14070130CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING PERMIT BUILDING ADDRESS: 23500 CRISTO REY DR UNIT 114C CONTRACTOR: CLINE CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NO: 14070130 OWNER'S NAME: ERLER THEODORE G JR TRUSTEE & ET 1 330 B LINCOLN AVE I DATE ISSUED: 07/30/2014 ' OWNER'S PHONE: 6509440100 1 SAN JOSE, CA 95126 1PHONE NO: (408) 924-0204 4j' LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION License Classy t3 Lic. # O p (.2 2 7^57 c'Zt �y Contractor C 1� ►� r �^ 5 '� Date I hereby affirm that I am licensed under the provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business & Professions Code and that my license is in full force and effect. I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following two declarations: I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for Worker's Compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. I have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. APPLICANT CERTIFICATION I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. (We) agree to save indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against liabilities, judgments, costs, and expenses which may accrue against said City in consequence of the granting of this permit. Additionally, the applicant understands and will co with all non -point source regulations per the Cupertino Municipal Code, Section 9 18. Signature Date 7-30-0-1 ❑ OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for one of the following two reasons: I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec.7044, Business & Professions Code) I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec.7044, Business & Professions Code). I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following three declarations: I have and will maintain a Certificate of Consent to self -insure for Worker's Compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. I have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Worker's Compensation laws of California. If, after making this certificate of exemption, I become subject to the Worker's Compensation provisions of the Labor Code, I must forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked. APPLICANT CERTIFICATION I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. (We) agree to save indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against liabilities, judgments, costs, and expenses which may accrue against said City in consequence of the granting of this permit. Additionally, the applicant understands and will comply with all non -point source regulations per the Cupertino Municipal Code, Section 9 18. Signature, Date JOB DESCRIPTION: RESIDENTIAL ❑ COMMERCIAL UNIT 114C - ADD 2 (N) CEILING LIGHTIFANS, 1 RECESSED LIGHT, 2 OUTLETS & 3 SWITCHES Sq. Ft Floor Area: I Valuation: $450 APN Number: 34253021 00 I Occupancy Type: PERMIT EXPIRES IF WORK IS NOT STARTED WITHIN 180 RMIT ISSUANCE OR 180J3AT9_FRALLED INSPECTION. Date: PV RE -ROOFS: All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove all new materials for inspection. Signature of Applicant: Date: ALL ROOF COVERINGS TO BE CLASS "A" OR BETTER HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE I have read the hazardous materials requirements under Chapter 6.95 of the California Health & Safety Code, Sections 25505, 25533, and 25534. I will maintain compliance with the Cupertino Municipal Code, Chapter 9.12 and the Health & Safety Code, Section 25532(a) should I store or handle hazardous material. Additionally, should I use equipment or devices which emit hazardous air contaminants as defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District I will maintain compliance with the Cupertino Municipal Code, Chapter 9.12 and the Health & Safety Code, Sections 25505, 25533, and 25534. Owner or authorized agent: Imo- Date: -� 3 6-V CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of work's for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ C ) Lender's Name Lender's ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION I understand my plans shall be used as public records. Licensed Professional eU�'��TCl�O GENERAL PERMIT APPLICATION\.10MEP COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPART DENT • BUILDING DIVISION 0 10300 TORRE AVENUE - CUPERTINO, CA 55014-3253 \'\ (408) 777-3228 - FAX (403) 777-3333 - building.0cuge tino.ora m I (� I In T71/mn,Trz I IT,=(-=AW.TrAT�I1.1SCF_TT_ANBOUS PRGi ADDP�SS �i 2 5 OQ Cr I,f I- d Ilei () IL 'l4edAet �C—K/er I o qw�l prob I STI Erl P DDP,. SS I CrY, STA; n, ZIP. IFAX COI�iACr Ii � �/�. r • � o vt C �/ i�� P �0?