Teen 04-23-14 CUPERTINO Cupertino Teen Commission Regular Meeting Wednesday, April 23, 2014, 6:15 pm Quinlan Community Center, Conference Room 10185 N. Stelling Road, Cupertino, CA 95014 APPROVED MINUTES CALL TO ORDER— 6:17pm PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Buvanesh, Doyle, Mol, Prasad, Smithline, Sriraman, Swamy, Trivedi, Yuri Staff Present: Ganeles MINUTES FROM PREVIOUS MEETING A) April 9, 2014 Commissioner Prasad motions to approve minutes. Commissioner Doyle seconds. Motion passes unanimously. COMMUNICATIONS a) Oral Nancy Sullivan and Laura Mlyakawa, Teen Leadership 95014 • Completion project for Leadership 95014 for 2013-2014 • Project proposing is a Teen 95014, five day program in the summer, developing skills focused on: City Government, Nature, Group Dynamics, Self, and World • Gathering ideas on advertising, recruiting, cost • Criteria for selecting individuals 15-20 individuals who are not currently on the Teen Commission, but can serve on the Commission after taking part in program b) Written Santa Clara Valley Water District and New America Media, Semany Gashaw • Video and Poster Contest— Save Water and be Part of the Drought Solution • SCVWD youth media contest to help save water, 14-18 and 19-24 eligible for cash prize and participation NEW BUSINESS a) Roots of Life Event Debrief - Well prepared for event, but feel they did not advertise enough o Future use video advertising, and begin promoting earlier - Participants enjoyed the ice cream - Gave constructive criticism to themselves on what they could do for upcoming event i I b) Big Bunny 5K Run, Teen Promotion Debrief - Promotion: Facebook Event, Cupertino HS, Kennedy, and Lawson gave letter to PE Dept. - Monta Vista HS, gave letter to teachers - Future promotion: give letter in advance with time for follow up, make sure to give plenty of notice, incentive to participate - Facebook Promotion: change cover photo/profile picture to event poster, commissioners continually post and update Facebook event - Cost for Teenagers is a drawback to register o Difficult to target teens, possibly target as a family event • Run for charity, teens get sponsors to cover registration fee to then volunteer to run, instead of paying upfront • Talk with schools and PE departments for possible extra credit c) Calendar Review - Regular Meeting, Wednesday May 14'h at 6:15pm - Toppings and Topics Event, Saturday May 17th from 11:OOam to 1:OOpm - Final Meeting of 2013/2014 Year, Wednesday May 28th at 6:15pm OLD BUSINESS a) VALLCO Discussion and Sub Committee Update - Tyler, Chris, Justin, Celine meeting on Friday April 25t" • Create survey using previously discussed information and questions • Using Google Drive to share document for review b) Teen Commission Recruitment - As of last week only had 3 applications turned in - Work to promote at school, library and to friends c) Toppings and Topics – City Social Event - Rob McCoy and Jerry Tallinger to attend from Public Safety Commission - Quarter sheets for the City Clerk's office for when applicants drop off application for Teen Commission - Discussed overflow if more than 50 people show up - Keep promoting, post flyers at school and on notice boards in Cupertino, promote via Facebook, commissioners should write something on event MISCELLANEOUS—NO ACTION REQUIRED ADJOURNMENT The Teen Commission adjourned at 7:28pm to REGULAR MEETING on Wednesday May 14th, 2014 at 6:15pm at Quinlan Community Center, Conference Room, 10185 North Stelling Road, Cupertino 95014. Respectfully Submitted o' hetia s o 'Z sk T'%a�y 6rG el& j Stephany Ganeles Staff Liaison