12090002 - CofO(fertt"ftyrate 0 WricuohUrp � �. This Certificate is issued pursuant to the requirements of Section 110.2 of the 2007 California Building Code certifying that at the time of issuance, the portionof this structure described below has been inspected for compliance with the requirements of this code and with the various ordinances of the City regulating building construction for the occupancy and division of occupancy and the use for which the proposed occupancy is classified. Building Permit Number(s): 12090002 Applicati te(s) 09-04-20121 Issuance Date(s): 02-26-2013 Address of Building: 20688 Stevens Creek Blvd. A y Portion of Building: Tenant Improvement (2,366 sq.ft.) with outdoor eating patio (281 sq.ft.) — Freebirds Use: Restaurant Occupancy Classification: A-2 Occup E� t Load: 48+15 = 63 total occ. Floor Area: 2,366 sq.ft. Type of Construction: V -B fil klers System: Throughout Current Property Owner: Tavistock Freebirds Current Owner Address: 6475 Christie Ave.,, Final Inspection By: Larry Final Inspection Date: 05-117- R *SPECIAL STIPULATIONS OR CO rt Salvador, P.E.,C.B.O., Building Official y 612 NOTICE✓POSTING: No changes shall be made in the character of occupancy-, This cert�fica. i e ted in a conspicuous place on the premises, and shall not be removed except by the authority of4n ici _ APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY OR CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT • BUILDING DIVISION CUPERTINO ALBERT SALVADOR, P.E., C.B.O., BUILDING OFFICIAL 10300 TORRE AVENUE • CUPERTINO, CA 95014-3255 (408) 777-3228 • FAX (408) 777-3333 • build ingCa�cupertino.org COMPLETE A SEPARATF, APPLICATION FOR EACH BUILDING - PROJECT ADDRESS 20688 Stevens Creek Rd APN# DATE 11 /1 /13 OWNERNAME Tavistock Freebirds LLC PHONE 714-293-6352 E-MAILtsilva@freebirds.com STREETADDRESS6475 Christie Ave CITY, STATE, ZIP Emeryville ca 94608 FAxna CONTRACTOR NAME Byrnes Construction PHONE 760-518-2143 E-MAIL byrnesconstruction@sbcglobal.net —7STREET ADDRESS Po Box 4024 CITY, STATE, ZIP Carlsbad, CA 92018 FAxna MAIL CERTIFICATE TO: (Please allow un to 10 business days for deliverv): CONTACTNAME Tony Silva # STORIES ABOVE GRADE PHONE 714-293-6352 E-MAILtsilva@freebirds.com STREET ADDRESS PO Box 2965 CITY, STATE, ZIP La Habra, Ca 90632 FAx NA LIST ALL RIJTI,DTNG PERMITS ISSUED FOR PROJECT: PERMIT SUBMIT ISSUE DATE INSPECTOR SCOPE NUMBER DATE DATE FINALED 1 12090002 2/26/13 5/17/13 Larry S Electrical, Mechanical, Plumbing, Building 2 3 OCCUPANCY DATA: USE OCCUPANCY TYPE FLOOR AREA OCCUPANT LOAD 1 Restaurant 74 Building V -B class A2 2366 indoor 281 patio 74 2 3 4 BUILDING DATA: # STORIES BELOW GRADE # STORIES ABOVE GRADE OVERALL FLOOR AREA MAX OCCUPANT LOAD FIRE SPRINKLERS REQUIRED YES OR NO FIRE SPRINKLERS PROVIDED YES OR NO 0 1 2366 74 Yes Yes # PARKING # STANDARD/COMPACT # ACCESSIBLE REQUIRED PARKING PROVIDED PARKING PROVIDED NOTE: ATTACH A COPY OF THE SIGNED INSPECTION CARD TO THIS APPLICATION. NA - OFFICE USE ONLY (To be completed by inspector of record) - SPECIAL STIPULATIONS OR CONDITIONS: CofO Application.doc revised 05/07/12 BIUDING AbDRESS: 20688 CITY OF CUPERTfNGT T�U]L_14N(; �TIINYITINSVECTION CARD 1, _11trVIrr NO. STEVENS CREEK BLVD, DATE ISSUED: 02/26/2013 0,VVNrws,NAMr: BYER PROPERTIES LP 8774muS PHONE: 4156262937 f 'AD/SF_T!33ACK-CFRT 67&AGE SLABS, �'Rhi NG PLUMB f ET'CTRICAL13—ti- tiI)EIZF_10,)kELECTRICAL 1*T!MS & I Iql-JONVER PAN I �AYCFAN CAL 1_LV1 1jR;CAL/P()U- -i'; -YT; N!VEN LAT"N' PRE-ANSPECTION. h opector: S G ,,r 1) 'rLAR-Orf,': 11JI)eCtor: Date: (t Srl t POE 5,; Date. Date: PROGRFSS: DaW: Date: - I rEi R I- A r; ALL BE PROVIDED FOR kNSPECIION. !EC"FOR yy�l . �!i;FJ_Z:Gf ABOVE UAL 777-3308 w5alm 1 7 -ML PHONE NO: ALDG ELECtl' RESIDENTIAL, CotkIMERCIAL JOB DESCRIPTION: FREE131RDS RESTPURANT - COMMERCIAL TENANT 2.366 SQFT FOR NEW RRSTAUR_Wt;, WITH EAT-NGPATIO 302 S)FT I r- NNILDLAND URBAN INTERFACE FIRE AREA ERN TO ARRANGE I NSPE�CTJON Cill 777-3228 be�­,veen 7-3f; mn and 3:30 pin Monday through Friday, at least 24 hours before, requc i!d inspection. Jobaddress and Permit Numbers are needed when requcsthir an inspection. CUPE,1111NO SANITARV DISTRICT Closed circi:iz video inspection of property line cletlaout, point of connection and streiJ lateral required prior to pa.ssing FINAL CITY PLUMBING INSPE(TION. Call the Distriet(408-253-7071) for anappointaneI4. N0,11IRLDINC, FINALS INSPECTIONS UINTIL ALL REQUIREI) BUSINESS LICENSLS ARE OBT,4JNED PFK�,Iff Al"N'ORK IS NOT STARTED WIT110; IM DAYS OFPERM9T ISSUACC OR i8l1 DAYS FRONI LAST CALLED INSPECTION. IMPORTANT , Vllenn per.""It !,a!; e,.,,P°red, a charge totaling the La4�-f,.at:Uei to obtobtaina new permit ' insist be pjji(j i,i irder to reactivate the permit. If !rrqjt has been expired for wort than one Near, a charge totaling the full fees tel abthirE a iiew perrait must be paid to reactivate the pern-i." XkTC40-"-j arv�tjf� NOTES: +11-13 v INSPE C11ONS Inspector: Date:___ 7 too v INSPEC"i :ONS i PRE-ANSPECTION. h opector: 'rLAR-Orf,': 11JI)eCtor: Date: p I "voor): 11,�;Pedor: Date. Date: PROGRFSS: DaW: r, 4 4 A L: Date: - NO 05"! i "k OVIJ) ACCESS TO 11,0( ,17 SU ALL BE PROVIDED FOR kNSPECIION. !EC"FOR