�T'" N ��• I O � ill U O$F! � Jd►T`�.�coHS�'r�ci�'o a,r'�'Z�12 r / I c-�_.i cDDn^cg t/ 1 (U G T � t�✓ 1 yt 1 p 7 CaSi�l `�✓O „ F.L�, ❑ Ovl t ❑ 0�? e-B�_ )T ^Li ❑ 0'v.,k,--Z.4L-m r ❑ COTm4CTOR ❑commSCTORAO=T'r❑ fs?C :aCT ❑ G- R ❑ ❑ CGA hCTORI AI✓�/r /1rS. �� ��c t I uc:5s� g6Z 3Sy I Cr NSE �7{N 5 LIC I B --- STFbcT ADDP,ESS� 5 � �r �1 Q Y I $ 1 vJ �, STATF� Z J a :4 J,05 C C'A 9 5/2 3 P s /Vto 0591 A �C�T r.GAJT'�P I�h1J I LIc TSEINTMSER. I BUS. LjC CON3A?4Y N.4I� E-MAIL I FAX STR U ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP I PHONE USE OF ❑ SFD or DUPLEX ❑ MaTI-FAMI YI ?ROJECT IN WZDATII'D ❑ YES IPROM= W ❑ YES BUIIA-TK-G: ❑ cobe.CLAL IMBAN 11\-1 ACE AREA ❑ NO FLOOD Z0217- 131,10 I IS = BLDG AN ❑ 1 FS MCE=-I.r.-.'? E3HO2ho DESCRIPTION OF WORK / 74J 2 eel� 6,J CGH /�' A► 2 eu41eJ5 y mo _V.A TGTAT V;LTUrTION: .xe � .. By ny siatre Belo;,, I ce iiy to e�^h of the follotiviTl,� I a a the p rope, -y o:;�er or autho iz�d agent to act on grope: ;awe' _ ,al` I have read thus application and the ir�o . ,eioa I have provided is cor-ect I have read tie Desc; ipdon of Work and ; e iry it is ac ra.e. I z�Tee to co , ly "I th all applicable local ordinances and state lz;,,s relative to buil^%`ng cons action I authori-� ; epresen gives of Cupe; ino to enter the above- n ,e o,ope, for saection pn poses. Si�ztse oi."-.palic ,t'.�.gwt: 6-" z—,— Date: S LEA/FNTAJ1 L'v�tOR-NfLkTION REQUIR D �RE�FtGMEN=- .k,E?MRsr-1pp_,20JJ. d NC+- ?✓F?MRsc1pp_2011.doc revised 06/21/11 .j CITY OF CUPERTINO -VVU i', C9PT1%4 A 9PnI2 — III TTI .TIINC IIIVICInN APPLIANCE / EQUIP TYPE ADDRESS: 23500 CRISTO REY DR # 114C DATE: 07/30/2014 REVIEWED BY: MELISSA 10 APN: 342 53 021 BP#: *VALUATION: $450 *PERMIT TYPE: Electrical Permit PLAN CHECK TYPE: Alteration / Addition / Repair PRIMARY USE: Multi -Family Dwelling Buildino is >3 Stories 0 Yes (!!) No PENTAMATION 1 REAP11 PERMIT TYPE: WORK ADD 2 N CEILING LIGHT/FANS 1 RECESSED LIGHT 2 OUTLETS & 3 SWITCHES SCOPE A'S los f }f, APPLIANCE / EQUIP TYPE FEE ID ------ - QTY/FEE QTY UNITS BP FEES Fixtures, Lighting 1BREMFIXT 3 # $72 Recep/Switch/Outlets 1 BREMRECEP A'S los f }f, 5 # 47 PME Unit Fee: $119.00 PME Permit Fee: $48.00 Administrative Fee: IADMIN $45.00 Work Without Permit? ® Yes 0 No $0.00 TOTALS: Travel Documentation Fee: ITRA VDOC 1 $119.00 Strong Motion Fee: 1BSEISMICR 1 I- P.'f' rt lee: Phunh. I'lon Chc,,-A; Plumb P rmr7zz:: Code• Pharrib Insn Pliant:). Insp. Fee� Elec. Plan Check 10.0 hrs $0.00 Elec. Permit Fee: IEPERMIT I Other Elec. Insp. 0.0 hrs $48.00 NOTE: This estimate does not ineludefees due to other uepartments (Le. rianning, ruuttc rrartta, rttu, ..'. uiy �••� C..mrt iho Dont for addn'l info. "tStrtct, etc. wear cru uic uuucw v. •.•� .............. FEE ITEM//S (Fee Resolution 11-053 Efj: 7/1/13) ... ... ...�"_-_ --' --------- FEE ------ - QTY/FEE MISC ITEMS jr Si'lppi. .fit.., F_ f,, PME Plan Check: $0.00 A'S los f }f, PME Unit Fee: $119.00 PME Permit Fee: $48.00 Administrative Fee: IADMIN $45.00 Work Without Permit? ® Yes 0 No $0.00 A:: °}'r.rl1. Travel Documentation Fee: ITRA VDOC $48.00 Strong Motion Fee: 1BSEISMICR $0.50 Select an Administrative Item Bldy, Stds Commission Fee: IBCBSC $1.00 r $261.50 $0.00 TOTAL FEE. $261.50 Revised: 07/10/2014 2 6 2. !�_O i -Z3500 C r;5+v Reg Q2 J G0 1 " `.'!";"`r DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ( 'CJ'L' : 1NG DIVISION - CUPERTINO t LA C G Up 4 PPROV fl and specifications MUST be kept at the .s o struction. It is unlawful to make any rlbaraJons on same, or to deviate »;thodt approval from the Building Official. r` ,. .toca,aitante n "'his plan and specifications SHALL NOT ''� AMiNp Comer Units • t or, to be an a,. proval of the violation C y� Law. Bedroom I VO' a 12'9' 0 ` �h \: Closet ,y�l 3'9'x 65" Bath 8'4" x 8'9' by 6y. BBa��ony 6 Top Floor Living Room 14'0" x 11'0" Bedroom 11'5" x 12'5" A Dining - 14'0.'.x 8'3' o � 6'7 x 3�6' H gn Ceiling.... 3i Top Y7CGt 0. s Kitchen 001. Closet ..i ,4!,5'x 8'8" i '''Entry Bath 6'S' x 5'4' Z �«h 5 f3ed�-oo� 5 AOQ Z & f'le�S sw 46)\S