07090187 CTTY OF CUPERTINO ' : ` . BUILDING DIViSION PERMIT �������� ���������* ' . ;r; . ._. .: ..:.:. .... . :. .::...�:: .:..:� . -..: .;.:. . . . . .,.;� . .: BUILD NG D ESS: PERMIT NO. �2��� WALLACE DR MICHELL:a & RICHARD 07090187 JER'S NAME: - PERMTT 15SUE DATE MICHELLE & RICHARD MATKOVICH 22129 W.�LLACE DR � 11/06/2007 PHONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. ARCHI7ECTBNGiNEER: BUILDING PERMIT IWFO BLDC ELECT PLUMB MECH � 0 0 � � O p LICENSED COfJlRACTOR'S DEC[.ARA7'ION � I hercby aflirm that I sm liccnsed undcr provisions of CAaptcr 9(commcncing Job Description ��� wiih Section 7o(w) o( Division 3 of ihc Busincss and Profcssions Codc, and my liccnsc is ADD I T I Ol J 4 8 0' BDRM , BATH . �� y in full foree and e[fec� ,� ? Licenx Class Lic. N �'^� E ;, � Da�c Conlrac�or ARCHITECI'S DECLARATION y � � U 1 undcrstanJ my plans shsll bc uscd u public rccorda a L O y Licenscd Rufcssional � y � OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION +� <� I hcrcby alTirm that 1 am cxcmp� Crom �hc Conlractor's Liccnsc Law for Uic 0 o following icason. (Sxtion 7U31.5, Busincss and Prafccsions Calc: Any city or county e Pi which rcquires s pcm�it w construc4 altcr, improvc, dcmolich, or repair any swcWre � Z� prior w ils issuancc, also rcquires thc applicant for such permit to filc a signcd su�emcnt x < that hc is licenud pursuant to thc provisions of ihc Conuactor's Liccnsc Law (CAaptcr 9 : i Ft. Floor Area Valuation � i- �(commencing wi�h Secdon 7000) of Division 3 of ihc Busincss md Profcssions Cadc) or $ 4 8 3 6 0 y�., that he is exempt theeetrom and We basis for We silcgcd exempdon. Any violauon of Section 703t.3 by arry applicant for a pem�it subjecu the applicant to a civil penalty of e� Number Oecupaney Type not more �han five hundmd dollars (5500). 3 2 6 0 2 0 4 ��: Y1 � ❑ I. u owner of tNe property. or my employces with wages u ihe'v solc compensadon. will do �de work, and ihe swctwe is not intended or oRemd for salc (Sec. 7044, Business Re uired Ins ections and P�ofessions Code: The Conuactor's License Law doet not apply �o an owner of 9 P property who builda a improves thercon, and who does such work �imself ar Nrough his own employccs, provided that such improvements ue not imm�ded or of[ered for sale. I[, however, the building or improvement ia sold withia one year of complcuon, ihe owner- builder will have the burden of proving Wat he did not build or improvc far purpose of ukJ. � 1, u awna o[ the property, am exclusively conuuting wiih licenaed rnnuactors to wnswc� che pcojea (Sec. 7044, Business and ProCessions Code:) 71ie Conuxtnr's Li- cenx Iaw docs not apply to an owner of propeny who builds or improves theceon, and , who conuac�s Cor such pmje ith a conuactor(s) Iicenxd pursuant to �he Convacror's License Law. � I am aempi und c. , B� P C for this rcason ,iet Date ���`— W R 'S S TION DECLARATION I de by � under penalty of perjury one af �tm fallowing dalsndons: ❑ I hsve and will maintain a Certificam of Consent to ulf-inswe fw Worker's Compen- sation, as provided for by Secdon 3700 of the Labor Code, for ihe pedormanm of thc work far which this pumit is issucd. ❑ I have and will mantain Worker's Compen�suon Insurance, as required by Scction 3700 0! thc Labar Codc, fa thc pcdormantt of �he work for w6ich �his permi� is iswed. ' My Worker's Compensation Insunnce carticr and Policy number arc: Cartier. Poliry No.: CER7'IFICA7'E OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION 1NSURANCE . (I'his scction necd irot bc completed if the permit is fw anc hundred dallus (S I00) or Icss.) . I artify �hnt in thc performanc thc w rk e w ich ihis pertnit is iuucd, [ shall not employ any person in any ncr w as com s j t w the Workc s' Compcnsation Laws of Califomis. Da�c Applicant �' N017CE TO APPLI : if, �cr maki g �his ertilica�c of E�ccmpGon, you should bxome subject W� c Wo s Compenssuon pmvisions of ihc Labor Codc, you muu , O foMwi�h comply rvi�h h provisions or this permil shall bc dcemcd ccvoked. z"'� C NSTRUCI70N LENDING AGENCY (-r ► I herchy affirm t there is a consuvcdon Iending agency for the perfurtnance af pi � ihe work fur which ihis permit is iuued (Sce. 3097, Civ. C.) ' � Q L.endcr's Namc , � z Lender's Address V 0 1 certiCY �hat 1 have read this application and siatc ihu thc abovc informadun is w�"" coercn. I ayx W comply wi�h alt city and counry oNinances and sute Iaws relaang w � U building consuuction, and hereby autAori�e representaGvcs of this ciiy w cntcr upon ihc � � W above-mcntioned p�opcny for inspcc�ion purposes a (Wc) agrte to save, indcmnify and keep harmless ihe Ci�y of Cupertino agsinst �� liabilitiu, judgmcnts, cos�t and expc which may in any way accruc against said City � V z in consequencc oC Uic g Gng i permi �"� APPLICANT UNDER T S D 1L 0 WITH ALL NON-POINT Issued by: Date �r � SOURCE RECULATI . � ' } 'V � �� Re-roofs Signatum of AppHcan on tor Da�c f OUS MATERIALS D[SCLOSURE Type of Ro �f Will tpE appli t or Cuturc building accupant storc or handlc ha•rardous matcrial �lefincd by lhc C rtino Municipal Codc. Chaptcr 9.12, and thc Hcal�h and Safcty �. Scction 2553 (a)? All roofs st�all be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. ❑ Ycs ! o Will thc a�licant or future building acupant usc cquipmcnt or deviccs which If a roof is ,nstalled without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove emi� ha air contaminan�s at defincd by lhe Bay Arca Air Quslily Managemen� all new ma� erials for inspection. Disuict? / �y� ��p/ 1 havc rcacl ihe ha�ardous ma�crials requiremen�t umicr Chapicr 6.95 of �c Cali(or- nia Hcal�h & Safciy Codc. Scciians 25505, 25533 am125534. I undcrst�nd that i(�hc building docs nol curtcnuy havc a an4 �hat il is my rcsponsibiliry w notiCy ilu occupant of �hc rcyuircmcnts which ' r issuancc of a Ceni ate 9f Occ . Signature o.' Applicant Date ow�cr or in ' agcn o„� All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better � i � �_ .