07110116 CITY OF i.UPER�'INO A BUILD�:`;� DIV1310N PERMIT �������� ��������* ,.,, . . ;'. ; >t.:.. ; <.. .: _ . ... :,. BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 20380 STEVENS CREEK BLVD TBD T� BE DETERMINED 07110116 . � W NER'S NAME: �� �� DA � CUPERTINO CITY CENTER APTS � 11/20/2007 PHONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. ARCHI'IECT/ENGiNEER: BCJILDING PERMIT INFO BI.DG ELECT PLUMB MECH � 0 � 0 � o p LICENSED CONTRACCOR'S DECLARATION JOU DOSCTIp�lOi1 ;� �� 1 hcreby affirm �hat I am lixnscd uafer provisians o[ Chaptcr 9(commcncing z W with Scction 7000) of Division 3 of thc Busincss and Profcssions Codc and my �icensc is R E— ROUT E S EWR L I NE & T I E I NT 0 MNL I NE I N LTNDRG RND �� a in full force and effa� �� z Licenac Class �• k GARAGE .?AWH S I NC . PD B S L 112 O O 7 + �, p Daic ' Coatrador � RCHI7ECI'S DECLARA ON �� U 1 undcrstand my plans shell 6c uscd as public recards a L O y Liccnscd Pcofcssional ,� � OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATIO � <� I hcrcby affirm Uut 1 am cxcmpt Crom ihc Convutars Liccnu Law for thc i p O following resson. (SccGon 7031.5, Business and Profcssiont Ca1c: Any city or county K m� which ccquires a permit to consWC� ailcr, improvc, dcmolixh, nr �epair any struclure � y � prior u� i�s issuancc, alsu mquims thc applicant for such permit io filc a signcd sta�cmcnt _< that he is liccnsed pucwant to thc prvvisions a[ thc Conuactor's Liccnsc Law (Chapicr 9 Sq. Ft. Floor Area Valuation y t- �(commcncing with Scction 7000) of Division 3 of ihc Busincss and Profcssions C�dc) or $15 0 0 0 y �.. ihat he ia eumpt thcrefrom md the basis Car rhe allcgcd eumption. My violation of Section 7031.5 by airy applicant for a permit subjecu Uu applicant to a civil penaity of umber Occupancy Type not mme chan five hund�ed dollars (5500� 3 6 9 010 2 6�� ❑ I, u owner o[ tlie prvperry. or my employces with wages u thc'v solc compensation, will do We worlc, and Ne steucwm is not intended or offeeed forsale (Sec.7044. Husinrss Re uired Ins eetions ' and Pmfessiona Cade: The Convactors License Law docs not apply ia sn owner of 9 P property wiw buiida or improves �hereon, and who daes such woric himaeltar through hia own emplaycea. Provided tha� such improvements are not in�ended or otlered for sale. IC, hawever, the building or improvement is sold wi�hin one year of compleuon, the ownu- builder will have ihe burden oC proving iha� he did not build or improvc fw purpate of sakJ. 0 I, as owner of tho property, am exclusively conuacting wilh Gcenaed rnnuxtors W � conswct �he project (Sec. 7044. Business and Protessions Code:)'Ihe Convacwrs Li- � ' ccnse Uw dacs not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves Ihemon, md , � + who convac�s for such projects with a convactor(s) Iicensed pursuant w �he Conuactors r [ am ex mpt under Sec. . B& P C for this �cason �� Owner Daie WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hucby aflirtn under penalty of peryury one o[ Urc follawing declaradons: ❑ I hsae and wiil mainuin a CertiGcate o( Consent lo ulf-insuie for Workcr's Compen- sation, u pmvided for by Section 3700 af the Labor Code, for the perf'ormaMe of thc work for which Ihis permit is issued. ❑ I havc and will muntain Workcrs Compensation Insurance, as rcquired by Scction 3700 of thc Labor Code, Cor thc performance of Ihe wort for w6ich