DRCsub 01-26-00 CITY OF CUPERTINO, 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014 (408) 777-3308 Design Review Sub-Committee Meeting Minutes January 26, 2000 (revised) Committee Members Present: Andrea Harris, Jerry Stevens Staff Present: Ciddy Wordell, Peter Gilli Others Present: Laura Kehrlein Minutes: Minutes of the January 12,2000, regular Design Review Sub-Committee meeting. Approved. Oral Communications None Written Communications None Comm. Harris asked for a motion to continue item number 2, 15-EXC-99 to February 9, 2000. Comm. Stevens made the motion. Comm. Harris seconded. Requests for continuance were granted. Old Business 3. Application No.(s): Applicant: Location: 23-ASA-99 Fredric Divine Associates (for Hollywood Video) 10465 S. De Anza Boulevard Architectural review of minor modifications to the exterior of an existing commercial building. Peter Gilli, project manager, outlined alternative locations for the video drop off box, showing photos of the area. One of the locations for the drop off box could be under the existing drive through canopy. This alternative would direct drop off traffic around the back ofthe building and would allow drivers to directly drop off videos. The box is basically a four-foot tall rectangular box with an opening at the top. To obstruct visibility of the box additional landscaping is required. The other location, of which there are no photos, would be in one of the parking spaces off De Anza Boulevard. This alternative also allows the driver side drop off. Installation of landscaping would obstruct the view ofthe box from De Anza Boulevard. ·... . Cornrn. Harris stated that the canopy and parking lot alternatives were not desirable, and that the location at the parking lot island should be used. Comm. Harris brought up concerns about theft and vandalism for the drop bQ,l', as well as concern over this setting a precedent for drop off boxes for other type of commercial uses. Comm. Stevens supported locating the drop off box in the existing drive through canopy area, and made a motion to approve the project based on that location. There was no second. Comm. Harris stated that she did prefer a drop off box located at the existing island, with direct drop offfrom the adjacent parking space. This is also the applicant's preferred location. No action was taken on the application and the item was referred to the Planning Commission for review. Comm. Harris adjoumed the meeting at 6:25pm. g/agendas/hearings/drsl-26-00min