DRC 05-24-00Cupertino, CA 95014 (408) 777-3308 APPROVED MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE HELD ON MAY 24, 2000 ROLL CALL Committee Members present: Committee Members absent: Staff present: APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Jerry Stevens, Chairperson David Doyle, Commissioner None Ciddy Wordell, City Planner Peter Gilli, Planner I Minutes of the April 5, 2000 RDRC meeting, approved. Minutes of the May 10, 2000 DRC meeting, not approved. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: None POSTPONEMENTSfREMOVAL FROM CALENDAR: None None None None 01 -R-00 Robert Hauck - Mr. Deck Company 10026 Crescent Drive ORAL COMMUNICATION: CONSENT CALENDAR: OLD BUSINESS: PUBLIC HEARING: 1. Application No. (s): Applicant: Location: Exception to allow a second story deck on an existing two-story residence. Residential Design Review Committee decision final unless appealed. 2 Staff presentation: Peter Gilli, Planner I, stated that the project is a replacement of an existing second story deck. The size of the new deck is approximately the same as the old one. The original deck was built prior to requiring an exception. However, this replacement is a modification and requires an exception. Because of the arrangements of the lots in this area the second story deck does not have any views into any private yards, except for section B on the exhibits. There is a slight view into property B. The applicant has provided waivers for privacy protection signed by neighbors B and C. Staff recommends approval. Chairman Stevens stated that he does not want to set a precedent where privacy protection waivers signed by neighbors would be sufficient to approve a project. The City needs to assure that privacy protection for future neighbors is guaranteed. Since the view in this case is very minor, approval can be granted. If it had a full view into the neighbor's backyard it could not be approved. MOTION: SECOND: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: VOTE: Commissioner Doyle moved for approval. Chairman Stevens None None Passed 2-0 Application No. (s): Applicant: Location: 12-u-g4(M) Bay Area Sunrooms 21700 Olive Avenue Modification to a use permit to allow a 139 sq. ft. addition to a single family attached residence in a Planned Development zone. Residential Design Review Committee decision final unless appealed Staff presentation: Peter Gilli, Planner I, gave an overview of the project. This is an application to construct a 139 sq. ft. sunroom addition. The addition would be located approximately 6'4" from the rear property line. Staff had two concerns with this project. One was whether to allow any encroachments into the rear setback, and second, if allowed how much. Ifa 10' setback is maintained, staff could recommend approval. The applicant mentioned that the association and her neighbors have approved the addition. The recommendation of a 10' setback would be consistent with a single family home, but naturally the PUDs are on a smaller lots. 3 Chairperson Stevens stated that a sum:oom is like a glorified back porch and that approval could be granted. Any other structure with walls and a roof could not be approved. Comm. Doyle expressed concerns about future developments like two story structures. He said that in this case approval could be granted since tiffs project is a glass structure, it is less than 9 feet in height, and it does not create any visual intrusion. MOTION: SECOND: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: VOTE: Commissioner Doyle moved for approval as proposed by the applicant. Chairman Stevens None None Passed 2-0 g:planning/DRC CommitteedMinutcs52400