this permit is istued. My Wor s �wwauon y��e�u �c'cr and Poliry nu ber a 1 Camer. ���"'^ Poliry No.: �' ry� �^' �� R'fIF1C TE OF EXEMPI'[ON FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCfi � (This scction ntcd not bc complctcd if the permit is for onc hundrcA dollars (S I00) or Icss.) ' I ceni[y �hat in �hc performance of Wc work [or which this permit is issued, I shall not cmploy any person in my manncr so as a become subject w �he Workcrs' Compcnsavon Laws of Califomia Date Applicam N017CE TO APPLICAM: 1f, aftcr making �his Ccrti6catc of Excmption, yau shoulJ become subject in Ihe Worlcer's Compensation ptovisions of �e Lalwr Cade, you must , ,� forlhwith comply with such provisiont or this pecmil shall bc dccmcd mrokcd. Z O CONSfRUCI'ION LENDING AGENCY Fr � I heroby affirm Uut thcre is a consvuction knding agcncy for thc perfarmance uf a� ihe amrk fm which this permit is iuucd (Scc. 3097. Civ. C.) a Q L,endcr's Namc - • � z Lcnders Addn;ss V � [ certiCy Uut 1 have read Ihis spplication and ataSc thc above infarmatiun is w�"� cortec� 1 agrce to comply wi�h all city d counry otifin and sute laws celaung w 0 U building consuucaon, and he�eby a n repreacnis ' of �his city to cn�cr upon U�c � w ahove-mentioned piopcny for i c�io urppses a (Wc) agree w save, ind nify�d lµ�cp less �he Ci�y of Cupertino against �,E'"� � liabiliuu, judgmcnls, costs expe ich ay in any way acc[uc against said City V z in cansequence of ihe gran ' g of is rmi 7 . "^ APPLICAM UNDERST N A L MPLY WITH ALL N -POINT Issued by Date i � � SOURCE REGULATIO '� Re-roofs Signuuro o �can o r a� S M ALS DISCLOSURE Type of R oof � Ihe appli t or futurc building occupant uorc or handlc ha•rardous ma�crial kfincd �he C nino Municips odc. Chaptcr 9.12, and �he Hcalth and SafMy :�, s��uo� zcen All roofs �hall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. ❑ves o �11 thc applicant or future building aaup quipment or dcvices which If a roof i� installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove emit hai.ardous air con�aminan�s at fi d by Ba rea Air Qualiry Managcmcnt all new m aterials for inspection. ���;��� ❑ Ya �, % 1 havc read �he hv ' aic ' s re m dcr Chaptcr 6.95 of Ihc Califor- nia Flcalih & Satcty Code, 5, 3 . f undcrsund �hat i( du 6uilding does no� curtently have a it ' 'biliry w notify �he occupant of thc rcyuircmcn�swhichm � orec�r�e�aro��,p�ry. SignatureofApplicant Date oW�e� o�,��h � �� o„� All roof coverings to be Class ��8�� or better . �v�i����� - CITY OF I�UPERTINO ��` REPIPE/����'���.�/MA�N SERVI�'E CUPEI�TINO PERMIT APPL�ICATION FORM APN # � , � Date• .�°� � � � I � 2� � � �'" t � � � Building Address: � 3 � � �� �� ��� Owner's Name: �� � Phone #: '.�,�1 �� �,tv � ����� �,�� a 5 3 � 1�� Contractor: � Phone: � I U � Q �� License �� �� � � h'tiL . I 1 � �fo Contact: Phone: Cupertino Business License #: �N��ls �����sb�a Building Permit Info: Bldg ❑ Elect ❑ Plumb 0� Job Description: - - �� � � � �(�w� ��i�� � �1�,�, � Q. l� �' 1M��v� 1�, iw�� ti Residential ❑ Commercial ❑ Cost of Project: 1 � � �� . �..� I Qty. if Applicable Fee ID Fee Description Fee Group BPERMFEE B ldg. Permit Fees BUILDING BPGAS C as Piping System Fee PLUMBING PPERMITFEE Plumbing Permit Issuance PLUMBING BPREPIPE R epipe of Fixtures PLUMBING BPFIXTURE Pblg. Fixture PLUMBING BPWSVCS l�fain Water Service PLUMBING BPSEWER Sewers PLUMBING BPSEWAGE Sewage Disposal PLUMBING BUSLIC Business License BUILDING CITY OF �UPERTINO 4 ITEMS OF 4 PERMIT RECEIPT OPER.ATOR: patg COPY # : 1 Sec: Twp: Rng: Sub: Blk: Lot: APN ......... 