12060030 - MISC . �'j�Gv� 3� ��.L��t� & A s s o c i a t e s, I n c. DSA File GEOi�ECHNICAI ENGINEERING•ENVIRGt�441ENTAL ENGINEERING OSHPD.Na. CONSTRUCTION TESIING&1NSPECTION Permit No. DATE: �"' � � " �� CON7RACTOR: �� PROJECT# �� � �O�S !��, PERMIT NO..: PR�,lECT: t;�trL {�'� i . •i- L��l� � iNSPECTQR:�+G�.�'��'�`Cr�+ I.00ATiON: � JURISDEG7'ION: KRAZAN PROJECT MANAGER: d�' � � WEATHER_ � C�-�lr'r TEMP ❑ HIGH STRENGTH Bt�LTS ❑ A32� ❑ A49Q ❑ A Skidmoore test was performeti on the -inch Q�bolts with the fol{owing torque readings: ibsJft. Ibs./ft. Ibs.t€t. ibs./ft. IbsJft. Average torque reading: IbsJft.tension, ❑ High strength bolt inspection was pertortned on the. -inch�bolts at the follawing locations: ❑ The balts DID 1 DID IVOT meetthe required IbsJtt.tension. • �ANCHORS ❑ Praof Laad ��j'orque ❑ Epo u }� � �- �� %of��total � inch Q�bolts were torque tested to � t,d Ibs./ft.tension at the#o�lowing locations: tt'�n �� �t�t�' .�.�n�n�e�rl Ga.�vt��-Y� • ❑ %of totat anchors were load tested to ��y$�, tension at the fallowing IacaUans - ❑ Visual i�spection.was performed on �,NC�TES 0 DI�CREP4ANCIES ❑ % CO�JIPLETE r-� r c, �-�. ' � t �-' k" !r.'�rr �.�d v► G�.W►� -f't"� . .S �i;t � =T'� �f-,. ��,� r k �t l t • t� c� � � � , Ta the best of my knowledge,the abov A rformed'in a �,cicordance wfth the approved pians, cifica' �s,and regu�atary requirements. Superintendent/Representative• � Technician: ' � � Serving fhe�,Wesf�rr�Uni�ed Sfates ; VYashington• p�egon•�alifornia•Arizona ; I FIl�E�OPY r � � � � � ���� � l2 � G��� �e � I,,,� � I�..Lc�- t�.1 & Associafies,i fnc. DSAFile GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING•ENyIRONMENTAI ENGINEE�ING OSHPB.No. CONSTRUCTION TESTiNG&INSPECTI�N p8rmit N0. DATE: � `' J� ~ f � I CONTRACTOR: �I � I� PRQJECT# O�'I;� � � �S� ' PERMIT NO..: PROJECT: �t� �f�-E�it�1 Gv�- �'�,+►1"�Cr'"'" I INSPECTOR: �M,�`it#— �f�f...'.�� LOCATIi�IV: � � ����- I � �l��JURISDICTION: KRAZAN PROJECT MANAGER: � ' �G+'L � WEATHER � 't'�'�t,((� t'�4� 7EMP HI H STREN T B ��� ❑ G G H a L T S ❑ A 3 2 5 ❑ A 4 9� �2� � . �� 0 A 5kidmoore test was perFormed on the I -inch Q�bolts with the following torque readings: ����, lbs.lft. Ibs.fft. �lbs.(ft. lbs.lft. IbsJft. Average torque readi�g: (bsJft.tension. � O High strength boft inspection was perfarmed on the -inch Q�bolfs at the following I�ations: � The bolts DID J D!D NQT meefithe required IbsJft.tension. � ANGHaRS ❑ Proof Lvad orque ❑ Epoxy � �, �{�� %of � a total--�ra =inch Q,�botts ware torque tested to �"� L� ' ibs.lit.tension a#the following locations: �dr' '�- ' �- r ' � °k of_:totai anchors were load tested to IbsJf#. � tension at the fallowing loca�ions � CJ Visua!inspection was performed on ��,�1t'�TES ❑ D�SCREPANC S ❑ % �{�MPLETE c.x t'' ' �-4-0 � .$-�~ � �-Y1G���- �, ` ,�..' � • - : 1 C' � 1 C? -�' { ` �"'�`t �'����- :'�ih�{`� � rj 'I ,o�`#-' � t^�t �� /Z r f 1 �� ... . . � r ��.l � 4T1 ` 3�r,� 4� I CGrnt��at"' ! j.� ' . To the best of my knowledge,the abov WAS AS OT performed in�ccordance with the approved plans, ifications and regulatory requiremerrts. SuperintandenURepresentative: I Technician: � Servin t e Western llnited States 9 Washington• regon•Galifornia•Arizona �1LE GC�PY . � . �. /2, �� ��� � � �- = -� ��.Zt�..Z & ASSOCIATES , INC . -.:e—� , GE07'ECHNIEAL ENG/NEE /NG • ENVIRONMENT�4L ENGINfER1NG CONSTRUCT/C?