined and periodically
updated to establish the type and species of street trees to be planted in the public right
of way so as to maximize the health of the urban forest and preserve as much as is
practicable the hardscape infrastructure that often surround street trees.
The Master Street Tree List is updated.
PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of
Cupertino this 21st day'of April, 2015,by the following vote:
Vote Members of the City Council
Ayes: Sinks, Chang, Paul, Vaidhyanathan, Wong
Noes: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
Grace Schmidt, City Clerk Rod Sinks, Mayor
Master Street Tree List
1. Tristania. conferta --An evergreen tree known as `Brisbane Box'. Is moderate to fast
growing to 30-40 feet. Trunk and limbs resemble those of the madrone,with reddish brown bark
peeling away to show smooth light colored bark. Upright growth with a rounded canopy. Leaves
are 4-6 inches long and are oval, leathery, and bright green. Flowers in clusters 3-7 in summer 3/
inch across, white to creamy. This tree can be seen on Blaney Ave north of Stevens Creek Blvd.
2. Arburus 'marina'--An evergreen tree known as `Marina Strawberry tree' that grows 30-40
feet tall with a broad dense canopy. The upright branches are covered with a smooth mahogany
colored bark which exfoliates to expose new bark. Dark green leaves 4-5 inches long. The
pendulous clusters of urn-shaped pink flowers are produced year-round. The fruit that follows is
yellow, orange, and dark red. These trees can be seen in the lawn near the main entrance at city
3. Pyrus callervana. `Aristocrat' --A deciduous tree known as `Flowering Pear' that Grows
fast to 30' in height and has Pyramidal in shape. Leaves are glossy and oval.growing to 3 inches
long. Small, white clustered flowers appear late winter/early spring. Leaves turn to a purple red
in fall. Tree can be seen on Stevens Creek Blvd median strip between Blaney Ave &Torre Ave.
4.Pyrus Calleryana `Chanticleer'--A deciduous tree known as `Flowering Pear'. Grows fast to
35' in height and has a columnar shape. Leaves are glossy and oval growing to 3 inches long.
Small, white clustered flowers appear late winter/early spring. Leaves turn to a purple red in fall.
Tree can be seen on Stevens Creek Blvd roadside from De Anza Blvd to Portal Rd.
5. Pistacia. Chinesis--A deciduous tree known at `Chinese Pistache', a shade tree that grows to
40 feet in height. Leaves are narrow up to 4 inches long turning to a vivid red, yellow and
orange in fall. This tree can be seen at City Hall on Rodrigues Ave @ Torre Ave.
6. Lagerstroemia X Fauriei. `Tuscarora'--A deciduous tree also known as `Crape Myrtle'. It
can grow to 30 feet in height. 1 —2 inch oval, glossy leaves producing deep coral pink flowers in
July-September. It is considered to be mildew resistant. The tree can be seen at De Anza Blvd
median strip (north-end) between Marian Ave & 280 Freeway.
7. Gingko biloba. `Autumn Gold' —Deciduous tree known as Maidenhair' that grows to 30—
50 feet in height. Broad, fan shaped leaves turning gold in fall. Not generally bothered by
insects or diseases. It is resistant to oak root fungus, Fruitless.
8. Acer. rubrum.'October Glory' —A deciduous tree known as `Red Maple', grows to a height
of 40—60 feet with a spread of 25-45 feet. Leaves are 2—5 inches long with 3 —5lobes, are
green on top with a pale bottom. As fall approaches the leaves turn to a brilliant scarlet red. It
tolerates most soils. Occasional deep watering and periodic feeding will help keep roots deep.
9.Koelreuteria bipinnata. -- A deciduous tree known as `Chinese Flame Tree' grows to a height
of 30—40 feet with a spread up to 30—40 feet. Blooms in June with yellow showy flower
clusters to 15inches long. Fruit is inflated papery-walled capsule, turning from red to copper-
colored and brown in the fall.
10.PlatinusXAcerfolia 'Colombia' —a large deciduous tree known as `London Plane Tree'
that grows to 50feet at maturity displaying a pyramidal shape when young. Foliage has medium
to dark green leaves 6-7 inches long, 8-10 inches wide. Leaves are 5-lobed. Bark is exfoliating,
varying from yellow-green to greyed-green. Dry fuzzy fruit balls are generally produced in 2's
and 3's.
11. Acer buergerianum -- is a small, rounded, deciduous tree known as `trident maple' that
typically grows rather slowly to 20-30 feet. Leaves are Triangular, three-lobed, glossy green.
above and pale green beneath that are 3 '/z inches long and 2.inches wide. Variable but usually
attractive fall color features shades of dark red and orange. Non-showy, greenish-yellow flowers
bloom in spring(April-May) to inch long that mature in the fall. Exfoliating bark will develop on
mature trunks.
