E-336 GRANT OF EASEMENT FOR ROADWAY PURPOSES, CUPERTINO RD H 2 3 0 p~ GE , 9 8 3 113987'\? E-33~ "1 'J-'" ~ ,r-,"'. ~~ ; ',I~ '__,r.- ,~\ ~j ~~,'~} ~, ' . ,'~ " _ .,:. ilCr~ I' A .. ;~Gbi-. \'Ir-'~ ,~..' ~..... ~ :... d,l,. t\<tdJ, ,- j,J ~.~ <..'-'- NO FEE []] fIU::.D tOK ~lCU;U) :,- m:cU::.Si OF C>>~IZnNO I ~ 101 JUH 9 \\ 4 D " JL. .'i-. .:t,L ...:,.-,)RDS SAh1 ' . : l_ t," ti. COUN"'" L!I.:F.i[ KANE ;::.FGClRilfR NO FEE IN ACC0~Ml:& WnM 8fIfNt COJDK ..tOS l ~ ~,~.;~~'r ~'~: :lOiI , ',;r ~ f ,. ,...' ''f ~ '~',: , '" ,'. < , . ',,, I; L, r.' ' ~. -----..... ." ' {f(':l ~ GlWlr OF FASEMFNr Em HJArH\Y PURPOOES Bozo Margaretich Construction Inc, , A California Corporation grant(s) to the CITY OF cupERI'INO, for public roadway purposes, together with the right to construct, repair, operate, and maintain any and all public utilities and improvements which shall be or becOme necessary for preservation of the public safety, welfare or convenience, the hereinafter described property which is situated in the city of CUpertino, County of Santa Clara, state of California, and as described as follows: (Description attached) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, executed this l q -\kday of M Ctrch 19 q?-. Bozo Margaretich Construction Inc. .......J (Notary acknOWledgment to be attached) it 2 3 0 Pt\ GE I 9 8 5 EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF DEDICATION FOR ROADWAY PURPOSES All that certain real property situated in the City of Cupertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California, being a portion of Section 14-A as shown upon map entitled "MAP OF INSPIRATION HEIGHTS, MONTA VISTA", which map was filed in Book P of Maps at Page 18, Santa Clara County Records, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Southerly line of Cupertino Road (formerly Stevens Creek Road), 40 feet in width, distant thereon Easterly 5.00 feet from the intersection of said Southerly line with the Westerly line of said Section 14-A; thence from said point of beginning along said Southerly line Easterly 20.00 feet to the Northeast corner of said Section; thence along the Easterly line thereof Southerly 10.00 feet; thence parallel with the Southerly line of Cupertino Road Westerly 20.00 feet; thence parallel with the Westerly line of said Section Northerly 10.00 feet to the point of beginning. containing 200 square feet, more or less. 0-DD4 Au-f!,{ ( M~n or lus Date: September.25, 1991 Prepared by: E.J. Hahamian Civil Engineer ~.. M 2 3 0 P n GE I 9 8 6 \) CLJPERTIN,O R D. ~ (formerl~ stevens Creek Rd..) e. q~ f" OJ ~~ ~~ J:.(f) ~o... , -<( () ~I N') \1 20... ~ 0 , ~: ~ ~~ O-U) \{'I- -:2> - ~~ 0...2 <.<> '22: -:. ~ 1..:. v Q/ \I)~ \.. ~ ..1" P0'8 , ~ t\j '- ~ -~ 475'= ~ " '-J. --2:' .... OED/CA TION 91 7... \.U 11 C1:: <t U ~ ~ '" \-.: ~ ~ II) ,~ .... "-l. '1....; ~ '0 ~ \()~ \Ci , C) ~ \0 ~ \'() < ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ EqST 50 )0-. " . .