� TESTING AND INSPECTI�NS June I3,2013 I,I KA Project Na.: 04b-I.3055 Permit No.: 12060030 Mr.Eric Flores DPR Construction , I S 10 Winchester Boulevard '� San Jose,California 95128 RE: Special Inspection Services—Final Re�iort Lab 12b-Anchors �� 20450 Stevens Creek Boulevard ; Cupsrtino,California !, ��� Dear Mr.Eric: In accordance with your request and authorization, our firm has provided canstruction observation ai.�d materials testing{special inspeetion}services for the above-referenced project. This report documents the services•pravided by our field personnel on May 30'�, 2013. Copie's.of our daily field reports documenting the work observed and our findings are attaehed, Special inspection task� include: 1. Performance of torque testing of wedge anchors. CONCLUSIUNS Based on the observarions of aur technicians and �he results of field testing services, it is our professional apinion that the construction observed and the m.aterials �ested during'the identified time period were, to the best of o�ir knowlectge, in aceordance with the approved pro,�;ect documents and the requirements of the California Buitding Code. LIMITATIONS Consiruction observation, inspection and t�stin {special inspection) services are techniques used to check conshuction for conformance with the project req�irernents as the work progesses and to reduce the potential that construction elements. are not in compliance with�the praject requirements as the�vork is completed. Even with diligent construction monitoring, sorne construction defects may be missed. In all cases, the contractor retains sole responsibility for the quality of work, for adhering ta plans and specifications and for repairing defects, deficiencies or omissions, regardless of when they are found. We have performed our services in a manner consistent with the standard of care and skill ord'}narily exercised by firrns of our fype practicing under similar conditions at this saine time and Iocality. Ho�ever, wa do not undertake the guarantee of construction ar production of a completed projeot conforming to tl�e project plans and specificatians. No warranty or guarantee is expressed or implied. Our services during the identified period of time were limited to those documented in our attached reports. ' 6711 Sierra Caurt,Suite B•Dublin,Callfomia 94568•(925)307-1160•Fax:(925)307-1161 �th Offices Ser�ing The YYestern Un#ed States i P;\046U31055\44613055 Final Report.doc r . KA No.Q46-13055 Page No.2 If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this cover letter or the attached reports,or if we can be of fiuther assistance,please contact our Dublin office at(925)307-1160. Respectfully submitted, . KRAZAN&ASSO TES,INC. � ���oQ�,(}�ESS/Q�,�,`F2 Dave R.JSl'OSZ � C?AVID R.JAR�SZ.TI �,�,�+ RCE No.60185 � No.60i85 � eXp��s���so.zoia DRJlzt � � �`� c�v��. .��Q , ��fia��Al��'�� Attachments: Daily Fietd Reports cc: Addressee ' Krazan&Associates,Inc. Vi/ith Offices Serving The Western United States