36901026.APT DATE ISSUED.......: 11/20/2007 RECEIPT #.........: BS000003292 REFERENCE ID # ...: 07110116 SITE ADDRESS .....: 20380 STEVENS CREEK BLVD SUBDIVISION ....... CITY .............. CUFERTINO IMPACT AREA ....... OWNER ............: CUFERTINO CITY CENTER APTS ADDRESS ..........: 20350 STEVENS CREEK BLVD CITY/STATE/ZIP ...: CUFERTINO, CA 95014 RECEIVED FROM ....: AWFS INC. CONTRACTOR .......: TBL - TO BE DETERMINED LIC # 00096 COMPANY ..........: TBL� - TO BE DETERMINED ADDRESS .......... CITY/STATE/ZIP ...: , TELEPHONE ......... FEE ID UNIT QUANTITY F.MOUNT PD-TO-DT THIS REC NEW BAL ---------- ------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- BPERMFEE VALUATION 15,000.00 223.56 0.00 223.56 0.00 BPSEWER SEWER SYSTEM 11.00 237.38 0.00 237.38 0.00 BUSLIC FLAT R.ATE 1.00 107.00 0.00 107.00 0.00 PPERMITFEE FLAT RATE 1.00 40.79 0.00 40.79 0.00 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL PERMIT : 608.73 0.00 608.73 0.00 METHOD OF PAYMENT AMOUNT REFERENCE NUMBER ----------------- --------------- -------------------- CHECK 608.73 #25541 --------------- TOTAL RECEIPT : 608.73 VOICE ID DESCRIPTION VOICE ID DESCRIPTION -------- ---------------------------- -------- -------------------- 301 ROUGH PLUMBING 502 FINAL PLUMBING ENERGY 507 FINAL PLUMBING Community Development � � . . 10300 Torre Avenue �, � T� ; Cupertino CA 95014 Telephone (408) 777-3228 , , C1T1f OF Fax (408) 777-3333 CUPEI�TINO B1111C�111 De artment JOB ADDRESS: - PERMIT # � 3 �� ��-(�'e'v�.S CY�2¢,�� ' 1 ( �1( ( ( OWNER'S NAME: � S n� PHONE # s p D`�� � GENERAL CONTRACTOR: FAX # S( (� �-� � 1�`�I I am not usin any subcontractors: ��� � g a � Date Please check a licable subcontractors d m lete the followin information: S U B C O N T R A C T O R B U S I N E SS NAME BUSINESS LICENSE # Cabinets & Millwork Cement Fini.shing Electrical Excavation Fencing Flooring: Carpeting Linoleum / Wood Glass / Glazing Heating Insulation Landscaping Lathing Masonry Ornamental Sheet Metal Painting / Wallpaper Paving Plastering � Plumbing - � Roofing Septic Tank Sheet Metal Sheet Rock Tile ,-r' 11 � � er/ act Signature Date (E)2'VTR(10FU}--_�_____ (N)3" VENT THF j i 100F (VTR) (30FU) E)2'VTR(5FU) � CONNECT TO DCISTING (CTE) (TYP.) � ROOF � t (E)2"V(10FU) —b � (N)3' �------------ - °+-(E)2'V(5FU) 1-1 /2"V (TYP.}--�p W(; L CW BT CTE (TYP.) 5th FLR (E)2"V(8FU}—b `a (E)2"V(24FU) °�(E)2"V(4FU) � - - - - - - -"- - - - - EXISTING(E) 3"WASTE(W) (9FU) � . w, � CW BT 4th FLR � (E)2'V(18FU) (E)2"V(6FU)--b� �� 4-{E)2"V(3FU) �-- - � � ---- -- W�, - — (E)3"W(18FU) L CW gT I - 3rd FLR (E)2"V(4FU)—b `� (E)2'1/(12FU) °�(E)2'1/(2FU) i ------- � ----- (E)3"W(27FU) W% L CW BT Q ��FESSIONq� , � E� SA��pN�F?�G,/ d FLR E 2'1/ 2FU -� °' (E)2"V(6FU) � l . M ��g6 A � ) � �-------------- 4-(E)2'V(1FU) � �.� ,� � �— (E)3' ,� ���`" .� ' .. ��.�:. CW BT WC � �"' ___� C a�.�:. CTE 1 st FLR � (E)3"W(37FU) _�� CTE �(E)4"W(45FU) GARAGE � sn..t 7in. g'—i)"MIN.—�"� sOO�° Pn°�ea I�N""esr �Fard En�InNrs PLAN B NONE 0744 � Proj�et 7itls Dabs By Drowing Numbar °° °jp �" CUPERTINO CITY CE �ITER 5/07/07 � � �. � � �,,. P2 , WN.NUT CREEK. GWF�ORNY1 94698 (925) 932-5505 FAX: (925) 932-0� ��il O�I � �- 1 I ��� d � Z �3�� s� ��� . �,��