-- ttl '-I t'-- ~ ~ ~~ ~ ,-....; ") ~~ ~ " ~ ~ '-l ~ ~ \ EXHI81T 8 PLA T 01= IJEOICA TION FOR PUBLIC ROAOWAy PURPOSES 70 CITY o~ CuPERTINO, CA. ~ ~ SEcT /4- ~ast sec.f. Z~ /t)()'/2- SEPteMBER 25; /991 M 2 3 0 P ~ GE I 9 8 7 RESOW1'ION NO. 8631 A RESOWl'ION OF '!HE CI'lY CDUNCIL OF '!HE CI'lY OF aJPERl'INO ACCEPl'ING GRAN!' OF FASEMENI' FOR ~Y PURPOSES FR:M BOZO ~CH OONsmucrrON mc., A CALIFORNIA CD:RFORATION, OONSISTING OF APPROXIMATELY 0.004 ACRES IDCATED ON aJPERl'INO ROAD WHEREAS, Bozo Margaretich construction Inc., a california corporation, has executed a Grant of Fasement for Roadway PurposeS which is in good am sufficient fom, grantin;J to the City of CUpertino, coonty of Santa Clara, state of california, easement over certain real prc:party for roadway pJrPOSeS, situate in the City of CUpertino, 1l'Ore particularly described in Exhibit "A" am Exhibit "B", attached hereto am made a part hereof, which is as follows: All that certain real property situate in the City of CUpertino, County of Santa Clara, state of California, consistin;J of awroxiInate1y 0.004 acres on the south side of CUpertino Road, west of Cannan Road. NCM, '1HEREFQRE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of CUpertino accept said grant so ten:lered; am IT IS FURIHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby authorized to record said dedication am this Resolution. PASSED AND AOOPrED' at a regular meetin;J of the City CaD'X:il of the City of CUpertino this 6th day of April , 1992, by the followin;J vote: vote AYES : Members of the city council Dean. Goldman, Koppel. Szabo, Sorensen NOES: None ABSENI' : None ABSTAIN: None : ~ I' .. \. '.. \ , . THIS IS TO'CE~iIFY tHAT THE WITHIN INSTRUtvlE:NT IS A TRut;AND CORRECT COpy OF THE ORIGINAL ONFfLC IN THIS OFFICE. .'. .'/j ~. :tA 'i~ '1:>- ATTE~TJ i.~':: ,19_ CI~'i'._. C.LERt -QF. T.HE~~I Y OF CUPERTINO RY ',l :(tu--<. ~______ . ',' . .... 'f)Jp.rjl~y' 'CLER ~:" ':'.. I: I # M 2 3 0 pn GE , 989 EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF DEDICATION FOR ROADWAY PURPOSES All that certain real property situated in the City of Cupertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California, being a portion of Section 14-A as shown upon map entitled "MAP OF INSPIRATION HEIGHTS, MONTA VISTA", which map was filed in Book P of Maps at Page 18, Santa Clara County Records, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Southerly line of Cupertino Road (formerly Stevens Creek Road), 40 feet in width, distant thereon Easterly 5.00 feet from the intersection of said southerly line with the Westerly line of said Section 14-A; thence from said point of beginning along said Southerly line Easterly 20.00 feet to the Northeast corner of said Section; thence along the Easterly line thereof Southerly 10.00 feet; thence parallel with the Southerly line of Cupertino Road Westerly 20.00 feet; thence parallel with the Westerly line of said Section Northerly 10.00 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 200 square feet, more or less. 0-004 AGn( ( Melrc or !.us Dat~: September-25, 1991 prepared by: E.J. Hahamian Civil Engineer ,~ '{ "EXHIBIT A'~ of.'\ M 2 3 0 PAGE \ 99 0 Q CUPERTlN,O RD. ~ (formerl~ stevens Creel< Rd..) 8t:1sr . dJ - '\6 ~O- :r.tf) ~o... , -< () ~L r<) \I 20- ~ 0 " ~: ~ ~~ Q..V) \f)- :z> - ~~ 0...2: <00 2:2: ~ ~ ~ v Q/ lr)~ \. ~ 01. , P0'8 , <:) l\l ... ~ . .tl) .