12. Tilia tomentosa `sterling silver' -- is a deciduous tree known as `sterling silver linden' noted
for its attractive foliage, which is glossy green.above and silvery-white below. The foliage
flutters in the slightest breeze, showcasing the silver and green leaf colors. This iss-a medium
sized deciduous tree, typically growing to 50 feet tall with upright branching and a broad-
columnar habit. Fragrant pale yellow flowers in drooping cymes appear in late spring to early
summer,(June-July). Flowers are followed by small nutlets attached to narrow,bract-like, strap-
shaped leafy wings 2.5 inches long. nutlets ripen in late summer. Ovate, shiny, dark green leaves
to 4 inches long with acuminate tips and serrate margins are densely covered beneath with
silvery-white hairs. Fall color is an undistinguished pale green to pale yellow.
13. Quercus frainetto `Schmidt' --is a deciduous tree known as `Forest Green Oak' is upright
growing to 40—50 feet with a spread of 25—30 feet. Oval shaped tree of Hungarian descent. It
features deep green, glossy foliage with deeply lobed leaves with yellow brown fall color. The
strong central trunk gives this tree a stately appearance. This tree will make a great addition to
any yard. It grows best in Full Sun,but will tolerate Full Shade. Drought tolerant once
14. Quercus bucklyi--is a deciduous tree known as `Texas Red Oak'. It is a medium sized tree.
_with spreading branches. It grows 30 to 50 feet tall by 40 feet wide. The foliage turns bright
shades of vivid red and orange in autumn. Some trees hold their dead leaves until spring when
new leaves emerge. The bark is dark gray with plate like scales, and is sometimes light
gray and smooth.
15. Quercus cambyi -- is a deciduous tree known as `Sierra Oak' it is a red oak that naturally
grows in a.pyramidal shape while it is young, developing into a broader canopy after several
years. With a mature size of 30 feet tall and equal spread-, it is an ideal oak tree for Cupertino
neighborhoods. Although it's classified as an evergreen, it will shed a majority of its leaves in
the late winter.New foliage is red before turning a rich green color, turning red again in the fall.
Leaves are up to three inches long, and resemble a holly leaf
16. Quercus suber-- is a medium sized semi-deciduous tree known as `Cork oak'. The bark
from this tree is famously used as wine bottle corks. They grow to a mature height of 40-50 feet
tall and are attractive oaks. Leaves are leathery, wavy-toothed, ovate, shiny, and dark green 24"
long are gray below. Thick, rough, deeply fissured, corky bark with reddish-brown furrows has a
unique beauty, particularly on older trees. Fruits are narrow oval-oblong acorns, growing to 1.25
inches long.
17. Quercus agrifolia --is a large California native shade tree known as `Coast Live Oak' with
a dense broad canopy with handsome smooth grey bark. Its leaves are dark green 3/ to 1 inches
wide by�1%2 inches long. Leaves are thick with tinny points on its edges much like a holly leaf.
Mature height reaches 50-60 feet with equal spread. This tree does not do well in turf areas as it
is sensitive to overwatering. Once established this tree should rarely need irrigating.
18. Ulmus parvifolia `Bosque' —Is a deciduous tree known as `Bosque Chinese elm'. It has a
strong central leader and is pyramidal shaped: Good for planting on city streets and in restricted
spaces, thanks to its upright growth habit and narrow crown. It has a mature height of 45-50 feet
and a spread of 30 feet. The leaves are Fine textured and-glossy 1-2 inches long % - % inches
wide, its dark green foliage is complemented by multi-colored exfoliating bark ranging from
orange to dark grey.
19. Fraxinus uhdei -- is a semi deciduous tree known as `shamel Ash' that reaches heights of
80 feet by 60 feet wide. Its large 2 by 4 inch leaves provide excellent shade. It produces
inconspicuous flowers turning to clusters of green seeds that turn brown in the fall, eventually
dropping in the spring in large quantities. This tree can be seen along Wolfe road between
Stevens Creek Blvd and Homestead Rd. Due to its size this tree is only recommended for large
planting locations.
20. Fraxinus americana -- is a deciduous shade tree known as `Autumn Purple Ash' it has large
glossy green leaves,and a brilliant fall display of red fading to a deep purple. It holds its fall color
longer than almost any other trees growing in Cupertino. Its leaves are 1-2 inches wide by 3-4
inches.long..Its smooth grey bark becomes furrowed when mature. This tree is fast growing, (3-4
feet a year) when given ample water.
Ndszhborhood Themed street Trees (see neighborhood theme tree map)
.Area A: Pyrus Calleryana `Chanticleer'
Area B: Fraxinus uhdei `Shamel Ash'
Area C: Fraxinus americana `Autumn Purple'i,
Quercus bucklyi `Texas Red Oak'
Tilia tomentosa `Sterling Silver Linden'
Quercus frainetto `Schmidt' or Forest Green Oak
Area D: Quercus agrifolia `Coast Live Oak'