~ 475'= ~ .:.::r -<:' OEOICA TION 9, :z. III ):1 a::: <( u ~ ~ '" ~ ~ '" () ~ \...: 'CO) ~ ~ ~ ~ , C) ~ ~ ~ \0 ~ t\1 l'{) .... .~ ~ ~ ~ '-I SEer: /4 ~ t'- "t ~ ~ ft\ ~N ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I EXJ-I/8/T B PiA r OF PEO/CA T/ON FOR PU8LIC ROAOWAY PURPOSES 70 C/7Y of: CuPER7/NO, CA. sePTEMBER 25; /99/ ~Qst sec::.t. Z~ /00./2 n[~""UO~T 0." ~i~hiDJ; 0 "23 0 PA GE r 99 , "NO FEE" City of CUpertino CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPI'ANCE is hereby given in order to comply with the provisions of Section 2728l of the Government Code. This is to certify that the interest in real property oonveyed by the deed or grant dated March 19, 1992, fran BOZO MARGARETICH CDlSTRUcrION, INC., A CALIFORNIA OORPORATION to City of Cupertino, a governmental agency, is hereby accepted by order of the City Council on April 6, 1992, and the grantee oonsents to reoordation thereof by its duly authorized officer. Dated: April 8, 1992 . " : : (; . , - , , I J_) , \,"'-7 I By Carol Sh~herd-:, . Deputy iCity' Clerk 7. City o~ Cuper.t1!no _ ...:... ',- ,:\V.~;:' . ,:: ~ . '. . .' , . -, ~. . . ; /-, _; . -~I/r ( \ .;/ ,t'1 ., J l' ,. ,,,/ . .J" . - RESOWI'ION NO. 8631 A RESOWI'ION OF '!HE CITY OOUNCIL OF '!HE cm OF aJPERI'INO Aa.:~G GRANT OF FASEMENl' FOR ROAOOAY PURPOSES FROM BOZO MARGAREI'l0l OONSIRucrION INC., A CALIFORNIA OORPORATION, OONSISTING OF APPROXIMATELY 0.004 ACRES LOCATED ON aJPERI'INO ROAD WHEREAS, Bozo Margaretich Construction Inc., a California Corporation, has executed a Grant of Easement for Roadway PurposeS which is in good arrl sufficient fom, granting to the city of CUpertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California, easement over certain real property for roadway purposes, situate in the City of cupertino, lOOre particularly described in Exhibit "A" and Exhibit "B", attached hereto and made a part hereof, which is as follows: All that certain real property situate in the City of CUpertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California, consisting of approximately 0.004 acres on the south side of CUpertino Road, west of Carmen Road. NOO, 'IHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of cupertino accept said grant so terdered; arrl IT IS FURIHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby authorized to record said dedication arrl this Resolution. PASSED AND AOOPrED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of CUpertino this 6th day of April , 1992, by the follC7tling vote: Vote Members of the City Council AYES : Dean, Goldman, Koppel, Szabo, Sorensen NOES : None ABSENr: None ABS'I'A.lll : None EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF DEDICATION FOR ROADWAY PURPOSES All that certain real property situated in the City of Cupertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California, being a portion of Section 14-A as shown upon map entitled "MAP OF INSPIRATION HEIGHTS, MONTA VISTA", which map was filed in Book P of Maps at Page 18, Santa Clara County Records, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Southerly line of Cupertino Road (formerly Stevens Creek Road), 40 feet in width, distant thereon Easterly 5.00 feet from the intersection of said Southerly line with the Westerly line of said Section 14-A; thence from said point of beginning along said Southerly line Easterly 20.00 feet to the Northeast corner of said Section; thence along the Easterly line thereof Southerly 10.00 feet; thence parallel with the Southerly line of Cupertino Road Westerly 20.00 feet; thence parallel with the Westerly line of said Section Northerly 10.00 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 200 square feet, more or less. 0-004 Aue.~ ( M()n or lus Date: September'25, 1991 Prepared by: E.J. Hahamian Civil Engineer ,:\! "<- "EXHI81T A'~ ,f.... C> CLJPERTl~D RD. ~ (fOrmer/~ stevens Cre~k Rd..) Il q~ t' " () rf) \I dJ - "'\6 ~c. :r.(f) ~a.. -<( ~I :zo.. o ~: , 9f~ O-U) V\- :z> ~~ (l..'Z <0 2:2: ... .. " ~ ~ '\..:. ^' v ~ III ~ \1) ~ ~ \.. ~ 11,'\ RQ8 ... ~ . \\t ... ~ I ~ J~ .:.:r I \" ~ ~ I~ ~ Q ~ .._I~ ~ ....... Q) s.oo~ I .~ I! 't \9 ~ ~ k I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ It) IV) "'~ €Qst 30./2 .~ 475'= Oc/)ICA TIOAl ~ t'-. ~ \-.: ~ ~ \I) ~ <:) 'CO) ~ , CJ ~ \() C\1 C'() '~ ~ ~ =E ~ '<: ..- ~ " '" ~ ~ ~N 4) ~~ tc\ ~~ ~ ~ I~ E X J-I / 8. / T 8 PLA T OF IJEO/CA lION FOR PU8LIC ROAOWAY PURPOses 70 CITY o~ CuPER71NO, CA. SEe"!: /4- p-ast sec:.f,ZG /oo./z SEPtEMBER 25; /99/ 91 :z lU ~I ~ <t U 1'1I~-''''''r!,\r- ...... U 11Ift "'1 iJ; ,~I' r1" :' ': \; f'; ~ q :':...(l' ~ ~, " \ .."" . \'. !j i,iJ Uf1J~ ~ rfi'. " f..\,,~, ~ . ALL.PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of ~/~~ } County of d'~~~ (l~A~ On s-~ z- /p "-- before me, A~ rf ,,--,4,/'1 fU 0 !.fe.- " DATE ,/) _ NAME, TITLE OF OFFICER. E.G., "JANE DOE, NOTARY PUBLIC" 'J-:/~ '/n. ~~A~ I NAME(S) O~GNER(S) o personally known to me - OR - typroved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/afe"' subscribed to the within instrument and ac- knowledged to me that he/sReI-tfley executed the same in his/her/theiJ:-. authorized capacity~ and that by his/her/th~ signature(sf'on the instrument the person(a}-; or the entity upon behalf of which the person( st- acted, executed the instrument. Witn~~y hand and official seal. , ~/l~~1h/ ~ SIGNA~E~OFNOTARY ~~ personally appeared ;0G1C)G1C) G1C)G1C)G:<9~G:<9G:<9G:<9G:<9G:<9G:<9G:<9~t ~ OFFICIAL SEAL ~ ~ "~~" ROBERTA ANN WOLFE ~ ~ tifdUi1; NOTARY PUBLIC. CALIFORNIA 3 ~ ''?'2;;kVJ. SANTA CLARA COUNTY 3 ~ My Commission Expires June 11, 1993 G ~~~~~~~~~Q::l~~~~G);. It 2 8 8 PAG ~ NO 209 CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER ~ INDIVIDUAL(S) o CORPORATE OFFICER(S) TITLE(S) o PARTNER(S) o ATTORNEY-IN-FACT o TRUSTEE(S) o SUBSCRIBING WITNESS o GUARDIAN/CONSERV A TOR o OTHER: SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: NAME OF PERSQN(S) OR ENTITY(IES) ATTENTION NOTARY: Although the information requested below is OPTIONAL, it could prevent fraudulent attachment of this certificate to unauthorized document. THIS CERTIFICATE Title or Type of Document {fA-<.-.E %-'- -4 J j ~ MUST BE ATTACHED /' J s-. z- L f TO THE DOCUMENT Number of Pages Date Document - - Z-- DESCRIBED AT RIGHT: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above () IQ 1991 NATIONAL NOTARY ASSOCIATION' 8236 Remmel Ave.' P.O. Box 7184' Canoga Pati<, CA 91304-7184